package hex; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.Log; import water.util.MathUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Low-weight keeper of scores * solely intended for display (either direct or as helper to create scoring history TwoDimTable). * Not intended to store large AUC object or ConfusionMatrices, etc. */ public class ScoreKeeper extends Iced { public double _mean_residual_deviance = Double.NaN; public double _mse = Double.NaN; public double _rmse = Double.NaN; public double _mae = Double.NaN; public double _rmsle = Double.NaN; public double _logloss = Double.NaN; public double _AUC = Double.NaN; public double _classError = Double.NaN; public double _mean_per_class_error = Double.NaN; public float[] _hitratio; public double _lift = Double.NaN; //Lift in top group public ScoreKeeper() {} /** * Keep score of mean squared error <i>only</i>. * @param mse */ public ScoreKeeper(double mse) { _mse = mse; } /** * Keep score of a given ModelMetrics. * @param mm ModelMetrics to keep track of. */ public ScoreKeeper(ModelMetrics mm) { fillFrom(mm); } /** * Keep score for a model using its validation_metrics if available and training_metrics if not. * @param m model for which we should keep score */ public ScoreKeeper(Model m) { if (null == m) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("model", "ScoreKeeper(Model model)", null); if (null == m._output) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("model._output", "ScoreKeeper(Model model)", null); if (null != m._output._cross_validation_metrics) { fillFrom(m._output._cross_validation_metrics); } else if (null != m._output._validation_metrics) { fillFrom(m._output._validation_metrics); } else { fillFrom(m._output._training_metrics); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return Double.isNaN(_mse) && Double.isNaN(_logloss); // at least one of them should always be filled } public void fillFrom(ModelMetrics m) { if (m == null) return; _mse = m._MSE; _rmse = m.rmse(); if (m instanceof ModelMetricsRegression) { _mean_residual_deviance = ((ModelMetricsRegression)m)._mean_residual_deviance; _mae = ((ModelMetricsRegression)m)._mean_absolute_error; _rmsle = ((ModelMetricsRegression)m)._root_mean_squared_log_error; } if (m instanceof ModelMetricsBinomial) { _logloss = ((ModelMetricsBinomial)m)._logloss; if (((ModelMetricsBinomial)m)._auc != null) { _AUC = ((ModelMetricsBinomial) m)._auc._auc; _classError = ((ModelMetricsBinomial) m)._auc.defaultErr(); _mean_per_class_error = ((ModelMetricsBinomial)m).mean_per_class_error(); } GainsLift gl = ((ModelMetricsBinomial)m)._gainsLift; if (gl != null && gl.response_rates != null && gl.response_rates.length > 0) { _lift = gl.response_rates[0] / gl.avg_response_rate; } } else if (m instanceof ModelMetricsMultinomial) { _logloss = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)m)._logloss; _classError = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)m)._cm.err(); _mean_per_class_error = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)m).mean_per_class_error(); _hitratio = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)m)._hit_ratios; } } public enum StoppingMetric { AUTO, deviance, logloss, MSE, RMSE,MAE,RMSLE, AUC, lift_top_group, misclassification, mean_per_class_error} public static boolean moreIsBetter(StoppingMetric criterion) { return (criterion == StoppingMetric.AUC || criterion == StoppingMetric.lift_top_group); } /** Based on the given array of ScoreKeeper and stopping criteria should we stop early? */ public static boolean stopEarly(ScoreKeeper[] sk, int k, boolean classification, StoppingMetric criterion, double rel_improvement, String what, boolean verbose) { if (k == 0) return false; int len = sk.length - 1; //how many "full"/"conservative" scoring events we have (skip the first) if (len < 2*k) return false; //need at least k for SMA and another k to tell whether the model got better or not if (criterion==StoppingMetric.AUTO) { criterion = classification ? StoppingMetric.logloss : StoppingMetric.deviance; } boolean moreIsBetter = moreIsBetter(criterion); double movingAvg[] = new double[k+1]; //need one moving average value for the last k+1 scoring events double lastBeforeK = moreIsBetter ? -Double.MAX_VALUE : Double.MAX_VALUE; double bestInLastK = moreIsBetter ? -Double.MAX_VALUE : Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i=0;i<movingAvg.length;++i) { movingAvg[i] = 0; // compute k+1 simple moving averages of window size k // need to go back 2*k steps // Example: 20 scoring events, k=3 // need to go back from idx 19 to idx 14 // movingAvg[0] is based on scoring events indices 14,15,16 <- reference // movingAvg[1] is based on scoring events indices 15,16,17 <- first "new" smooth score // movingAvg[2] is based on scoring events indices 16,17,18 <- second "new" smooth score // movingAvg[3] is based on scoring events indices 17,18,19 <- third "new" smooth score // Example: 18 scoring events, k=2 // need to go back from idx 17 to idx 14 // movingAvg[0] is based on scoring events indices 14,15 <- reference // movingAvg[1] is based