package hex.genmodel; import hex.ModelCategory; import hex.genmodel.utils.GenmodelBitSet; import water.genmodel.IGeneratedModel; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * This is a helper class to support Java generated models. */ public abstract class GenModel implements IGenModel, IGeneratedModel, Serializable { /** Column names; last is response for supervised models */ public final String[] _names; /** Categorical (factor/enum) mappings, per column. Null for non-enum cols. * Columns match the post-init cleanup columns. The last column holds the * response col enums for SupervisedModels. */ public final String[][] _domains; /** Name of the column with offsets (used for certain types of models). */ public String _offsetColumn; public GenModel(String[] names, String[][] domains) { _names = names; _domains = domains; _offsetColumn = null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IGenModel interface //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns true for supervised models. */ @Override public boolean isSupervised() { return false; } /** Returns number of input features. */ @Override public int nfeatures() { return _names.length; } /** Returns number of output classes for classifiers, 1 for regression models, and 0 for unsupervised models. */ @Override public int nclasses() { return 0; } /** Returns this model category. */ @Override public abstract ModelCategory getModelCategory(); /** Override this for models that may produce results in different categories. */ @Override public EnumSet<ModelCategory> getModelCategories() { return EnumSet.of(getModelCategory()); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IGeneratedModel interface //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public abstract String getUUID(); /** Returns number of columns used as input for training (i.e., exclude response and offset columns). */ @Override public int getNumCols() { return nfeatures(); } /** The names of all columns used, including response and offset columns. */ @Override public String[] getNames() { return _names; } /** The name of the response column. */ @Override public String getResponseName() { return _names[getResponseIdx()]; } /** Returns the index of the response column inside getDomains(). */ @Override public int getResponseIdx() { if (!isSupervised()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot provide response index for unsupervised models."); return _domains.length - 1; } /** Get number of classes in the given column. * Return number greater than zero if the column is categorical or -1 if the column is numeric. */ @Override public int getNumClasses(int colIdx) { String[] domval = getDomainValues(colIdx); return domval != null? domval.length : -1; } /** Return a number of classes in response column. */ @Override public int getNumResponseClasses() { if (!isClassifier()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot provide number of response classes for non-classifiers."); return nclasses(); } /** Returns true if this model represents a classifier, else it is used for regression. */ @Override public boolean isClassifier() { ModelCategory cat = getModelCategory(); return cat == ModelCategory.Binomial || cat == ModelCategory.Multinomial; } /** Returns true if this model represents an AutoEncoder. */ @Override public boolean isAutoEncoder() { return getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.AutoEncoder; } /** Gets domain of the given column. */ @Override public String[] getDomainValues(String name) { int colIdx = getColIdx(name); return colIdx != -1 ? getDomainValues(colIdx) : null; } /** Returns domain values for the i-th column. */ @Override public String[] getDomainValues(int i) { return getDomainValues()[i]; } /** Returns domain values for all columns, including the response column. */ @Override public String[][] getDomainValues() { return _domains; } /** Returns index of a column with given name, or -1 if the column is not found. */ @Override public int getColIdx(String name) { String[] names = getNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) if (names[i].equals(name)) return i; return -1; } /** Maps given column's categorical to the integer used by this model (returns -1 if mapping not found). */ @Override public int mapEnum(int colIdx, String enumValue) { String[] domain = getDomainValues(colIdx); if (domain != null) for (int i = 0; i < domain.length; i++) if (enumValue.equals(domain[i])) return i; return -1; } /** Returns the expected size of preds array which is passed to `predict(double[], double[])` function. */ @Override public int getPredsSize() { return isClassifier()? 