package ai.h2o.automl; import ai.h2o.automl.UserFeedbackEvent.Stage; import ai.h2o.automl.utils.AutoMLUtils; import hex.Model; import hex.ModelBuilder; import hex.StackedEnsembleModel; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel; import hex.deepwater.DeepWater; import hex.deepwater.DeepWaterParameters; import hex.glm.GLMModel; import hex.grid.Grid; import hex.grid.GridSearch; import hex.grid.HyperSpaceSearchCriteria; import hex.splitframe.ShuffleSplitFrame; import hex.tree.SharedTreeModel; import hex.tree.drf.DRFModel; import hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel; import hex.deepwater.DeepWaterModel; import water.*; import water.api.schemas3.ImportFilesV3; import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3; import water.exceptions.H2OAbstractRuntimeException; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.parser.ParseDataset; import water.parser.ParseSetup; import water.util.IcedHashMapGeneric; import water.util.Log; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters.Activation.RectifierWithDropout; import static water.Key.make; /** * Initial draft of AutoML * * AutoML is a node-local driver class that is responsible for managing concurrent * strategies of execution in an effort to discover an optimal supervised model for some * given (dataset, response, loss) combo. */ public final class AutoML extends Lockable<AutoML> implements TimedH2ORunnable { private final static boolean verifyImmutability = true; // check that trainingFrame hasn't been messed with private final static SimpleDateFormat fullTimestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.S"); private AutoMLBuildSpec buildSpec; // all parameters for doing this AutoML build private Frame origTrainingFrame; // untouched original training frame private boolean didValidationSplit = false; private boolean didTestSplit = false; public AutoMLBuildSpec getBuildSpec() { return buildSpec; } public Frame getTrainingFrame() { return trainingFrame; } public Frame getValidationFrame() { return validationFrame; } public Vec getResponseColumn() { return responseColumn; } public FrameMetadata getFrameMetadata() { return frameMetadata; } private Frame trainingFrame; // munged training frame: can add and remove Vecs, but not mutate Vec data in place private Frame validationFrame; // optional validation frame; the training_frame is split automagically if it's not specified private Frame testFrame; // optional test frame used for leaderboard scoring; the validation_frame is split automagically if it's not specified private Vec responseColumn; FrameMetadata frameMetadata; // metadata for trainingFrame // TODO: remove dead code // TODO: more than one grid key! private Key<Grid> gridKey; // Grid key from GridSearch private boolean isClassification; private long stopTimeMs; private Job job; // the Job object for the build of this AutoML. TODO: can we have > 1? private transient ArrayList<Job> jobs; private transient ArrayList<Frame> tempFrames; private AtomicInteger modelCount = new AtomicInteger(); // prepare for concurrency private Leaderboard leaderboard; private UserFeedback userFeedback; // check that we haven't messed up the original Frame private Vec[] originalTrainingFrameVecs; private String[] originalTrainingFrameNames; private long[] originalTrainingFrameChecksums; // TODO: UGH: this should be dynamic, and it's easy to make it so public enum algo { RF, GBM, GLM, GLRM, DL, KMEANS } // consider EnumSet public AutoML() { super(null); } // --more interesting user options public AutoML(Key<AutoML> key, AutoMLBuildSpec buildSpec) { super(key); Date startTime = new Date(); userFeedback = new UserFeedback(this); // Don't use until we set this.project this.buildSpec = buildSpec;, "AutoML job created: " + fullTimestampFormat.format(startTime)); handleDatafileParameters(buildSpec);, "Build control seed: " + buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed() + (buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed() == -1 ? " (random)" : "")); // By default, stopping tolerance is adaptive to the training frame if (this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria._stopping_tolerance == -1) { this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.set_default_stopping_tolerance_for_frame(this.trainingFrame);, "Setting stopping tolerance adaptively based on the training frame: " + this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria._stopping_tolerance); } else {, "Stopping tolerance set by the user: " + this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria._stopping_tolerance); double default_tolerance = HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria.default_stopping_tolerance_for_frame(this.trainingFrame); if (this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria._stopping_tolerance < 0.7 * default_tolerance){ userFeedback.warn(Stage.Workflow, "Stopping tolerance set by the user is < 70% of the recommended default of " + default_tolerance + ", so models may take a long time to converge or may not converge at all."); } }, "Project: " + project()); leaderboard = new Leaderboard(project(), userFeedback, this.testFrame); /* TODO if( excludeAlgos!