package hex.pca; import Jama.Matrix; import Jama.SingularValueDecomposition; import hex.DataInfo; import hex.ModelBuilder; import hex.ModelCategory; import hex.ModelMetrics; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmInitialization; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmLoss; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmRegularizer; import hex.glrm.GLRM; import hex.glrm.GLRMModel; import hex.gram.Gram; import hex.gram.Gram.GramTask; import hex.gram.Gram.OuterGramTask; import hex.pca.PCAModel.PCAParameters; import hex.svd.SVD; import hex.svd.SVDModel; import water.DKV; import water.H2O; import water.HeartBeat; import water.Job; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.rapids.Rapids; import water.util.PrettyPrint; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import static hex.util.DimensionReductionUtils.*; import static water.util.ArrayUtils.mult; /** * Principal Components Analysis * It computes the principal components from the singular value decomposition using the power method. * <a href = "">SVD via Power Method Algorithm</a> * @author anqi_fu * */ public class PCA extends ModelBuilder<PCAModel,PCAModel.PCAParameters,PCAModel.PCAOutput> { // Number of columns in training set (p) private transient int _ncolExp; // With categoricals expanded into 0/1 indicator cols boolean _wideDataset = false; // default with wideDataset set to be false. @Override protected PCADriver trainModelImpl() { return new PCADriver(); } @Override public ModelCategory[] can_build() { return new ModelCategory[]{ ModelCategory.Clustering }; } @Override public boolean isSupervised() { return false; } @Override public boolean havePojo() { return true; } @Override public boolean haveMojo() { return false; } @Override protected void checkMemoryFootPrint() { HeartBeat hb = H2O.SELF._heartbeat; // todo: Add to H2O object memory information so we don't have to use heartbeat. // int numCPUs= H2O.NUMCPUS; // proper way to get number of CPUs. double p = hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils.numColsExp(_train, true); double r = _train.numRows(); boolean useGramSVD = _parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.GramSVD; boolean usePower = _parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Power; boolean useRandomized = _parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Randomized; double gramSize = _train.lastVec().nChunks()==1 ? 1 : Math.log((double) _train.lastVec().nChunks()) / Math.log(2.); // gets to zero if nChunks=1 long mem_usage = (useGramSVD || usePower || useRandomized) ? (long) (hb._cpus_allowed * p * p * 8/*doubles*/ * gramSize) : 1; //one gram per core long mem_usage_w = (useGramSVD || usePower || useRandomized) ? (long) (hb._cpus_allowed * r * r * 8/*doubles*/ * gramSize) : 1; long max_mem = hb.get_free_mem(); if ((mem_usage > max_mem) && (mem_usage_w > max_mem)) { String msg = "Gram matrices (one per thread) won't fit in the driver node's memory (" + PrettyPrint.bytes(mem_usage) + " > " + PrettyPrint.bytes(max_mem) + ") - try reducing the number of columns and/or the number of categorical factors."; error("_train", msg); } if (mem_usage > mem_usage_w) { // choose the most memory efficient one _wideDataset = true; // set to true if wide dataset is detected } } /* Set value of wideDataset. Note that this routine is used for test purposes only and not for users. */ public void setWideDataset(boolean isWide) { _wideDataset = isWide; } // Called from an http request public PCA(PCAParameters parms) { super(parms); init(false); } public PCA(boolean startup_once) { super(new PCAParameters(),startup_once); } @Override public void init(boolean expensive) { super.init(expensive); if (_parms._max_iterations < 1 || _parms._max_iterations > 1e6) { error("_max_iterations", "max_iterations must be between 1 and 1e6 inclusive"); } if (_train == null) { return; } _ncolExp = hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils.numColsExp(_train,_parms._use_all_factor_levels); // if (_ncolExp < 2) error("_train", "_train must have more than one column when categoricals are expanded"); // TODO: Initialize _parms._k = min(ncolExp(_train), nrow(_train)) if not set int k_min = (int)Math.min(_ncolExp, _train.numRows()); if (_parms._k < 1) { _parms._k = k_min; warn("_k", "_k is set to be "+k_min); } else if (_parms._k > k_min) { error("_k", "_k must be between 1 and " + k_min); } if (!_parms._use_all_factor_levels && _parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.GLRM) { error("_use_all_factor_levels", "GLRM only implemented for _use_all_factor_levels = true"); } if (_parms._pca_method != PCAParameters.Method.GLRM && expensive && error_count() == 0) { if (!