package; import; public enum RCAltar { AIR(1438, 5527, 0, 2452, pos(2983, 3290), 2478, pos(2842, 4829), 2465, RCRune.AIR), MIND(1448, 5529, 1, 2453, pos(2983, 3512), 2479, pos(2793, 4828), 2466, RCRune.MIND), WATER(1444, 5531, 2, 2454, pos(3184, 3163), 2480, pos(3493, 4832), 2467, RCRune.WATER), EARTH(1440, 5535, 3, 2455, pos(3304, 3476), 2481, pos(2656, 4830), 2468, RCRune.EARTH), FIRE(1442, 5537, 4, 2456, pos(3311, 3253), 2482, pos(2577, 4845), 2469, RCRune.FIRE), BODY(1446, 5533, 5, 2457, pos(3055, 3444), 2483, pos(2521, 4834), 2470, RCRune.BODY), COSMIC(1454, 5539, 6, 2458, pos(2407, 4379), 2484, pos(2142, 4814), 2471, RCRune.COSMIC), CHAOS(1452, 5543, 9, 2461, pos(3062, 3591), 2487, new Position(2275, 4847, 3), 2474, RCRune.CHAOS), ASTRAL(-1, -1, -1, -1, null, 17010, pos(2155, 3864), -1, RCRune.ASTRAL), NATURE(1462, 5541, 8, 2460, pos(2868, 3021), 2486, pos(2400, 4835), 2473, RCRune.NATURE), LAW(1458, 5545, 7, 2459, pos(2858, 3379), 2485, pos(2464, 4819), 2472, RCRune.LAW), DEATH(1456, 5547, 10, 2462, pos(1863, 4639), 2488, pos(2208, 4831), 2475, RCRune.DEATH), BLOOD(1450, 5549, 11, 30529, pos(3561, 9779), 30624, new Position(2467, 4889, 1), 2477, RCRune.BLOOD); private final RCRune rune; private final int altarId; private final int ruinsId; private final int talismanId; private final int tiaraId; private final int configIndex; private final int portalId; private final Position ruinsPos; private final Position altarPos; /** * @param talismanId the talisman item id * @param tiaraId the tiara item id * @param configIndex * @param ruinsId the ruins object id * @param ruinsPos the position in the 'real world' to teleport the player when leaving the altar * @param altarId the altar object id * @param altarPos the position to teleport the player to when entering the altar * @param portalId the portal object id * @param rune the rune type the altar can craft */ private RCAltar(int talismanId, int tiaraId, int configIndex, int ruinsId, Position ruinsPos, int altarId, Position altarPos, int portalId, RCRune rune) { this.rune = rune; this.talismanId = talismanId; this.tiaraId = tiaraId; this.configIndex = configIndex; this.altarId = altarId; this.ruinsId = ruinsId; this.portalId = portalId; this.ruinsPos = ruinsPos; this.altarPos = altarPos; } public static RCAltar forAltarId(int objectId) { for (RCAltar altar : values()) { if (altar.altarId == objectId) { return altar; } } return null; } public static RCAltar forRuinsId(int objectId) { for (RCAltar altar : values()) { if (altar.ruinsId == objectId) { return altar; } } return null; } public static RCAltar forPortalId(int objectId) { for (RCAltar altar : values()) { if (altar.portalId == objectId) { return altar; } } return null; } public static RCAltar forTalismanId(int itemId) { if (itemId >= 0) { for (RCAltar t : values()) { if (t.talismanId == itemId) { return t; } } } return null; } public static RCAltar forTiaraId(int itemId) { if (itemId >= 0) { for (RCAltar t : values()) { if (t.tiaraId == itemId) { return t; } } } return null; } public RCRune getRune() { return rune; } public int getTalismanId() { return talismanId; } public int getTiaraId() { return tiaraId; } public int getRuinsId() { return ruinsId; } public int getConfigIndex() { return configIndex; } public Position getRuinsPos() { return ruinsPos; } public Position getAltarPos() { return altarPos; } private static final Position pos(int x, int y) { return new Position(x, y); } }