package hex.deeplearning; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.DKV; import water.Key; import water.Scope; import water.TestUtil; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NFSFileVec; import water.parser.ParseDataset; import water.util.FileUtils; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import; public class DeepLearningCheckpointReporting extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass() public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } @Test public void run() { Scope.enter(); Frame frame = null; try { NFSFileVec trainfv = TestUtil.makeNfsFileVec("smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); frame = ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), trainfv._key); DeepLearningParameters p = new DeepLearningParameters(); // populate model parameters p._train = frame._key; p._response_column = "CAPSULE"; // last column is the response p._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier; p._epochs = 4; p._train_samples_per_iteration = -1; p._score_duty_cycle = 1; p._score_interval = 0; p._overwrite_with_best_model = false; p._classification_stop = -1; p._seed = 1234; p._reproducible = true; // Convert response 'C785' to categorical (digits 1 to 10) int ci = frame.find("CAPSULE"); Scope.track(frame.replace(ci, frame.vecs()[ci].toCategoricalVec())); DKV.put(frame); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch( InterruptedException ex ) { } //to avoid rounding issues with printed time stamp (1 second resolution) DeepLearningModel model = new DeepLearning(p).trainModel().get(); long sleepTime = 5; //seconds try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime*1000); } catch( InterruptedException ex ) { } // checkpoint restart after sleep DeepLearningParameters p2 = (DeepLearningParameters)p.clone(); p2._checkpoint = model._key; p2._epochs *= 2; DeepLearningModel model2 = null; try { model2 = new DeepLearning(p2).trainModel().get(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); TwoDimTable table = model2._output._scoring_history; double priorDurationDouble=0; long priorTimeStampLong=0; DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); for (int i=0; i<table.getRowDim(); ++i) { // Check that timestamp is correct, and growing monotonically String timestamp = (String)table.get(i,0); long timeStampLong = fmt.parseMillis(timestamp); Assert.assertTrue("Timestamp must be later than outside timer start", timeStampLong >= start); Assert.assertTrue("Timestamp must be earlier than outside timer end", timeStampLong <= end); Assert.assertTrue("Timestamp must increase", timeStampLong >= priorTimeStampLong); priorTimeStampLong = timeStampLong; // Check that duration is growing monotonically String duration = (String)table.get(i,1); duration = duration.substring(0, duration.length()-4); //"x.xxxx sec" try { double durationDouble = Double.parseDouble(duration); Assert.assertTrue("Duration must be >0: " + durationDouble, durationDouble >= 0); Assert.assertTrue("Duration must increase: " + priorDurationDouble + " -> " + durationDouble, durationDouble >= priorDurationDouble); Assert.assertTrue("Duration cannot be more than outside timer delta", durationDouble <= (end - start) / 1e3); priorDurationDouble = durationDouble; } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { //skip } // Check that epoch counting is good Assert.assertTrue("Epoch counter must be contiguous", (Double)table.get(i,3) == i); //1 epoch per step Assert.assertTrue("Iteration counter must match epochs", (Integer)table.get(i,4) == i); //1 iteration per step } try { // Check that duration doesn't see the sleep String durationBefore = (String)table.get((int)(p._epochs),1); durationBefore = durationBefore.substring(0, durationBefore.length()-4); String durationAfter = (String)table.get((int)(p._epochs+1),1); durationAfter = durationAfter.substring(0, durationAfter.length()-4); double diff = Double.parseDouble(durationAfter) - Double.parseDouble(durationBefore); Assert.assertTrue("Duration must be smooth; actual " + diff + ", expected at most " + sleepTime + " (before=" + durationBefore + ", after=" + durationAfter + ")", diff < sleepTime+1); // Check that time stamp does see the sleep String timeStampBefore = (String)table.get((int)(p._epochs),0); long timeStampBeforeLong = fmt.parseMillis(timeStampBefore); String timeStampAfter = (String)table.get((int)(p._epochs+1),0); long timeStampAfterLong = fmt.parseMillis(timeStampAfter); Assert.assertTrue("Time stamp must experience a delay", timeStampAfterLong-timeStampBeforeLong >= (sleepTime-1/*rounding*/)*1000); // Check that the training speed is similar before and after checkpoint restart String speedBefore = (String)table.get((int)(p._epochs),2); speedBefore = speedBefore.substring(0, speedBefore.length()-9); double speedBeforeDouble = Double.parseDouble(speedBefore); String speedAfter = (String)table.get((int)(p._epochs+1),2); speedAfter = speedAfter.substring(0, speedAfter.length()-9); double speedAfterDouble = Double.parseDouble(speedAfter); Assert.assertTrue("Speed shouldn't change more than 50%", Math.abs(speedAfterDouble-speedBeforeDouble)/speedBeforeDouble < 0.5); //expect less than 50% change in speed } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { //skip runtimes > 1 minute (too hard to parse into seconds here...). } } finally { if (model != null) model.delete(); if (model2 != null) model2.delete(); } } finally { if (frame!=null) frame.remove(); Scope.exit(); } } }