package water.parser; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import jsr166y.ForkJoinTask; import jsr166y.RecursiveAction; import water.*; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalValueException; import water.fvec.*; import water.fvec.Vec.VectorGroup; import water.nbhm.NonBlockingHashMap; import water.nbhm.NonBlockingSetInt; import water.util.*; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import static water.parser.DefaultParserProviders.*; public final class ParseDataset { public Job<Frame> _job; private MultiFileParseTask _mfpt; // Access to partially built vectors for cleanup after parser crash // Keys are limited to ByteVec Keys and Frames-of-1-ByteVec Keys public static Frame parse(Key okey, Key... keys) { return parse(okey,keys,true, false, ParseSetup.GUESS_HEADER); } // Guess setup from inspecting the first Key only, then parse. // Suitable for e.g. testing setups, where the data is known to be sane. // NOT suitable for random user input! public static Frame parse(Key okey, Key[] keys, boolean deleteOnDone, boolean singleQuote, int checkHeader) { return parse(okey,keys,deleteOnDone,ParseSetup.guessSetup(keys, singleQuote, checkHeader)); } public static Frame parse(Key okey, Key[] keys, boolean deleteOnDone, ParseSetup globalSetup) { return parse(okey,keys,deleteOnDone,globalSetup,true)._job.get(); } public static ParseDataset parse(Key okey, Key[] keys, boolean deleteOnDone, ParseSetup globalSetup, boolean blocking) { ParseDataset pds = forkParseDataset(okey, keys, globalSetup, deleteOnDone); if( blocking ) pds._job.get(); return pds; } // Allow both ByteVec keys and Frame-of-1-ByteVec static ByteVec getByteVec(Key key) { Iced ice = DKV.getGet(key); if(ice == null) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Missing data","Did not find any data under key " + key); return (ByteVec)(ice instanceof ByteVec ? ice : ((Frame)ice).vecs()[0]); } static String [] getColumnNames(int ncols, String[] colNames) { if(colNames == null) { // no names, generate colNames = new String[ncols]; for(int i=0; i < ncols; i++ ) colNames[i] = "C" + Integer.toString(i+1); } else { // some or all names exist, fill in blanks HashSet<String> nameSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(colNames)); colNames = Arrays.copyOf(colNames, ncols); for(int i=0; i < ncols; i++ ) { if (colNames[i] == null || colNames[i].equals("")) { String tmp = "C" + Integer.toString(i+1); while (nameSet.contains(tmp)) // keep building name until unique tmp = tmp + tmp; colNames[i] = tmp; } } } return colNames; } public static Job forkParseSVMLight(final Key<Frame> dest, final Key [] keys, final ParseSetup setup) { int nchunks = 0; Vec v = null; // set the parse chunk size for files for( int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i ) { Iced ice = DKV.getGet(keys[i]); if(ice instanceof FileVec) { if(i == 0) v = ((FileVec) ice); ((FileVec) ice).setChunkSize(setup._chunk_size); nchunks += ((FileVec) ice).nChunks();"Parse chunk size " + setup._chunk_size); } else if(ice instanceof Frame && ((Frame)ice).vec(0) instanceof FileVec) { if(i == 0) v = ((Frame)ice).vec(0); ((FileVec) ((Frame) ice).vec(0)).setChunkSize((Frame) ice, setup._chunk_size); nchunks += (((Frame) ice).vec(0)).nChunks();"Parse chunk size " + setup._chunk_size); } } final VectorGroup vg =; final ParseDataset pds = new ParseDataset(dest); new Frame(pds._job._result,new String[0],new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(pds._job); // Write-Lock BEFORE returning return pds._job.start(new H2OCountedCompleter() { @Override public void compute2() { ParseDataset.parseAllKeys(pds,keys,setup,true); tryComplete(); } },nchunks); } /** * The entry-point for data set parsing. * * @param dest name for destination key * @param keys input keys * @param parseSetup a generic parser setup * @param deleteOnDone delete input data when finished * @return a new parse job */ public static ParseDataset forkParseDataset(final Key<Frame> dest, final Key[] keys, final ParseSetup parseSetup, boolean deleteOnDone) { // Get a parser specific setup // FIXME: ParseSetup should be separated into two classes - one for using via Rest API as user setup // and another as an internal parser setup to drive parsing. final ParseSetup setup = parseSetup.getFinalSetup(keys, parseSetup); HashSet<String> conflictingNames = setup.checkDupColumnNames(); for( String x : conflictingNames ) if ( x != null && !x.equals("")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found duplicate column name "+x); // Some quick sanity checks: no overwriting your input key, and a resource check. long totalParseSize=0; for( int i=0; i<keys.length; i++ ) { Key k = keys[i]; if( dest.equals(k) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination key "+dest+" must be different from all sources"); if( deleteOnDone ) for( int j=i+1; j<keys.length; j++ ) if( k==keys[j] ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source key "+k+" appears twice, deleteOnDone must be false"); // estimate total size in bytes totalParseSize += getByteVec(k).length(); }"Total file size: "+ PrettyPrint.bytes(totalParseSize)); // no need to set this for ORC, it is already done: if (!setup.getParseType().name().contains("ORC")) { for( int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i ) { Iced ice = DKV.getGet(keys[i]); // set the parse chunk size for files if (ice instanceof FileVec) { ((FileVec) ice).setChunkSize(setup._chunk_size);"Parse chunk size " + setup._chunk_size); } else if (ice instanceof Frame && ((Frame) ice).vec(0) instanceof FileVec) { ((FileVec) ((Frame) ice).vec(0)).setChunkSize((Frame) ice, setup._chunk_size);"Parse chunk size " + setup._chunk_size); } } } else"Orc Parse chunk sizes may be different across files"); long memsz = H2O.CLOUD.free_mem(); if( totalParseSize > memsz*4 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Total input file size of "+PrettyPrint.bytes(totalParseSize)+" is much larger than total cluster memory of "+PrettyPrint.bytes(memsz)+", please use either a larger cluster or smaller data."); if (H2O.GA != null) GAUtils.logParse(totalParseSize, keys.length, setup._number_columns); // Fire off the parse ParseDataset pds = new ParseDataset(dest); new Frame(pds._job._result,new String[0],new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(pds._job); // Write-Lock BEFORE returning for( Key k : keys ) Lockable.read_lock(k,pds._job); // Read-Lock BEFORE returning ParserFJTask fjt = new ParserFJTask(pds, keys, setup, deleteOnDone); // Fire off background parse pds._job.start(fjt, totalParseSize); return pds; } // Setup a private background parse job private ParseDataset(Key<Frame> dest) { _job = new Job(dest,Frame.class.getName(), "Parse"); } // ------------------------------- // Simple internal class doing background parsing, with trackable Job status public static class ParserFJTask extends water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter { final ParseDataset _pds; final Key[] _keys; final ParseSetup _setup; final boolean _deleteOnDone; public ParserFJTask( ParseDataset pds, Key[] keys, ParseSetup setup, boolean deleteOnDone) { _pds = pds; _keys = keys; _setup = setup; _deleteOnDone = deleteOnDone; } @Override public void compute2() { parseAllKeys(_pds, _keys, _setup, _deleteOnDone); tryComplete(); } // Took a crash/NPE somewhere in the parser. Attempt cleanup. @Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter caller){ parseCleanup(); // Can get called many tims return true; } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter caller) { if( _pds._job.stop_requested() ) parseCleanup(); _pds._mfpt = null; } private void parseCleanup() { assert !_pds._job.isStopped(); // Job still running till job.onExCompletion returns Futures fs = new Futures(); // Find & remove all partially-built output vecs & chunks. // Since this is racily called, perhaps multiple times, read _mfpt only exactly once. MultiFileParseTask mfpt = _pds._mfpt; _pds._mfpt = null; // Read once, test for null once. if (mfpt != null) mfpt.onExceptionCleanup(fs); // Assume the input is corrupt - or already partially deleted after // parsing. Nuke it all - no partial Vecs lying around. for (Key k : _keys) Keyed.remove(k, fs); Keyed.remove(_pds._job._result,fs); fs.blockForPending(); } } private static class CategoricalUpdateMap extends Iced { final int [][] map; public CategoricalUpdateMap(int[][] map){ = map;} } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Top-level parser driver private static ParseDataset parseAllKeys(ParseDataset pds, Key[] fkeys, ParseSetup setup, boolean deleteOnDone) { final Job<Frame> job = pds._job; assert setup._number_columns > 0; if( setup._column_names != null && ( (setup._column_names.length == 0) || (setup._column_names.length == 1 && setup._column_names[0].isEmpty())) ) setup._column_names = null; // // FIXME: annoyingly front end sends column names as String[] {""} even if setup returned null if(setup._na_strings != null && setup._na_strings.length != setup._number_columns) setup._na_strings = null; if( fkeys.length == 0) { job.stop(); return pds; } job.update(0, "Ingesting files."); VectorGroup vg = getByteVec(fkeys[0]).group(); MultiFileParseTask mfpt = pds._mfpt = new MultiFileParseTask(vg,setup,job._key,fkeys,deleteOnDone); mfpt.doAll(fkeys); Log.trace("Done ingesting files."); if( job.stop_requested() ) return pds; final AppendableVec [] avs = mfpt.vecs(); setup._column_names = getColumnNames(avs.length, setup._column_names); Frame fr = null; // Calculate categorical domain // Filter down to columns with some categoricals int n = 0; int[] ecols2 = new int[avs.length]; for( int i = 0; i < avs.length; ++i ) if( avs[i].get_type()==Vec.T_CAT ) // Intended type is categorical (even though no domain has been set)? ecols2[n++] = i; final int[] ecols = Arrays.copyOf(ecols2, n); // If we have any, go gather unified categorical domains if( n > 0 ) { if (!setup.getParseType().isDomainProvided) { // Domains are not provided via setup we need to collect them job.update(0, "Collecting categorical domains across nodes."); { GatherCategoricalDomainsTask gcdt = new GatherCategoricalDomainsTask(mfpt._cKey, ecols).doAllNodes(); //Test domains for excessive length. List<String> offendingColNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < ecols.length; i++) { if (gcdt.getDomainLength(i) < Categorical.MAX_CATEGORICAL_COUNT) { if( gcdt.getDomainLength(i)==0 ) avs[ecols[i]].setBad(); // The all-NA column else avs[ecols[i]].setDomain(gcdt.getDomain(i)); } else offendingColNames.add(setup._column_names[ecols[i]]); } if (offendingColNames.size() > 0) throw new H2OParseException("Exceeded categorical limit on columns "+ offendingColNames+". Consider reparsing these columns as a string."); } Log.trace("Done collecting categorical domains across nodes."); } else { // Ignore offending domains for (int i = 0; i < ecols.length; i++) { avs[ecols[i]].setDomain(setup._domains[ecols[i]]); } } job.update(0, "Compressing data."); fr = new Frame(job._result, setup._column_names, AppendableVec.closeAll(avs)); fr.update(job); Log.trace("Done compressing data."); if (!setup.getParseType().isDomainProvided) { // Update categoricals to the globally agreed numbering Vec[] evecs = new Vec[ecols.length]; for( int i = 0; i < evecs.length; ++i ) evecs[i] = fr.vecs()[ecols[i]]; job.update(0, "Unifying categorical domains across nodes."); { // new CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps(mfpt._cKey).doAll(evecs); // Using Dtask since it starts and returns faster than an MRTask CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps[] fcdt = new CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps[H2O.CLOUD.size()]; RPC[] rpcs = new RPC[H2O.CLOUD.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fcdt.length; i++){ H2ONode[] nodes = H2O.CLOUD.members(); fcdt[i] = new CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps(mfpt._cKey, fr._key, ecols); rpcs[i] = new RPC<>(nodes[i], fcdt[i]).call(); } for (RPC rpc : rpcs) rpc.get(); new UpdateCategoricalChunksTask(mfpt._cKey, mfpt._chunk2ParseNodeMap).doAll(evecs); MultiFileParseTask._categoricals.remove(mfpt._cKey); } Log.trace("Done unifying categoricals across nodes."); } } else { // No categoricals case job.update(0,"Compressing data."); fr = new Frame(job._result, setup._column_names,AppendableVec.closeAll(avs)); Log.trace("Done closing all Vecs."); } // Check for job cancellation if ( job.stop_requested() ) return pds; // SVMLight is sparse format, there may be missing chunks with all 0s, fill them in if (setup._parse_type.equals(SVMLight_INFO)) new SVFTask(fr).doAllNodes(); // Check for job cancellation if ( job.stop_requested() ) return pds; ParseWriter.ParseErr [] errs = ArrayUtils.append(setup._errs,mfpt._errors); if(errs.length > 0) { // compute global line numbers for warnings/errs HashMap<String, Integer> fileChunkOffsets = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < mfpt._fileChunkOffsets.length; ++i) fileChunkOffsets.put(fkeys[i].toString(), mfpt._fileChunkOffsets[i]); long[] espc = fr.anyVec().espc(); for (int i = 0; i < errs.length; ++i) { if(fileChunkOffsets.containsKey(errs[i]._file)) { int espcOff = fileChunkOffsets.get(errs[i]._file); errs[i]._gLineNum = espc[espcOff + errs[i]._cidx] + errs[i]._lineNum; errs[i]._lineNum = errs[i]._gLineNum - espc[espcOff]; } } SortedSet<ParseWriter.ParseErr> s = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<ParseWriter.ParseErr>() { @Override public int compare(ParseWriter.ParseErr o1, ParseWriter.ParseErr o2) { long res = o1._gLineNum - o2._gLineNum; if (res == 0) res = o1._byteOffset - o2._byteOffset; if (res == 0) return o1._err.compareTo(o2._err); return (int) res < 0 ? -1 : 1; } }); Collections.addAll(s, errs); String[] warns = new String[s.size()]; int i = 0; for (ParseWriter.ParseErr err : s) Log.warn(warns[i++] = err.toString()); job.setWarnings(warns); } job.update(0,"Calculating data summary."); logParseResults(fr); // Release the frame for overwriting fr.update(job); Frame fr2 = DKV.getGet(fr._key); assert fr2._names.length == fr2.numCols(); fr.unlock(job); // Remove CSV files from H2O memory if( deleteOnDone ) for( Key k : fkeys ) { DKV.remove(k); assert DKV.get(k) == null : "Input key " + k + " not deleted during parse"; } return pds; } private static class CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps extends DTask<CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps> { private final Key _parseCatMapsKey; private final Key _frKey; private final int[] _ecol; private CreateParse2GlobalCategoricalMaps(Key parseCatMapsKey, Key key, int[] ecol) { _parseCatMapsKey = parseCatMapsKey; _frKey = key; _ecol = ecol; } @Override public void compute2() { Frame _fr = DKV.getGet(_frKey); // get the node local category->ordinal maps for each column from initial parse pass if( !MultiFileParseTask._categoricals.containsKey(_parseCatMapsKey) ) { tryComplete(); return; } final Categorical[] parseCatMaps = MultiFileParseTask._categoricals.get(_parseCatMapsKey); int[][] _nodeOrdMaps = new int[_ecol.length][]; // create old_ordinal->new_ordinal map for each cat column for (int eColIdx = 0; eColIdx < _ecol.length; eColIdx++) { int colIdx = _ecol[eColIdx]; if (parseCatMaps[colIdx].size() != 0) { _nodeOrdMaps[eColIdx] = MemoryManager.malloc4(parseCatMaps[colIdx].maxId() + 1); Arrays.fill(_nodeOrdMaps[eColIdx], -1); //Bulk String->BufferedString conversion is slightly faster, but consumes memory final BufferedString[] unifiedDomain = BufferedString.toBufferedString(_fr.vec(colIdx).domain()); //final