package hex; import hex.glm.GLMModel; import hex.splitframe.ShuffleSplitFrame; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.Key; import water.MRTask; import water.TestUtil; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import java.util.Random; // data info tests with interactions public class DataInfoTestAdapt extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass static public void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } @Test public void testInteractionTrainTestSplitAdapt() { DataInfo dinfo=null, scoreInfo=null; Frame fr=null, expanded=null; Frame[] frSplits=null, expandSplits=null; String[] interactions = new String[]{"class", "sepal_len"}; boolean useAll=false; boolean standardize=false; // golden frame is standardized before splitting, while frame we want to check would be standardized post-split (not exactly what we want!) boolean skipMissing=true; try { fr = parse_test_file(Key.make("a.hex"), "smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); fr.swap(3, 4); expanded = GLMModel.GLMOutput.expand(fr, interactions, useAll, standardize,skipMissing); // here's the "golden" frame // now split fr and expanded long seed; frSplits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(fr, new Key[]{Key.make(), Key.make()}, new double[]{0.8, 0.2}, seed = new Random().nextLong()); expandSplits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(expanded, new Key[]{Key.make(), Key.make()}, new double[]{0.8, 0.2}, seed); // check1: verify splits. expand frSplits with DataInfo and check against expandSplits checkSplits(frSplits,expandSplits,interactions,useAll,standardize); // now take the test frame from frSplits, and adapt it to a DataInfo built on the train frame dinfo = makeInfo(frSplits[0], interactions, useAll, standardize); GLMModel.GLMParameters parms = new GLMModel.GLMParameters(); parms._response_column = "petal_wid"; Model.adaptTestForTrain(frSplits[1],null,null,dinfo._adaptedFrame.names(),,parms,true,false,interactions,null,null, false); scoreInfo = dinfo.scoringInfo(dinfo._adaptedFrame._names,frSplits[1]); checkFrame(scoreInfo,expandSplits[1]); } finally { cleanup(fr,expanded); cleanup(frSplits); cleanup(expandSplits); cleanup(dinfo, scoreInfo); } } @Test public void testInteractionTrainTestSplitAdaptAirlines() { DataInfo dinfo=null, scoreInfo=null; Frame frA=null, fr=null, expanded=null; Frame[] frSplits=null, expandSplits=null; String[] interactions = new String[]{"CRSDepTime", "Origin"}; String[] keepColumns = new String[]{ "Year", "Month" , "DayofMonth" , "DayOfWeek", "CRSDepTime" , "CRSArrTime" , "UniqueCarrier" , "CRSElapsedTime", "Origin" , "Dest" , "Distance" , "IsDepDelayed", }; boolean useAll=false; boolean standardize=false; // golden frame is standardized before splitting, while frame we want to check would be standardized post-split (not exactly what we want!) boolean skipMissing=false; try { frA = parse_test_file(Key.make("a.hex"), "smalldata/airlines/"); fr = frA.subframe(keepColumns); expanded = GLMModel.GLMOutput.expand(fr, interactions, useAll, standardize, skipMissing); // here's the "golden" frame // now split fr and expanded long seed; frSplits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(fr, new Key[]{Key.make(), Key.make()}, new double[]{0.8, 0.2}, seed = new Random().nextLong()); expandSplits = ShuffleSplitFrame.shuffleSplitFrame(expanded, new Key[]{Key.make(), Key.make()}, new double[]{0.8, 0.2}, seed); // check1: verify splits. expand frSplits with DataInfo and check against expandSplits checkSplits(frSplits,expandSplits,interactions,useAll,standardize,skipMissing); // now take the test frame from frSplits, and adapt it to a DataInfo built on the train frame dinfo = makeInfo(frSplits[0], interactions, useAll, standardize,skipMissing); GLMModel.GLMParameters parms = new GLMModel.GLMParameters(); parms._response_column = "IsDepDelayed"; Model.adaptTestForTrain(frSplits[1],null,null,dinfo._adaptedFrame.names(),,parms,true,false,interactions,null,null, false); scoreInfo = dinfo.scoringInfo(dinfo._adaptedFrame._names,frSplits[1]); checkFrame(scoreInfo,expandSplits[1], skipMissing); } finally { cleanup(fr,frA,expanded); cleanup(frSplits); cleanup(expandSplits); cleanup(dinfo, scoreInfo); } } private void cleanup(Frame... fr) { for(Frame f: fr) if( null!=f ) f.delete(); } private void cleanup(DataInfo... di) { for(DataInfo d: di) if( null!=d ) { d.dropInteractions(); d.remove(); } } private void checkSplits(Frame frSplits[], Frame goldSplits[], String[] interactions, boolean useAll, boolean standardize) { checkSplits(frSplits,goldSplits,interactions,useAll,standardize,false); } private void checkSplits(Frame frSplits[], Frame goldSplits[], String[] interactions, boolean useAll, boolean standardize, boolean skipMissing) { for(int i=0;i<frSplits.length;++i) checkFrame(makeInfo(frSplits[i],interactions,useAll,standardize,skipMissing),goldSplits[i], skipMissing); } private static DataInfo makeInfo(Frame fr, String[] interactions, boolean useAll, boolean standardize) { return makeInfo(fr,interactions,useAll,standardize,true); } private static DataInfo makeInfo(Frame fr, String[] interactions, boolean useAll, boolean standardize, boolean skipMissing) { return new DataInfo( fr, // train null, // valid 1, // num responses useAll, // use all factor levels standardize?DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE:DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, // predictor transform DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, // response transform skipMissing, // skip missing false, // impute missing false, // missing bucket false, // weight false, // offset false, // fold interactions // interactions ); } private void checkFrame(final Frame checkMe, final Frame gold) { Vec[] vecs = new Vec[checkMe.numCols()+gold.numCols()]; new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { int off=checkMe.numCols(); for(int i=0;i<off;++i) { for(int r=0;r<cs[0]._len;++r) { double check = cs[i].atd(r); double gold = cs[i+off].atd(r); if( Math.abs(check-gold) > 1e-12 ) throw new RuntimeException("bonk"); } } } }.doAll(vecs); } private void checkFrame(final DataInfo di, final Frame gold) { checkFrame(di,gold,true); } private void checkFrame(final DataInfo di, final Frame gold, final boolean skipMissing) { try { Vec[] vecs = new Vec[di._adaptedFrame.numCols()+gold.numCols()]; System.arraycopy(di._adaptedFrame.vecs(),0,vecs,0,di._adaptedFrame.numCols()); System.arraycopy(gold.vecs(), 0, vecs, di._adaptedFrame.numCols(), gold.numCols()); new MRTask() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { int off = di._adaptedFrame.numCols(); DataInfo.Row r = di.newDenseRow(); // DataInfo.Row rows[] = di.extractSparseRows(cs); for (int i = 0; i < cs[0]._len; ++i) { // DataInfo.Row r = rows[i]; di.extractDenseRow(cs, i, r); if( skipMissing && r.isBad() ) continue; for (int j = 0; j < di.fullN(); ++j) { double goldValue = cs[off+j].atd(i); double thisValue = r.get(j); // - (di._normSub[j - di.numStart()] * di._normMul[j-di.numStart()]); double diff = Math.abs(goldValue - thisValue); if (diff > 1e-12) { if( !skipMissing && diff < 10 ) System.out.println("row mismatch: " + i + " column= " + j + "; diff= " + diff + " but not skipping missing, so due to discrepancies in taking mean on split frames"); else throw new RuntimeException("bonk"); } } } } }.doAll(vecs); } finally { di.dropInteractions(); di.remove(); } } }