package water.api.schemas3; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import water.AutoBuffer; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.IcedWrapper; import water.api.API; import water.api.SchemaMetadata.FieldMetadata; import water.util.PojoUtils; // TODO: move into hex.schemas! /** * An instance of a ModelParameters schema contains the metadata for a single Model build parameter (e.g., K for KMeans). * TODO: add a superclass. * TODO: refactor this into with FieldMetadataBase. */ public class ModelParameterSchemaV3 extends SchemaV3<Iced, ModelParameterSchemaV3> { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAREFUL: This class has its own JSON serializer. If you add a field here you probably also want to add it to the serializer! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @API(help="name in the JSON, e.g. \"lambda\"", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String name; @API(help="[DEPRECATED] same as name.", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String label; @API(help="help for the UI, e.g. \"regularization multiplier, typically used for foo bar baz etc.\"", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String help; @API(help="the field is required", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public boolean required; @API(help="Java type, e.g. \"double\"", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String type; @API(help="default value, e.g. 1", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public Iced default_value; @API(help="actual value as set by the user and / or modified by the ModelBuilder, e.g., 10", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public Iced actual_value; @API(help="the importance of the parameter, used by the UI, e.g. \"critical\", \"extended\" or \"expert\"", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String level; @API(help="list of valid values for use by the front-end", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String[] values; @API(help="For Vec-type fields this is the set of other Vec-type fields which must contain mutually exclusive values; for example, for a SupervisedModel the response_column must be mutually exclusive with the weights_column") public String[] is_member_of_frames; @API(help="For Vec-type fields this is the set of Frame-type fields which must contain the named column; for example, for a SupervisedModel the response_column must be in both the training_frame and (if it's set) the validation_frame") public String[] is_mutually_exclusive_with; @API(help="Parameter can be used in grid call", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public boolean gridable; public ModelParameterSchemaV3() { } /** TODO: refactor using SchemaMetadata. */ public ModelParameterSchemaV3(ModelParametersSchemaV3 schema, ModelParametersSchemaV3 default_schema, Field f) { f.setAccessible(true); try { = f.getName(); API annotation = f.getAnnotation(API.class); boolean is_array = f.getType().isArray(); Object o; o = f.get(default_schema); this.default_value = FieldMetadata.consValue(o); o = f.get(schema); this.actual_value = FieldMetadata.consValue(o); boolean is_enum = Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()); this.type = FieldMetadata.consType(schema, f.getType(), f.getName(), annotation); if (null != annotation) { String l = annotation.label(); this.label =; =; this.required = annotation.required(); this.level = annotation.level().toString(); this.values = annotation.values(); // If the field is an enum then the values annotation field had better be set. . . if (is_enum && (null == this.values || 0 == this.values.length)) { throw"Didn't find values annotation for enum field: " +; } // NOTE: we just set the raw value here. We compute the transitive closure // before serializing to JSON. We have to do this automagically since we // need to combine the values from multiple fields in multiple levels of the // inheritance hierarchy. this.is_member_of_frames = annotation.is_member_of_frames(); this.is_mutually_exclusive_with = annotation.is_mutually_exclusive_with(); // NOTE: later we walk all the fields in the Schema and form the transitive closure of these lists. this.gridable = annotation.gridable(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw"Caught exception accessing field: " + f + " for schema object: " + this + ": " + e.toString()); } } public ModelParameterSchemaV3 fillFromImpl(Iced iced) { PojoUtils.copyProperties(this, iced, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.ORIGIN_HAS_UNDERSCORES); return this; } public Iced createImpl() { // should never get called throw"createImpl should never get called in ModelParameterSchemaV2!"); } /** * ModelParameterSchema has its own serializer so that default_value and actual_value * get serialized as their native types. Autobuffer assumes all classes that have their * own serializers should be serialized as JSON objects, and wraps them in {}, so this * can't just be handled by a customer serializer in IcedWrapper. * * @param ab * @return */ public final AutoBuffer writeJSON_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { ab.putJSONStr("name", name); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("label", name); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("help", help); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStrUnquoted("required", required ? "true" : "false"); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("type", type); ab.put1(','); if (default_value instanceof IcedWrapper) { ab.putJSONStr("default_value").put1(':'); ((IcedWrapper) default_value).writeUnwrappedJSON(ab); ab.put1(','); } else { ab.putJSONStr("default_value").put1(':').putJSON(default_value); ab.put1(','); } if (actual_value instanceof IcedWrapper) { ab.putJSONStr("actual_value").put1(':'); ((IcedWrapper) actual_value).writeUnwrappedJSON(ab); ab.put1(','); } else { ab.putJSONStr("actual_value").put1(':').putJSON(actual_value); ab.put1(','); } ab.putJSONStr("level", level); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONAStr("values", values); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONAStr("is_member_of_frames", is_member_of_frames); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONAStr("is_mutually_exclusive_with", is_mutually_exclusive_with); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStrUnquoted("gridable", gridable ? "true" : "false"); return ab; } }