package water.api.schemas3; import hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily; import hex.Model; import hex.ScoreKeeper; import water.*; import water.api.API; import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3.FrameKeyV3; import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3.ModelKeyV3; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.util.PojoUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; /** * An instance of a ModelParameters schema contains the Model build parameters (e.g., K and max_iterations for KMeans). * NOTE: use subclasses, not this class directly. It is not abstract only so that we can instantiate it to generate metadata * for it for the metadata API. */ public class ModelParametersSchemaV3<P extends Model.Parameters, S extends ModelParametersSchemaV3<P, S>> extends SchemaV3<P, S> { //////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: // Parameters must be ordered for the UI //////////////////////////////////////// public String[] fields() { try { return (String[]) getClass().getField("fields").get(getClass()); } catch (Exception e) { throw"Caught exception from accessing the schema field list", e); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAREFUL: This class has its own JSON serializer. If you add a field here you probably also want to add it to the serializer! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parameters common to all models: @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help="Destination id for this model; auto-generated if not specified.") public ModelKeyV3 model_id; @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Id of the training data frame (Not required, to allow initial validation of model parameters).") public FrameKeyV3 training_frame; @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, help = "Id of the validation data frame.") public FrameKeyV3 validation_frame; @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Number of folds for N-fold cross-validation (0 to disable or >= 2).") public int nfolds; @API(level =, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Whether to keep the predictions of the cross-validation models.") public boolean keep_cross_validation_predictions; @API(level =, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Whether to keep the cross-validation fold assignment.") public boolean keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment; @API(help="Allow parallel training of cross-validation models", direction=API.Direction.INOUT, level = public boolean parallelize_cross_validation; @API(help = "Distribution function", values = { "AUTO", "bernoulli", "multinomial", "gaussian", "poisson", "gamma", "tweedie", "laplace", "quantile", "huber" }, level = API.Level.secondary, gridable = true) public DistributionFamily distribution; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INPUT, gridable = true, help = "Tweedie power for Tweedie regression, must be between 1 and 2.") public double tweedie_power; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INPUT, gridable = true, help = "Desired quantile for Quantile regression, must be between 0 and 1.") public double quantile_alpha; @API(help = "Desired quantile for Huber/M-regression (threshold between quadratic and linear loss, must be between 0 and 1).", level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INPUT, gridable = true) public double huber_alpha; @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, is_member_of_frames = {"training_frame", "validation_frame"}, is_mutually_exclusive_with = {"ignored_columns"}, help = "Response variable column.") public FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3 response_column; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, is_member_of_frames = {"training_frame", "validation_frame"}, is_mutually_exclusive_with = {"ignored_columns", "response_column"}, help = "Column with observation weights. Giving some observation a weight of zero is equivalent to excluding it" + " from the dataset; giving an observation a relative weight of 2 is equivalent to repeating that row twice." + " Negative weights are not allowed.") public FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3 weights_column; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, is_member_of_frames = {"training_frame", "validation_frame"}, is_mutually_exclusive_with = {"ignored_columns","response_column", "weights_column"}, help = "Offset column. This will be added to the combination of columns before applying the link function.") public FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3 offset_column; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, is_member_of_frames = {"training_frame"}, is_mutually_exclusive_with = {"ignored_columns", "response_column", "weights_column", "offset_column"}, help = "Column with cross-validation fold index assignment per observation.") public FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3 fold_column; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, values = {"AUTO", "Random", "Modulo", "Stratified"}, help = "Cross-validation fold assignment scheme, if fold_column is not specified. The 'Stratified' option will " + "stratify the folds based on the response variable, for classification problems.") public Model.Parameters.FoldAssignmentScheme fold_assignment; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, values = {"AUTO", "Enum", "OneHotInternal", "OneHotExplicit", "Binary", "Eigen", "LabelEncoder", "SortByResponse"}, help = "Encoding scheme for categorical features") public Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme categorical_encoding; @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, is_member_of_frames = {"training_frame", "validation_frame"}, help = "Names of columns to ignore for training.") public String[] ignored_columns; @API(level = API.Level.critical, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Ignore