package water.api.schemas3; import water.AutoBuffer; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.IcedWrapper; import water.api.API; import water.util.TwoDimTable; /** * Client-facing Schema of a TwoDimTable * Notes: * 1) We embed the rowHeaders into the table, extending it by 1 column * 2) We store all the data in column-major order * 3) We store all the data in String format * */ public class TwoDimTableV3 extends SchemaV3<TwoDimTable, TwoDimTableV3> { public static class ColumnSpecsBase extends SchemaV3<Iced, ColumnSpecsBase> { @API(help="Column Name", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) String name; @API(help="Column Type", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) String type; @API(help="Column Format (printf)", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) String format; @API(help="Column Description", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) String description; } @API(help="Table Name", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String name; @API(help="Table Description", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String description; @API(help="Column Specification", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public ColumnSpecsBase[] columns; @API(help="Number of Rows", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public int rowcount; @API(help="Table Data (col-major)", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public IcedWrapper[][] data; public TwoDimTableV3() {} public TwoDimTableV3(TwoDimTable impl) { super(impl); } /** * Fill a TwoDimTable Schema from a TwoDimTable * @param t TwoDimTable * @return TwoDimTableSchema */ @Override public TwoDimTableV3 fillFromImpl(TwoDimTable t) { name = t.getTableHeader(); description = t.getTableDescription(); final int rows = t.getRowDim(); rowcount = rows; boolean have_row_header_cols = t.getColHeaderForRowHeaders() != null; for (int r=0; r<rows; ++r) { if (!have_row_header_cols) break; have_row_header_cols &= t.getRowHeaders()[r] != null; } if (have_row_header_cols) { final int cols = t.getColDim()+1; columns = new ColumnSpecsBase[cols]; columns[0] = new ColumnSpecsBase(); columns[0].name = pythonify(t.getColHeaderForRowHeaders()); columns[0].type = "string"; columns[0].format = "%s"; columns[0].description = t.getColHeaderForRowHeaders(); for (int c = 1; c < cols; ++c) { columns[c] = new ColumnSpecsBase(); columns[c].name = pythonify(t.getColHeaders()[c - 1]); columns[c].type = t.getColTypes()[c - 1]; columns[c].format = t.getColFormats()[c - 1]; columns[c].description = t.getColHeaders()[c - 1]; } data = new IcedWrapper[cols][rows]; data[0] = new IcedWrapper[t.getRowDim()]; for (int r = 0; r < t.getRowDim(); ++r) { data[0][r] = new IcedWrapper(t.getRowHeaders()[r]); } IcedWrapper[][] cellValues = t.getCellValues(); for (int c = 1; c < cols; ++c) { data[c] = new IcedWrapper[rows]; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { data[c][r] = cellValues[r][c - 1]; } } } else { final int cols = t.getColDim(); columns = new ColumnSpecsBase[cols]; for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { columns[c] = new ColumnSpecsBase(); columns[c].name = pythonify(t.getColHeaders()[c]); columns[c].type = t.getColTypes()[c]; columns[c].format = t.getColFormats()[c]; columns[c].description = t.getColHeaders()[c]; } data = new IcedWrapper[cols][rows]; IcedWrapper[][] cellValues = t.getCellValues(); for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { data[c] = new IcedWrapper[rows]; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { data[c][r] = cellValues[r][c]; } } } return this; } /** * Turn a description such as "Avg. Training MSE" into a JSON-usable field name "avg_training_mse" * @param n * @return */ private String pythonify(String n) { if (n == null || name.toLowerCase().contains("confusion")) return n; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String [] modified = n.split("[\\s_]+"); for (int i=0; i<modified.length; ++i) { if (i!=0) sb.append("_"); String s = modified[i]; // if (!s.matches("^[A-Z]{2,3}$")) { sb.append(s.toLowerCase()); //everything goes lowercase // } else { // sb.append(s); // } } String newString = sb.toString().replaceAll("[^\\w]", ""); // if (!newString.equals(name)) { // Log.warn("Turning column description into field name: " + name + " --> " + newString); // } return newString; } /** * Fill a TwoDimTable from this Schema * @param impl * @return */ public TwoDimTable fillImpl(TwoDimTable impl) { final int rows = data[0].length; assert(rows == rowcount); final int cols = data.length+1; String tableHeader = name; String tableDescription = description; String colHeaderForRowHeaders = columns[0].name; String[] rowHeaders = new String[rows]; for (int r=0; r<rows; ++r) { rowHeaders[r] = (String)data[0][r].get(); } String[] colHeaders = new String[cols]; colHeaders[0] = ""; for (int c=1; c<cols; ++c) { colHeaders[c] = columns[c].description; } String[] colTypes = new String[cols]; colTypes[0] = ""; for (int c=1; c<cols; ++c) { colTypes[c] = columns[c].type; } String[] colFormats = new String[cols]; colFormats[0] = "%s"; for (int c=1; c<cols; ++c) { colFormats[c] = columns[c].format; } String[][] strCellValues = new String[rows][cols]; double[][] dblCellValues = new double[rows][cols]; for (int r=0; r<data[0].length; ++r) { for (int c=0; c<data.length; ++c) { try { if (columns[c].format.equals("string")) { // switch(String) is not java1.6 compliant! strCellValues[r][c] = (String)data[c][r].get(); } else if (columns[c].format.equals("double")) { dblCellValues[r][c] = (Double)data[c][r].get(); } else if (columns[c].format.equals("float")) { dblCellValues[r][c] = (Float)data[c][r].get(); } else if (columns[c].format.equals("int")) { dblCellValues[r][c] = (Integer)data[c][r].get(); } else if (columns[c].format.equals("long")) { dblCellValues[r][c] = (Long)data[c][r].get(); } else throw; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } return new TwoDimTable(tableHeader, tableDescription, rowHeaders, colHeaders, colTypes, colFormats, colHeaderForRowHeaders, strCellValues, dblCellValues); } public final AutoBuffer writeJSON_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { ab.putJSONStr("name",name); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("description",description); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("columns").put1(':'); ab.put1('['); if( columns!=null ) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { columns[i].writeJSON(ab); if (i < columns.length - 1) ab.put1(','); } } ab.put1(']'); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSON4("rowcount", rowcount); ab.put1(','); ab.putJSONStr("data").put1(':'); ab.put1('['); if( data!=null ) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { ab.put1('['); for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; ++j) { if (data[i][j] == null || data[i][j].get() == null) { ab.putJNULL(); } else { data[i][j].writeUnwrappedJSON(ab); } if (j < data[i].length - 1) ab.put1(','); } ab.put1(']'); if (i < data.length - 1) ab.put1(','); } } ab.put1(']'); return ab; } }