package water.parser.avro; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileReader; import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileStream; import org.apache.avro.file.SeekableByteArrayInput; import org.apache.avro.file.SeekableInput; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumReader; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import; import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import water.H2O; import water.Job; import water.Key; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.parser.BufferedString; import water.parser.ParseReader; import water.parser.ParseSetup; import water.parser.ParseWriter; import water.parser.Parser; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.Log; import static water.parser.avro.AvroUtil.*; /** * AVRO parser for H2O distributed parsing subsystem. */ public class AvroParser extends Parser { /** Avro header */ private final byte[] header; AvroParser(ParseSetup setup, Key<Job> jobKey) { super(setup, jobKey); this.header = ((AvroParser.AvroParseSetup) setup).header; } @Override protected final ParseWriter parseChunk(int cidx, ParseReader din, ParseWriter dout) { // We will read GenericRecord and load them based on schema final DatumReader<GenericRecord> datumReader = new GenericDatumReader<>(); final H2OSeekableInputAdaptor sbai = new H2OSeekableInputAdaptor(cidx, din); DataFileReader<GenericRecord> dataFileReader = null; int cnt = 0; try { // Reconstruct Avro header DataFileStream.Header fakeHeader = new DataFileReader<>(new SeekableByteArrayInput(this.header), datumReader).getHeader(); dataFileReader = DataFileReader.openReader(sbai, datumReader, fakeHeader, true); Schema schema = dataFileReader.getSchema(); GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(schema); Schema.Field[] flatSchema = flatSchema(schema); long sync = dataFileReader.previousSync(); if (sbai.chunkCnt == 0) { // Find data in first chunk while (dataFileReader.hasNext() && dataFileReader.previousSync() == sync) { gr =; // Write values to the output // FIXME: what if user change input names, or ignore an input column? write2frame(gr, _setup.getColumnNames(), flatSchema, _setup.getColumnTypes(), dout); cnt++; } } // else first chunk does not contain synchronization block, so give up and let another reader to use it } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.trace(String.format("Avro: ChunkIdx: %d read %d records, start at %d off, block count: %d, block size: %d", cidx, cnt, din.getChunkDataStart(cidx), dataFileReader.getBlockCount(), dataFileReader.getBlockSize())); return dout; } /** A simple adaptor for Avro Seekable Input. * * It implements lazy loading of chunks from ParseReader and track how many chunks * were loaded. * * Warning: This is not designed to be accessed by multiple threads! */ private static class H2OSeekableInputAdaptor implements SeekableInput { private final ParseReader din; private final int startCidx; protected int pos; protected int mark; private byte[] data; // Additional chunks loaded protected int chunkCnt; public H2OSeekableInputAdaptor(int cidx, ParseReader din) { this.din = din; this.startCidx = cidx; = din.getChunkData(cidx); this.chunkCnt = 0; this.mark = din.getChunkDataStart(cidx) > 0 ? din.getChunkDataStart(cidx) : 0; this.pos = mark; } @Override public void seek(long p) throws IOException { this.reset(); this.skip(p); } @Override public long tell() throws IOException { return this.pos; } @Override public long length() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (b == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if (off < 0 || len < 0 || len > b.length - off) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } needData(len); if (pos >= count()) { return -1; } int avail = count() - pos; if (len > avail) { len = avail; } if (len <= 0) { return 0; } // FIXME drop read data System.arraycopy(data, pos, b, off, len); pos += len; return len; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { data = null; } public void reset() { pos = 0; } public long skip(long n) { long remain = 0; while ((remain = count() - pos) < n && loadNextData()) ; if (n < remain) { remain = n < 0 ? 0 : n; } pos += remain; return remain; } private int count() { return data.length; } private boolean needData(int len) { boolean loaded = false; while ((count() - pos) < len && (loaded = loadNextData())) ; return loaded; } private boolean loadNextData() { // FIXME: just replace data byte[] nextChunk = this.din.getChunkData(this.startCidx + chunkCnt + 1); if (nextChunk != null && nextChunk.length > 0) { = ArrayUtils.append(, nextChunk); this.chunkCnt++; Log.trace(String.format("Avro stream wrapper - loading another chunk: StartChunkIdx: %d, LoadedChunkCnt: %d", startCidx, chunkCnt)); return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * The main method transforming Avro record into a row in H2O frame. * * @param gr Avro generic record * @param columnNames Column names prepared by parser setup * @param inSchema Flattenized Avro schema which corresponds to passed column names * @param columnTypes Target H2O types * @param dout Parser writer */ private static void write2frame(GenericRecord gr, String[] columnNames, Schema.Field[] inSchema, byte[] columnTypes, ParseWriter dout) { assert inSchema.length == columnTypes.length : "AVRO field flatenized schema has to match to parser setup"; BufferedString bs = new BufferedString(); for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < columnNames.length; cIdx++) { int inputFieldIdx = inSchema[cIdx].pos(); Schema.Type inputType = toPrimitiveType(inSchema[cIdx].schema()); byte targetType = columnTypes[cIdx]; // FIXME: support target conversions Object value = gr.get(inputFieldIdx); if (value == null) { dout.addInvalidCol(cIdx); } else { switch (inputType) { case BOOLEAN: dout.addNumCol(cIdx, ((Boolean) value) ? 