(_train.hasNAs()) || _parms._impute_missing) { checkMemoryFootPrint(); // perform memory check here if dataset contains no NAs or if impute_missing enabled } } } class PCADriver extends Driver { protected void buildTables(PCAModel pca, String[] rowNames) { // Eigenvectors are just the V matrix String[] colTypes = new String[_parms._k]; String[] colFormats = new String[_parms._k]; String[] colHeaders = new String[_parms._k]; Arrays.fill(colTypes, "double"); Arrays.fill(colFormats, "%5f"); assert rowNames.length == pca._output._eigenvectors_raw.length; for (int i = 0; i < colHeaders.length; i++) { colHeaders[i] = "PC" + String.valueOf(i + 1); } pca._output._eigenvectors = new TwoDimTable("Rotation", null, rowNames, colHeaders, colTypes, colFormats, "", new String[pca._output._eigenvectors_raw.length][], pca._output._eigenvectors_raw); // Importance of principal components double[] vars = new double[pca._output._std_deviation.length]; double[] prop_var = new double[pca._output._std_deviation.length]; // Proportion of total variance double[] cum_var = new double[pca._output._std_deviation.length]; // Cumulative proportion of total variance generateIPC(pca._output._std_deviation, pca._output._total_variance, vars, prop_var, cum_var); pca._output._importance = new TwoDimTable("Importance of components", null, new String[]{"Standard deviation", "Proportion of Variance", "Cumulative Proportion"}, colHeaders, colTypes, colFormats, "", new String[3][], new double[][]{pca._output._std_deviation, prop_var, cum_var}); pca._output._model_summary = pca._output._importance; } protected void computeStatsFillModel(PCAModel pca, SVDModel svd, Gram gram) { // Fill PCA model with additional info needed for scoring pca._output._normSub = svd._output._normSub; pca._output._normMul = svd._output._normMul; pca._output._permutation = svd._output._permutation; pca._output._nnums = svd._output._nnums; pca._output._ncats = svd._output._ncats; pca._output._catOffsets = svd._output._catOffsets; pca._output._nobs = svd._output._nobs; if (_parms._k != svd._parms._nv) { // not enough eigenvalues was found. _job.warn("_train PCA: Dataset is rank deficient. _parms._k was "+_parms._k+" and is now set to "+svd._parms._nv); pca._parms._k = svd._parms._nv; _parms._k = svd._parms._nv; } // Fill model with eigenvectors and standard deviations pca._output._std_deviation = mult(svd._output._d, 1.0 / Math.sqrt(svd._output._nobs - 1.0)); pca._output._eigenvectors_raw = svd._output._v; // Since gram = X'X/n, but variance requires n-1 in denominator pca._output._total_variance = gram != null?gram.diagSum()*pca._output._nobs/(pca._output._nobs-1.0):svd._output._total_variance; buildTables(pca, svd._output._names_expanded); } protected void computeStatsFillModel(PCAModel pca, GLRMModel glrm, Gram gram) { assert glrm._parms._recover_svd; // Fill model with additional info needed for scoring pca._output._normSub = glrm._output._normSub; pca._output._normMul = glrm._output._normMul; pca._output._permutation = glrm._output._permutation; pca._output._nnums = glrm._output._nnums; pca._output._ncats = glrm._output._ncats; pca._output._catOffsets = glrm._output._catOffsets; pca._output._objective = glrm._output._objective; // Fill model with eigenvectors and standard deviations double dfcorr = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(_train.numRows() - 1.0); pca._output._std_deviation = new double[_parms._k]; pca._output._eigenvectors_raw = glrm._output._eigenvectors_raw; pca._output._nobs = _train.numRows(); if (gram._diagN == 0) { // no categorical columns for (int i = 0; i < glrm._output._singular_vals.length; i++) { pca._output._std_deviation[i] = dfcorr * glrm._output._singular_vals[i]; } // Since gram = X'X/n, but variance requires n-1 in denominator pca._output._total_variance = gram.diagSum() * pca._output._nobs / (pca._output._nobs - 1.0); } else { // no change to eigen values for categoricals pca._output._std_deviation = glrm._output._std_deviation; pca._output._total_variance = glrm._output._total_variance; } buildTables(pca, glrm._output._names_expanded); } protected void computeStatsFillModel(PCAModel pca, DataInfo dinfo, double[] sval, double[][] eigvec, Gram gram, long nobs) { // Save adapted frame info for scoring later pca._output._normSub = dinfo._normSub == null ? new double[dinfo._nums] : dinfo._normSub; if(dinfo._normMul == null) { pca._output._normMul = new double[dinfo._nums]; Arrays.fill(pca._output._normMul, 1.0); } else { pca._output._normMul = dinfo._normMul; } pca._output._permutation = dinfo._permutation; pca._output._nnums = dinfo._nums; pca._output._ncats = dinfo._cats; pca._output._catOffsets = dinfo._catOffsets; double dfcorr = nobs / (nobs - 1.0); pca._output._std_deviation = new double[_parms._k]; // Only want first k standard deviations for(int i = 0; i < _parms._k; i++) { sval[i] = dfcorr * sval[i]; // Degrees of freedom = n-1, where n = nobs = # row observations processed pca._output._std_deviation[i] = Math.sqrt(sval[i]); } pca._output._eigenvectors_raw = new double[eigvec.length][_parms._k]; // Only want first k eigenvectors for(int i = 0; i < eigvec.