1 + getNumResponseClasses() : 2; } public int getPredsSize(ModelCategory mc) { return (mc == ModelCategory.DimReduction)? nclasses() : (mc == ModelCategory.AutoEncoder)? nfeatures() : getPredsSize(); } public static String createAuxKey(String k) { return k + ".aux"; } /* @Override public float[] predict(double[] data, float[] preds) { return predict(data, preds, 0); } @Override public float[] predict(double[] data, float[] preds, int maxIters) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported operation - use score0 method!"); } */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Takes a HashMap mapping column names to doubles. * <p> * Looks up the column names needed by the model, and places the doubles into * the data array in the order needed by the model. Missing columns use NaN. * </p> */ /* public double[] map(Map<String, Double> row, double data[]) { for (int i = 0; i < nfeatures(); i++) { Double d = row.get(_names[i]); data[i] = d==null ? Double.NaN : d; } return data; } */ /** Subclasses implement the scoring logic. The data is pre-loaded into a * re-used temp array, in the order the model expects. The predictions are * loaded into the re-used temp array, which is also returned. This call * exactly matches the hex.Model.score0, but uses the light-weight * GenModel class. */ public abstract double[] score0(double[] row, double[] preds); public double[] score0(double[] row, double offset, double[] preds) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("`offset` column is not supported"); } /** Subclasses implement calibration of class probabilities. The input is array of * predictions returned by the scoring function (score0). Supports classification * models that were trained with calibration enabled. Original probabilities * in the predictions array are overwritten by their corresponding calibrated * counterparts. Return false if model doesn't support calibration. */ public boolean calibrateClassProbabilities(double preds[]) { return false; } /* // Does the mapping lookup for every row, no allocation. // data and preds arrays are pre-allocated and can be re-used for every row. public double[] score0(Map<String, Double> row, double[] data, double[] preds) { Double offset = _offsetColumn == null? null : row.get(_offsetColumn); return score0(map(row, data), offset == null? 0.0 : offset, preds); } // Does the mapping lookup for every row. // preds array is pre-allocated and can be re-used for every row. // Allocates a double[] for every row. public double[] score0(Map<String, Double> row, double[] preds) { return score0(row, new double[nfeatures()], preds); } // Does the mapping lookup for every row. // Allocates a double[] and a float[] for every row. public double[] score0(Map<String, Double> row) { return score0(row, new double[nfeatures()], new double[nclasses()+1]); } */ /** * Correct a given list of class probabilities produced as a prediction by a model back to prior class distribution * * <p>The implementation is based on Eq. (27) in <a href="">the paper</a>. * * @param scored list of class probabilities beginning at index 1 * @param priorClassDist original class distribution * @param modelClassDist class distribution used for model building (e.g., data was oversampled) * @return corrected list of probabilities */ public static double[] correctProbabilities(double[] scored, double[] priorClassDist, double[] modelClassDist) { double probsum=0; for( int c=1; c<scored.length; c++ ) { final double original_fraction = priorClassDist[c-1]; final double oversampled_fraction = modelClassDist[c-1]; assert(!Double.isNaN(scored[c])) : "Predicted NaN class probability"; if (original_fraction != 0 && oversampled_fraction != 0) scored[c] *= original_fraction / oversampled_fraction; probsum += scored[c]; } if (probsum>0) for (int i=1;i<scored.length;++i) scored[i] /= probsum; return scored; } /** Utility function to get a best prediction from an array of class * prediction distribution. It returns the index of the max. probability (if that exists). * In the case of ties, it samples from the tied classes with the likelihood given by the prior probabilities. * @param preds an array of prediction distribution. Length of arrays is equal to a number of classes+1. * @param priorClassDist prior class probabilities (used to break ties) * @param data Test data * @param threshold threshold for binary classifier * @return the best prediction (index of class, zero-based) */ public static int getPrediction(double[] preds, double[] priorClassDist, double[] data, double threshold) { if (preds.length == 3) { return (preds[2] >= threshold) ? 1 : 0; //no tie-breaking } List<Integer> ties = new ArrayList<>(); ties.add(0); int best=1, tieCnt=0; // Best class; count of ties for( int c=2; c<preds.length; c++) { if( preds[best] < preds[c] ) { best = c; // take the max index tieCnt=0; // No ties } else if (preds[best] == preds[c]) { tieCnt++; // Ties ties.add(c-1); } } if( tieCnt==0 ) return best-1; // Return zero-based best class long hash = 0; // hash for tie-breaking if( data != null ) for( double d : data ) hash ^= Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) >> 6; // drop 6 least significants bits of mantissa (layout of long is: 1b sign, 11b exp, 52b mantisa) if (priorClassDist!