package hex.schemas; import hex.kmeans.KMeans; import hex.kmeans.KMeansModel.KMeansParameters; import water.api.API; import water.api.schemas3.ClusteringModelParametersSchemaV3; import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3; public class KMeansV3 extends ClusteringModelBuilderSchema<KMeans,KMeansV3,KMeansV3.KMeansParametersV3> { public static final class KMeansParametersV3 extends ClusteringModelParametersSchemaV3<KMeansParameters, KMeansParametersV3> { static public String[] fields = new String[] { "model_id", "training_frame", "validation_frame", "nfolds", "keep_cross_validation_predictions", "keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment", "fold_assignment", "fold_column", "ignored_columns", "ignore_const_cols", "score_each_iteration", "k", "estimate_k", "user_points", "max_iterations", "standardize", "seed", "init", "max_runtime_secs", "categorical_encoding" }; // Input fields @API(help = "This option allows you to specify a dataframe, where each row represents an initial cluster center. " + "The user-specified points must have the same number of columns as the training observations. " + "The number of rows must equal the number of clusters", required = false, level = public KeyV3.FrameKeyV3 user_points; @API(help="Maximum training iterations (if estimate_k is enabled, then this is for each inner Lloyds iteration)", gridable = true) public int max_iterations; // Max iterations @API(help = "Standardize columns before computing distances", level = API.Level.critical, gridable = true) public boolean standardize = true; @API(help = "RNG Seed", level = API.Level.secondary /* tested, works: , dependsOn = {"k", "max_iterations"} */, gridable = true) public long seed; @API(help = "Initialization mode", values = { "Random", "PlusPlus", "Furthest", "User" }, gridable = true) // TODO: pull out of categorical class. . . public KMeans.Initialization init; @API(help = "Whether to estimate the number of clusters (<=k) iteratively and deterministically.", level = API.Level.critical, gridable = true) public boolean estimate_k = false; } }