=null ) { HashSet<algo> m = new HashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(m,excludeAlgos); _excludeAlgos = m.toArray(new algo[m.size()]); } else _excludeAlgos =null; _allowMutations=tryMutations; */ = new ArrayList<>(); this.tempFrames = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * If the user hasn't specified validation or test data split it off for them. * <p> * The user can specify: <p> * 1. training only <p> * 2. training + validation <p> * 3. training + test <p> * 4. training + validation + test <p> * <p> * In the top three cases we auto-split: <p> * 1. training -> training:validation:test 70:15:15 <p> * 2. validation -> validation:test 50:50 <p> * 3. training -> training:validation 70:30, test used as-is <p> * <p> * TODO: should the size of the splits adapt to origTrainingFrame.numRows()? */ private void optionallySplitDatasets() { if (null == this.validationFrame && null == this.testFrame) { // case 1: Frame[] splits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(origTrainingFrame, new Key[] { Key.make("training_" + origTrainingFrame._key), Key.make("validation_" + origTrainingFrame._key), Key.make("test_" + origTrainingFrame._key)}, new double[] { 0.7, 0.15, 0.15 }, buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed()); this.trainingFrame = splits[0]; this.validationFrame = splits[1]; this.testFrame = splits[2]; this.didValidationSplit = true; this.didTestSplit = true;, "Automatically split the training data into training, validation and test datasets in the ratio 0.70:0.15:0.15"); } else if (null != this.validationFrame && null == this.testFrame) { // case 2: Frame[] splits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(validationFrame, new Key[] { Key.make("validation_" + origTrainingFrame._key), Key.make("test_" + origTrainingFrame._key)}, new double[] { 0.5, 0.5 }, buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed()); this.validationFrame = splits[0]; this.testFrame = splits[1]; this.didValidationSplit = true; this.didTestSplit = true;, "Automatically split the validation data into validation and test datasets in the ratio 0.5:0.5"); } else if (null == this.validationFrame && null != this.testFrame) { // case 3: Frame[] splits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(origTrainingFrame, new Key[] { Key.make("training_" + origTrainingFrame._key), Key.make("validation_" + origTrainingFrame._key)}, new double[] { 0.7, 0.3 }, buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed()); this.trainingFrame = splits[0]; this.validationFrame = splits[1]; this.didValidationSplit = true; this.didTestSplit = false;, "Automatically split the training data into training and validation datasets in the ratio 0.5:0.5"); } else if (null != this.validationFrame && null != this.testFrame) { // case 4: leave things as-is, "Training, validation and test datasets were all specified; not auto-splitting."); } else { // can't happen throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bad code in handleDatafileParameters"); } } private void handleDatafileParameters(AutoMLBuildSpec buildSpec) { this.origTrainingFrame = DKV.getGet(buildSpec.input_spec.training_frame); this.validationFrame = DKV.getGet(buildSpec.input_spec.validation_frame); this.testFrame = DKV.getGet(buildSpec.input_spec.test_frame); if (null == buildSpec.input_spec.training_frame && null != buildSpec.input_spec.training_path) this.origTrainingFrame = importParseFrame(buildSpec.input_spec.training_path, buildSpec.input_spec.parse_setup); if (null == buildSpec.input_spec.validation_frame && null != buildSpec.input_spec.validation_path) this.validationFrame = importParseFrame(buildSpec.input_spec.validation_path, buildSpec.input_spec.parse_setup); if (null == buildSpec.input_spec.test_frame && null != buildSpec.input_spec.test_path) this.testFrame = importParseFrame(buildSpec.input_spec.test_path, buildSpec.input_spec.parse_setup); if (null == this.origTrainingFrame) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("No training frame; user specified training_path: " + buildSpec.input_spec.training_path + " and training_frame: " + buildSpec.input_spec.training_frame); if (this.origTrainingFrame.find(buildSpec.input_spec.response_column) == -1) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Response column " + buildSpec.input_spec.response_column + "is not in " + "the training frame."); } optionallySplitDatasets(); if (null == this.trainingFrame) { // we didn't need to split off the validation_frame or test_frame ourselves this.trainingFrame = new Frame(origTrainingFrame); DKV.put(this.trainingFrame); } this.responseColumn = trainingFrame.vec(buildSpec.input_spec.response_column); if (verifyImmutability) { // check that we haven't messed up the original Frame originalTrainingFrameVecs = origTrainingFrame.vecs().clone(); originalTrainingFrameNames = origTrainingFrame.names().clone(); originalTrainingFrameChecksums = new long[originalTrainingFrameVecs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < originalTrainingFrameVecs.length; i++) originalTrainingFrameChecksums[i] = originalTrainingFrameVecs[i].checksum(); } } public static AutoML makeAutoML(Key<AutoML> key, AutoMLBuildSpec buildSpec) { // if (buildSpec.input_spec.parse_setup == null) // buildSpec.input_spec.parse_setup = ParseSetup.guessSetup(); // use defaults! AutoML autoML = new AutoML(key, buildSpec); if (null == autoML.trainingFrame) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("No training data has been specified, either as a path or a key."); /* TODO: joins Frame[] relations = null==relationPaths?null:new Frame[relationPaths.length]; if( null!