package hex.tree; import hex.*; import static hex.ModelCategory.Binomial; import static hex.genmodel.GenModel.createAuxKey; import static hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family.binomial; import hex.glm.GLMModel; import hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils; import water.*; import water.codegen.CodeGenerator; import water.codegen.CodeGeneratorPipeline; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.exceptions.JCodeSB; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public abstract class SharedTreeModel< M extends SharedTreeModel<M, P, O>, P extends SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters, O extends SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput > extends Model<M, P, O> implements Model.LeafNodeAssignment, Model.GetMostImportantFeatures { @Override public String[] getMostImportantFeatures(int n) { if (_output == null) return null; TwoDimTable vi = _output._variable_importances; if (vi==null) return null; n = Math.min(n, vi.getRowHeaders().length); String[] res = new String[n]; System.arraycopy(vi.getRowHeaders(), 0, res, 0, n); return res; } @Override public ToEigenVec getToEigenVec() { return LinearAlgebraUtils.toEigen; } public abstract static class SharedTreeParameters extends Model.Parameters { public int _ntrees=50; // Number of trees in the final model. Grid Search, comma sep values:50,100,150,200 public int _max_depth = 5; // Maximum tree depth. Grid Search, comma sep values:5,7 public double _min_rows = 10; // Fewest allowed observations in a leaf (in R called 'nodesize'). Grid Search, comma sep values public int _nbins = 20; // Numerical (real/int) cols: Build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point public int _nbins_cats = 1024; // Categorical (factor) cols: Build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point public double _min_split_improvement = 1e-5; // Minimum relative improvement in squared error reduction for a split to happen public enum HistogramType { AUTO, UniformAdaptive, Random, QuantilesGlobal, RoundRobin } public HistogramType _histogram_type = HistogramType.AUTO; // What type of histogram to use for finding optimal split points public double _r2_stopping = Double.MAX_VALUE; // Stop when the r^2 metric equals or exceeds this value public int _nbins_top_level = 1<<10; //hardcoded maximum top-level number of bins for real-valued columns public boolean _build_tree_one_node = false; public int _score_tree_interval = 0; // score every so many trees (no matter what) public int _initial_score_interval = 4000; //Adding this parameter to take away the hard coded value of 4000 for scoring the first 4 secs public int _score_interval = 4000; //Adding this parameter to take away the hard coded value of 4000 for scoring each iteration every 4 secs public double _sample_rate = 0.632; //fraction of rows to sample for each tree public double[] _sample_rate_per_class; //fraction of rows to sample for each tree, per class public boolean _calibrate_model = false; // Use Platt Scaling public Key<Frame> _calibration_frame; public Frame calib() { return _calibration_frame == null ? null : _calibration_frame.get(); } @Override public long progressUnits() { return _ntrees + (_histogram_type==HistogramType.QuantilesGlobal || _histogram_type==HistogramType.RoundRobin ? 1 : 0); } public double _col_sample_rate_change_per_level = 1.0f; //relative change of the column sampling rate for every level public double _col_sample_rate_per_tree = 1.0f; //fraction of columns to sample for each tree /** Fields which can NOT be modified if checkpoint is specified. * FIXME: should be defined in Schema API annotation */ private static String[] CHECKPOINT_NON_MODIFIABLE_FIELDS = { "_build_tree_one_node", "_sample_rate", "_max_depth", "_min_rows", "_nbins", "_nbins_cats", "_nbins_top_level"}; protected String[] getCheckpointNonModifiableFields() { return CHECKPOINT_NON_MODIFIABLE_FIELDS; } /** This method will take actual parameters and validate them with parameters of * requested checkpoint. In case of problem, it throws an API exception. * * @param checkpointParameters checkpoint parameters */ public void validateWithCheckpoint(SharedTreeParameters checkpointParameters) { for (Field fAfter : this.getClass().getFields()) { // only look at non-modifiable fields if (ArrayUtils.contains(getCheckpointNonModifiableFields(),fAfter.getName())) { for (Field fBefore : checkpointParameters.getClass().getFields()) { if (fBefore.equals(fAfter)) { try { if (!PojoUtils.equals(this, fAfter, checkpointParameters, checkpointParameters.getClass().getField(fAfter.getName()))) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(fAfter.getName(), "TreeBuilder", "Field " + fAfter.getName() + " cannot be modified if checkpoint is specified!"); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(fAfter.getName(), "TreeBuilder", "Field " + fAfter.getName() + " is not supported by checkpoint!"); } } } } } } } @Override public ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder makeMetricBuilder(String[] domain) { switch(_output.getModelCategory()) { case Binomial: return new ModelMetricsBinomial.MetricBuilderBinomial(domain); case Multinomial: return new ModelMetricsMultinomial.MetricBuilderMultinomial(_output.nclasses(),domain); case Regression: return new ModelMetricsRegression.MetricBuilderRegression(); default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } } public abstract static class SharedTreeOutput extends Model.Output { /** InitF value (for zero trees) * f0 = mean(yi) for gaussian * f0 = log(yi/1-yi) for bernoulli * * For GBM bernoulli, the initial prediction for 0 trees is * p = 1/(1+exp(-f0)) * * From this, the mse for 0 trees (null model) can be computed as follows: * mean((yi-p)^2) * */ public double _init_f; /** Number of trees actually in the model (as opposed to requested) */ public int _ntrees; /** More indepth tree stats */ public final TreeStats _treeStats; /** Trees get big, so store each one separately in the DKV. */ public Key<CompressedTree>[/*_ntrees*/][/*_nclass*/] _treeKeys; public Key<CompressedTree>[/*_ntrees*/][/*_nclass*/] _treeKeysAux; public ScoreKeeper[/*ntrees+1*/] _scored_train; public ScoreKeeper[/*ntrees+1*/] _scored_valid; public ScoreKeeper[] scoreKeepers() { ArrayList<ScoreKeeper> skl = new ArrayList<>(); ScoreKeeper[] ska = _validation_metrics != null ? _scored_valid : _scored_train; for( ScoreKeeper sk : ska ) if (!sk.isEmpty()) skl.add(sk); return skl.toArray(new ScoreKeeper[skl.size()]); } /** Training time */ public long[/*ntrees+1*/] _training_time_ms = {System.currentTimeMillis()}; /** * Variable importances computed during training */ public TwoDimTable _variable_importances; public VarImp _varimp; public GLMModel _calib_model; public SharedTreeOutput( SharedTree b) { super(b); _ntrees = 0; // No trees yet _treeKeys = new Key[_ntrees][]; // No tree keys yet _treeKeysAux = new Key[_ntrees][]; // No tree keys yet _treeStats = new TreeStats(); _scored_train = new ScoreKeeper[]{new ScoreKeeper(Double.NaN)}; _scored_valid = new ScoreKeeper[]{new ScoreKeeper(Double.NaN)}; _modelClassDist = _priorClassDist; } // Append next set of K trees public void addKTrees( DTree[] trees) { // DEBUG: Print the generated K trees //SharedTree.printGenerateTrees(trees); assert nclasses()==trees.length; // Compress trees and record tree-keys _treeKeys = Arrays.copyOf(_treeKeys ,_ntrees+1); _treeKeysAux = Arrays.copyOf(_treeKeysAux ,_ntrees+1); Key[] keys = _treeKeys[_ntrees] = new Key[trees.length]; Key[] keysAux = _treeKeysAux[_ntrees] = new Key[trees.length]; Futures fs = new Futures(); for( int i=0; i<nclasses(); i++ ) if( trees[i] != null ) { CompressedTree ct = trees[i].compress(_ntrees,i,_domains); DKV.put(keys[i]=ct._key,ct,fs); _treeStats.updateBy(trees[i]); // Update tree shape stats CompressedTree ctAux = new CompressedTree(trees[i]._abAux.buf(),-1,-1,-1,-1,_domains); keysAux[i] = ctAux._key = Key.make(createAuxKey(ct._key.toString())); DKV.put(ctAux); } _ntrees++; // 1-based for errors; _scored_train[0] is for zero trees, not 1 tree _scored_train = ArrayUtils.copyAndFillOf(_scored_train, _ntrees+1, new ScoreKeeper()); _scored_valid = _scored_valid != null ? ArrayUtils.copyAndFillOf(_scored_valid, _ntrees+1, new ScoreKeeper()) : null; _training_time_ms = ArrayUtils.copyAndFillOf(_training_time_ms, _ntrees+1, System.currentTimeMillis()); fs.blockForPending(); } public CompressedTree ctree( int tnum, int knum ) { return _treeKeys[tnum][knum].get(); } public String toStringTree ( int tnum, int knum ) { return ctree(tnum,knum).toString(this); } } public SharedTreeModel(Key<M> selfKey, P parms, O output) { super(selfKey, parms, output); } public