package hex; import water.Iced; import water.MRTask; import water.Scope; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import java.util.Arrays; public class ConfusionMatrix extends Iced { private TwoDimTable _table; public final double[][] _cm; // [actual][predicted], typed as double because of observation weights (which can be doubles) public final String[] _domain; public static final int MAX_CM_CLASSES = 1000; /** * Constructor for Confusion Matrix * @param value 2D square matrix with co-occurrence counts for actual vs predicted class membership * @param domain class labels (unified domain between actual and predicted class labels) */ public ConfusionMatrix(double[][] value, String[] domain) { _cm = value; _domain = domain; } /** Build the CM data from the actuals and predictions, using the default * threshold. Print to if the number of classes is below the * print_threshold. Actuals might have extra levels not trained on (hence * never predicted). Actuals with NAs are not scored, and their predictions * ignored. */ public static ConfusionMatrix buildCM(Vec actuals, Vec predictions) { if (!actuals.isCategorical()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("actuals must be categorical."); if (!predictions.isCategorical()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("predictions must be categorical."); Scope.enter(); try { Vec adapted = predictions.adaptTo(actuals.domain()); int len = actuals.domain().length; CMBuilder cm = new CMBuilder(len).doAll(actuals, adapted); return new ConfusionMatrix(cm._arr, actuals.domain()); } finally { Scope.exit(); } } private static class CMBuilder extends MRTask<CMBuilder> { final int _len; double _arr[/*actuals*/][/*predicted*/]; CMBuilder(int len) { _len = len; } @Override public void map( Chunk ca, Chunk cp ) { if (_len > MAX_CM_CLASSES) return; // After adapting frames, the Actuals have all the levels in the // prediction results, plus any extras the model was never trained on. // i.e., Actual levels are at least as big as the predicted levels. _arr = new double[_len][_len]; for( int i=0; i < ca._len; i++ ) if( !ca.isNA(i) ) _arr[(int)ca.at8(i)][(int)cp.at8(i)]++; } @Override public void reduce( CMBuilder cm ) { ArrayUtils.add(_arr,cm._arr); } } public void add(int i, int j) { _cm[i][j]++; } public final int size() { return _domain.length; } boolean tooLarge() { return size() > MAX_CM_CLASSES; } public final double mean_per_class_error() { if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mean per class error cannot be computed: too many classes"); double err = 0; for( int d = 0; d < _cm.length; ++d ) err += class_error(d); //can be 0 if no actuals, but we're still dividing by the total count of classes return err / _cm.length; } // mean(accuracy) = mean(1-error) = 1-mean(error) public final double mean_per_class_accuracy() { return 1-mean_per_class_error(); } public final double class_error(int c) { if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("class errors cannot be computed: too many classes"); double s = ArrayUtils.sum(_cm[c]); if( s == 0 ) return 0.0; // Either 0 or NaN, but 0 is nicer return (s - _cm[c][c]) / s; } public double total_rows() { double n = 0; for (double[] a_arr : _cm) n += ArrayUtils.sum(a_arr); return n; } public void add(ConfusionMatrix other) { if (_cm != null && other._cm != null) ArrayUtils.add(_cm, other._cm); } /** * @return overall classification error */ public double err() { if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("error cannot be computed: too many classes"); double n = total_rows(); double err = n; for( int d = 0; d < _cm.length; ++d ) err -= _cm[d][d]; return err / n; } public double err_count() { if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("error count cannot be computed: too many classes"); double err = total_rows(); for( int d = 0; d < _cm.length; ++d ) err -= _cm[d][d]; assert(err >= 0); return err; } /** * The percentage of predictions that are correct. */ public double accuracy() { return 1-err(); } /** * The percentage of negative labeled instances that were predicted as negative. * @return TNR / Specificity */ public double specificity() { if(!isBinary())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("specificity is only implemented for 2 class problems."); if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("specificity cannot be computed: too many classes"); double tn = _cm[0][0]; double fp = _cm[0][1]; return tn / (tn + fp); } /** * The percentage of positive labeled instances that were predicted as positive. * @return Recall / TPR / Sensitivity */ public double recall() { if(!isBinary())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("recall is only implemented for 2 class problems."); if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("recall cannot be computed: too many classes"); double tp = _cm[1][1]; double fn = _cm[1][0]; return tp / (tp + fn); } /** * The percentage of positive predictions that are correct. * @return Precision */ public double precision() { if(!isBinary())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("precision is only implemented for 2 class problems."); if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("precision cannot be computed: too many classes"); double tp = _cm[1][1]; double fp = _cm[0][1]; return tp / (tp + fp); } /** * The Matthews Correlation Coefficient, takes true negatives into account in contrast to F-Score * See <a href="">MCC</a> * MCC = Correlation between observed and predicted binary classification * @return mcc ranges from -1 (total disagreement) ... 0 (no better than random) ... 