=relationPaths ) for(int i=0;i<relationPaths.length;++i) relations[i] = importParseFrame(relationPaths[i]); */ return autoML; } private static Frame importParseFrame(ImportFilesV3.ImportFiles importFiles, ParseSetup userSetup) { ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> fails = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> dels = new ArrayList(); H2O.getPM().importFiles(importFiles.path, null, files, keys, fails, dels); importFiles.files = files.toArray(new String[0]); importFiles.destination_frames = keys.toArray(new String[0]); importFiles.fails = fails.toArray(new String[0]); importFiles.dels = dels.toArray(new String[0]); String datasetName = importFiles.path.split("\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)")[0]; String separatorRegex = (File.separator.equals("/") ? "/" : "\\"); String[] pathPieces = datasetName.split(separatorRegex); datasetName = pathPieces[pathPieces.length - 1]; Key[] realKeys = new Key[keys.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) realKeys[i] = make(keys.get(i)); // TODO: we always have to tell guessSetup about single quotes?! ParseSetup guessedParseSetup = ParseSetup.guessSetup(realKeys, false, ParseSetup.GUESS_HEADER); return ParseDataset.parse(make(datasetName), realKeys, true, guessedParseSetup); } // used to launch the AutoML asynchronously @Override public void run() { stopTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.round(1000 * buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.max_runtime_secs()); try { learn(); } catch (AutoMLDoneException e) { // pass :) } } @Override public void stop() { for (Frame f : tempFrames) f.delete(); tempFrames = null; if (null == jobs) return; // already stopped for (Job j : jobs) j.stop(); for (Job j : jobs) j.get(); // Hold until they all completely stop. jobs = null; // TODO: add a failsafe, if we haven't marked off as much work as we originally intended? // If we don't, we end up with an exceptional completion. } public long getStopTimeMs() { return stopTimeMs; } public long timeRemainingMs() { long remaining = getStopTimeMs() - System.currentTimeMillis(); return Math.max(0, remaining); } public int remainingModels() { if (buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.max_models() == 0) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.max_models() - modelCount.get(); } @Override public boolean keepRunning() { return timeRemainingMs() > 0 && remainingModels() > 0; } private enum JobType { Unknown, ModelBuild, HyperparamSearch } public void pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage stage, String name, long workContribution, Job parentJob, Job subJob, JobType subJobType) { if (null == subJob) { parentJob.update(workContribution, "SKIPPED: " + name); return; }, name + " started"); jobs.add(subJob); long lastWorkedSoFar = 0; long cumulative = 0; int gridLastCount = 0; while (subJob.isRunning()) { if(parentJob.stop_requested()){"Skipping " + name + " due to Job cancel"); subJob.stop(); } long workedSoFar = Math.round(subJob.progress() * workContribution); cumulative += workedSoFar; parentJob.update(Math.round(workedSoFar - lastWorkedSoFar), name); if (JobType.HyperparamSearch == subJobType) { Grid grid = (Grid)subJob._result.get(); int gridCount = grid.getModelCount(); if (gridCount > gridLastCount) {, "Built: " + gridCount + " models for search: " + name); this.addModels(grid.getModelKeys()); gridLastCount = gridCount; } } try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // keep going } lastWorkedSoFar = workedSoFar; } // pick up any stragglers: if (JobType.HyperparamSearch == subJobType) { Grid grid = (Grid)subJob._result.get(); int gridCount = grid.getModelCount(); if (gridCount > gridLastCount) {, "Built: " + gridCount + " models for search: " + name); this.addModels(grid.getModelKeys()); gridLastCount = gridCount; } } else if (JobType.ModelBuild == subJobType) { this.addModel((Model)subJob._result.get()); } // add remaining work parentJob.update(workContribution - lastWorkedSoFar);, name + " complete"); //FIXME Bad call here. Should revist later try { jobs.remove(subJob); } catch (NullPointerException npe) {} // stop() can null jobs; can't just do a pre-check, because there's a race } private int individualModelsTrained = 0; /** * Helper for hex.ModelBuilder. * @return */ public Job trainModel(Key<Model> key, String algoURLName, Model.Parameters parms) { String algoName = ModelBuilder.algoName(algoURLName); if (null == key) key = ModelBuilder.defaultKey(algoName); Job job = new Job<>(key,ModelBuilder.javaName(algoURLName), algoName); ModelBuilder builder = ModelBuilder.make(algoURLName, job, key); Model.Parameters defaults = builder._parms; builder._parms = parms; setCommonModelBuilderParams(builder._parms); if (builder._parms._max_runtime_secs == 0) builder._parms._max_runtime_secs = Math.round(timeRemainingMs() / 1000.0); else builder._parms._max_runtime_secs = Math.min(builder._parms._max_runtime_secs, Math.round(timeRemainingMs() / 1000.0)); // If we have set a seed for the search and not for the individual model params // then use a sequence starting with the same seed given for the model build. // Don't use the same exact seed so that, e.g., if we build two GBMs they don't // do the same row and column sampling. if (builder._parms._seed == defaults._seed && buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed() != -1) builder._parms._seed = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.seed() + individualModelsTrained++; // If