String[] unifiedDomain = _fr.vec(colIdx).domain(); for (int i = 0; i < unifiedDomain.length; i++) { //final BufferedString cat = new BufferedString(unifiedDomain[i]); if (parseCatMaps[colIdx].containsKey(unifiedDomain[i])) { _nodeOrdMaps[eColIdx][parseCatMaps[colIdx].getTokenId(unifiedDomain[i])] = i; } } } else { Log.debug("Column " + colIdx + " was marked as categorical but categorical map is empty!"); } } // Store the local->global ordinal maps in DKV by node parse categorical key and node index DKV.put(Key.make(_parseCatMapsKey.toString() + "parseCatMapNode" + H2O.SELF.index()), new CategoricalUpdateMap(_nodeOrdMaps)); tryComplete(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Task to update categorical (categorical) values to match the global numbering scheme. * Performs update in place so that values originally numbered using * node-local unordered numbering will be numbered using global numbering. * @author tomasnykodym */ private static class UpdateCategoricalChunksTask extends MRTask<UpdateCategoricalChunksTask> { private final Key _parseCatMapsKey; private final int [] _chunk2ParseNodeMap; private UpdateCategoricalChunksTask(Key parseCatMapsKey, int[] chunk2ParseNodeMap) { _parseCatMapsKey = parseCatMapsKey; _chunk2ParseNodeMap = chunk2ParseNodeMap; } @Override public void map(Chunk [] chks){ CategoricalUpdateMap temp = DKV.getGet(Key.make(_parseCatMapsKey.toString() + "parseCatMapNode" + _chunk2ParseNodeMap[chks[0].cidx()])); if ( temp == null || == null) throw new H2OIllegalValueException("Missing categorical update map",this); int[][] _parse2GlobalCatMaps =; //update the chunk with the new map final int cidx = chks[0].cidx(); for(int i = 0; i < chks.length; ++i) { Chunk chk = chks[i]; if (!(chk instanceof CStrChunk)) { for( int j = 0; j < chk._len; ++j){ if( chk.isNA(j) )continue; final int old = (int) chk.at8(j); if (old < 0 || (_parse2GlobalCatMaps[i] != null && old >= _parse2GlobalCatMaps[i].length)) chk.reportBrokenCategorical(i, j, old, _parse2GlobalCatMaps[i], _fr.vec(i).domain().length); if(_parse2GlobalCatMaps[i] != null && _parse2GlobalCatMaps[i][old] < 0) throw new H2OParseException("Error in unifying categorical values. This is typically " +"caused by unrecognized characters in the data.\n The problem categorical value " +"occurred in the " + PrettyPrint.withOrdinalIndicator(i+1)+ " categorical col, " +PrettyPrint.withOrdinalIndicator(chk.start() + j) +" row."); if (_parse2GlobalCatMaps[i] != null) chk.set(j, _parse2GlobalCatMaps[i][old]); } Log.trace("Updated domains for "+PrettyPrint.withOrdinalIndicator(i+1)+ " categorical column."); } chk.close(cidx, _fs); } } @Override public void postGlobal() { for (int i=0; i < H2O.CLOUD.size(); i++) DKV.remove(Key.make(_parseCatMapsKey.toString() + "parseCatMapNode" + i)); } } private static class GatherCategoricalDomainsTask extends MRTask<GatherCategoricalDomainsTask> { private final Key _k; private final int[] _catColIdxs; private byte[][] _packedDomains; private GatherCategoricalDomainsTask(Key k, int[] ccols) { _k = k; _catColIdxs = ccols; } @Override public void setupLocal() { if (!MultiFileParseTask._categoricals.containsKey(_k)) return; _packedDomains = new byte[_catColIdxs.length][]; final BufferedString[][] _perColDomains = new BufferedString[_catColIdxs.length][]; final Categorical[] _colCats = MultiFileParseTask._categoricals.get(_k); int i = 0; for (int col : _catColIdxs) { _colCats[col].convertToUTF8(col + 1); _perColDomains[i] = _colCats[col].getColumnDomain(); Arrays.sort(_perColDomains[i]); _packedDomains[i] = PackedDomains.pack(_perColDomains[i]); i++; } Log.trace("Done locally collecting domains on each node."); } @Override public void reduce(final GatherCategoricalDomainsTask other) { if (_packedDomains == null) { _packedDomains = other._packedDomains; } else if (other._packedDomains != null) { // merge two packed domains H2OCountedCompleter[] domtasks = new H2OCountedCompleter[_catColIdxs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _catColIdxs.length; i++) { final int fi = i; domtasks[i] = new H2OCountedCompleter(currThrPriority()) { @Override public void compute2() { _packedDomains[fi] = PackedDomains.merge(_packedDomains[fi], other._packedDomains[fi]); tryComplete(); } }; } ForkJoinTask.invokeAll(domtasks); } Log.trace("Done merging domains."); } public int getDomainLength(int colIdx) { return _packedDomains == null ? 0 : PackedDomains.sizeOf(_packedDomains[colIdx]); } public String[] getDomain(int colIdx) { return _packedDomains == null ? null : PackedDomains.unpackToStrings(_packedDomains[colIdx]); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run once on all nodes; fill in missing zero chunks private static class SVFTask extends MRTask<SVFTask> { private final Frame _f; private SVFTask( Frame f ) { _f = f; } @Override public void setupLocal() { if( _f.numCols() == 0 ) return; Vec v0 = _f.anyVec(); ArrayList<RecursiveAction> rs = new ArrayList<RecursiveAction>(); for( int i = 0; i < v0.nChunks(); ++i ) { if( !v0.chunkKey(i).home() ) continue; final int fi = i; rs.add(new RecursiveAction() { @Override protected void compute() { // First find the nrows as the # rows of non-missing chunks; done