package water; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import water.fvec.*; import water.parser.BufferedString; import water.parser.DefaultParserProviders; import water.parser.ParseDataset; import water.parser.ParseSetup; import water.util.FileUtils; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Timer; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.UUID; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @Ignore("Support for tests, but no actual tests here") public class TestUtil extends Iced { { // we need assertions to be checked at least when tests are running ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader(); loader.setDefaultAssertionStatus(true); } public final static boolean JACOCO_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("test.jacocoEnabled", "false")); private static boolean _stall_called_before = false; private static String[] ignoreTestsNames; private static String[] doonlyTestsNames; protected static int _initial_keycnt = 0; /** Minimal cloud size to start test. */ protected static int MINCLOUDSIZE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cloudSize", "1")); /** Default time in ms to wait for clouding */ protected static int DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_CLOUDING = 30000 /* ms */; public TestUtil() { this(1); } public TestUtil(int minCloudSize) { MINCLOUDSIZE = Math.max(MINCLOUDSIZE,minCloudSize); String ignoreTests = System.getProperty("ignore.tests"); if (ignoreTests != null) { ignoreTestsNames = ignoreTests.split(","); if (ignoreTestsNames.length == 1 && ignoreTestsNames[0].equals("")) { ignoreTestsNames = null; } } String doonlyTests = System.getProperty("doonly.tests"); if (doonlyTests != null) { doonlyTestsNames = doonlyTests.split(","); if (doonlyTestsNames.length == 1 && doonlyTestsNames[0].equals("")) { doonlyTestsNames = null; } } } // ==== Test Setup & Teardown Utilities ==== // Stall test until we see at least X members of the Cloud protected static int getDefaultTimeForClouding() { return JACOCO_ENABLED ? DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_CLOUDING * 10 : DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_CLOUDING; } public static void stall_till_cloudsize(int x) { stall_till_cloudsize(x, getDefaultTimeForClouding()); } public static void stall_till_cloudsize(int x, int timeout) { stall_till_cloudsize(new String[] {}, x, timeout); } public static void stall_till_cloudsize(String[] args, int x) { stall_till_cloudsize(args, x, getDefaultTimeForClouding()); } public static void stall_till_cloudsize(String[] args, int x, int timeout) { x = Math.max(MINCLOUDSIZE, x); if( !_stall_called_before ) { H2O.main(args); H2O.registerRestApis(System.getProperty("user.dir")); _stall_called_before = true; } H2O.waitForCloudSize(x, timeout); _initial_keycnt = H2O.store_size(); // Finalize registration of REST API to enable tests which are touching Schemas. H2O.finalizeRegistration(); } /** * Converts a H2OFrame to a csv file for debugging purposes. * * @param fileNameWithPath: String containing filename with path that will contain the H2O Frame * @param h2oframe: H2O Frame to be saved as CSV file. * @param header: boolean to decide if column names should be saved. Set to false if don't care. * @param hex_string: boolean to decide if the double values are written in hex. Set to false if don't care. * @throws IOException */ public static void writeFrameToCSV(String fileNameWithPath, Frame h2oframe, boolean header, boolean hex_string) throws IOException { InputStream frameToStream = h2oframe.toCSV(header, hex_string); // read in frame as Inputstream // write Inputstream to a real file File targetFile = new File(fileNameWithPath); OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[1<<20]; int bytesRead; while(( > 0) { // for our toCSV stream, return 0 as EOF, not -1 outStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } frameToStream.close(); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } @AfterClass public static void checkLeakedKeys() { int leaked_keys = H2O.store_size() - _initial_keycnt; int cnt=0; if( leaked_keys > 0 ) { for( Key k : H2O.localKeySet() ) { Value value = Value.STORE_get(k); // Ok to leak VectorGroups and the Jobs list if( value==null || value.isVecGroup() || value.isESPCGroup() || k == Job.LIST || // Also leave around all attempted Jobs for the Jobs list (value.isJob() && value.