Frame scoreLeafNodeAssignment(Frame frame, Key<Frame> destination_key) { Frame adaptFrm = new Frame(frame); adaptTestForTrain(adaptFrm, true, false); int classTrees = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _output._treeKeys[0].length; ++i) { if (_output._treeKeys[0][i] != null) classTrees++; } final int outputcols = _output._treeKeys.length * classTrees; final String[] names = new String[outputcols]; int col = 0; for (int tidx = 0; tidx < _output._treeKeys.length; tidx++) { Key[] keys = _output._treeKeys[tidx]; for (int c = 0; c < keys.length; c++) { if (keys[c] != null) { names[col++] = "T" + (tidx + 1) + (keys.length == 1 ? "" : (".C" + (c + 1))); } } } Frame res = new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk[] idx ) { double[] input = new double[chks.length]; String[] output = new String[outputcols]; for( int row=0; row<chks[0]._len; row++ ) { for( int i=0; i<chks.length; i++ ) input[i] = chks[i].atd(row); int col=0; for( int tidx=0; tidx<_output._treeKeys.length; tidx++ ) { Key[] keys = _output._treeKeys[tidx]; for (Key key : keys) { if (key != null) { String pred = DKV.get(key).<CompressedTree>get().getDecisionPath(input); output[col++] = pred; } } } assert(col==outputcols); for (int i=0; i<outputcols; ++i) idx[i].addStr(output[i]); } } }.doAll(outputcols, Vec.T_STR, adaptFrm).outputFrame(destination_key, names, null); Vec vv; Vec[] nvecs = new Vec[res.vecs().length]; for(int c=0;c<res.vecs().length;++c) { vv = res.vec(c); try { nvecs[c] = vv.toCategoricalVec(); } catch (Exception e) { VecUtils.deleteVecs(nvecs, c); throw e; } } res.delete(); res = new Frame(destination_key, names, nvecs); DKV.put(res); return res; } @Override protected Frame postProcessPredictions(Frame predictFr) { if (_output._calib_model == null) return predictFr; if (_output.getModelCategory() == Binomial) { Key<Frame> calibInputKey = Key.make(); Frame calibOutput = null; try { Frame calibInput = new Frame(calibInputKey, new String[]{"p"}, new Vec[]{predictFr.vec(1)}); calibOutput = _output._calib_model.score(calibInput); assert calibOutput._names.length == 3; Vec[] calPredictions = calibOutput.remove(new int[]{1, 2}); // append calibrated probabilities to the prediction frame predictFr.write_lock(); for (int i = 0; i < calPredictions.length; i++) predictFr.add("cal_" + + i), calPredictions[i]); return predictFr.update(); } finally { DKV.remove(calibInputKey); if (calibOutput != null) calibOutput.remove(); } } else throw H2O.unimpl("Calibration is only supported for binomial models"); } @Override protected double[] score0(double[] data, double[] preds, double weight, double offset) { return score0(data, preds, weight, offset, _output._treeKeys.length); } @Override protected double[] score0(double[/*ncols*/] data, double[/*nclasses+1*/] preds) { return score0(data, preds, 1.0, 0.0); } protected double[] score0(double[] data, double[] preds, double weight, double offset, int ntrees) { // Prefetch trees into the local cache if it is necessary // Invoke scoring Arrays.fill(preds,0); for( int tidx=0; tidx<ntrees; tidx++ ) score0(data, preds, tidx); return preds; } // Score per line per tree private void score0(double[] data, double[] preds, int treeIdx) { Key[] keys = _output._treeKeys[treeIdx]; for( int c=0; c<keys.length; c++ ) { if (keys[c] != null) { double pred = DKV.get(keys[c]).<CompressedTree>get().score(data); assert (!Double.isInfinite(pred)); preds[keys.length == 1 ? 0 : c + 1] += pred; } } } /** Performs deep clone of given model. */ protected M deepClone(Key<M> result) { M newModel = IcedUtils.deepCopy(self()); newModel._key = result; // Do not clone model metrics newModel._output.clearModelMetrics(); newModel._output._training_metrics = null; newModel._output._validation_metrics = null; // Clone trees Key[][] treeKeys = newModel._output._treeKeys; for (int i = 0; i < treeKeys.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < treeKeys[i].length; j++) { if (treeKeys[i][j] == null) continue; CompressedTree ct = DKV.get(treeKeys[i][j]).get(); CompressedTree newCt = IcedUtils.deepCopy(ct); newCt._key = CompressedTree.makeTreeKey(i, j); DKV.put(treeKeys[i][j] = newCt._key,newCt); } } // Clone Aux info Key[][] treeKeysAux = newModel._output._treeKeysAux; if (treeKeysAux!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < treeKeysAux.