package net.scapeemulator.cache.util; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import net.scapeemulator.cache.util.crypto.Whirlpool; /** * Contains {@link ByteBuffer}-related utility methods. * * @author Graham * @author `Discardedx2 */ public final class ByteBufferUtils { /** * The modified set of 'extended ASCII' characters used by the client. */ private static char CHARACTERS[] = { '\u20AC', '\0', '\u201A', '\u0192', '\u201E', '\u2026', '\u2020', '\u2021', '\u02C6', '\u2030', '\u0160', '\u2039', '\u0152', '\0', '\u017D', '\0', '\0', '\u2018', '\u2019', '\u201C', '\u201D', '\u2022', '\u2013', '\u2014', '\u02DC', '\u2122', '\u0161', '\u203A', '\u0153', '\0', '\u017E', '\u0178' }; public static String getString(ByteBuffer buf) { StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder(); int b; while ((b = (buf.get() & 0xFF)) != 0) { bldr.append((char) b); } return bldr.toString(); } /** * Gets a null-terminated string from the specified buffer, using a modified ISO-8859-1 * character set. * * @param buf The buffer. * @return The decoded string. */ public static String getJagexString(ByteBuffer buf) { StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder(); int b; while ((b = (buf.get() & 0xFF)) != 0) { if (b >= 127 && b < 160) { char curChar = CHARACTERS[b - 128]; if (curChar != 0) { bldr.append(curChar); } } else { bldr.append((char) b); } } return bldr.toString(); } public static void putJagexString(OutputStream os, String s) throws IOException { for (char c : s.toCharArray()) { os.write((byte) c); } os.write(0); } /** * Reads a 'tri-byte' from the specified buffer. * * @param buf The buffer. * @return The value. */ public static int getTriByte(ByteBuffer buf) { return ((buf.get() & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf.get() & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf.get() & 0xFF); } /** * Writes a 'tri-byte' to the specified buffer. * * @param buf The buffer. * @param value The value. */ public static void putTriByte(ByteBuffer buf, int value) { buf.put((byte) (value >> 16)); buf.put((byte) (value >> 8)); buf.put((byte) value); } /** * Calculates the CRC32 checksum of the specified buffer. * * @param buffer The buffer. * @return The CRC32 checksum. */ public static int getCrcChecksum(ByteBuffer buffer) { Checksum crc = new CRC32(); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.limit(); i++) { crc.update(buffer.get(i)); } return (int) crc.getValue(); } /** * Calculates the whirlpool digest of the specified buffer. * * @param buf The buffer. * @return The 64-byte whirlpool digest. */ public static byte[] getWhirlpoolDigest(ByteBuffer buf) { byte[] bytes = new byte[buf.limit()]; buf.get(bytes); return Whirlpool.whirlpool(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public static int getSmart(ByteBuffer buf) { int peek = buf.get(buf.position()) & 0xFF; if (peek < 128) { return buf.get() & 0xFF; } else { return (buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF) - 32768; } } public static int method797(ByteBuffer buf) { int peek = buf.get(buf.position()) & 0xFF; return ~peek > -129 ? -64 + (buf.get() & 0xFF) : (buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF) - '\uc000'; } /** * Converts the contents of the specified byte buffer to a string, which is formatted similarly * to the output of the {@link Arrays#toString()} method. * * @param buffer The buffer. * @return The string. */ public static String toString(ByteBuffer buffer) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.limit(); i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(buffer.get(i) & 0xFF).toUpperCase(); if (hex.length() == 1) hex = "0" + hex; builder.append("0x").append(hex); if (i != buffer.limit() - 1) { builder.append(", "); } } builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } /** * Default private constructor to prevent instantiation. */ private ByteBufferUtils() { } }