package water.init; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.persist.Persist.PersistEntry; import water.persist.PersistManager; import water.util.FileUtils; import water.util.Log; import water.util.StringUtils; import*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class NodePersistentStorage { final String NPS_DIR; final String NPS_SEPARATOR; public static class NodePersistentStorageEntry extends Iced { public String _category; public String _name; public long _size; public long _timestamp_millis; } public NodePersistentStorage(String npsDir) { if (npsDir == null) { NPS_DIR = null; NPS_SEPARATOR = null; return; } if (H2O.getPM().isHdfsPath(npsDir)) { NPS_SEPARATOR = "/"; } else { NPS_SEPARATOR = File.separator; } String s = npsDir.toString(); if (s.startsWith("file://")) { s = s.substring(7); } else if (s.startsWith("file:")) { s = s.substring(5); } NPS_DIR = s; } private void validateGeneral() { if (NPS_DIR == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodePersistentStorage directory not specified (try setting -flow_dir)"); } } private void validateCategoryName(String categoryName) { if (categoryName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodePersistentStorage category not specified"); } if (! Pattern.matches("[\\-a-zA-Z0-9]+", categoryName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodePersistentStorage illegal category (" + categoryName + ")"); } } private void validateKeyName(String keyName) { if (keyName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodePersistentStorage name not specified"); } if (! Pattern.matches("[\\-a-zA-Z0-9_ \\(\\)]+", keyName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodePersistentStorage illegal name (" + keyName + ")"); } } public boolean configured() { return (NPS_DIR != null); } public boolean exists(String categoryName) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); String dirName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName; return H2O.getPM().exists(dirName); } public boolean exists(String categoryName, String keyName) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); String fileName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; return H2O.getPM().exists(fileName); } public void put(String categoryName, String keyName, InputStream is) {"NPS put content category(" + categoryName + ") keyName(" + keyName + ")"); // Error checking validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); // Create common directories PersistManager pm = H2O.getPM(); if (! pm.exists(NPS_DIR)) { boolean success = pm.mkdirs(NPS_DIR); if (! success) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not make NodePersistentStorage directory (" + NPS_DIR + ")"); } } if (! pm.exists(NPS_DIR)) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage directory does not exist (" + NPS_DIR + ")"); } String tmpd = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + "_tmp"; if (! pm.exists(tmpd)) { boolean success = pm.mkdirs(tmpd); if (! success) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not make NodePersistentStorage category directory (" + tmpd + ")"); } } if (! pm.exists(tmpd)) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage category directory does not exist (" + tmpd + ")"); } // Create category directory String d2 = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName; if (! pm.exists(d2)) { boolean success = pm.mkdirs(d2); if (! success) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not make NodePersistentStorage category directory (" + d2 + ")"); } } if (! pm.exists(d2)) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage category directory does not exist (" + d2 + ")"); } // Create tmp file String tmpf = tmpd + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; OutputStream os = null; try { os = pm.create(tmpf, true); FileUtils.copyStream(is, os, 1024); } finally { if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.err(e); } } } // Make final spot available if needed, and move tmp file to final spot. boolean success; String realf = d2 + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; if (pm.exists(realf)) { success = pm.delete(realf); if (! success) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage delete failed (" + realf + ")"); } } success = pm.rename(tmpf, realf); if (! success) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage rename failed (" + tmpf + " -> " + realf + ")"); } if (! pm.exists(realf)) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage file does not exist (" + realf + ")"); }"Put succeeded"); } public void put(String categoryName, String keyName, String value) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(StringUtils.bytesOf(value)); put(categoryName, keyName, is); } public NodePersistentStorageEntry[] list(String categoryName) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); String dirName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName; PersistEntry[] arr1 = H2O.getPM().list(dirName); NodePersistentStorageEntry[] arr2 = new NodePersistentStorageEntry[arr1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { arr2[i] = new NodePersistentStorageEntry(); arr2[i]._category = categoryName; arr2[i]._name = arr1[i]._name; arr2[i]._size = arr1[i]._size; arr2[i]._timestamp_millis = arr1[i]._timestamp_millis; } return arr2; } public String get_as_string(String categoryName, String keyName) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); String fileName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; InputStream is = H2O.getPM().open(fileName); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; try { int n =, 0, buf.length); while (true) { if (baos.size() > (1024L * 1024L * 1024L)) { throw new RuntimeException("File too big (" + fileName + ")"); } if (n < 0) { return baos.toString(); } baos.write(buf, 0, n); n =, 0, buf.length); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public long get_length(String categoryName, String keyName) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); String fileName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; if (! H2O.getPM().exists(fileName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File not found (" + fileName + ")"); } return H2O.getPM().length(fileName); } public InputStream get(String categoryName, String keyName, AtomicLong length) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); String fileName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; if (length != null) { length.set(H2O.getPM().length(fileName)); } return H2O.getPM().open(fileName); } public void delete(String categoryName, String keyName) { validateGeneral(); validateCategoryName(categoryName); validateKeyName(keyName); String fileName = NPS_DIR + NPS_SEPARATOR + categoryName + NPS_SEPARATOR + keyName; if (! H2O.getPM().exists(fileName)) { return; } boolean success = H2O.getPM().delete(fileName); if (! success) { throw new RuntimeException("NodePersistentStorage delete failed (" + fileName + ")"); } } }