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < treeKeysAux[i].length; j++) { if (treeKeysAux[i][j] == null) continue; CompressedTree ct = DKV.get(treeKeysAux[i][j]).get(); CompressedTree newCt = IcedUtils.deepCopy(ct); newCt._key = Key.make(createAuxKey(treeKeys[i][j].toString())); DKV.put(treeKeysAux[i][j] = newCt._key,newCt); } } } return newModel; } @Override protected Futures remove_impl( Futures fs ) { for (Key[] ks : _output._treeKeys) for (Key k : ks) if( k != null ) k.remove(fs); for (Key[] ks : _output._treeKeysAux) for (Key k : ks) if( k != null ) k.remove(fs); if (_output._calib_model != null) _output._calib_model.remove(fs); return super.remove_impl(fs); } /** Write out K/V pairs */ @Override protected AutoBuffer writeAll_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { for (Key<CompressedTree>[] ks : _output._treeKeys) for (Key<CompressedTree> k : ks) ab.putKey(k); for (Key<CompressedTree>[] ks : _output._treeKeysAux) for (Key<CompressedTree> k : ks) ab.putKey(k); return super.writeAll_impl(ab); } @Override protected Keyed readAll_impl(AutoBuffer ab, Futures fs) { for (Key<CompressedTree>[] ks : _output._treeKeys) for (Key<CompressedTree> k : ks) ab.getKey(k,fs); for (Key<CompressedTree>[] ks : _output._treeKeysAux) for (Key<CompressedTree> k : ks) ab.getKey(k,fs); return super.readAll_impl(ab,fs); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // `M` is really the type of `this` private M self() { return (M)this; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Serialization into a POJO //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Override in subclasses to provide some top-level model-specific goodness @Override protected boolean toJavaCheckTooBig() { // If the number of leaves in a forest is more than N, don't try to render it in the browser as POJO code. return _output==null || _output._treeStats._num_trees * _output._treeStats._mean_leaves > 1000000; } protected boolean binomialOpt() { return true; } @Override protected SBPrintStream toJavaInit(SBPrintStream sb, CodeGeneratorPipeline fileCtx) {; sb.ip("public boolean isSupervised() { return true; }").nl(); sb.ip("public int nfeatures() { return " + _output.nfeatures() + "; }").nl(); sb.ip("public int nclasses() { return " + _output.nclasses() + "; }").nl(); return sb; } @Override protected void toJavaPredictBody(SBPrintStream body, CodeGeneratorPipeline classCtx, CodeGeneratorPipeline fileCtx, final boolean verboseCode) { final int nclass = _output.nclasses(); body.ip("java.util.Arrays.fill(preds,0);").nl(); final String mname = JCodeGen.toJavaId(_key.toString()); // One forest-per-GBM-tree, with a real-tree-per-class for (int t=0; t < _output._treeKeys.length; t++) { // Generate score method for given tree toJavaForestName(body.i(),mname,t).p(".score0(data,preds);").nl(); final int treeIdx = t; fileCtx.add(new CodeGenerator() { @Override public void generate(JCodeSB out) { try { // Generate a class implementing a tree; toJavaForestName(out.ip("class "), mname, treeIdx).p(" {").nl().ii(1); out.ip("public static void score0(double[] fdata, double[] preds) {").nl().ii(1); for (int c = 0; c < nclass; c++) { if (_output._treeKeys[treeIdx][c] == null) continue; if (!(binomialOpt() && c == 1 && nclass == 2)) // Binomial optimization toJavaTreeName(out.ip("preds[").p(nclass == 1 ? 0 : c + 1).p("] += "), mname, treeIdx, c).p(".score0(fdata);").nl(); } out.di(1).ip("}").nl(); // end of function out.di(1).ip("}").nl(); // end of forest class // Generate the pre-tree classes afterwards for (int c = 0; c < nclass; c++) { if (_output._treeKeys[treeIdx][c] == null) continue; if (!(binomialOpt() && c == 1 && nclass == 2)) { // Binomial optimization String javaClassName = toJavaTreeName(new SB(), mname, treeIdx, c).toString(); CompressedTree ct = _output.ctree(treeIdx, c); SB sb = new SB(); new TreeJCodeGen(SharedTreeModel.this, ct, sb, javaClassName, verboseCode).generate(); out.p(sb); } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error creating the POJO.", t); } } }); } toJavaUnifyPreds(body); } protected abstract void toJavaUnifyPreds(SBPrintStream body); protected <T extends JCodeSB> T toJavaTreeName(T sb, String mname, int t, int c ) { return (T) sb.p(mname).p("_Tree_").p(t).p("_class_").p(c); } protected <T extends JCodeSB> T toJavaForestName(T sb, String mname, int t ) { return (T) sb.p(mname).p("_Forest_").p(t); } }