package water.api.schemas3; import hex.ModelMetricsClustering; import water.api.API; import water.util.TwoDimTable; public class ModelMetricsClusteringV3 extends ModelMetricsBaseV3<ModelMetricsClustering, ModelMetricsClusteringV3> { @API(help="Within Cluster Sum of Square Error") public double tot_withinss; // Total within-cluster sum-of-square error @API(help="Total Sum of Square Error to Grand Mean") public double totss; // Total sum-of-square error to grand mean centroid @API(help="Between Cluster Sum of Square Error") public double betweenss; @API(help="Centroid Statistics") public TwoDimTableV3 centroid_stats; @Override public ModelMetricsClusteringV3 fillFromImpl(ModelMetricsClustering impl) { ModelMetricsClusteringV3 mm = super.fillFromImpl(impl); TwoDimTable tdt = impl.createCentroidStatsTable(); if (tdt != null) mm.centroid_stats = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(tdt); return mm; } }