<Job>get().isStopped()) ) { leaked_keys--; } else { System.out.println(k + " -> " + value.get()); if( cnt++ < 10 ) System.err.println("Leaked key: " + k + " = " + TypeMap.className(value.type())); } } if( 10 < leaked_keys ) System.err.println("... and "+(leaked_keys-10)+" more leaked keys"); } assertTrue("Keys leaked: " + leaked_keys + ", cnt = " + cnt, leaked_keys <= 0 || cnt == 0); // Bulk brainless key removal. Completely wipes all Keys without regard. new DKVCleaner().doAllNodes(); _initial_keycnt = H2O.store_size(); } private static class DKVCleaner extends MRTask<DKVCleaner> { @Override public void setupLocal() { H2O.raw_clear(); water.fvec.Vec.ESPC.clear(); } } /** Execute this rule before each test to print test name and test class */ @Rule transient public TestRule logRule = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {"###########################################################");" * Test class name: " + description.getClassName());" * Test method name: " + description.getMethodName());"###########################################################"); return base; } }; /* Ignore tests specified in the ignore.tests system property */ @Rule transient public TestRule runRule = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { String testName = description.getClassName() + "#" + description.getMethodName(); boolean ignored = false; if (ignoreTestsNames != null && ignoreTestsNames.length > 0) { for (String tn : ignoreTestsNames) { if (testName.startsWith(tn)) { ignored = true; break; } } } if (doonlyTestsNames != null && doonlyTestsNames.length > 0) { ignored = true; for (String tn : doonlyTestsNames) { if (testName.startsWith(tn)) { ignored = false; break; } } } if (ignored) { // Ignored tests trump do-only tests"#### TEST " + testName + " IGNORED"); return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable {} }; } else { return base; } } }; @Rule transient public TestRule timerRule = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { return new TimerStatement(base, description.getClassName()+"#"+description.getMethodName()); } class TimerStatement extends Statement { private final Statement _base; private final String _tname; Throwable _ex; public TimerStatement(Statement base, String tname) { _base = base; _tname = tname;} @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { Timer t = new Timer(); try { _base.evaluate(); } catch( Throwable ex ) { _ex=ex; throw _ex; } finally {"#### TEST "+_tname+" EXECUTION TIME: " + t.toString()); } } } }; // ==== Data Frame Creation Utilities ==== /** Compare 2 frames * @param fr1 Frame * @param fr2 Frame * @param epsilon Relative tolerance for floating point numbers * @return true if equal */ public static boolean isIdenticalUpToRelTolerance(Frame fr1, Frame fr2, double epsilon) { if (fr1 == fr2) return true; if( fr1.numCols() != fr2.numCols() ) return false; if( fr1.numRows() != fr2.numRows() ) return false; Scope.enter(); if( !fr1.isCompatible(fr2) ) fr1.makeCompatible(fr2); boolean identical = !(new Cmp1(epsilon).doAll(new Frame(fr1).add(fr2))._unequal); Scope.exit(); return identical; } /** Compare 2 frames * @param fr1 Frame * @param fr2 Frame * @return true if equal */ public static boolean isBitIdentical(Frame fr1, Frame fr2) { return isIdenticalUpToRelTolerance(fr1,fr2,0); } static File[] contentsOf(String name, File folder) { try { return FileUtils.contentsOf(folder, name); } catch (IOException ioe) { fail(ioe.getMessage()); return null; } } /** Find & parse a CSV file. NPE if file not found. * @param fname Test filename * @return Frame or NPE */ public static Frame parse_test_file( String fname ) { return parse_test_file(Key.make(),fname); } public static NFSFileVec makeNfsFileVec(String fname) { try { return NFSFileVec.make(fname); } catch (IOException ioe) { fail(ioe.getMessage()); return null; } } public static Frame parse_test_file( Key outputKey, String fname) { NFSFileVec nfs = makeNfsFileVec(fname); return ParseDataset.parse(outputKey, nfs._key); } protected Frame parse_test_file( Key outputKey, String fname, boolean guessSetup) { NFSFileVec nfs = makeNfsFileVec(fname); return ParseDataset.parse(outputKey, new Key[]{nfs._key}, true, ParseSetup.guessSetup(new Key[]{nfs._key},false,1)); } protected Frame parse_test_file( String fname, String na_string, int check_header, byte[] column_types ) { NFSFileVec nfs = makeNfsFileVec(fname); Key[] res = {nfs._key}; // create new parseSetup in order to store our na_string ParseSetup p = ParseSetup.guessSetup(res, new ParseSetup(DefaultParserProviders.GUESS_INFO,(byte) ',',true, check_header,0,null,null,null,null,null)); // add the na_strings into p. if (na_string != null) { int column_number = p.getColumnTypes().length; int na_length = na_string.length() - 1; String[][] na_strings = new String[column_number][na_length + 1]; for (int index = 0; index < column_number; index++) { na_strings[index][na_length] = na_string; } p.setNAStrings(na_strings); } if (column_types != null) p.setColumnTypes(column_types); return ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), res, true, p); } /** Find & parse a folder of CSV files. NPE if file not found. * @param fname Test filename * @return Frame or NPE */ protected Frame parse_test_folder( String fname ) { File folder = FileUtils.locateFile(fname); File[] files = contentsOf(fname, folder); Arrays.sort(files); ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<>(); for( File f : files ) if( f.isFile() ) keys.add(NFSFileVec.make(f)._key); Key[] res = new Key[keys.size()]; keys.toArray(res); return ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), res); } /** * Parse a folder with csv files when a single na_string is specified. * * @param fname name of folder * @param na_string string for NA in a column * @return */ protected static Frame parse_test_folder( String fname, String na_string, int check_header, byte[] column_types ) { File folder = FileUtils.locateFile(fname); File[] files = contentsOf(fname, folder); Arrays.sort(files); ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<>(); for( File f : files ) if( f.isFile() ) keys.add(NFSFileVec.make(f)._key); Key[] res = new Key[keys.size()]; keys.toArray(res); // generated the necessary key here // create new parseSetup in order to store our na_string ParseSetup p = ParseSetup.guessSetup(res, new ParseSetup(DefaultParserProviders.GUESS_INFO,(byte) ',',true, check_header,0,null,null,null,null,null)); // add the na_strings into p. if (na_string != null) { int column_number = p.getColumnTypes().length; int na_length = na_string.length() - 1; String[][] na_strings = new String[column_number][na_length + 1]; for (int index = 0; index < column_number; index++) { na_strings[index][na_length] = na_string; } p.setNAStrings(na_strings); } if (column_types != null) p.setColumnTypes(column_types); return ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), res, true, p); } /** A Numeric Vec from an array of ints * @param rows Data * @return The Vec */ public static Vec vec(int...rows) { return vec(null, rows); } /** A Categorical/Factor Vec from an array of ints - with categorical/domain mapping * @param domain Categorical/Factor names, mapped by the data values * @param rows Data * @return The Vec */ public static Vec vec(String[] domain, int ...rows) { Key<Vec> k = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k,Vec.T_NUM); avec.setDomain(domain); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); for( int r : rows ) chunk.addNum(r); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); return vec; } /** A numeric Vec from an array of ints */ public static Vec ivec(int...rows) { return vec(null, rows); } /** A categorical Vec from an array of strings */ public static Vec cvec(String ...rows) { return cvec(null, rows); } public static Vec cvec(String[] domain, String ...rows) { HashMap<String, Integer> domainMap = new HashMap<>(10); ArrayList<String> domainList = new ArrayList<>(10); if (domain != null) { int j = 0; for (String s : domain) { domainMap.put(s, j++); domainList.add(s); } } int[] irows = new int[rows.length]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { String s = rows[i]; if (!domainMap.containsKey(s)) { domainMap.put(s, j++); domainList.add(s); } irows[i] = domainMap.get(s); } return vec(domainList.toArray(new String[]{}), irows); } /** A numeric Vec from an array of doubles */ public static Vec dvec(double...rows) { Key<Vec> k = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k, Vec.T_NUM); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); for (double r : rows) chunk.addNum(r); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); return vec; } /** A time Vec from an array of ints */ public static Vec tvec(int...rows) { Key<Vec> k = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k, Vec.T_TIME); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); for (int r : rows) chunk.addNum(r); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); return vec; } /** A string Vec from an array of strings */ public static Vec svec(String...rows) { Key<Vec> k = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k, Vec.T_STR); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); for (String r : rows) chunk.addStr(r); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); return vec; } /** A string Vec from an array of strings */ public static Vec uvec(UUID...rows) { Key<Vec> k = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k, Vec.T_UUID); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); for (UUID r : rows) chunk.addUUID(r); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.layout_and_close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); return vec; } // Shortcuts for initializing constant arrays public static String[] ar (String ...a) { return a; } public static String[][] ar (String[] ...a) { return a; } public static byte [] ar (byte ...a) { return a; } public static long [] ar (long ...a) { return a; } public static long[][] ar (long[] ...a) { return a; } public static int [] ari(int ...a) { return a; } public static int [][] ar (int[] ...a) { return a; } public static float [] arf(float ...a) { return a; } public static double[] ard(double ...a) { return a; } public static double[][] ard(double[] ...a) { return a; } public static double[][] ear (double ...a) { double[][] r = new double[a.length][1]; for (int i=0; i<a.length;i++) r[i][0] = a[i]; return r; } // Java7+ @SafeVarargs public static <T> T[] aro(T ...a) { return a ;} // ==== Comparing Results ==== public static void assertVecEquals(Vec expecteds, Vec actuals, double delta) { assertEquals(expecteds.length(), actuals.length()); for(int i = 0; i < expecteds.length(); i++) { final String message = i + ": " + + " != " + + ", chunkIds = " + expecteds.