package water.udf; import; import org.junit.Test; import water.util.fp.Function; import water.util.fp.Predicate; import water.util.fp.PureFunctions; import water.udf.specialized.Enums; import water.util.StringUtils; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static water.udf.specialized.Dates.*; import static water.udf.specialized.Doubles.*; import static water.udf.specialized.Strings.*; import static water.util.FileUtils.*; /** * Test for UDF */ public class UdfTest extends UdfTestBase { int requiredCloudSize() { return 2; } private DataColumn<Double> sines() throws { return willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return (i > 10 && i < 20) ? null : Math.sin(i); } })); } private DataColumn<Double> sinesShort() throws { return willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1001590, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return (i > 10 && i < 20) ? null : Math.sin(i); } })); } private DataColumn<Double> five_x() throws { return willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return i*5.0; } })); } @Test public void testIsNA() throws Exception { Column<Double> c = sines(); assertFalse(c.apply(10).isNaN()); Double x11 = c.apply(11); assertTrue(x11.isNaN()); assertTrue(c.apply(19).isNaN()); assertFalse(c.apply(20).isNaN()); assertFalse(c.isNA(10)); assertTrue(c.isNA(11)); assertTrue(c.isNA(19)); assertFalse(c.isNA(20)); } @Test public void testOfDoubles() throws Exception { Column<Double> c = five_x(); assertEquals(0.0, c.apply(0), 0.000001); assertEquals(210.0, c.apply(42), 0.000001); assertEquals(100000.0, c.apply(20000), 0.000001); } @Test public void testOfStrings() throws Exception { Column<String> c = willDrop(Strings.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, String>() { public String apply(Long i) { return i == 42 ? null : "<<" + i + ">>"; } })); assertEquals("<<0>>", c.apply(0)); assertEquals(null, c.apply(42)); assertEquals("<<2016>>", c.apply(2016)); Column<String> materialized = Strings.materialize(c); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(c.apply(i), materialized.apply(i)); } } @Test public void testOfEnums() throws Exception { Column<Integer> c = willDrop(Enums.enums(new String[] {"Red", "White", "Blue"}) .newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Integer>() { public Integer apply(Long i) { return (int)( i % 3); } })); assertEquals(0, c.apply(0).intValue()); assertEquals(0, c.apply(42).intValue()); assertEquals(1, c.apply(100).intValue()); assertEquals(2, c.apply(20000).intValue()); Column<Integer> materialized = Enums.enums(new String[] {"Red", "White", "Blue"}).materialize(c); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(c.apply(i), materialized.apply(i)); } } @Test public void testOfDates() throws Exception { Column<Date> c = willDrop(Dates.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Date>() { public Date apply(Long i) { return new Date(i*3600000L*24); } })); assertEquals(new Date(0), c.apply(0)); assertEquals(new Date(258 * 24 * 3600 * 1000L), c.apply(258)); Column<Date> materialized = Dates.materialize(c); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(c.apply(i), materialized.apply(i)); } } //// All UUID functionality is currently disabled // @Test // public void testOfUUIDs() throws Exception { // Column<UUID> c = willDrop(UUIDs.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, UUID>() { // public UUID apply(Long i) { // return new UUID(i * 7, i * 13); // } // })); // assertEquals(new UUID(0, 0), c.apply(0)); // assertEquals(new UUID(258*7, 258*13), c.apply(258)); // // Column<UUID> materialized = UUIDs.materialize(c); // // for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { // assertEquals(c.apply(i), materialized.apply(i)); // } // } @Test public void testOfEnumFun() throws Exception { final String[] domain = {"Red", "White", "Blue"}; Column<Integer> x = willDrop(Enums.enums(domain) .newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Integer>() { public Integer apply(Long i) { return (int)( i % 3); } })); Column<String> y = new FunColumn<>(new Function<Integer, String>() { public String apply(Integer i) { return domain[i]; } }, x); assertEquals("Red", y.apply(0)); assertEquals("Red", y.apply(42)); assertEquals("White", y.apply(100)); assertEquals("Blue", y.apply(20000)); } @Test public void testOfSquares() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = five_x(); Column<Double> y = new FunColumn<>(PureFunctions.SQUARE, x); assertEquals(0.0, y.apply(0), 0.000001); assertEquals(44100.0, y.apply(42), 0.000001); assertEquals(10000000000.0, y.apply(20000), 0.000001); } @Test public void testIsFunNA() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = sines(); Column<Double> y = new FunColumn<>(PureFunctions.SQUARE, x); assertFalse(y.isNA(10)); assertTrue(y.isNA(11)); assertTrue(y.isNA(19)); assertFalse(y.isNA(20)); assertEquals(0.295958969093304, y.apply(10), 0.0001); } @Test public void testFun2() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = five_x(); Column<Double> y = sines(); Column<Double> y2 = willDrop(new FunColumn<>(PureFunctions.SQUARE, y)); Column<Double> z1 = willDrop(new Fun2Column<>(PureFunctions.PLUS, x, y2)); Column<Double> z2 = willDrop(new Fun2Column<>(PureFunctions.X2_PLUS_Y2, x, y)); assertEquals(0.0, z1.apply(0), 0.000001); assertEquals(210.84001174779368, z1.apply(42), 0.000001); assertEquals(100000.3387062632, z1.apply(20000), 0.000001); assertEquals(0.0, z2.apply(0), 0.000001); assertEquals(44100.840011747794, z2.apply(42), 0.000001); assertEquals(10000000000.3387062632, z2.apply(20000), 0.000001); Column<Double> materialized = willDrop(Doubles.materialize(z2)); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Double expected = z2.apply(i); assertTrue(z2.isNA(i) == materialized.isNA(i)); // the following exposes a problem. nulls being returned. if (expected == null) assertTrue("At " + i + ":", materialized.isNA(i)); Double actual = materialized.apply(i); if (!z2.isNA(i)) assertEquals(expected, actual, 