on // locally-homed chunks only - to keep the data distribution. int nlines = 0; for( Vec vec : _f.vecs() ) { Value val = Value.STORE_get(vec.chunkKey(fi)); // Local-get only if( val != null ) { nlines = ((Chunk)val.get())._len; break; } } final int fnlines = nlines; // Now fill in appropriate-sized zero chunks for(int j = 0; j < _f.numCols(); ++j) { Vec vec = _f.vec(j); Key k = vec.chunkKey(fi); Value val = Value.STORE_get(k); // Local-get only if( val == null ) // Missing? Fill in w/zero chunk H2O.putIfMatch(k, new Value(k, new C0LChunk(0, fnlines)), null); } } }); } ForkJoinTask.invokeAll(rs); } @Override public void reduce( SVFTask drt ) {} } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We want to do a standard MRTask with a collection of file-keys (so the // files are parsed in parallel across the cluster), but we want to throttle // the parallelism on each node. private static class MultiFileParseTask extends MRTask<MultiFileParseTask> { // TOO_MANY_KEYS_COUNT specifies when to disable parallel parse. We want to cover a scenario when // we are working with too many keys made of small files - in this case the distributed parse // doesn't work well because of the way chunks are distributed to nodes. We should switch to a local // parse to make sure the work is uniformly distributed across the whole cluster. private static final int TOO_MANY_KEYS_COUNT = 128; // A file is considered to be small if it can fit into <SMALL_FILE_NCHUNKS> number of chunks. private static final int SMALL_FILE_NCHUNKS = 10; private final ParseSetup _parseSetup; // The expected column layout private final VectorGroup _vg; // vector group of the target dataset private final int _vecIdStart; // Start of available vector keys // Shared against all concurrent unrelated parses, a map to the node-local // categorical lists for each concurrent parse. private static NonBlockingHashMap<Key, Categorical[]> _categoricals = new NonBlockingHashMap<>(); // The Key used to sort out *this* parse's Categorical[] private final Key _cKey = Key.make(); // Eagerly delete Big Data private final boolean _deleteOnDone; // Mapping from Chunk# to node index holding the initial category mappings. // It is either self for all the non-parallel parses, or the Chunk-home for parallel parses. private int[] _chunk2ParseNodeMap; // Job Key, to unlock & remove raw parsed data; to report progress private final Key<Job> _jobKey; // A mapping of Key+ByteVec to rolling total Chunk counts. private final int[] _fileChunkOffsets; // OUTPUT fields: FVecParseWriter[] _dout; int _reservedKeys; private ParseWriter.ParseErr[] _errors = new ParseWriter.ParseErr[0]; MultiFileParseTask(VectorGroup vg, ParseSetup setup, Key<Job> jobKey, Key[] fkeys, boolean deleteOnDone ) { _vg = vg; _parseSetup = setup; _vecIdStart = _vg.reserveKeys(_reservedKeys = _parseSetup._parse_type.equals(SVMLight_INFO) ? 100000000 : setup._number_columns); _deleteOnDone = deleteOnDone; _jobKey = jobKey; // A mapping of Key+ByteVec to rolling total Chunk counts. _fileChunkOffsets = new int[fkeys.length]; int len = 0; for( int i = 0; i < fkeys.length; ++i ) { _fileChunkOffsets[i] = len; len += getByteVec(fkeys[i]).nChunks(); } // Mapping from Chunk# to cluster-node-number _chunk2ParseNodeMap = MemoryManager.malloc4(len); Arrays.fill(_chunk2ParseNodeMap, -1); } private AppendableVec [] _vecs; @Override public void postGlobal(){ Log.trace("Begin file parse cleanup."); // Compress nulls out of _dout array int n=0; for( int i=0; i<_dout.length; i++ ) if( _dout[i] != null ) _dout[n++] = _dout[i]; if( n < _dout.length ) _dout = Arrays.copyOf(_dout,n); // Fast path: only one Vec result, so never needs to have his Chunks renumbered if(_dout.length == 1) { _vecs = _dout[0]._vecs; return; } int nchunks = 0; // Count chunks across all Vecs int nCols = 0; // SVMLight special: find max columns for( FVecParseWriter dout : _dout ) { nchunks += dout._vecs[0]._tmp_espc.length; nCols = Math.max(dout._vecs.length,nCols); } // One Big Happy Shared ESPC long[] espc = MemoryManager.malloc8(nchunks); // AppendableVecs that are sized across the sum of all files. // Preallocated a bunch of Keys, but if we didn't get enough (for very // wide SVMLight) we need to get more here. if( nCols > _reservedKeys ) throw H2O.unimpl(); AppendableVec[] res = new AppendableVec[nCols]; if(_parseSetup._parse_type.equals(SVMLight_INFO)) { _parseSetup._number_columns = res.length; _parseSetup._column_types = new byte[res.length]; Arrays.fill(_parseSetup._column_types,Vec.T_NUM); } for(int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) res[i] = new AppendableVec(_vg.vecKey(_vecIdStart + i), espc, _parseSetup._column_types[i], 0); // Load the global ESPC from the file-local ESPCs for( FVecParseWriter fvpw : _dout ) { AppendableVec[] avs = fvpw._vecs; long[] file_local_espc = avs[0]._tmp_espc; // Quick assert that all partial AVs in each DOUT are sharing a common chunkOff, and common Vec Keys for( int j = 0; j < avs.length; ++j ) { assert res[j]._key.equals(avs[j]._key); assert avs[0]._chunkOff == avs[j]._chunkOff; assert file_local_espc == avs[j]._tmp_espc || Arrays.equals(file_local_espc,avs[j]._tmp_espc); } System.arraycopy(file_local_espc, 