the caller hasn't set ModelBuilder stopping criteria, set it from our global criteria. if (builder._parms._stopping_metric == defaults._stopping_metric) builder._parms._stopping_metric = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_metric(); if (builder._parms._stopping_rounds == defaults._stopping_rounds) builder._parms._stopping_rounds = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_rounds(); if (builder._parms._stopping_tolerance == defaults._stopping_tolerance) builder._parms._stopping_tolerance = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_tolerance(); builder.init(false); // validate parameters // TODO: handle error_count and messages return builder.trainModel(); } /** * Do a random hyperparameter search. Caller must eventually do a <i>get()</i> * on the returned Job to ensure that it's complete. * @param algoName * @param baseParms * @param searchParms * @return the started hyperparameter search job */ public Job<Grid> hyperparameterSearch(String algoName, Model.Parameters baseParms, Map<String, Object[]> searchParms) { setCommonModelBuilderParams(baseParms); if (remainingModels() <= 0) {,"AutoML: hit the max_models limit; skipping " + algoName + " hyperparameter search"); return null; } HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria searchCriteria = (HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria)buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.clone(); if (searchCriteria.max_runtime_secs() == 0) searchCriteria.set_max_runtime_secs(this.timeRemainingMs() / 1000.0); else searchCriteria.set_max_runtime_secs(Math.min(searchCriteria.max_runtime_secs(), timeRemainingMs() / 1000.0)); if (searchCriteria.max_models() == 0) searchCriteria.set_max_models(remainingModels()); else searchCriteria.set_max_models(Math.min(searchCriteria.max_models(), remainingModels())); if (searchCriteria.max_runtime_secs() <= 0.001) {,"AutoML: out of time; skipping " + algoName + " hyperparameter search"); return null; }, "AutoML: starting " + algoName + " hyperparameter search"); // If the caller hasn't set ModelBuilder stopping criteria, set it from our global criteria. Model.Parameters defaults; try { defaults = baseParms.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { userFeedback.warn(Stage.ModelTraining, "Internal error doing hyperparameter search"); throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Hyperparameter search can't create a new instance of Model.Parameters subclass: " + baseParms.getClass()); } if (baseParms._stopping_metric == defaults._stopping_metric) baseParms._stopping_metric = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_metric(); if (baseParms._stopping_rounds == defaults._stopping_rounds) baseParms._stopping_rounds = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_rounds(); if (baseParms._stopping_tolerance == defaults._stopping_tolerance) baseParms._stopping_tolerance = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_tolerance(); // NOTE: // RandomDiscrete Hyperparameter Search matches the logic used in #trainModel(): // If we have set a seed for the search and not for the individual model params // then use a sequence starting with the same seed given for the model build. // Don't use the same exact seed so that, e.g., if we build two GBMs they don't // do the same row and column sampling. gridKey = Key.make(algoName + "_grid_" + this._key.toString()); Job<Grid> gridJob = GridSearch.startGridSearch(gridKey, baseParms, searchParms, new GridSearch.SimpleParametersBuilderFactory(), searchCriteria); return gridJob; } private void setCommonModelBuilderParams(Model.Parameters params) { params._train = trainingFrame._key; if (null != validationFrame) params._valid = validationFrame._key; params._response_column = buildSpec.input_spec.response_column; params._ignored_columns = buildSpec.input_spec.ignored_columns; // currently required, for the base_models, for stacking: if (! (params instanceof StackedEnsembleModel.StackedEnsembleParameters)) { params._nfolds = 5; params._fold_assignment = Model.Parameters.FoldAssignmentScheme.Modulo; params._keep_cross_validation_predictions = true; } } private boolean exceededSearchLimits(String whatWeAreSkipping) { if (timeRemainingMs() <= 0.001) {, "AutoML: out of time; skipping " + whatWeAreSkipping); return true; } if (remainingModels() <= 0) {, "AutoML: hit the max_models limit; skipping " + whatWeAreSkipping); return true; } return false; } Job<DRFModel>defaultRandomForest() { if (exceededSearchLimits("DRF")) return null; DRFModel.DRFParameters drfParameters = new DRFModel.DRFParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(drfParameters); drfParameters._stopping_tolerance = this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_tolerance(); Job randomForestJob = trainModel(null, "drf", drfParameters); return randomForestJob; } Job<DRFModel>defaultExtremelyRandomTrees() { if (exceededSearchLimits("XRT")) return null; DRFModel.DRFParameters drfParameters = new DRFModel.DRFParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(drfParameters); drfParameters._histogram_type = SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters.HistogramType.Random; drfParameters._stopping_tolerance = this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_tolerance(); Job randomForestJob = trainModel(ModelBuilder.defaultKey("XRT"), "drf", drfParameters); return randomForestJob; } public