constant columns.") public boolean ignore_const_cols; @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction = API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Whether to score during each iteration of model training.") public boolean score_each_iteration; /** * A model key associated with a previously trained * model. This option allows users to build a new model as a * continuation of a previously generated model (e.g., by a grid search). */ @API(level = API.Level.secondary, direction=API.Direction.INOUT, help = "Model checkpoint to resume training with.") public ModelKeyV3 checkpoint; /** * Early stopping based on convergence of stopping_metric. * Stop if simple moving average of length k of the stopping_metric does not improve (by stopping_tolerance) for k=stopping_rounds scoring events." * Can only trigger after at least 2k scoring events. Use 0 to disable. */ @API(help = "Early stopping based on convergence of stopping_metric. Stop if simple moving average of length k of the stopping_metric does not improve for k:=stopping_rounds scoring events (0 to disable)", level = API.Level.secondary, direction=API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true) public int stopping_rounds; @API(help = "Maximum allowed runtime in seconds for model training. Use 0 to disable.", level = API.Level.secondary, direction=API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true) public double max_runtime_secs; /** * Metric to use for convergence checking, only for _stopping_rounds > 0 */ @API(help = "Metric to use for early stopping (AUTO: logloss for classification, deviance for regression)", values = {"AUTO", "deviance", "logloss", "MSE", "RMSE","MAE","RMSLE", "AUC", "lift_top_group", "misclassification", "mean_per_class_error"}, level = API.Level.secondary, direction=API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true) public ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric stopping_metric; @API(help = "Relative tolerance for metric-based stopping criterion (stop if relative improvement is not at least this much)", level = API.Level.secondary, direction=API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true) public double stopping_tolerance; protected static String[] append_field_arrays(String[] first, String[] second) { String[] appended = new String[first.length + second.length]; System.arraycopy(first, 0, appended, 0, first.length); System.arraycopy(second, 0, appended, first.length, second.length); return appended; } public S fillFromImpl(P impl) { PojoUtils.copyProperties(this, impl, PojoUtils.FieldNaming.ORIGIN_HAS_UNDERSCORES); if (impl._train != null) { Value v = DKV.get(impl._train); if (v != null) { training_frame = new FrameKeyV3(((Frame) v.get())._key); } } if (impl._valid != null) { Value v = DKV.get(impl._valid); if (v != null) { validation_frame = new FrameKeyV3(((Frame) v.get())._key); } } return (S)this; } public P fillImpl(P impl) { super.fillImpl(impl); impl._train = (this.training_frame == null) ? null : Key.<Frame>make(; impl._valid = (this.validation_frame == null) ? null : Key.<Frame>make(; impl._max_runtime_secs = nfolds > 0 ? max_runtime_secs / (nfolds+1) : max_runtime_secs; return impl; } private static void compute_transitive_closure_of_is_mutually_exclusive(ModelParameterSchemaV3[] metadata) { // Form the transitive closure of the is_mutually_exclusive field lists by visiting // all fields and collecting the fields in a Map of Sets. Then pass over them a second // time setting the full lists. Map<String, Set<String>> field_exclusivity_groups = new HashMap<>(); for (ModelParameterSchemaV3 param : metadata) { String name =; // Turn param.is_mutually_exclusive_with into a List which we will walk over twice List<String> me = new ArrayList<String>(); me.add(name); // Note: this can happen if this field doesn't have an @API annotation, in which case we got an earlier WARN if (param.is_mutually_exclusive_with != null) me.addAll(Arrays.asList(param.is_mutually_exclusive_with)); // Make a new Set which contains ourselves, fields we have already been connected to, // and fields *they* have already been connected to. Set<String> new_set = new HashSet<>(); for (String s : me) { // Were we mentioned by a previous field? if (field_exclusivity_groups.containsKey(s)) new_set.addAll(field_exclusivity_groups.get(s)); else new_set.add(s); } // Now point all the fields in our Set to the Set. for (String s : me) { field_exclusivity_groups.put(s, new_set); } } // Now walk over all the fields and create new comprehensive is_mutually_exclusive arrays, not containing self. for (ModelParameterSchemaV3 param : metadata) { String name =; Set<String> me = field_exclusivity_groups.get(name); Set<String> not_me = new HashSet<>(me); not_me.remove(name); param.is_mutually_exclusive_with = not_me.toArray(new String[not_me.size()]); } } /** * Write the parameters, including their metadata, into an AutoBuffer. Used by * ModelBuilderSchema#writeJSON_impl and ModelSchemaV3#writeJSON_impl. */ public static AutoBuffer writeParametersJSON(AutoBuffer ab, ModelParametersSchemaV3 parameters, ModelParametersSchemaV3 default_parameters) { String[] fields = parameters.fields(); // Build ModelParameterSchemaV2 objects for each field, and the call writeJSON on the array ModelParameterSchemaV3[] metadata = new ModelParameterSchemaV3[fields.length]; String field_name = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { field_name = fields[i]; Field f = parameters.getClass().getField(field_name); // TODO: cache a default parameters schema ModelParameterSchemaV3 schema = new ModelParameterSchemaV3(parameters, default_parameters, f); metadata[i] = schema; } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Caught exception accessing field: " + field_name + " for schema object: " + parameters + ": " + e.toString()); } compute_transitive_closure_of_is_mutually_exclusive(metadata); ab.putJSONA("parameters", metadata); return ab; } }