=null) { assert(preds.length==priorClassDist.length+1); // Tie-breaking based on prior probabilities // Example: probabilities are 0.4, 0.2, 0.4 for a 3-class problem with priors 0.7, 0.1, 0.2 // Probability of predicting class 1 should be higher than for class 3 based on the priors double sum = 0; for (Integer i : ties) { //ties = [0, 2] sum += priorClassDist[i]; //0.7 + 0.2 } // sum is now 0.9 Random rng = new Random(hash); double tie = rng.nextDouble(); //for example 0.4135 -> should pick the first of the ties, since it occupies 0.7777 = 0.7/0.9 of the 0...1 range, and 0.4135 < 0.7777 double partialSum = 0; for (Integer i : ties) { partialSum += priorClassDist[i] / sum; //0.7777 at first iteration, 1.0000 at second iteration if (tie <= partialSum) return i; } } // Tie-breaking logic (should really never be triggered anymore) double res = preds[best]; // One of the tied best results int idx = (int)hash%(tieCnt+1); // Which of the ties we'd like to keep for( best=1; best<preds.length; best++) if( res == preds[best] && --idx < 0 ) return best-1; // Return best throw new RuntimeException("Should Not Reach Here"); } // Utility to do bitset lookup from a POJO public static boolean bitSetContains(byte[] bits, int nbits, int bitoff, double dnum) { assert(!Double.isNaN(dnum)); int idx = (int)dnum; idx -= bitoff; assert (idx >= 0 && idx < nbits): "Must have "+bitoff+" <= idx <= " + (bitoff+nbits-1) + ": " + idx; return (bits[idx >> 3] & ((byte)1 << (idx & 7))) != 0; } public static boolean bitSetIsInRange(int nbits, int bitoff, double dnum) { assert(!Double.isNaN(dnum)); int idx = (int)dnum; idx -= bitoff; return (idx >= 0 && idx < nbits); } // Todo: Done for K-means but we should really unify for all models. public static void Kmeans_preprocessData(double [] data, double [] means, double [] mults, int[] modes){ for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = Kmeans_preprocessData(data[i], i, means, mults, modes); } } public static double Kmeans_preprocessData(double d, int i, double [] means, double [] mults, int[] modes){ if(modes[i] == -1) { // Mode = -1 for non-categorical cols if( Double.isNaN(d) ) d = means[i]; if( mults != null ) { d -= means[i]; d *= mults[i]; } } else { if( Double.isNaN(d) ) d = modes[i]; } return d; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KMeans utilities // For KMeansModel scoring; just the closest cluster center public static int KMeans_closest(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] domains) { int min = -1; double minSqr = Double.MAX_VALUE; for( int cluster = 0; cluster < centers.length; cluster++ ) { double sqr = KMeans_distance(centers[cluster],point,domains); if( sqr < minSqr ) { // Record nearest cluster center min = cluster; minSqr = sqr; } } return min; } // only used for GLRM initialization - inverse of distance to each cluster center normalized to sum to one public static double[] KMeans_simplex(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] domains) { double[] dist = new double[centers.length]; double sum = 0, inv_sum = 0; for( int cluster = 0; cluster < centers.length; cluster++ ) { dist[cluster] = KMeans_distance(centers[cluster],point,domains); sum += dist[cluster]; inv_sum += 1.0 / dist[cluster]; } double[] ratios = new double[centers.length]; if (sum == 0) { // In degenerate case where all cluster centers identical to point, pick one at random Random rng = new Random(); int idx = rng.nextInt(centers.length); ratios[idx] = 1; } else { // Is the point identical to an existing cluster center? int idx = -1; for (int cluster = 0; cluster < centers.length; cluster++) { if(dist[cluster] == 0) { idx = cluster; break; } } if(idx == -1) { // If not, take ratios as inverse of cluster distance normalized to sum to one for (int cluster = 0; cluster < centers.length; cluster++) ratios[cluster] = 1.0 / (dist[cluster] * inv_sum); } else // Otherwise, just assign directly to closest cluster ratios[idx] = 1; } return ratios; } // only used for metric builder - uses float[] and fills up colSum & colSumSq arrays, otherwise the same as method below. // WARNING - if changing this code - also change the code below public static double KMeans_distance(double[] center, float[] point, int [] modes, double[] colSum, double[] colSumSq) { double sqr = 0; // Sum of dimensional distances int pts = point.length; // Count of valid points for(int column = 0; column < center.length; column++) { float d = point[column]; if( Float.isNaN(d) ) { pts--; continue; } if( modes[column] != -1 ) { // Categorical? if( d != center[column] ) { sqr += 1.0; // Manhattan distance } if(d != modes[column]) { colSum[column] += 1; } } else { // Euclidean distance double delta = d - center[column]; sqr += delta * delta; colSum[column] += d; colSumSq[column] += d*d; } } // Scale distance by ratio of valid dimensions to all dimensions - since // we did not add any error term for the missing point, the sum of errors // is small - ratio up "as if" the missing error term is equal to the // average of other error terms. Same math another way: // double avg_dist = sqr / pts; // average distance per feature/column/dimension // sqr = sqr * point.length; // Total dist is average*#dimensions if( 0 < pts && pts < point.length ) { double scale = point.length / pts; sqr *= scale; // for (int i=0; i<colSum.length; ++i) { // colSum[i] *= Math.sqrt(scale); // colSumSq[i] *= scale; // } } return sqr; } // WARNING - if changing this code - also change the code above public static double KMeans_distance(double[] center, double[] point,String[][] domains) { double sqr = 0; // Sum of dimensional distances int pts = point.length; // Count of valid points for(int column = 0; column < center.length; column++) { double d = point[column]; if( Double.isNaN(d) ) { pts--; continue; } if( domains[column] != null ) { // Categorical? if( d != center[column] ) sqr += 1.0; // Manhattan distance } else { // Euclidean distance double delta = d - center[column]; sqr += delta * delta; } } // Scale distance by ratio of valid dimensions to all dimensions - since // we did not add any error term for the missing point, the sum of errors // is small - ratio up "as if" the missing error term is equal to the // average of other error terms. Same math another way: // double avg_dist = sqr / pts; // average distance per feature/column/dimension // sqr = sqr * point.length; // Total dist is average*#dimensions if( 0 < pts && pts < point.length ) sqr *= point.length / pts; return sqr; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SharedTree utilities // Build a class distribution from a log scale. // Because we call Math.exp, we have to be numerically stable or else we get // Infinities, and then shortly NaN's. Rescale the data so the largest value // is +/-1 and the other values are smaller. See notes here: // public static double log_rescale(double[] preds) { // Find a max double maxval=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for( int k=1; k<preds.length; k++) maxval = Math.max(maxval,preds[k]); assert !Double.isInfinite(maxval) : "Something is wrong with GBM trees since returned prediction is " + Arrays.toString(preds); // exponentiate the scaled predictions; keep a rolling sum double dsum=0; for( int k=1; k<preds.length; k++ ) dsum += (preds[k]=Math.exp(preds[k]-maxval)); return dsum; // Return rolling sum; predictions are log-scaled } // Build a class distribution from a log scale; find the top prediction public static void GBM_rescale(double[] preds) { double sum = log_rescale(preds); for (int k = 1; k < preds.length; k++) preds[k] /= sum; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GLM utilities public static double GLM_identityInv( double x ) { return x; } public static double GLM_logitInv( double x ) { return 1.0 / (Math.exp(-x) + 1.0); } public static double GLM_logInv( double x ) { return Math.exp(x); } public static double GLM_inverseInv( double x ) { double xx = (x < 0) ? Math.min(-1e-5, x) : Math.max(1e-5, x); return 1.0 / xx; } public static double GLM_tweedieInv( double x, double tweedie_link_power ) { return tweedie_link_power == 0?Math.max(2e-16,Math.exp(x)):Math.pow(x, 1.0/ tweedie_link_power); } /** ??? */ public String getHeader() { return null; } // Helper for DeepWater static public void setInput(final double[] from, float[] to, int _nums, int _cats, int[] _catOffsets, double[] _normMul, double[] _normSub, boolean useAllFactorLevels) { float[] nums = new float[_nums]; // a bit wasteful - reallocated each time int[] cats = new int[_cats]; // a bit wasteful - reallocated each time for (int i = 0; i < _cats; ++i) { if (Double.isNaN(from[i])) { cats[i] = (_catOffsets[i + 1] - 1); //use the extra level for NAs made during training } else { int c = (int) from[i]; if (useAllFactorLevels) cats[i] = c + _catOffsets[i]; else if (c != 0) cats[i] = c + _catOffsets[i] - 1; if (cats[i] >= _catOffsets[i + 1]) cats[i] = (_catOffsets[i + 1] - 1); } } for (int i = _cats; i < _cats + _nums; ++i) { double d = from[i]; if (_normMul != null) d = (d - _normSub[i - _cats]) * _normMul[i - _cats]; nums[i - _cats] = (float)d; //can be NaN for missing numerical data } assert(to.length == _nums + _catOffsets[_cats]); Arrays.fill(to, 0f); for (int i = 0; i < _cats; ++i) to[cats[i]] = 1f; // one-hot encode categoricals for (int i = 0; i < _nums; ++i) to[_catOffsets[_cats] + i] = Double.isNaN(nums[i]) ? 0f : nums[i]; } public static void img2pixels(BufferedImage img, int w, int h, int channels, float[] pixels, int start, float[] mean) throws IOException { // resize the image BufferedImage scaledImg = new BufferedImage(w, h, img.getType()); Graphics2D g2d = scaledImg.createGraphics(); g2d.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h, null); g2d.dispose(); int r_idx = start; int g_idx = r_idx + w * h; int b_idx = g_idx + w * h; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { Color mycolor = new Color(scaledImg.getRGB(j, i)); int red = mycolor.getRed(); int green = mycolor.getGreen(); int blue = mycolor.getBlue(); if (channels==1) { pixels[r_idx] = (red+green+blue)/3; if (mean!=null) { pixels[r_idx] -= mean[r_idx]; } } else { pixels[r_idx] = red; pixels[g_idx] = green; pixels[b_idx] = blue; if (mean!=null) { pixels[r_idx] -= mean[r_idx-start]; pixels[g_idx] -= mean[g_idx-start]; pixels[b_idx] -= mean[b_idx-start]; } } r_idx++; g_idx++; b_idx++; } } } }