package water.api.schemas3; import water.api.API; import water.util.PojoUtils; import water.util.WaterMeterIo; public class WaterMeterIoV3 extends RequestSchemaV3<WaterMeterIo, WaterMeterIoV3> { @API(help="Index of node to query ticks for (0-based)", direction = API.Direction.INPUT) public int nodeidx; @API(help="array of IO info", direction = API.Direction.OUTPUT) public WaterMeterIo.IoStatsEntry persist_stats[]; // Version&Schema-specific filling into the implementation object public WaterMeterIo createImpl() { WaterMeterIo obj = new WaterMeterIo(); PojoUtils.copyProperties(obj, this, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.CONSISTENT); return obj; } // Version&Schema-specific filling from the implementation object public WaterMeterIoV3 fillFromImpl(WaterMeterIo i) { PojoUtils.copyProperties(this, i, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.CONSISTENT); return this; } }