package water.persist; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; import water.*; import water.fvec.FileVec; import water.fvec.S3FileVec; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.RIStream; import com.amazonaws.*; import com.amazonaws.auth.*; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.regions.*; import com.amazonaws.regions.Region; import; import; import; import*; import; import static water.H2O.OptArgs.SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX; /** Persistence backend for S3 */ public final class PersistS3 extends Persist { private static final String HELP = "You can specify a credentials properties file with the -aws_credentials command line switch."; private static final String KEY_PREFIX = "s3://"; private static final int KEY_PREFIX_LEN = KEY_PREFIX.length(); private static final Object _lock = new Object(); private static volatile AmazonS3 _s3; public static AmazonS3 getClient() { if( _s3 == null ) { synchronized( _lock ) { if( _s3 == null ) { try { H2OAWSCredentialsProviderChain c = new H2OAWSCredentialsProviderChain(); ClientConfiguration cc = s3ClientCfg(); _s3 = configureClient(new AmazonS3Client(c, cc)); } catch( Throwable e ) { e.printStackTrace(); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append(e.getMessage() + "\n"); msg.append("Unable to load S3 credentials."); throw new RuntimeException(msg.toString()); } } } } return _s3; } /** Modified version of default credentials provider which includes H2O-specific * credentials provider. */ public static class H2OAWSCredentialsProviderChain extends AWSCredentialsProviderChain { public H2OAWSCredentialsProviderChain() { super(new H2OArgCredentialsProvider(), new InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider(), new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider(), new SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider(), new ProfileCredentialsProvider()); } } /** A simple credentials provider reading file-based credentials from given * command argument <code>--aws_credentials</code>. */ static class H2OArgCredentialsProvider implements AWSCredentialsProvider { // Default location of the AWS credentials file public static final String DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION = ""; @Override public AWSCredentials getCredentials() { File credentials = new File(DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_LOCATION); try { return new PropertiesCredentials(credentials); } catch (IOException e) { Log.debug( "Unable to load AWS credentials from file " + credentials + "; exists? " + credentials.exists() + ", canRead? " + credentials.canRead() + ", size=" + credentials.length() + "; problem: " + e.getMessage()); throw new AmazonClientException( "PersistS3. Unable to load AWS credentials from file " + credentials + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void refresh() {} @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } } public static final class H2SO3InputStream extends RIStream { Key _k; long _to; String[] _bk; @Override protected InputStream open(long offset) { return getClient().getObject(new GetObjectRequest(_bk[0], _bk[1]).withRange(offset, _to)).getObjectContent(); } public H2SO3InputStream(Key k, ProgressMonitor pmon) { this(k, pmon, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); } public H2SO3InputStream(Key k, ProgressMonitor pmon, long from, long to) { super(from, pmon); _k = k; _to = Math.min(DKV.get(k)._max - 1, to); _bk = decodeKey(k); open(); } } public static InputStream openStream(Key k, RIStream.ProgressMonitor pmon) throws IOException { return new H2SO3InputStream(k, pmon); } public static Key loadKey(ObjectListing listing, S3ObjectSummary obj) throws IOException { // Note: Some of S3 implementations does not fill bucketName of returned object (for example, Minio). // So guess it based on returned ObjectListing String bucketName = obj.getBucketName() == null ? listing.getBucketName() : obj.getBucketName(); return S3FileVec.make(encodePath(bucketName, obj.getKey()),obj.getSize()); } private static void processListing(ObjectListing listing, ArrayList<String> succ, ArrayList<String> fail, boolean doImport){ for( S3ObjectSummary obj : listing.getObjectSummaries() ) { try { if (doImport) { Key k = loadKey(listing, obj); succ.add(k.toString()); } else { succ.add(obj.getKey()); } } catch( IOException e ) { fail.add(obj.getKey()); } } } public void importFiles(String path, String pattern, ArrayList<String> files, ArrayList<String> keys, ArrayList<String> fails, ArrayList<String> dels) {"ImportS3 processing (" + path + ")"); // List of processed files AmazonS3 s3 = getClient(); String [] parts = decodePath(path); ObjectListing currentList = s3.listObjects(parts[0], parts[1]); processListing(currentList, files, fails,true); while(currentList.isTruncated()){ currentList = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(currentList); processListing(currentList, files, fails,true); } keys.addAll(files); // write barrier was here : DKV.write_barrier(); } // file implementation ------------------------------------------------------- // Read up to 'len' bytes of Value. Value should already be persisted to // disk. A racing delete can trigger a failure where we get a null return, // but no crash (although one could argue that a racing load&delete is a bug // no matter what). @Override