1 : 0); break; case INT: dout.addNumCol(cIdx, ((Integer) value), 0); break; case LONG: dout.addNumCol(cIdx, ((Long) value), 0); break; case FLOAT: dout.addNumCol(cIdx, (Float) value); break; case DOUBLE: dout.addNumCol(cIdx, (Double) value); break; case ENUM: // Note: this code expects ordering of categoricals provided by Avro remain same // as in H2O!!! GenericData.EnumSymbol es = (GenericData.EnumSymbol) value; dout.addNumCol(cIdx, es.getSchema().getEnumOrdinal(es.toString())); break; case BYTES: dout.addStrCol(cIdx, bs.set(((ByteBuffer) value).array())); break; case STRING: dout.addStrCol(cIdx, bs.set(((Utf8) value).getBytes())); break; case NULL: dout.addInvalidCol(cIdx); break; } } } } public static class AvroParseSetup extends ParseSetup { final byte[] header; final long blockSize; public AvroParseSetup(int ncols, String[] columnNames, byte[] ctypes, String[][] domains, String[][] naStrings, String[][] data, byte[] header, long blockSize) { super(AvroParserProvider.AVRO_INFO, (byte) '|', true, HAS_HEADER , ncols, columnNames, ctypes, domains, naStrings, data); this.header = header; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.setChunkSize((int) blockSize); } public AvroParseSetup(ParseSetup ps, byte[] header, long blockSize, String[][] domains) { super(ps); this.header = header; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.setDomains(domains); this.setChunkSize((int) blockSize); } @Override protected Parser parser(Key jobKey) { return new AvroParser(this, jobKey); } } public static ParseSetup guessSetup(byte[] bits) { try { return runOnPreview(bits, new AvroPreviewProcessor<ParseSetup>() { @Override public ParseSetup process(byte[] header, GenericRecord gr, long blockCount, long blockSize) { return deriveParseSetup(header, gr, blockCount, blockSize); } }); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Avro format was not recognized", e); } } static AvroInfo extractAvroInfo(byte[] bits, final ParseSetup requiredSetup) throws IOException { return runOnPreview(bits, new AvroPreviewProcessor<AvroInfo>() { @Override public AvroInfo process(byte[] header, GenericRecord gr, long blockCount, long blockSize) { Schema recordSchema = gr.getSchema(); List<Schema.Field> fields = recordSchema.getFields(); int supportedFieldCnt = 0 ; for (Schema.Field f : fields) if (isSupportedSchema(f.schema())) supportedFieldCnt++; assert supportedFieldCnt == requiredSetup.getColumnNames().length : "User-driven changes are not not supported in Avro format"; String[][] domains = new String[supportedFieldCnt][]; int i = 0; for (Schema.Field f : fields) { Schema schema = f.schema(); if (isSupportedSchema(schema)) { byte type = schemaToColumnType(schema); if (type == Vec.T_CAT) { domains[i] = getDomain(schema); } i++; } } return new AvroInfo(header, blockCount, blockSize, domains); } }); } static <T> T runOnPreview(byte[] bits, AvroPreviewProcessor<T> processor) throws IOException { DatumReader<GenericRecord> datumReader = new GenericDatumReader<GenericRecord>(); SeekableByteArrayInput sbai = new SeekableByteArrayInput(bits); DataFileReader<GenericRecord> dataFileReader = null; try { dataFileReader = new DataFileReader<>(sbai, datumReader); int headerLen = (int) dataFileReader.previousSync(); byte[] header = Arrays.copyOf(bits, headerLen); if (dataFileReader.hasNext()) { GenericRecord gr =; return processor.process(header, gr, dataFileReader.getBlockCount(), dataFileReader.getBlockSize()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Empty Avro file - cannot run preview! "); } } finally { try { if (dataFileReader!=null) dataFileReader.close(); } catch (IOException safeToIgnore) {} } } private static ParseSetup deriveParseSetup(byte[] header, GenericRecord gr, long blockCount, long blockSize) { // Expect flat structure Schema recordSchema = gr.getSchema(); List<Schema.Field> fields = recordSchema.getFields(); int supportedFieldCnt = 0 ; for (Schema.Field f : fields) if (isSupportedSchema(f.schema())) supportedFieldCnt++; String[] names = new String[supportedFieldCnt]; byte[] types = new byte[supportedFieldCnt]; String[][] domains = new String[supportedFieldCnt][]; String[] dataPreview = new String[supportedFieldCnt]; int i = 0; for (Schema.Field f : fields) { Schema schema = f.schema(); if (isSupportedSchema(schema)) { names[i] =; types[i] = schemaToColumnType(schema); if (types[i] == Vec.T_CAT) { domains[i] = getDomain(schema); } dataPreview[i] = gr.get( != null ? gr.get( : "null"; i++; } else { Log.warn("Skipping field: " + + " because of unsupported type: " + schema.getType() + " schema: " + schema); } } AvroParseSetup ps = new AvroParseSetup( supportedFieldCnt, names, types, domains, null, new String[][] { dataPreview }, header, blockSize ); return ps; } /** Helper to represent Avro header * and size of 1st block of data. */ static class AvroInfo { public AvroInfo(byte[] header, long firstBlockCount, long firstBlockSize, String[][] domains) { this.header = header; this.firstBlockCount = firstBlockCount; this.firstBlockSize = firstBlockSize; = domains; } byte[] header; long firstBlockCount; long firstBlockSize; String[][] domains; } private interface AvroPreviewProcessor<R> { R process(byte[] header, GenericRecord gr, long blockCount, long blockSize); } }