0, espc, avs[0]._chunkOff, file_local_espc.length); } _vecs = res; Log.trace("Finished file parse cleanup."); } private AppendableVec[] vecs(){ return _vecs; } @Override public void setupLocal() { _dout = new FVecParseWriter[_keys.length]; } // Fetch out the node-local Categorical[] using _cKey and _categoricals hashtable private static Categorical[] categoricals(Key cKey, int ncols) { Categorical[] categoricals = _categoricals.get(cKey); if( categoricals != null ) return categoricals; categoricals = new Categorical[ncols]; for( int i = 0; i < categoricals.length; ++i ) categoricals[i] = new Categorical(); _categoricals.putIfAbsent(cKey, categoricals); return _categoricals.get(cKey); // Re-get incase lost insertion race } // Flag all chunk categoricals as being on local (self) private void chunksAreLocal( Vec vec, int chunkStartIdx, Key key ) { for(int i = 0; i < vec.nChunks(); ++i) _chunk2ParseNodeMap[chunkStartIdx + i] = H2O.SELF.index(); // For Big Data, must delete data as eagerly as possible. Iced ice = DKV.get(key).get(); if( ice==vec ) { if(_deleteOnDone) vec.remove(); } else { Frame fr = (Frame)ice; if(_deleteOnDone) fr.delete(_jobKey,new Futures()).blockForPending(); else if( fr._key != null ) fr.unlock(_jobKey); } } private FVecParseWriter makeDout(ParseSetup localSetup, int chunkOff, int nchunks) { AppendableVec [] avs = new AppendableVec[localSetup._number_columns]; final long [] espc = MemoryManager.malloc8(nchunks); final byte[] ctypes = localSetup._column_types; // SVMLight only uses numeric types, sparsely represented as a null for(int i = 0; i < avs.length; ++i) avs[i] = new AppendableVec(_vg.vecKey(i + _vecIdStart), espc, ctypes==null ? /*SVMLight*/Vec.T_NUM : ctypes[i], chunkOff); return localSetup._parse_type.equals(SVMLight_INFO) ? new SVMLightFVecParseWriter(_vg, _vecIdStart,chunkOff, _parseSetup._chunk_size, avs) : new FVecParseWriter(_vg, chunkOff, categoricals(_cKey, localSetup._number_columns), localSetup._column_types, _parseSetup._chunk_size, avs); } // Called once per file @Override public void map( Key key ) { if( _jobKey.get().stop_requested() ) return; // FIXME: refactor parser setup to be configurable via parser object ParseSetup localSetup = (ParseSetup) _parseSetup.clone(); ByteVec vec = getByteVec(key); final int chunkStartIdx = _fileChunkOffsets[_lo]; Log.trace("Begin a map stage of a file parse with start index " + chunkStartIdx + "."); byte[] zips = vec.getFirstBytes(); ZipUtil.Compression cpr = ZipUtil.guessCompressionMethod(zips); if (localSetup._check_header == ParseSetup.HAS_HEADER) //check for header on local file localSetup._check_header = localSetup.parser(_jobKey).fileHasHeader(ZipUtil.unzipBytes(zips,cpr, localSetup._chunk_size), localSetup); // Parse the file try { switch( cpr ) { case NONE: boolean disableParallelParse = (_keys.length > TOO_MANY_KEYS_COUNT) && (vec.nChunks() <= SMALL_FILE_NCHUNKS) && _parseSetup._parse_type.isStreamParseSupported(); if( _parseSetup._parse_type.isParallelParseSupported() && (! disableParallelParse)) { new DistributedParse(_vg, localSetup, _vecIdStart, chunkStartIdx, this, key, vec.nChunks()).dfork(vec).getResult(false); for( int i = 0; i < vec.nChunks(); ++i ) _chunk2ParseNodeMap[chunkStartIdx + i] = vec.chunkKey(i).home_node().index(); } else { InputStream bvs = vec.openStream(_jobKey); _dout[_lo] = streamParse(bvs, localSetup, makeDout(localSetup,chunkStartIdx,vec.nChunks()), bvs); _errors = _dout[_lo].removeErrors(); chunksAreLocal(vec,chunkStartIdx,key); } break; case ZIP: { // Zipped file; no parallel decompression; InputStream bvs = vec.openStream(_jobKey); ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(bvs); if (ZipUtil.isZipDirectory(key)) { // file is a zip if multiple files zis.getNextEntry(); // first ZipEntry describes the directory } ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry(); // Get the *FIRST* entry // There is at least one entry in zip file and it is not a directory. if( ze != null && !ze.isDirectory() ) _dout[_lo] = streamParse(zis,localSetup, makeDout(localSetup,chunkStartIdx,vec.nChunks()), bvs); _errors = _dout[_lo].removeErrors(); zis.close(); // Confused: which zipped file to decompress chunksAreLocal(vec,chunkStartIdx,key); break; } case GZIP: { InputStream bvs = vec.openStream(_jobKey); // Zipped file; no parallel decompression; _dout[_lo] = streamParse(new GZIPInputStream(bvs), localSetup, makeDout(localSetup,chunkStartIdx,vec.nChunks()),bvs); _errors = _dout[_lo].removeErrors(); // set this node as the one which processed all the chunks chunksAreLocal(vec,chunkStartIdx,key); break; } } Log.trace("Finished a map stage of a file parse with start index "+chunkStartIdx+"."); } catch( IOException ioe ) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } catch (H2OParseException pe0) { // Rebuild identical exception and stack trace, but add key to msg throw pe0.resetMsg(pe0.getMessage()+" for "+key); } } // Reduce: combine errors from across files. // Roll-up other meta data @Override public void reduce( MultiFileParseTask mfpt ) { assert this != mfpt; Log.trace("Begin a reduce stage of a file parse."); // Collect & combine columns across files if( _dout == null ) _dout = mfpt._dout; else if(_dout != mfpt._dout) _dout = ArrayUtils.append(_dout,mfpt._dout); if( _chunk2ParseNodeMap == null ) _chunk2ParseNodeMap = mfpt._chunk2ParseNodeMap; else if(_chunk2ParseNodeMap != mfpt._chunk2ParseNodeMap) { // we're sharing global array! for( int i = 0; i < _chunk2ParseNodeMap.length; ++i ) { if( _chunk2ParseNodeMap[i] == -1 ) _chunk2ParseNodeMap[i] = mfpt._chunk2ParseNodeMap[i]; else assert mfpt._chunk2ParseNodeMap[i] == -1 : Arrays.toString(_chunk2ParseNodeMap) + " :: " + Arrays.toString(mfpt._chunk2ParseNodeMap); } } if(_errors == null) _errors = mfpt._errors; else if(_errors.length < 20) { _errors = ArrayUtils.append(_errors, mfpt._errors); if(_errors.length > 20) _errors = Arrays.copyOf(_errors,20); } Log.trace("Finished a reduce stage of a file parse."); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zipped file; no parallel decompression; decompress into local chunks, // parse local chunks; distribute chunks later. private FVecParseWriter streamParse(final InputStream is, final ParseSetup localSetup,FVecParseWriter dout, InputStream bvs) throws IOException { // All output into a fresh pile of NewChunks, one per column Parser p = localSetup.parser(_jobKey); // assume 2x inflation rate if(localSetup._parse_type.isParallelParseSupported()) p.streamParseZip(is, dout, bvs); else p.streamParse(is,dout); // Parse all internal "chunks", until we drain the zip-stream dry. Not // real chunks, just flipping between 32K buffers. Fills up the single // very large NewChunk. dout.close(_fs); return dout; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static class DistributedParse extends MRTask<DistributedParse> { private ParseSetup _setup; private final int _vecIdStart; private final int _startChunkIdx; // for multifile parse, offset of the first chunk in the final dataset private final VectorGroup _vg; private FVecParseWriter _dout; private final Key _cKey; // Parse-local-categoricals key private final Key<Job> _jobKey; private transient final MultiFileParseTask _outerMFPT; private transient final Key _srckey; // Source/text file to delete on done private transient NonBlockingSetInt _visited; private transient long [] _espc; final int _nchunks; DistributedParse(VectorGroup vg, ParseSetup setup, int vecIdstart, int startChunkIdx, MultiFileParseTask mfpt, Key srckey, int nchunks) { super(null); _vg = vg; _setup = setup; _vecIdStart = vecIdstart; _startChunkIdx = startChunkIdx; _outerMFPT = mfpt; _cKey = mfpt._cKey; _jobKey = mfpt._jobKey; _srckey = srckey; _nchunks = nchunks; } @Override public void setupLocal(){ super.setupLocal(); _visited = new NonBlockingSetInt(); _espc = MemoryManager.malloc8(_nchunks); _setup = ParserService.INSTANCE.getByInfo(_setup._parse_type).setupLocal(_fr.anyVec(),_setup); } @Override public void map( Chunk in ) { if( _jobKey.get().stop_requested() ) throw new Job.JobCancelledException(); AppendableVec [] avs = new AppendableVec[_setup._number_columns]; for(int i = 0; i < avs.length; ++i) if (_setup._column_types == null) // SVMLight avs[i] = new AppendableVec(_vg.vecKey(_vecIdStart + i), _espc, Vec.T_NUM, _startChunkIdx); else avs[i] = new AppendableVec(_vg.vecKey(_vecIdStart + i), _espc, _setup._column_types[i], _startChunkIdx); // Break out the input & output vectors before the parse loop FVecParseReader din = new FVecParseReader(in); FVecParseWriter dout; // Get a parser Parser p = _setup.parser(_jobKey); switch( { case "ARFF": case "CSV": case "PARQUET": Categorical [] categoricals = categoricals(_cKey, _setup._number_columns); dout = new FVecParseWriter(_vg,_startChunkIdx + in.cidx(), categoricals, _setup._column_types, _setup._chunk_size, avs); //TODO: use _setup._domains instead of categoricals break; case "SVMLight": dout = new SVMLightFVecParseWriter(_vg, _vecIdStart, in.cidx() + _startChunkIdx, _setup._chunk_size, avs); break; case "ORC": // setup special case for ORC Categorical [] orc_categoricals = categoricals(_cKey, _setup._number_columns); dout = new FVecParseWriter(_vg, in.cidx() + _startChunkIdx, orc_categoricals, _setup._column_types, _setup._chunk_size, avs); break; default: // FIXME: should not be default and creation strategy should be forwarded to ParserProvider dout = new FVecParseWriter(_vg, in.cidx() + _startChunkIdx, null, _setup._column_types, _setup._chunk_size, avs); break; } p.parseChunk(in.cidx(), din, dout); (_dout = dout).close(_fs); Job.update(in._len, _jobKey); // Record bytes parsed // remove parsed data right away freeMem(in); } /** * This marks parsed byteVec chunks as ready to be freed. If this is the second * time a chunk has been marked, it is freed. The reason two marks are required * is that each chunk parse typically needs to read the remaining bytes of the * current row from the next chunk. Thus each task typically touches two chunks. * * @param in - chunk to be marked and possibly freed */ private void freeMem(Chunk in) { int cidx = in.cidx(); for(int i=0; i < 2; i++) { // iterate over this chunk and the next one cidx += i; if (!