Job<Grid> defaultSearchGLM() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do a random hyperparameter search with GLM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: convert to using the REST API Key<Grid> gridKey = Key.make("GLM_grid_default_" + this._key.toString()); HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria searchCriteria = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria; // TODO: put this into a Provider, which can return multiple searches GLMModel.GLMParameters glmParameters = new GLMModel.GLMParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(glmParameters); glmParameters._lambda_search = true; glmParameters._family = getResponseColumn().isBinary() ? GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family.binomial : getResponseColumn().isCategorical() ? GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family.multinomial : GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family.gaussian; // TODO: other continuous distributions! Map<String, Object[]> searchParams = new HashMap<>(); glmParameters._alpha = new double[] {0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}; // Note: standard GLM parameter is an array; don't use searchParams! searchParams.put("_missing_values_handling", new DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling[] {DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.MeanImputation, DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.Skip}); Job<Grid>glmJob = hyperparameterSearch("GLM", glmParameters, searchParams); return glmJob; } public Job<Grid> defaultSearchGBM() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do a random hyperparameter search with GBM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: convert to using the REST API Key<Grid> gridKey = Key.make("GBM_grid_default_" + this._key.toString()); HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria searchCriteria = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria; // TODO: put this into a Provider, which can return multiple searches GBMModel.GBMParameters gbmParameters = new GBMModel.GBMParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(gbmParameters); gbmParameters._score_tree_interval = 5; gbmParameters._histogram_type = SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters.HistogramType.AUTO; Map<String, Object[]> searchParams = new HashMap<>(); searchParams.put("_ntrees", new Integer[]{10000}); searchParams.put("_max_depth", new Integer[]{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17}); searchParams.put("_min_rows", new Integer[]{1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 100}); searchParams.put("_learn_rate", new Double[]{0.001, 0.005, 0.008, 0.01, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8}); searchParams.put("_sample_rate", new Double[]{0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00}); searchParams.put("_col_sample_rate", new Double[]{ 0.4, 0.7, 1.0}); searchParams.put("_col_sample_rate_per_tree", new Double[]{ 0.4, 0.7, 1.0}); searchParams.put("_min_split_improvement", new Double[]{1e-4, 1e-5}); /* if (trainingFrame.numCols() > 1000 && responseVec.isCategorical() && responseVec.cardinality() > 2) searchParams.put("col_sample_rate_per_tree", new Double[]{0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}); */ Job<Grid>gbmJob = hyperparameterSearch("GBM", gbmParameters, searchParams); return gbmJob; } public Job<Grid> defaultSearchDL1() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do a random hyperparameter search with DL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: convert to using the REST API Key<Grid> gridKey = Key.make("DL_grid_default_" + this._key.toString()); HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria searchCriteria = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria; // TODO: put this into a Provider, which can return multiple searches DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters dlParameters = new DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(dlParameters); dlParameters._epochs = 10000; // early stopping takes care of epochs - no need to tune! dlParameters._adaptive_rate = true; dlParameters._activation = RectifierWithDropout; Map<String, Object[]> searchParams = new HashMap<>(); // common: searchParams.put("_rho", new Double[] { 0.9, 0.95, 0.99 }); searchParams.put("_epsilon", new Double[] { 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9 }); searchParams.put("_input_dropout_ratio", new Double[] { 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 }); // unique: searchParams.put("_hidden", new Integer[][] { {50}, {200}, {500} }); searchParams.put("_hidden_dropout_ratios", new Double[][] { { 0.0 }, { 0.1 }, { 0.2 }, { 0.3 }, { 0.4 }, { 0.5 } }); Job<Grid>dlJob = hyperparameterSearch("DL", dlParameters, searchParams); return dlJob; } public Job<Grid> defaultSearchDL2() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do a random hyperparameter search with DL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: convert to using the REST API Key<Grid> gridKey = Key.make("DL_grid_default_" + this._key.toString()); HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria searchCriteria = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria; // TODO: put this into a Provider, which can return multiple searches DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters dlParameters = new DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(dlParameters); dlParameters._epochs = 10000; // early stopping takes care of epochs - no need to tune! dlParameters._adaptive_rate = true; dlParameters._activation = RectifierWithDropout; Map<String, Object[]> searchParams = new HashMap<>(); // common: searchParams.put("_rho", new Double[] { 0.9, 0.95, 0.99 }); searchParams.put("_epsilon", new Double[] { 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9 }); searchParams.put("_input_dropout_ratio", new Double[] { 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 }); // unique: searchParams.put("_hidden", new Integer[][] { {50, 50}, {200, 200}, {500, 500} }); searchParams.put("_hidden_dropout_ratios", new Double[][] { { 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.1, 0.1 }, { 0.2, 0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 }, { 0.4, 0.4 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }); Job<Grid>dlJob = hyperparameterSearch("DL", dlParameters, searchParams); return dlJob; } public Job<Grid> defaultSearchDL3() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do a random hyperparameter search with DL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: convert to using the REST API Key<Grid> gridKey = Key.make("DL_grid_default_" + this._key.toString()); HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria searchCriteria = buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria; // TODO: put this into a Provider, which can return multiple searches DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters dlParameters = new DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(dlParameters); dlParameters._epochs = 10000; // early stopping takes care of epochs - no need to tune! dlParameters._adaptive_rate = true; dlParameters._activation = RectifierWithDropout; Map<String, Object[]> searchParams = new HashMap<>(); // common: searchParams.put("_rho", new Double[] { 0.9, 0.95, 0.99 }); searchParams.put("_epsilon", new Double[] { 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9 }); searchParams.put("_input_dropout_ratio", new Double[] { 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 }); // unique: searchParams.put("_hidden", new Integer[][] { {50, 50, 50}, {200, 200, 200}, {500, 500, 500} }); searchParams.put("_hidden_dropout_ratios", new Double[][] { { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }, { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 }, { 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 }, { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 } }); Job<Grid>dlJob = hyperparameterSearch("DL", dlParameters, searchParams); return dlJob; } Job<StackedEnsembleModel>stack(Key<Model>[]... modelKeyArrays) { List<Key<Model>> allModelKeys = new ArrayList<>(); for (Key<Model>[] modelKeyArray : modelKeyArrays) allModelKeys.addAll(Arrays.asList(modelKeyArray)); StackedEnsembleModel.StackedEnsembleParameters stackedEnsembleParameters = new StackedEnsembleModel.StackedEnsembleParameters(); stackedEnsembleParameters._base_models = allModelKeys.toArray(new Key[0]); stackedEnsembleParameters._selection_strategy = StackedEnsembleModel.StackedEnsembleParameters.SelectionStrategy.choose_all; Job ensembleJob = trainModel(null, "stackedensemble", stackedEnsembleParameters); return ensembleJob; } Job<DeepWaterModel>defaulDeepWater() { if (exceededSearchLimits("DeepWater")) return null; DeepWaterParameters deepWaterParameters = new DeepWaterParameters(); setCommonModelBuilderParams(deepWaterParameters); deepWaterParameters._stopping_tolerance = this.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.stopping_tolerance(); Job deepWaterJob = trainModel(null, "deepwater", deepWaterParameters); return deepWaterJob; } // manager thread: // 1. Do extremely cursory pass over data and gather only the most basic information. // // During this pass, AutoML will learn how timely it will be to do more info // gathering on _fr. There's already a number of interesting stats available // thru the rollups, so no need to do too much too soon. // // 2. Build a very dumb RF (with stopping_rounds=1, stopping_tolerance=0.01) // // 3. TODO: refinement passes and strategy selection // public void learn() {, "AutoML build started: " + fullTimestampFormat.format(new Date())); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gather initial frame metadata and guess the problem type /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: Nishant says sometimes frameMetadata is null, so maybe we need to wait for it? // null FrameMetadata arises when delete() is called without waiting for start() to finish. frameMetadata = new FrameMetadata(userFeedback, trainingFrame, trainingFrame.find(buildSpec.input_spec.response_column), trainingFrame._key.toString()).computeFrameMetaPass1(); HashMap<String, Object> frameMeta = FrameMetadata.makeEmptyFrameMeta(); frameMetadata.fillSimpleMeta(frameMeta); giveDatasetFeedback(trainingFrame, userFeedback, frameMeta); job.update(20, "Computed dataset metadata"); isClassification = frameMetadata.isClassification(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build a fast RF with default settings... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Job<DRFModel>defaultRandomForestJob = defaultRandomForest(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "Default Random Forest build", 50, this.job(), defaultRandomForestJob, JobType.ModelBuild); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ... and another with "XRT" / extratrees settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Job<DRFModel>defaultExtremelyRandomTreesJob = defaultExtremelyRandomTrees(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "Default Extremely Random Trees (XRT) build", 50, this.job(), defaultExtremelyRandomTreesJob, JobType.ModelBuild); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build GLMs with the default search parameters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: run for only part of the remaining time? Job<Grid>glmJob = defaultSearchGLM(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "GLM hyperparameter search", 50, this.job(), glmJob, JobType.HyperparamSearch); // TODO: build GBMs with Arno's default settings, using 1-grid Cartesian searches // into the same grid object as the search below. // Can't do until PUBDEV-4361 is fixed. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build GBMs with the default search parameters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: run for only part of the remaining time? Job<Grid> gbmJob = defaultSearchGBM(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "GBM hyperparameter search", 150, this.job(), gbmJob, JobType.HyperparamSearch); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build DL models with the default search parameter set 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: run for only part of the remaining time? Job<Grid>dlJob1 = defaultSearchDL1(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "DeepLearning hyperparameter search 1", 150, this.job(), dlJob1, JobType.HyperparamSearch); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build DL models with the default search parameter set 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: run for only part of the remaining time? Job<Grid>dlJob2 = defaultSearchDL2(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "DeepLearning hyperparameter search 2", 200, this.job(), dlJob2, JobType.HyperparamSearch); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build DL models with the default search parameter set 3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: run for only part of the remaining time? Job<Grid>dlJob3 = defaultSearchDL3(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "DeepLearning hyperparameter search 3", 300, this.job(), dlJob3, JobType.HyperparamSearch); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build a DeepWater model /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (DeepWater.haveBackend()) { Job<DeepWaterModel> defaultDeepWaterJob = defaulDeepWater(); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "Default DeepWater build", 50, this.job(), defaultDeepWaterJob, JobType.ModelBuild); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (optionally) build StackedEnsemble /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Model[] allModels = leaderboard().getModels(); if (allModels.length == 0){ this.job.update(50, "No models built: StackedEnsemble build skipped");, "No models were built, due to timeouts."); } else { Model m = allModels[0]; if (m._output.isClassifier() && !m._output.isBinomialClassifier()) { // nada this.job.update(50, "Multinomial classifier: StackedEnsemble build skipped");,"Multinomial classifier: StackedEnsemble build skipped"); } else { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // stack all models /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Also stack models from other AutoML runs, by using the Leaderboard! (but don't stack stacks) int nonEnsembleCount = 0; for (Model aModel : allModels) if (!(aModel instanceof StackedEnsembleModel)) nonEnsembleCount++; Key<Model>[] notEnsembles = new Key[nonEnsembleCount]; int notEnsembleIndex = 0; for (Model aModel : allModels) if (!(aModel instanceof StackedEnsembleModel)) notEnsembles[notEnsembleIndex++] = aModel._key; Job<StackedEnsembleModel> ensembleJob = stack(notEnsembles); pollAndUpdateProgress(Stage.ModelTraining, "StackedEnsemble build", 50, this.job(), ensembleJob, JobType.ModelBuild); } }, "AutoML: build done; built " + modelCount + " models");"User Feedback for AutoML Run " + this._key));; Leaderboard trainingLeaderboard = new Leaderboard(project() + "_training", userFeedback, this.trainingFrame); trainingLeaderboard.addModels(this.leaderboard.getModelKeys());"TRAINING FRAME Leaderboard for project " + project(), true).toString());; Leaderboard validationLeaderboard = new Leaderboard(project() + "_validation", userFeedback, this.validationFrame); validationLeaderboard.addModels(this.leaderboard.getModelKeys());"VALIDATION FRAME Leaderboard for project " + project(), true).toString());;"Leaderboard for project " + project(), true).toString()); possiblyVerifyImmutability(); // gather more data? build more models? start applying transforms? what next ...? stop(); } // end of learn() /** * Instantiate an AutoML object and start it running. Progress can be tracked via its job(). * * @param buildSpec * @return */ public static AutoML startAutoML(AutoMLBuildSpec buildSpec) { // TODO: name this job better AutoML aml = AutoML.makeAutoML(Key.