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(eigvec[i], 0, pca._output._eigenvectors_raw[i], 0, _parms._k); } pca._output._total_variance = dfcorr * gram.diagSum(); // Since gram = X'X/n, but variance requires n-1 in denominator buildTables(pca, dinfo.coefNames()); } protected void computeStatsFillModel(PCAModel pca, DataInfo dinfo, SingularValueDecomposition svd, Gram gram, long nobs) { computeStatsFillModel(pca, dinfo, svd.getSingularValues(), svd.getV().getArray(), gram, nobs); } // Main worker thread @Override public void computeImpl() { PCAModel model = null; DataInfo dinfo = null, tinfo = null; DataInfo AE = null; Gram gram = null; try { init(true); // Initialize parameters if (error_count() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found validation errors: " + validationErrors()); } // The model to be built model = new PCAModel(dest(), _parms, new PCAModel.PCAOutput(PCA.this)); model.delete_and_lock(_job); // store (possibly) rebalanced input train to pass it to nested SVD job Frame tranRebalanced = new Frame(_train); if (!_parms._impute_missing) { // added warning to user per request from Nidhi _job.warn("_train: Dataset used may contain fewer number of rows due to removal of rows with " + "NA/missing values. If this is not desirable, set impute_missing argument in pca call to " + "TRUE/True/true/... depending on the client language."); } if ((!_parms._impute_missing) && tranRebalanced.hasNAs()) { // remove NAs rows tinfo = new DataInfo(_train, _valid, 0, _parms._use_all_factor_levels, _parms._transform, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, /* skipMissing */ !_parms._impute_missing, /* imputeMissing */ _parms._impute_missing, /* missingBucket */ false, /* weights */ false, /* offset */ false, /* fold */ false, /* intercept */ false); DKV.put(tinfo._key, tinfo); DKV.put(tranRebalanced._key, tranRebalanced); _train = Rapids.exec(String.format("(na.omit %s)", tranRebalanced._key)).getFrame(); // remove NA rows DKV.remove(tranRebalanced._key); checkMemoryFootPrint(); // check memory footprint again to enable wideDataSet } dinfo = new DataInfo(_train, _valid, 0, _parms._use_all_factor_levels, _parms._transform, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, /* skipMissing */ !_parms._impute_missing, /* imputeMissing */ _parms._impute_missing, /* missingBucket */ false, /* weights */ false, /* offset */ false, /* fold */ false, /* intercept */ false); DKV.put(dinfo._key, dinfo); if (!_parms._impute_missing && tranRebalanced.hasNAs()) { // fixed the std and mean of dinfo to that of the frame before removing NA rows dinfo._normMul = tinfo._normMul; dinfo._numMeans = tinfo._numMeans; dinfo._normSub = tinfo._normSub; } if(_parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.GramSVD) { // Calculate and save Gram matrix of training data // NOTE: Gram computes A'A/n where n = nrow(A) = number of rows in training set (excluding rows with NAs) _job.update(1, "Begin distributed calculation of Gram matrix"); OuterGramTask ogtsk = null; GramTask gtsk = null; if (_wideDataset) { ogtsk = new OuterGramTask(_job._key, dinfo).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame); gram = ogtsk._gram; model._output._nobs = ogtsk._nobs; } else { gtsk = new GramTask(_job._key, dinfo).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame); gram = gtsk._gram; // TODO: This ends up with all NaNs if training data has too many missing values assert gram.fullN() == _ncolExp; model._output._nobs = gtsk._nobs; } // Cannot calculate SVD if all rows contain missing value(s) and hence were skipped // and if the user specify k to be higher than min(number of columns, number of rows) if((model._output._nobs == 0) || (model._output._nobs < _parms._k )) { error("_train", "Number of row in _train is less than k. " + "Consider setting impute_missing = TRUE or using pca_method = 'GLRM' instead or reducing the " + "value of parameter k."); } if (error_count() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found validation errors: " + validationErrors()); } // Compute SVD of Gram A'A/n using JAMA library // Note: Singular values ordered in weakly descending order by algorithm _job.update(1, "Calculating SVD of Gram matrix locally"); Matrix gramJ = _wideDataset ? new Matrix(ogtsk._gram.getXX()) : new Matrix(gtsk._gram.getXX()); SingularValueDecomposition svdJ = gramJ.svd(); _job.update(1, "Computing stats from SVD"); // correct for the eigenvector by t(A)*eigenvector for wide dataset if (_wideDataset) { double[][] eigenVecs = transformEigenVectors(dinfo, svdJ.getV().getArray()); computeStatsFillModel(model, dinfo, svdJ.getSingularValues(), eigenVecs, gram, model._output._nobs); } else { computeStatsFillModel(model, dinfo, svdJ, gram, model._output._nobs); } model._output._training_time_ms.add(System.currentTimeMillis()); // generate variables for scoring_history generation LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList> scoreTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList>(); scoreTable.put("Timestamp", model._output._training_time_ms); model._output._scoring_history = createScoringHistoryTableDR(scoreTable, "Scoring History for GramSVD", _job.start_time()); // model._output._scoring_history.tableHeader = "Scoring history from GLRM"; } else if(_parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Power || _parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Randomized) { SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = _parms._train; parms._valid = _parms._valid; parms._ignored_columns = _parms._ignored_columns; parms._ignore_const_cols = _parms._ignore_const_cols; parms._score_each_iteration = _parms._score_each_iteration; parms._use_all_factor_levels = _parms._use_all_factor_levels; parms._transform = _parms._transform; parms._nv = _parms._k; parms._max_iterations = _parms._max_iterations; parms._seed = _parms._seed; parms._impute_missing = _parms._impute_missing; // Set method for computing SVD accordingly if(_parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Power) { parms._svd_method = SVDModel.SVDParameters.Method.Power; } else if(_parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Randomized) { parms._svd_method = SVDModel.SVDParameters.Method.Randomized; } // Calculate standard deviation, but not projection parms._only_v = false; parms._keep_u = false; parms._save_v_frame = false; SVD svdP = new SVD(parms, _job); svdP.setWideDataset(_wideDataset); // force to treat dataset as wide even though it is not. // Build an SVD model SVDModel svd = svdP.trainModelNested(tranRebalanced); if (stop_requested()) { return; } svd.remove(); // Remove from DKV // Recover PCA results from SVD model _job.update(1, "Computing stats from SVD"); if (_parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.Randomized) { // okay to use it here. GramTask gtsk = new GramTask(_job._key, dinfo).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame); gram = gtsk._gram; // TODO: This ends up with all NaNs if training data has too many missing values*/ computeStatsFillModel(model, svd, gram); } else { computeStatsFillModel(model, svd, null); } model._output._scoring_history = svd._output._scoring_history; } else if(_parms._pca_method == PCAParameters.Method.GLRM) { GLRMModel.GLRMParameters parms = new GLRMModel.GLRMParameters(); parms._train = _parms._train; parms._valid = _parms._valid; parms._ignored_columns = _parms._ignored_columns; parms._ignore_const_cols = _parms._ignore_const_cols; parms._score_each_iteration = _parms._score_each_iteration; parms._transform = _parms._transform; parms._k = _parms._k; parms._max_iterations = _parms._max_iterations; parms._seed = _parms._seed; parms._recover_svd = true; parms._loss = GlrmLoss.Quadratic; parms._gamma_x = parms._gamma_y = 0; parms._regularization_x = GlrmRegularizer.None; parms._regularization_y = GlrmRegularizer.None; if (dinfo._cats > 0) parms._init = GlrmInitialization.PlusPlus; else parms._init = GlrmInitialization.SVD; // changed from PlusPlus to SVD. Seems to give better result // Build an SVD model // Hack: we have to resort to unsafe type casts because _job is of Job<PCAModel> type, whereas a GLRM // model requires a Job<GLRMModel> _job. If anyone knows how to avoid this hack, please fix it! GLRMModel glrm = new GLRM(parms, (Job)_job).trainModelNested(tranRebalanced); if (stop_requested()) { return; } glrm._output._representation_key.get().delete(); glrm.remove(); // Remove from DKV // Recover PCA results from GLRM model _job.update(1, "Computing stats from GLRM decomposition"); GramTask gtsk = new GramTask(_job._key, dinfo).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame); gram = gtsk._gram; // TODO: This ends up with all NaNs if training data has too many missing values computeStatsFillModel(model, glrm, gram); model._output._scoring_history = glrm._output._scoring_history; model._output._scoring_history.setTableHeader("Scoring history from GLRM"); } _job.update(1, "Scoring and computing metrics on training data"); if (_parms._compute_metrics) { model.score(_parms.train()).delete(); // This scores on the training data and appends a ModelMetrics ModelMetrics mm = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model,_parms.train()); model._output._training_metrics = mm; } // At the end: validation scoring (no need to gather scoring history) _job.update(1, "Scoring and computing metrics on validation data"); if (_valid != null) { model.score(_parms.valid()).delete(); //this appends a ModelMetrics on the validation set model._output._validation_metrics = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model,_parms.valid()); } model.update(_job); } finally { if (model != null) { model.unlock(_job); } if (dinfo != null) { dinfo.remove(); } if (tinfo != null) { tinfo.remove(); } if (AE != null) { AE.remove(); } } } } }