1 (perfect) */ public double mcc() { if(!isBinary())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mcc is only implemented for 2 class problems."); if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mcc cannot be computed: too many classes"); double tn = _cm[0][0]; double fp = _cm[0][1]; double tp = _cm[1][1]; double fn = _cm[1][0]; return (tp*tn - fp*fn)/Math.sqrt((tp+fp)*(tp+fn)*(tn+fp)*(tn+fn)); } /** * The maximum per-class error * @return max[classErr(i)] */ public double max_per_class_error() { int n = nclasses(); if(n == 0)throw new UnsupportedOperationException("max per class error is only defined for classification problems"); if(tooLarge())throw new UnsupportedOperationException("max per class error cannot be computed: too many classes"); double res = class_error(0); for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) res = Math.max(res, class_error(i)); return res; } public final int nclasses(){return _domain == null ? 0: _domain.length;} public final boolean isBinary(){return nclasses() == 2;} /** * Returns the F-measure which combines precision and recall. <br> * C.f. end of */ public double f1() { final double precision = precision(); final double recall = recall(); return 2. * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall); } /** * Returns the F-measure which combines precision and recall and weights recall higher than precision. <br> * See <a href="">F1_score</a> */ public double f2() { final double precision = precision(); final double recall = recall(); return 5. * (precision * recall) / (4. * precision + recall); } /** * Returns the F-measure which combines precision and recall and weights precision higher than recall. <br> * See <a href="">F1_score</a> */ public double f0point5() { final double precision = precision(); final double recall = recall(); return 1.25 * (precision * recall) / (.25 * precision + recall); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( double[] r : _cm) sb.append(Arrays.toString(r)).append('\n'); return sb.toString(); } private static String[] createConfusionMatrixHeader( double xs[], String ds[] ) { String ss[] = new String[xs.length]; // the same length for( int i=0; i<xs.length; i++ ) if( xs[i] >= 0 || (ds[i] != null && ds[i].length() > 0) && !Double.toString(i).equals(ds[i]) ) ss[i] = ds[i]; if( ds.length == xs.length-1 && xs[xs.length-1] > 0 ) ss[xs.length-1] = "NA"; return ss; } public String toASCII() { return table() == null ? "" : _table.toString(); } /** Convert this ConfusionMatrix into a fully annotated TwoDimTable * @return TwoDimTable */ public TwoDimTable table() { return _table == null ? (_table=toTable()) : _table; } // Do the work making a TwoDimTable private TwoDimTable toTable() { if (tooLarge()) return null; if (_cm == null || _domain == null) return null; for( double cm[] : _cm ) assert(_cm.length == cm.length); // Sum up predicted & actuals double acts [] = new double[_cm.length]; double preds[] = new double[_cm[0].length]; boolean isInt = true; for( int a=0; a< _cm.length; a++ ) { double sum=0; for( int p=0; p< _cm[a].length; p++ ) { sum += _cm[a][p]; preds[p] += _cm[a][p]; isInt &= (_cm[a][p] == (long)_cm[a][p]); } acts[a] = sum; } String adomain[] = createConfusionMatrixHeader(acts , _domain); String pdomain[] = createConfusionMatrixHeader(preds, _domain); assert adomain.length == pdomain.length : "The confusion matrix should have the same length for both directions."; String[] rowHeader = Arrays.copyOf(adomain,adomain.length+1); rowHeader[adomain.length] = "Totals"; String[] colHeader = Arrays.copyOf(pdomain,pdomain.length+2); colHeader[colHeader.length-2] = "Error"; colHeader[colHeader.length-1] = "Rate"; String[] colType = new String[colHeader.length]; String[] colFormat = new String[colHeader.length]; for (int i=0; i<colFormat.length-1; ++i) { colType[i] = isInt ? "long":"double"; colFormat[i] = isInt ? "%d":"%.2f"; } colType[colFormat.length-2] = "double"; colFormat[colFormat.length-2] = "%.4f"; colType[colFormat.length-1] = "string"; // pass 1: compute width of last column double terr = 0; int width = 0; for (int a = 0; a < _cm.length; a++) { if (adomain[a] == null) continue; double correct = 0; for (int p = 0; p < pdomain.length; p++) { if (pdomain[p] == null) continue; boolean onDiag = adomain[a].equals(pdomain[p]); if (onDiag) correct = _cm[a][p]; } double err = acts[a] - correct; terr += err; width = isInt ? Math.max(width, String.format("%,d / %,d", (long)err, (long)acts[a]).length()): Math.max(width, String.format("%.4f / %.4f", err, acts[a]).length()); } double nrows = 0; for (double n : acts) nrows += n; width = isInt? Math.max(width, String.format("%,d / %,d", (long)terr, (long)nrows).length()): Math.max(width, String.format("%.4f / %.4f", terr, nrows).length()); // set format width colFormat[colFormat.length-1] = "= %" + width + "s"; TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable("Confusion Matrix", "vertical: actual; across: predicted", rowHeader, colHeader, colType, colFormat, null); // Main CM Body for (int a = 0; a < _cm.length; a++) { if (adomain[a] == null) continue; double correct = 0; for (int p = 0; p < pdomain.length; p++) { if (pdomain[p] == null) continue; boolean onDiag = adomain[a].equals(pdomain[p]); if (onDiag) correct = _cm[a][p]; if (isInt) table.set(a, p, (long)_cm[a][p]); else table.set(a, p, _cm[a][p]); } double err = acts[a] - correct; table.set(a, pdomain.length, err / acts[a]); table.set(a, pdomain.length + 1, isInt ? String.format("%,d / %,d", (long)err, (long)acts[a]): String.format("%.4f / %.4f", err, acts[a]) ); } // Last row of CM for (int p = 0; p < pdomain.length; p++) { if (pdomain[p] == null) continue; if (isInt) table.set(adomain.length, p, (long)preds[p]); else table.set(adomain.length, p, preds[p]); } table.set(adomain.length, pdomain.length, (float) terr / nrows); table.set(adomain.length, pdomain.length + 1, isInt ? String.format("%,d / %,d", (long)terr, (long)nrows): String.format("%.2f / %.2f", terr, nrows)); return table; } }