package hex.schemas; import hex.DataInfo; import hex.aggregator.Aggregator; import hex.aggregator.AggregatorModel; import water.api.API; import water.api.schemas3.ModelParametersSchemaV3; import static hex.pca.PCAModel.PCAParameters; public class AggregatorV99 extends ModelBuilderSchema<Aggregator,AggregatorV99,AggregatorV99.AggregatorParametersV99> { public static final class AggregatorParametersV99 extends ModelParametersSchemaV3<AggregatorModel.AggregatorParameters, AggregatorParametersV99> { static public String[] fields = new String[] { "model_id", "training_frame", "response_column", "ignored_columns", "ignore_const_cols", "target_num_exemplars", "rel_tol_num_exemplars", // "radius_scale", "transform", "categorical_encoding", // "pca_method", // "k", // "max_iterations", // "seed", // "use_all_factor_levels", // "max_runtime_secs" }; // @API(help = "Radius scaling", gridable = true) // public double radius_scale; @API(help = "Transformation of training data", values = { "NONE", "STANDARDIZE", "NORMALIZE", "DEMEAN", "DESCALE" }, gridable = true, level= // TODO: pull out of categorical class public DataInfo.TransformType transform; @API(help = "Method for computing PCA (Caution: GLRM is currently experimental and unstable)", values = { "GramSVD", "Power", "Randomized", "GLRM" }, gridable = true, level= public PCAParameters.Method pca_method; @API(help = "Rank of matrix approximation", direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, level= API.Level.secondary) public int k; @API(help = "Maximum number of iterations for PCA", direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, level= public int max_iterations; @API(help = "Targeted number of exemplars", direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, level= API.Level.secondary) public int target_num_exemplars; @API(help = "Relative tolerance for number of exemplars (e.g, 0.5 is +/- 50%)", direction = API.Direction.INOUT, gridable = true, level= API.Level.secondary) public double rel_tol_num_exemplars; @API(help = "RNG seed for initialization", direction = API.Direction.INOUT, level= API.Level.secondary) public long seed; @API(help = "Whether first factor level is included in each categorical expansion", direction = API.Direction.INOUT, level= public boolean use_all_factor_levels; } }