package hex.glrm; import hex.DataInfo; import hex.ModelMetrics; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmInitialization; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmLoss; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmRegularizer; import hex.glrm.GLRMModel.GLRMParameters; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.DKV; import water.Key; import water.Scope; import water.TestUtil; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.Log; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; public class GLRMCategoricalTest extends TestUtil { public final double TOLERANCE = 1e-6; @BeforeClass public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } private static String colFormat(String[] cols, String format) { int[] idx = new int[cols.length]; for(int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) idx[i] = i; return colFormat(cols, format, idx); } private static String colFormat(String[] cols, String format, int[] idx) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) sb.append(String.format(format, cols[idx[i]])); sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } private static String colExpFormat(String[] cols, String[][] domains, String format) { int[] idx = new int[cols.length]; for(int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) idx[i] = i; return colExpFormat(cols, domains, format, idx); } private static String colExpFormat(String[] cols, String[][] domains, String format, int[] idx) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { int c = idx[i]; if(domains[c] == null) sb.append(String.format(format, cols[c])); else { for(int j = 0; j < domains[c].length; j++) sb.append(String.format(format, domains[c][j])); } } sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } @Test public void testCategoricalIris() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { GLRMModel model = null; Frame train = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("iris.hex"), "smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); GLRMParameters parms = new GLRMParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._k = 4; parms._loss = GlrmLoss.Absolute; parms._init = GlrmInitialization.SVD; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._recover_svd = true; parms._max_iterations = 1000; model = new GLRM(parms).trainModel().get();"Iteration " + model._output._iterations + ": Objective value = " + model._output._objective); model.score(train).delete(); ModelMetricsGLRM mm = (ModelMetricsGLRM)ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, train);"Numeric Sum of Squared Error = " + mm._numerr + "\tCategorical Misclassification Error = " + mm._caterr); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testCategoricalProstate() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { GLRMModel model = null; Frame train = null; final int[] cats = new int[]{1,3,4,5}; // Categoricals: CAPSULE, RACE, DPROS, DCAPS try { Scope.enter(); train = parse_test_file(Key.make("prostate.hex"), "smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); for(int i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) Scope.track(train.replace(cats[i], train.vec(cats[i]).toCategoricalVec())); train.remove("ID").remove(); DKV.put(train._key, train); GLRMParameters parms = new GLRMParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._k = 8; parms._gamma_x = parms._gamma_y = 0.1; parms._regularization_x = GlrmRegularizer.Quadratic; parms._regularization_y = GlrmRegularizer.Quadratic; parms._init = GlrmInitialization.PlusPlus; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE; parms._recover_svd = false; parms._max_iterations = 200; model = new GLRM(parms).trainModel().get();"Iteration " + model._output._iterations + ": Objective value = " + model._output._objective); model.score(train).delete(); ModelMetricsGLRM mm = (ModelMetricsGLRM)ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, train);"Numeric Sum of Squared Error = " + mm._numerr + "\tCategorical Misclassification Error = " + mm._caterr); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testLosses() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { long seed = 0xDECAF; Random rng = new Random(seed); Frame train = null; final int[] cats = new int[]{1,3,4,5}; // Categoricals: CAPSULE, RACE, DPROS, DCAPS final GlrmRegularizer[] regs = new GlrmRegularizer[] { GlrmRegularizer.Quadratic, GlrmRegularizer.L1, GlrmRegularizer.NonNegative, GlrmRegularizer.OneSparse, GlrmRegularizer.UnitOneSparse, GlrmRegularizer.Simplex }; Scope.enter(); try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("prostate.hex"), "smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); for(int i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) Scope.track(train.replace(cats[i], train.vec(cats[i]).toCategoricalVec())); train.remove("ID").remove(); DKV.put(train._key, train); for(GlrmLoss loss : new GlrmLoss[] { GlrmLoss.Quadratic, GlrmLoss.Absolute, GlrmLoss.Huber, GlrmLoss.Poisson }) { for(GlrmLoss multiloss : new GlrmLoss[] { GlrmLoss.Categorical, GlrmLoss.Ordinal }) { GLRMModel model = null; try { Scope.enter(); long myseed = rng.nextLong();"GLRM using seed = " + myseed); GLRMParameters parms = new GLRMParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._k = 5; parms._loss = loss; parms._multi_loss = multiloss; parms._init = GlrmInitialization.SVD; parms._regularization_x = regs[rng.nextInt(regs.length)]; parms._regularization_y = regs[rng.nextInt(regs.length)]; parms._gamma_x = Math.abs(rng.nextDouble()); parms._gamma_y = Math.abs(rng.nextDouble()); parms._recover_svd = false; parms._seed = myseed; parms._verbose = false; parms._max_iterations = 500; model = new GLRM(parms).trainModel().get();"Iteration " + model._output._iterations + ": Objective value = " + model._output._objective); model.score(train).delete(); ModelMetricsGLRM mm = (ModelMetricsGLRM)ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, train);"Numeric Sum of Squared Error = " + mm._numerr + "\tCategorical Misclassification Error = " + mm._caterr); } finally { if (model != null) model.