<AutoML>make(), buildSpec); DKV.put(aml); startAutoML(aml); return aml; } /** * Takes in an AutoML instance and starts running it. Progress can be tracked via its job(). * @param aml * @return */ public static void startAutoML(AutoML aml) { // Currently AutoML can only run one job at a time if (aml.job == null || !aml.job.isRunning()) { Job job = new /* Timed */ H2OJob(aml, aml._key, aml.timeRemainingMs()).start(); aml.job = job; // job._max_runtime_msecs = Math.round(1000 * aml.buildSpec.build_control.stopping_criteria.max_runtime_secs()); // job work: // import/parse (30), Frame metadata (20), GBM grid (900), StackedEnsemble (50) job._work = 1000; DKV.put(aml); job.update(30, "Data import and parse complete"); } } /** * Holds until AutoML's job is completed, if a job exists. */ public void get() { if (job != null) job.get(); } /** * Delete the AutoML-related objects, but leave the grids and models that it built. */ public void delete() { //if (frameMetadata != null) frameMetadata.delete(); //TODO: We shouldn't have to worry about FrameMetadata being null AutoMLUtils.cleanup_adapt(trainingFrame, origTrainingFrame); leaderboard.delete(); userFeedback.delete(); remove(); } /** * Same as delete() but also deletes all Objects made from this instance. */ public void deleteWithChildren() { leaderboard.deleteWithChildren(); // implicit: feedback.delete(); delete(); // is it safe to do leaderboard.delete() now? if (gridKey != null) gridKey.remove(); // If the Frame was made here (e.g. buildspec contained a path, then it will be deleted if (buildSpec.input_spec.training_frame == null) { origTrainingFrame.delete(); } if (buildSpec.input_spec.validation_frame == null && buildSpec.input_spec.validation_path != null) { validationFrame.delete(); } } /* private ModelBuilder selectInitial(FrameMetadata fm) { // may use _isClassification so not static method // TODO: handle validation frame if present Frame[] trainTest = AutoMLUtils.makeTrainTestFromWeight(fm._fr, fm.weights()); ModelBuilder mb = InitModel.initRF(trainTest[0], trainTest[1], fm.response()._name); mb._parms._ignored_columns = fm.ignoredCols(); return mb; } */ public Job job() { if (null == this.job) return null; return DKV.getGet(this.job._key); } public Leaderboard leaderboard() { return leaderboard._key.get(); } public Model leader() { return (leaderboard == null ? null : leaderboard().getLeader()); } public UserFeedback userFeedback() { return userFeedback._key.get(); } public String project() { return buildSpec.project(); } public void addModels(final Key<Model>[] newModels) { modelCount.addAndGet(newModels.length); leaderboard.addModels(newModels); } public void addModel(final Key<Model> newModel) { modelCount.addAndGet(1); leaderboard.addModel(newModel); } public void addModel(final Model newModel) { modelCount.addAndGet(1); leaderboard.addModel(newModel); } // satisfy typing for job return type... public static class AutoMLKeyV3 extends KeyV3<Iced, AutoMLKeyV3, AutoML> { public AutoMLKeyV3() { } public AutoMLKeyV3(Key<AutoML> key) { super(key); } } @Override public Class<AutoMLKeyV3> makeSchema() { return AutoMLKeyV3.class; } private class AutoMLDoneException extends H2OAbstractRuntimeException { public AutoMLDoneException() { this("done", "done"); } public AutoMLDoneException(String msg, String dev_msg) { super(msg, dev_msg, new IcedHashMapGeneric.IcedHashMapStringObject()); } } public boolean possiblyVerifyImmutability() { boolean warning = false; if (verifyImmutability) { // check that we haven't messed up the original Frame userFeedback.debug(Stage.Workflow, "Verifying training frame immutability. . ."); Vec[] vecsRightNow = origTrainingFrame.vecs(); String[] namesRightNow = origTrainingFrame.names(); if (originalTrainingFrameVecs.length != vecsRightNow.length) { Log.warn("Training frame vec count has changed from: " + originalTrainingFrameVecs.length + " to: " + vecsRightNow.length); warning = true; } if (originalTrainingFrameNames.length != namesRightNow.length) { Log.warn("Training frame vec count has changed from: " + originalTrainingFrameNames.length + " to: " + namesRightNow.length); warning = true; } for (int i = 0; i < originalTrainingFrameVecs.length; i++) { if (!originalTrainingFrameVecs[i].equals(vecsRightNow[i])) { Log.warn("Training frame vec number " + i + " has changed keys. Was: " + originalTrainingFrameVecs[i] + " , now: " + vecsRightNow[i]); warning = true; } if (!originalTrainingFrameNames[i].equals(namesRightNow[i])) { Log.warn("Training frame vec number " + i + " has changed names. Was: " + originalTrainingFrameNames[i] + " , now: " + namesRightNow[i]); warning = true; } if (originalTrainingFrameChecksums[i] != vecsRightNow[i].checksum()) { Log.warn("Training frame vec number " + i + " has changed checksum. Was: " + originalTrainingFrameChecksums[i] + " , now: " + vecsRightNow[i].checksum()); warning = true; } } if (warning) userFeedback.warn(Stage.Workflow, "Training frame was mutated! This indicates a bug in the AutoML software."); else userFeedback.debug(Stage.Workflow, "Training frame was not mutated (as expected)."); } else { userFeedback.debug(Stage.Workflow, "Not verifying training frame immutability. . . This is turned off for efficiency."); } return warning; } private void giveDatasetFeedback(Frame frame, UserFeedback userFeedback, HashMap<String, Object> frameMeta) {, "Metadata for Frame: " + frame._key.toString()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : frameMeta.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith("Dummy")) continue; Object val = entry.getValue(); if (val instanceof Double || val instanceof Float), entry.getKey() + ": " + String.format("%.6f", val)); else, entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue()); } } }