_visited.add(cidx)) { // Second visit Value v = Value.STORE_get(in.vec().chunkKey(cidx)); if (v == null || !v.isPersisted()) return; // Not found, or not on disk somewhere v.freePOJO(); // Eagerly toss from memory v.freeMem(); } } } @Override public void reduce(DistributedParse dp) { _dout.reduce(dp._dout); } @Override public void postGlobal() { super.postGlobal(); _outerMFPT._dout[_outerMFPT._lo] = _dout; if(_dout.hasErrors()) { ParseWriter.ParseErr [] errs = _dout.removeErrors(); for(ParseWriter.ParseErr err:errs)err._file = FileVec.getPathForKey(_srckey).toString(); Arrays.sort(errs, new Comparator<ParseWriter.ParseErr>() { @Override public int compare(ParseWriter.ParseErr o1, ParseWriter.ParseErr o2) { return (int)(o1._byteOffset - o2._byteOffset); } }); _outerMFPT._errors = errs; } _dout = null; // Reclaim GC eagerly // For Big Data, must delete data as eagerly as possible. Value val = DKV.get(_srckey); if( val == null ) return; Iced ice = val.get(); if( ice instanceof ByteVec ) { if( _outerMFPT._deleteOnDone) ((ByteVec)ice).remove(); } else { Frame fr = (Frame)ice; if( _outerMFPT._deleteOnDone) fr.delete(_outerMFPT._jobKey,new Futures()).blockForPending(); else if( fr._key != null ) fr.unlock(_outerMFPT._jobKey); } } } // Find & remove all partially built output chunks & vecs Futures onExceptionCleanup(Futures fs) { int nchunks = _chunk2ParseNodeMap.length; int ncols = _parseSetup._number_columns; for( int i = 0; i < ncols; ++i ) { Key vkey = _vg.vecKey(_vecIdStart + i); Keyed.remove(vkey,fs); for( int c = 0; c < nchunks; ++c ) DKV.remove(Vec.chunkKey(vkey,c),fs); } cancel(true); return fs; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Log information about the dataset we just parsed. public static void logParseResults(Frame fr) { long numRows = fr.anyVec().length();"Parse result for " + fr._key + " (" + Long.toString(numRows) + " rows):"); // get all rollups started in parallell, otherwise this takes ages! Futures fs = new Futures(); Vec[] vecArr = fr.vecs(); for(Vec v:vecArr) v.startRollupStats(fs); fs.blockForPending(); int namelen = 0; for (String s : fr.names()) namelen = Math.max(namelen, s.length()); String format = " %"+namelen+"s %7s %12.12s %12.12s %12.12s %12.12s %11s %8s %6s";, "ColV2", "type", "min", "max", "mean", "sigma", "NAs", "constant", "cardinality")); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); for( int i = 0; i < vecArr.length; i++ ) { Vec v = vecArr[i]; boolean isCategorical = v.isCategorical(); boolean isConstant = v.isConst(); String CStr = String.format("%"+namelen+"s:", fr.names()[i]); String typeStr; String minStr; String maxStr; String meanStr=""; String sigmaStr=""; switch( v.get_type() ) { case Vec.T_BAD : typeStr = "all_NA" ; minStr = ""; maxStr = ""; break; case Vec.T_UUID: typeStr = "UUID" ; minStr = ""; maxStr = ""; break; case Vec.T_STR : typeStr = "string" ; minStr = ""; maxStr = ""; break; case Vec.T_NUM : typeStr = "numeric"; minStr = String.format("%g", v.min()); maxStr = String.format("%g", v.max()); meanStr = String.format("%g", v.mean()); sigmaStr = String.format("%g", v.sigma()); break; case Vec.T_CAT : typeStr = "factor" ; minStr = v.factor(0); maxStr = v.factor(v.cardinality()-1); break; case Vec.T_TIME: typeStr = "time" ; minStr = sdf.format(v.min()); maxStr = sdf.format(v.max()); break; default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } long numNAs = v.naCnt(); String naStr = (numNAs > 0) ? String.format("%d", numNAs) : ""; String isConstantStr = isConstant ? "constant" : ""; String numLevelsStr = isCategorical ? String.format("%d", v.domain().length) : ""; boolean launchedWithHadoopJar = H2O.ARGS.launchedWithHadoopJar(); boolean printLogSeparatorToStdout = false; boolean printColumnToStdout; { // Print information to stdout for this many leading columns. final int MAX_HEAD_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT = 10; // Print information to stdout for this many trailing columns. final int MAX_TAIL_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT = 10; if (launchedWithHadoopJar) { printColumnToStdout = true; } else if (vecArr.length <= (MAX_HEAD_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT + MAX_TAIL_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT)) { // For small numbers of columns, print them all. printColumnToStdout = true; } else if (i < MAX_HEAD_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT) { printColumnToStdout = true; } else if (i == MAX_HEAD_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT) { printLogSeparatorToStdout = true; printColumnToStdout = false; } else if ((i + MAX_TAIL_TO_PRINT_ON_STDOUT) < vecArr.length) { printColumnToStdout = false; } else { printColumnToStdout = true; } } if (printLogSeparatorToStdout)"Additional column information only sent to log file..."); String s = String.format(format, CStr, typeStr, minStr, maxStr, meanStr, sigmaStr, naStr, isConstantStr, numLevelsStr);,printColumnToStdout); }; } public static class H2OParseException extends RuntimeException { public H2OParseException(String msg){super(msg);} public H2OParseException(String msg, Throwable cause){super(msg,cause);} public H2OParseException(Throwable cause){super(cause);} public H2OParseException resetMsg(String msg) { H2OParseException pe1 = new H2OParseException(msg,getCause()); pe1.setStackTrace(getStackTrace()); return pe1; } } }