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", " + actuals.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", row in chunks = " + (i - expecteds.chunkForRow(i).start()) + ", " + (i - actuals.chunkForRow(i).start()); assertEquals(message,,, delta); } } public static void assertUUIDVecEquals(Vec expecteds, Vec actuals) { assertEquals(expecteds.length(), actuals.length()); assertEquals("Vec types match", expecteds.get_type_str(), actuals.get_type_str()); for(int i = 0; i < expecteds.length(); i++) { UUID expected = new UUID(expecteds.at16l(i), expecteds.at16h(i)); UUID actual = new UUID(actuals.at16l(i), actuals.at16h(i)); final String message = i + ": " + expected + " != " + actual + ", chunkIds = " + expecteds.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", " + actuals.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", row in chunks = " + (i - expecteds.chunkForRow(i).start()) + ", " + (i - actuals.chunkForRow(i).start()); assertEquals(message, expected, actual); } } private static String toStr(BufferedString bs) { return bs != null ? bs.toString() : null; } public static void assertStringVecEquals(Vec expecteds, Vec actuals) { assertEquals(expecteds.length(), actuals.length()); assertEquals("Vec types match", expecteds.get_type_str(), actuals.get_type_str()); for(int i = 0; i < expecteds.length(); i++) { String expected = toStr(expecteds.atStr(new BufferedString(), i)); String actual = toStr(actuals.atStr(new BufferedString(), i)); final String message = i + ": " + expected + " != " + actual + ", chunkIds = " + expecteds.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", " + actuals.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", row in chunks = " + (i - expecteds.chunkForRow(i).start()) + ", " + (i - actuals.chunkForRow(i).start()); assertEquals(message, expected, actual); } } private static String getFactorAsString(Vec v, long row) { return v.isNA(row) ? null : v.factor((long); } public static void assertCatVecEquals(Vec expecteds, Vec actuals) { assertEquals(expecteds.length(), actuals.length()); assertEquals("Vec types match", expecteds.get_type_str(), actuals.get_type_str()); for(int i = 0; i < expecteds.length(); i++) { String expected = getFactorAsString(expecteds, i); String actual = getFactorAsString(actuals, i); final String message = i + ": " + expected + " != " + actual + ", chunkIds = " + expecteds.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", " + actuals.elem2ChunkIdx(i) + ", row in chunks = " + (i - expecteds.chunkForRow(i).start()) + ", " + (i - actuals.chunkForRow(i).start()); assertEquals(message, expected, actual); } } public static void checkStddev(double[] expected, double[] actual, double threshold) { for(int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) assertEquals(expected[i], actual[i], threshold); } public static void checkIcedArrays(IcedWrapper[][] expected, IcedWrapper[][] actual, double threshold) { for(int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < actual[0].length; j++) assertEquals(expected[i][j].d, actual[i][j].d, threshold); } public static boolean[] checkEigvec(double[][] expected, double[][] actual, double threshold) { int nfeat = actual.length; int ncomp = actual[0].length; boolean[] flipped = new boolean[ncomp]; for(int j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { // flipped[j] = Math.abs(expected[0][j] - actual[0][j]) > threshold; flipped[j] = Math.abs(expected[0][j] - actual[0][j]) > Math.abs(expected[0][j] + actual[0][j]); for(int i = 0; i < nfeat; i++) { assertEquals(expected[i][j], flipped[j] ? -actual[i][j] : actual[i][j], threshold); } } return flipped; } public static boolean[] checkEigvec(double[][] expected, TwoDimTable actual, double threshold) { int nfeat = actual.getRowDim(); int ncomp = actual.getColDim(); boolean[] flipped = new boolean[ncomp]; for(int j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { flipped[j] = Math.abs(expected[0][j] - (double)actual.get(0,j)) > threshold; for(int i = 0; i < nfeat; i++) { assertEquals(expected[i][j], flipped[j] ? -(double)actual.get(i,j) : (double)actual.get(i,j), threshold); } } return flipped; } public static boolean[] checkEigvec(TwoDimTable expected, TwoDimTable actual, double threshold) { int