public byte[] load(Value v) { long start_io_ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] b = MemoryManager.malloc1(v._max); Key k = v._key; long skip = 0; // Skip offset based on chunk number if(k._kb[0] == Key.CHK) skip = FileVec.chunkOffset(k); // The offset // Too complicate matters, S3 likes to reset connections when H2O hits it // too hard. We "fix" this by just trying again, assuming we're getting // hit with a bogus resource limit (H2O doing a parse looks like a DDOS to // Amazon S3). S3ObjectInputStream s = null; while( true ) { // Loop, in case we get premature EOF's try { long start_ns = System.nanoTime(); // Blocking i/o call timing - without counting repeats s = getObjectForKey(k, skip, v._max).getObjectContent(); ByteStreams.readFully(s, b); // delegate work to Google (it reads the byte buffer in a cycle as we did) assert v.isPersisted(); // TimeLine.record_IOclose(start_ns, start_io_ms, 1/* read */, v._max, Value.S3); return b; // Explicitly ignore the following exceptions but // fail on the rest IOExceptions } catch( EOFException e ) { ignoreAndWait(e, false); } catch( SocketTimeoutException e ) { ignoreAndWait(e, false); } catch( IOException e ) { ignoreAndWait(e, true); } finally { try { if( s != null ) s.close(); } catch( IOException e ) {} } } } private static void ignoreAndWait(final Exception e, boolean printException) { Log.ignore(e, "Hit the S3 reset problem, waiting and retrying...", printException); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch( InterruptedException ie ) {} } // Store Value v to disk. @Override public void store(Value v) { if( !v._key.home() ) return; throw H2O.unimpl(); // VA only } /** * Creates the key for given S3 bucket and key. Returns the H2O key, or null if the key cannot be * created. * * @param bucket * Bucket name * @param key * Key name (S3) * @return H2O key pointing to the given bucket and key. */ public static Key encodeKey(String bucket, String key) { Key res = encodeKeyImpl(bucket, key); // assert checkBijection(res, bucket, key); return res; } /** * Decodes the given H2O key to the S3 bucket and key name. Returns the array of two strings, * first one is the bucket name and second one is the key name. * * @param k * Key to be decoded. * @return Pair (array) of bucket name and key name. */ public static String[] decodeKey(Key k) { return decodeKeyImpl(k); // assert checkBijection(k, res[0], res[1]); // return res; } // private static boolean checkBijection(Key k, String bucket, String key) { // Key en = encodeKeyImpl(bucket, key); // String[] de = decodeKeyImpl(k); // boolean res = Arrays.equals(k._kb, en._kb) && bucket.equals(de[0]) && key.equals(de[1]); // assert res : "Bijection failure:" + "\n\tKey 1:" + k + "\n\tKey 2:" + en + "\n\tBkt 1:" + bucket + "\n\tBkt 2:" // + de[0] + "\n\tStr 1:" + key + "\n\tStr 2:" + de[1] + ""; // return res; // } private static String encodePath(String bucket, String key){ return KEY_PREFIX + bucket + '/' + key; } private static Key encodeKeyImpl(String bucket, String key) { return Key.make(KEY_PREFIX + bucket + '/' + key); } /** * Decompose S3 name into bucket name and key name * * @param s generic s3 path (e.g., "s3://bucketname/my/directory/file.ext") * @return array of { bucket name, key } */ private static String [] decodePath(String s) { assert s.startsWith(KEY_PREFIX) && s.indexOf('/') >= 0 : "Attempting to decode non s3 key: " + s; s = s.substring(KEY_PREFIX_LEN); int dlm = s.indexOf('/'); if(dlm < 0) return new String[]{s,null}; String bucket = s.substring(0, dlm); String key = s.substring(dlm + 1); return new String[] { bucket, key }; } private static String[] decodeKeyImpl(Key k) { String s = new String((k._kb[0] == Key.CHK)?Arrays.copyOfRange(k._kb, Vec.KEY_PREFIX_LEN, k._kb.length):k._kb); return decodePath(s); } // Gets the S3 object associated with the key that can read length bytes from offset private static S3Object getObjectForKey(Key k, long offset, long length) throws IOException { String[] bk = decodeKey(k); GetObjectRequest r = new GetObjectRequest(bk[0], bk[1]); r.setRange(offset, offset + length - 1); // Range is *inclusive* according to docs??? return getClient().getObject(r); } // Gets the object metadata associated with given key. private static ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadataForKey(Key k) { String[] bk = decodeKey(k); assert (bk.length == 2); return getClient().getObjectMetadata(bk[0], bk[1]); } /** S3 socket timeout property name */ public final static String S3_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_PROP = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.socketTimeout"; /** S3 connection timeout property name */ public final static String S3_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PROP = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.connectionTimeout"; /** S3 maximal error retry number */ public final static String S3_MAX_ERROR_RETRY_PROP = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.maxErrorRetry"; /** S3 maximal http connections */ public final static String S3_MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS_PROP = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.maxHttpConnections"; /** S3 force HTTP traffic */ public final static String S3_FORCE_HTTP = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.force.http"; /** S3 end-point, for example: "https://localhost:9000 */ public final static String S3_END_POINT = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.endPoint"; /** S3 region, for example "us-east-1", * see {@link com.amazonaws.regions.Region#getRegion(com.amazonaws.regions.Regions)} for region list */ public final static String S3_REGION = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "persist.s3.region"; /** Enable S3 path style access via setting the property to true. * See: {@link} */ public final static String S3_ENABLE_PATH_STYLE = SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + ""; static ClientConfiguration s3ClientCfg() { ClientConfiguration cfg = new ClientConfiguration(); Properties prop = System.getProperties(); if (prop.containsKey(S3_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_PROP)) cfg.setSocketTimeout(Integer.getInteger(S3_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_PROP)); if (prop.containsKey(S3_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PROP)) cfg.setConnectionTimeout(Integer.getInteger(S3_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PROP)); if (prop.containsKey(S3_MAX_ERROR_RETRY_PROP)) cfg.setMaxErrorRetry(Integer.getInteger(S3_MAX_ERROR_RETRY_PROP)); if (prop.containsKey(S3_MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS_PROP)) cfg.setMaxConnections(Integer.getInteger(S3_MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS_PROP)); if (prop.containsKey(S3_FORCE_HTTP)) cfg.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP); return cfg; } static AmazonS3Client configureClient(AmazonS3Client s3Client) { if (System.getProperty(S3_REGION) != null) { String region = System.getProperty(S3_REGION); Log.debug("S3 region specified: ", region); s3Client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(region)); } // Region overrides end-point settings if (System.getProperty(S3_END_POINT) != null) { String endPoint = System.getProperty(S3_END_POINT); Log.debug("S3 endpoint specified: ", endPoint); s3Client.setEndpoint(endPoint); } if (System.getProperty(S3_ENABLE_PATH_STYLE) != null && Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(S3_ENABLE_PATH_STYLE))) { Log.debug("S3 path style access enabled"); S3ClientOptions sco = new S3ClientOptions(); sco.setPathStyleAccess(true); s3Client.setS3ClientOptions(sco); } return s3Client; } @Override public void delete(Value v) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Key uriToKey(URI uri) throws IOException { AmazonS3 s3 = getClient(); // Decompose URI into bucket, key String [] parts = decodePath(uri.toString()); try { ObjectMetadata om = s3.getObjectMetadata(parts[0], parts[1]); // Voila: create S3 specific key pointing to the file return S3FileVec.make(encodePath(parts[0], parts[1]), om.getContentLength()); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (e.getErrorCode().contains("404")) { throw new IOException(e); } else { Log.err("AWS failed for " + Arrays.toString(parts) + ": " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } } } @Override public void cleanUp() { throw H2O.unimpl(); /** user-mode swapping not implemented */} private static class Cache { long _lastUpdated = 0; long _timeoutMillis = 5*60*1000; String [] _cache = new String[0]; public boolean containsKey(String k) { return Arrays.binarySearch(_cache,k) >= 0;} protected String [] update(){ List<Bucket> l = getClient().listBuckets(); String [] cache = new String[l.size()]; int i = 0; for (Bucket b : l) cache[i++] = b.getName(); Arrays.sort(cache); return _cache = cache; } protected String wrapKey(String s) {return "s3://" + s;} public ArrayList<String> fetch(String filter, int limit) { String [] cache = _cache; if(System.currentTimeMillis() > _lastUpdated + _timeoutMillis) { cache = update(); _lastUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); } ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); int i = Arrays.binarySearch(cache, filter); if (i < 0) i = -i - 1; while (i < cache.length && cache[i].startsWith(filter) && (limit < 0 || res.size() < limit)) res.add(wrapKey(cache[i++])); return res; } } private static class KeyCache extends Cache { private final String _keyPrefix; private final String _bucket; public KeyCache(String bucket){ _bucket = bucket; _keyPrefix = super.wrapKey(bucket) + "/"; } @Override protected String [] update(){ AmazonS3 s3 = getClient(); ObjectListing currentList = s3.listObjects(_bucket,""); ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); processListing(currentList, res, null, false); while(currentList.isTruncated()){ currentList = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(currentList); processListing(currentList, res, null, false); } Collections.sort(res); return _cache = res.toArray(new String[res.size()]); } @Override protected String wrapKey(String s) { return _keyPrefix + s; } } Cache _bucketCache = new Cache(); HashMap<String,KeyCache> _keyCaches = new HashMap<>(); @Override public List<String> calcTypeaheadMatches(String filter, int limit) { String [] parts = decodePath(filter); if(parts[1] != null) { // bucket and key prefix if(_keyCaches.get(parts[0]) == null) { if(!getClient().doesBucketExist(parts[0])) return new ArrayList<>(); _keyCaches.put(parts[0], new KeyCache(parts[0])); } return _keyCaches.get(parts[0]).fetch(parts[1],limit); } else { // no key, only bucket prefix return _bucketCache.fetch(parts[0],limit); } } }