package water.fvec; import water.*; /** * A simple wrapper for looking at only a subset of rows */ public class SubsetVec extends WrappedVec { final Key _subsetRowsKey; transient Vec _rows; // Cached copy of the rows-Vec public SubsetVec(Key key, int rowLayout, Key masterVecKey, Key subsetRowsKey) { super(key, rowLayout, masterVecKey); _subsetRowsKey = subsetRowsKey; } public Vec rows() { if( _rows==null ) _rows = DKV.get(_subsetRowsKey).get(); return _rows; } // A subset chunk @Override public Chunk chunkForChunkIdx(int cidx) { Chunk crows = rows().chunkForChunkIdx(cidx); return new SubsetChunk(crows,this,masterVec()); } @Override public Futures remove_impl(Futures fs) { Keyed.remove(_subsetRowsKey,fs); return fs; } /** Write out K/V pairs */ @Override protected AutoBuffer writeAll_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { ab.putKey(_subsetRowsKey); return super.writeAll_impl(ab); } @Override protected Keyed readAll_impl(AutoBuffer ab, Futures fs) { ab.getKey(_subsetRowsKey,fs); return super.readAll_impl(ab,fs); } // static class SubsetChunk extends Chunk { final Chunk _crows; final Vec _masterVec; protected SubsetChunk(Chunk crows, SubsetVec vec, Vec masterVec) { _vec = vec; _masterVec = masterVec; _len = crows._len; _start = crows._start; _crows = crows; _cidx = crows._cidx; } @Override protected double atd_impl(int idx) { long rownum = _crows.at8_impl(idx); return; } @Override protected long at8_impl(int idx) { long rownum = _crows.at8_impl(idx); return _masterVec.at8(rownum); } @Override protected boolean isNA_impl(int idx) { long rownum = _crows.at8_impl(idx); return _masterVec.isNA(rownum); } @Override boolean set_impl(int idx, long l) { return false; } @Override boolean set_impl(int idx, double d) { return false; } @Override boolean set_impl(int idx, float f) { return false; } @Override boolean setNA_impl(int idx) { return false; } @Override public ChunkVisitor processRows(ChunkVisitor nc, int from, int to) { throw H2O.unimpl(); } @Override public ChunkVisitor processRows(ChunkVisitor nc, int... rows) { throw H2O.unimpl(); } @Override public boolean hasFloat() { return false; } public static AutoBuffer write_impl(SubsetChunk sc, AutoBuffer bb) { throw; } @Override protected final void initFromBytes () { throw; } } }