nfeat = actual.getRowDim(); int ncomp = actual.getColDim(); boolean[] flipped = new boolean[ncomp]; for(int j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { flipped[j] = Math.abs((double)expected.get(0,j) - (double)actual.get(0,j)) > threshold; for(int i = 0; i < nfeat; i++) { assertEquals((double) expected.get(i,j), flipped[j] ? -(double)actual.get(i,j) : (double)actual.get(i,j), threshold); } } return flipped; } public static boolean[] checkProjection(Frame expected, Frame actual, double threshold, boolean[] flipped) { assertEquals("Number of columns", expected.numCols(), actual.numCols()); assertEquals("Number of columns in flipped", expected.numCols(), flipped.length); int nfeat = (int) expected.numRows(); int ncomp = expected.numCols(); for(int j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { Vec.Reader vexp = expected.vec(j).new Reader(); Vec.Reader vact = actual.vec(j).new Reader(); assertEquals(vexp.length(), vact.length()); for (int i = 0; i < nfeat; i++) { if (vexp.isNA(i) || vact.isNA(i)) { continue; } // only perform comparison when data is not NAN assertEquals(vexp.at8(i), flipped[j] ? -vact.at8(i) : vact.at8(i), threshold); } } return flipped; } // Run tests from cmd-line since testng doesn't seem to be able to it. public static void main( String[] args ) { H2O.main(new String[0]); for( String arg : args ) { try { System.out.println("=== Starting "+arg); Class<?> clz = Class.forName(arg); Method main = clz.getDeclaredMethod("main"); main.invoke(null); } catch( InvocationTargetException ite ) { Throwable e = ite.getCause(); e.printStackTrace(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch( Exception ignore ) { } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch( Exception ignore ) { } } finally { System.out.println("=== Stopping "+arg); } } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch( Exception ignore ) { } if( args.length != 0 ) UDPRebooted.T.shutdown.send(H2O.SELF); } protected static class Cmp1 extends MRTask<Cmp1> { final double _epsilon; Cmp1( double epsilon ) { _epsilon = epsilon; } boolean _unequal; @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { for( int cols=0; cols<chks.length>>1; cols++ ) { Chunk c0 = chks[cols ]; Chunk c1 = chks[cols+(chks.length>>1)]; for( int rows = 0; rows < chks[0]._len; rows++ ) { if (c0.isNA(rows) != c1.isNA(rows)) { _unequal = true; return; } else if (!(c0.isNA(rows) && c1.isNA(rows))) { if (c0 instanceof C16Chunk && c1 instanceof C16Chunk) { long lo0 = c0.at16l(rows), lo1 = c1.at16l(rows); long hi0 = c0.at16h(rows), hi1 = c1.at16h(rows); if (lo0 != lo1 || hi0 != hi1) { _unequal = true; return; } } else if (c0 instanceof CStrChunk && c1 instanceof CStrChunk) { BufferedString s0 = new BufferedString(), s1 = new BufferedString(); c0.atStr(s0, rows); c1.atStr(s1, rows); if (s0.compareTo(s1) != 0) { _unequal = true; return; } } else if ((c0 instanceof C8Chunk) && (c1 instanceof C8Chunk)) { long d0 = c0.at8(rows), d1 = c1.at8(rows); if (d0 != d1) { _unequal = true; return; } } else { double d0 = c0.atd(rows), d1 = c1.atd(rows); if (!(Math.abs(d0 - d1) <= Math.abs(d0 + d1) * _epsilon)) { _unequal = true; return; } } } } } } @Override public void reduce( Cmp1 cmp ) { _unequal |= cmp._unequal; } } public static void assertFrameAssertion(FrameAssertion frameAssertion) { int[] dim = frameAssertion.dim; Frame frame = null; try { frame = frameAssertion.prepare(); assertEquals("Frame has to have expected number of columns", dim[0], frame.numCols()); assertEquals("Frame has to have expected number of rows", dim[1], frame.numRows()); frameAssertion.check(frame); } finally { frameAssertion.done(frame); if (frame != null) frame.delete(); } } public static abstract class FrameAssertion { protected final String file; private final int[] dim; // columns X rows public FrameAssertion(String file, int[] dim) { this.file = file; this.dim = dim; } public Frame prepare() { return TestUtil.parse_test_file(file); } public void done(Frame frame) {} public void check(Frame frame) {} public final int nrows() { return dim[1]; } public final int ncols() { return dim[0]; } } public static abstract class GenFrameAssertion extends FrameAssertion { public GenFrameAssertion(String file, int[] dim) { super(file, dim); } File generatedFile; protected abstract File prepareFile() throws IOException; @Override public Frame prepare() { try { File f = generatedFile = prepareFile(); System.out.println("File generated into: " + f.getCanonicalPath()); if (f.isDirectory()) { return parse_test_folder(f.getCanonicalPath(), null, ParseSetup.HAS_HEADER, null); } else { return parse_test_file(f.getCanonicalPath()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot prepare test frame from file: " + file, e); } } @Override public void done(Frame frame) { if (generatedFile != null) { generatedFile.deleteOnExit();; } } } }