on scoring events indices 15,16 <- first "new" smooth score // movingAvg[2] is based on scoring events indices 16,17 <- second "new" smooth score // Example: 18 scoring events, k=1 // need to go back from idx 17 to idx 16 // movingAvg[0] is based on scoring event index 16 <- reference // movingAvg[1] is based on scoring event index 17 <- first "new" score int startIdx = sk.length-2*k+i; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { ScoreKeeper skj = sk[startIdx+j]; double val; switch (criterion) { case AUC: val = skj._AUC; break; case MSE: val = skj._mse; break; case RMSE: val = skj._rmse; break; case MAE: val = skj._mae; break; case RMSLE: val = skj._rmsle; break; case deviance: val = skj._mean_residual_deviance; break; case logloss: val = skj._logloss; break; case misclassification: val = skj._classError; break; case mean_per_class_error: val = skj._mean_per_class_error; break; case lift_top_group: val = skj._lift; break; default: throw H2O.unimpl("Undefined stopping criterion."); } movingAvg[i] += val; } movingAvg[i]/=k; if (Double.isNaN(movingAvg[i])) return false; if (i==0) lastBeforeK = movingAvg[i]; else bestInLastK = moreIsBetter ? Math.max(movingAvg[i], bestInLastK) : Math.min(movingAvg[i], bestInLastK); } // zero-crossing could be for residual deviance or r^2 -> mark it not yet converged, avoid division by 0 or weird relative improvements math below if (Math.signum(ArrayUtils.maxValue(movingAvg)) != Math.signum(ArrayUtils.minValue(movingAvg))) return false; if (Math.signum(bestInLastK) != Math.signum(lastBeforeK)) return false; assert(lastBeforeK != Double.MAX_VALUE); assert(bestInLastK != Double.MAX_VALUE); if (verbose)"Windowed averages (window size " + k + ") of " + what + " " + (k+1) + " " + criterion.toString() + " metrics: " + Arrays.toString(movingAvg)); double ratio = bestInLastK / lastBeforeK; if (Double.isNaN(ratio)) return false; boolean improved = moreIsBetter ? ratio > 1+rel_improvement : ratio < 1-rel_improvement; if (verbose)"Checking convergence with " + criterion.toString() + " metric: " + lastBeforeK + " --> " + bestInLastK + (improved ? " (still improving)." : " (converged).")); return !improved; } // stopEarly /** * Compare this ScoreKeeper with that ScoreKeeper * @param that * @return true if they are equal (up to 1e-6 absolute and relative error, or both contain NaN for the same values) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (! (that instanceof ScoreKeeper)) return false; ScoreKeeper o = (ScoreKeeper)that; if (_hitratio == null && ((ScoreKeeper) that)._hitratio != null) return false; if (_hitratio != null && ((ScoreKeeper) that)._hitratio == null) return false; if (_hitratio != null && ((ScoreKeeper) that)._hitratio != null) { if (_hitratio.length != ((ScoreKeeper) that)._hitratio.length) return false; for (int i=0; i<_hitratio.length; ++i) { if (![i], ((ScoreKeeper) that)._hitratio[i], 1e-6, 1e-6)) return false; } } return, o._mean_residual_deviance, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._mse, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._mae, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._rmsle, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._logloss, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._classError, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._mean_per_class_error, 1e-6, 1e-6) &&, o._lift, 1e-6, 1e-6); } public static Comparator<ScoreKeeper> comparator(StoppingMetric criterion) { switch (criterion) { case AUC: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o2._AUC - o1._AUC); // moreIsBetter } }; case RMSE: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._rmse - o2._rmse); // lessIsBetter } }; case MAE: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._mae - o2._mae); // lessIsBetter } }; case RMSLE: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._rmsle - o2._rmsle); // lessIsBetter } }; case deviance: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._mean_residual_deviance - o2._mean_residual_deviance); // lessIsBetter } }; case logloss: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._logloss - o2._logloss); // lessIsBetter } }; case misclassification: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._classError - o2._classError); // lessIsBetter } }; case mean_per_class_error: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o1._mean_per_class_error - o2._mean_per_class_error); // lessIsBetter } }; case lift_top_group: return new Comparator<ScoreKeeper>() { @Override public int compare(ScoreKeeper o1, ScoreKeeper o2) { return (int)Math.signum(o2._lift - o1._lift); // moreIsBetter } }; default: throw H2O.unimpl("Undefined stopping criterion."); } // switch } // comparator @Override public String toString() { return "ScoreKeeper{" + " _mean_residual_deviance=" + _mean_residual_deviance + ", _rmse=" + _rmse + ",_mae=" + _mae + ",_rmsle=" + _rmsle + ", _logloss=" + _logloss + ", _AUC=" + _AUC + ", _classError=" + _classError + ", _mean_per_class_error=" + _mean_per_class_error + ", _hitratio=" + Arrays.toString(_hitratio) + ", _lift=" + _lift + '}'; } }