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } } } finally { if(train != null) train.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testSetColumnLossCats() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { GLRMModel model = null; Frame train = null; final int[] cats = new int[]{1,3,4,5}; // Categoricals: CAPSULE, RACE, DPROS, DCAPS Scope.enter(); try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("prostate.hex"), "smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); for(int i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) Scope.track(train.replace(cats[i], train.vec(cats[i]).toCategoricalVec())); train.remove("ID").remove(); DKV.put(train._key, train); GLRMParameters parms = new GLRMParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._k = 12; parms._loss = GlrmLoss.Quadratic; parms._multi_loss = GlrmLoss.Categorical; parms._loss_by_col = new GlrmLoss[] { GlrmLoss.Ordinal, GlrmLoss.Poisson, GlrmLoss.Absolute}; parms._loss_by_col_idx = new int[] { 3 /* DPROS */, 1 /* AGE */, 6 /* VOL */ }; parms._init = GlrmInitialization.PlusPlus; parms._min_step_size = 1e-5; parms._recover_svd = false; parms._max_iterations = 2000; model = new GLRM(parms).trainModel().get();"Iteration " + model._output._iterations + ": Objective value = " + model._output._objective); GLRMTest.checkLossbyCol(parms, model); model.score(train).delete(); ModelMetricsGLRM mm = (ModelMetricsGLRM)ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, train);"Numeric Sum of Squared Error = " + mm._numerr + "\tCategorical Misclassification Error = " + mm._caterr); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testExpandCatsIris() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { double[][] iris = ard(ard(6.3, 2.5, 4.9, 1.5, 1), ard(5.7, 2.8, 4.5, 1.3, 1), ard(5.6, 2.8, 4.9, 2.0, 2), ard(5.0, 3.4, 1.6, 0.4, 0), ard(6.0, 2.2, 5.0, 1.5, 2)); double[][] iris_expandR = ard(ard(0, 1, 0, 6.3, 2.5, 4.9, 1.5), ard(0, 1, 0, 5.7, 2.8, 4.5, 1.3), ard(0, 0, 1, 5.6, 2.8, 4.9, 2.0), ard(1, 0, 0, 5.0, 3.4, 1.6, 0.4), ard(0, 0, 1, 6.0, 2.2, 5.0, 1.5)); String[] iris_cols = new String[] {"sepal_len", "sepal_wid", "petal_len", "petal_wid", "class"}; String[][] iris_domains = new String[][] { null, null, null, null, new String[] {"setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"} }; Frame fr = null; try { fr = parse_test_file(Key.make("iris.hex"), "smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(fr, null, 0, true, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, false, false, false, /* weights */ false, /* offset */ false, /* fold */ false);"Original matrix:\n" + colFormat(iris_cols, "%8.7s") + ArrayUtils.pprint(iris)); double[][] iris_perm = ArrayUtils.permuteCols(iris, dinfo._permutation);"Permuted matrix:\n" + colFormat(iris_cols, "%8.7s", dinfo._permutation) + ArrayUtils.pprint(iris_perm)); double[][] iris_exp = GLRM.expandCats(iris_perm, dinfo);"Expanded matrix:\n" + colExpFormat(iris_cols, iris_domains, "%8.7s", dinfo._permutation) + ArrayUtils.pprint(iris_exp)); Assert.assertArrayEquals(iris_expandR, iris_exp); } finally { if (fr != null) fr.delete(); } } @Test public void testExpandCatsProstate() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { double[][] prostate = ard(ard(0, 71, 1, 0, 0, 4.8, 14.0, 7), ard(1, 70, 1, 1, 0, 8.4, 21.8, 5), ard(0, 73, 1, 3, 0, 10.0, 27.4, 6), ard(1, 68, 1, 0, 0, 6.7, 16.7, 6)); double[][] pros_expandR = ard(ard(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 71, 4.8, 14.0, 7), ard(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 70, 8.4, 21.8, 5), ard(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 73, 10.0, 27.4, 6), ard(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 68, 6.7, 16.7, 6)); String[] pros_cols = new String[]{"Capsule", "Age", "Race", "Dpros", "Dcaps", "PSA", "Vol", "Gleason"}; String[][] pros_domains = new String[][]{new String[]{"No", "Yes"}, null, new String[]{"Other", "White", "Black"}, new String[]{"None", "UniLeft", "UniRight", "Bilobar"}, new String[]{"No", "Yes"}, null, null, null}; final int[] cats = new int[]{1,3,4,5}; // Categoricals: CAPSULE, RACE, DPROS, DCAPS Frame fr = null; try { Scope.enter(); fr = parse_test_file(Key.make("prostate.hex"), "smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); for(int i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) Scope.track(fr.replace(cats[i], fr.vec(cats[i]).toCategoricalVec())); fr.remove("ID").remove(); DKV.put(fr._key, fr); DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(fr, null, 0, true, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, false, false, false, /* weights */ false, /* offset */ false, /* fold */ false);"Original matrix:\n" + colFormat(pros_cols, "%8.7s") + ArrayUtils.pprint(prostate)); double[][] pros_perm = ArrayUtils.permuteCols(prostate, dinfo._permutation);"Permuted matrix:\n" + colFormat(pros_cols, "%8.7s", dinfo._permutation) + ArrayUtils.pprint(pros_perm)); double[][] pros_exp = GLRM.expandCats(pros_perm, dinfo);"Expanded matrix:\n" + colExpFormat(pros_cols, pros_domains, "%8.7s", dinfo._permutation) + ArrayUtils.pprint(pros_exp)); Assert.assertArrayEquals(pros_expandR, pros_exp); } finally { if (fr != null) fr.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } }