package water.util; import water.*; public class WaterMeterCpuTicks extends Iced { // Input public int nodeidx; // Output public long[][] cpu_ticks; public void doIt() { H2ONode node = H2O.CLOUD._memary[nodeidx]; GetTicksTask ppt = new GetTicksTask(); Log.trace("GetTicksTask starting to node " + nodeidx + "..."); // Synchronous RPC call to get ticks from remote (possibly this) node. new RPC<>(node, ppt).call().get(); Log.trace("GetTicksTask completed to node " + nodeidx); cpu_ticks = ppt._cpuTicks; } private static class GetTicksTask extends DTask<GetTicksTask> { private long[][] _cpuTicks; public GetTicksTask() { super(H2O.GUI_PRIORITY); _cpuTicks = null; } @Override public void compute2() { LinuxProcFileReader lpfr = new LinuxProcFileReader();; if (lpfr.valid()) { _cpuTicks = lpfr.getCpuTicks(); } else { // In the case where there isn't any tick information, the client receives a json // response object containing an array of length 0. // // e.g. // { cpuTicks: [] } _cpuTicks = new long[0][0]; } tryComplete(); } } }