0.0001); } } @Test public void testFun2Compatibility() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = five_x(); Column<Double> y = sinesShort(); Column<Double> z = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.sin(i*0.0001); } })); try { Column<Double> z1 = new Fun2Column<>(PureFunctions.PLUS, x, y); fail("Column incompatibility should be detected"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // as designed } try { Column<Double> r = new Fun3Column<>(PureFunctions.X2_PLUS_Y2_PLUS_Z2, x, y, z); fail("Column incompatibility should be detected"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // as designed } try { Column<Double> r = new Fun3Column<>(PureFunctions.X2_PLUS_Y2_PLUS_Z2, x, z, y); fail("Column incompatibility should be detected"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // as designed } } @Test public void testFun2CompatibilityWithConst() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = five_x(); Column<Double> y = Doubles.constColumn(42.0, 1 << 20); Column<Double> z = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.sin(i*0.0001); } })); try { Column<Double> z1 = new Fun2Column<>(PureFunctions.PLUS, x, y); fail("Column incompatibility should be detected"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // as designed } try { Column<Double> r = new Fun3Column<>(PureFunctions.X2_PLUS_Y2_PLUS_Z2, x, y, z); fail("Column incompatibility should be detected"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // as designed } try { Column<Double> r = new Fun3Column<>(PureFunctions.X2_PLUS_Y2_PLUS_Z2, x, z, y); fail("Column incompatibility should be detected"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // as designed } } @Test public void testFun3() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.cos(i*0.0001)*Math.cos(i*0.0000001); } })); Column<Double> y = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.cos(i*0.0001)*Math.sin(i*0.0000001); } })); Column<Double> z = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.sin(i*0.0001); } })); Column<Double> r = new Fun3Column<>(PureFunctions.X2_PLUS_Y2_PLUS_Z2, x, y, z); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(1.00, r.apply(i*10), 0.0001); } Column<Double> materialized = Doubles.materialize(r); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(r.apply(i), materialized.apply(i), 0.0001); } } @Test public void testFoldingColumn() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.cos(i*0.0001)*Math.cos(i*0.0000001); } })); Column<Double> y = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.cos(i*0.0001)*Math.sin(i*0.0000001); } })); Column<Double> z = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.sin(i*0.0001); } })); Column<Double> r = new FoldingColumn<>(PureFunctions.SUM_OF_SQUARES, x, y, z); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(1.00, r.apply(i*10), 0.0001); } Column<Double> x1 = new FoldingColumn<>(PureFunctions.SUM_OF_SQUARES, x); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { double xi = x.apply(i); assertEquals(xi*xi, x1.apply(i), 0.0001); } try { Column<Double> x0 = new FoldingColumn<>(PureFunctions.SUM_OF_SQUARES); fail("This should have failed - no empty foldings"); } catch (AssertionError ae) { // good, good! } Column<Double> materialized = Doubles.materialize(r); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { assertEquals(r.apply(i), materialized.apply(i), 0.0001); } } @Test public void testFoldingColumnCompatibility() throws Exception { Column<Double> x = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.cos(i*0.0001)*Math.cos(i*0.0000001); } })); Column<Double> y = willDrop(Doubles.newColumn(1 << 20, new Function<Long, Double>() { public Double apply(Long i) { return Math.cos(i*0.0001)*Math.sin(i*0.0000001); } })); Column<Double> z = sinesShort(); try { Column<Double> r = new FoldingColumn<>(PureFunctions.SUM_OF_SQUARES, x, y, z); fail("Should have failed on incompatibility"); } catch(AssertionError ae) { // as expected } } // test how file can be unfolded into multiple columns @Test public void testUnfoldingColumn() throws IOException { // here's the file File file = getFile("smalldata/chicago/chicagoAllWeather.csv"); // get all its lines final List<String> lines = Files.readLines(file, Charset.defaultCharset()); // store it in H2O, with typed column as a wrapper (core H2O storage is a type-unaware Vec class) Column<String> source = willDrop(Strings.newColumn(lines)); // produce another (virtual) column that stores a list of strings as a row value Column<List<String>> split = new UnfoldingColumn<>(PureFunctions.splitBy(","), source, 10); // now check that we have the right data for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { // since we specified width (10), the rest of the list is filled with nulls; have to ignore them. // It's important to have the same width for the whole frame. String actual = StringUtils.join(" ", Predicate.NOT_NULL.filter(split.apply(i))); // so, have we lost any data? assertEquals(lines.get(i).replaceAll("\\,", " ").trim(), actual); } } @Test public void testUnfoldingFrame() throws IOException { File file = getFile("smalldata/chicago/chicagoAllWeather.csv"); final List<String> lines = Files.readLines(file, Charset.defaultCharset()); Column<String> source = willDrop(Strings.newColumn(lines)); Column<List<String>> split = new UnfoldingColumn<>(PureFunctions.splitBy(","), source, 10); UnfoldingFrame<String> frame = new UnfoldingFrame<>(Strings, split.size(), split, 11); List<DataColumn<String>> columns = frame.materialize(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { List<String> fromColumns = new ArrayList<>(10); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { String value = columns.get(j).get(i); if (value != null) fromColumns.add(value); } String actual = StringUtils.join(" ", fromColumns); assertEquals(lines.get(i).replaceAll("\\,", " ").trim(), actual); } assertTrue("Need to align the result", columns.get(5).isCompatibleWith(source)); } }