package hex; import water.*; import water.H2O.FJWThr; import water.H2O.H2OCallback; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.NewChunk.Value; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.Log; import water.util.StringUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Created by tomasnykodym on 11/13/14. * * Distributed matrix operations such as (sparse) multiplication and transpose. */ public class DMatrix { /** * Transpose the Frame as if it was a matrix (i.e. rows become coumns). * Must be all numeric, currently will fail if there are too many rows ( >= ~.5M). * Result will be put into a new Vectro Group and will be balanced so that each vec will have * (4*num cpus in the cluster) chunks. * * @param src * @return */ public static Frame transpose(Frame src){ if(src.numRows() != (int)src.numRows()) throw H2O.unimpl(); int nchunks = Math.max(1,src.numCols()/10000); long [] espc = new long[nchunks+1]; int rpc = (src.numCols() / nchunks); int rem = (src.numCols() % nchunks); Arrays.fill(espc, rpc); for (int i = 0; i < rem; ++i) ++espc[i]; long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < espc.length; ++i) { long s = espc[i]; espc[i] = sum; sum += s; } Key key = Vec.newKey(); int rowLayout = Vec.ESPC.rowLayout(key,espc); return transpose(src, new Frame(new Vec(key,rowLayout).makeZeros((int)src.numRows()))); } /** * Transpose the Frame as if it was a matrix (rows <-> columns). * Must be all numeric, will fail if there are too many rows ( >= ~.5M). * * Result is made to be compatible (i.e. the same vector group and chunking) with the target frame. * * @param src * @return */ public static Frame transpose(Frame src, Frame tgt){ if(src.numRows() != tgt.numCols() || src.numCols() != tgt.numRows()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dimension do not match!"); for(Vec v:src.vecs()) { if (v.isCategorical()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("transpose can only be applied to all-numeric frames (representing a matrix)"); if(v.length() > 1000000) throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many rows, transpose only works for frames with < 1M rows."); } new TransposeTsk(tgt).doAll(src); return tgt; } /** * (MR)Task performing the matrix transpose. * It is to be applied to the source frame. * Target frame must be created up front (e.g. via Vec.makeZeros() call) * and passed in as an argument. * * Task will utilize sparsity and will preserve compression if possible * (compression may differ because of switching from column compressed to row-compressed form) */ public static class TransposeTsk extends MRTask<TransposeTsk> { final Frame _tgt; // Target dataset, should be created up front, e.g. via Vec.makeZeros(n) call. public TransposeTsk(Frame tgt){ _tgt = tgt;} public void map(final Chunk[] chks) { final Frame tgt = _tgt; final long [] espc = tgt.anyVec().espc(); final int colStart = (int)chks[0].start(); for (int i = 0; i < espc.length - 1; ++i) { final int fi = i; final NewChunk[] tgtChunks = new NewChunk[chks[0]._len]; for (int j = 0; j < tgtChunks.length; ++j) tgtChunks[j] = new NewChunk(tgt.vec(j + colStart), fi); for (int c = ((int) espc[fi]); c < (int) espc[fi + 1]; ++c) { Chunk nc = chks[c]; if(nc.isSparseZero()) { for (int k = nc.nextNZ(-1); k < nc._len; k = nc.nextNZ(k)) { tgtChunks[k].addZeros((int) (c - espc[fi]) - tgtChunks[k]._len); nc.extractRows(tgtChunks[k], k); } } else for(int k = 0; k < nc._len; k++) { tgtChunks[k].addZeros((int) (c - espc[fi]) - tgtChunks[k]._len); nc.extractRows(tgtChunks[k], k); } } for (int j = 0; j < tgtChunks.length; ++j) { // finalize the target chunks and close them final int fj = j; tgtChunks[fj].addZeros((int) (espc[fi + 1] - espc[fi]) - tgtChunks[fj]._len); tgtChunks[fj].close(_fs); tgtChunks[fj] = null; } } } } /** * Info about matrix multiplication currently in progress. * * Contains runtime and (already computed)chunks stats * */ public static class MatrixMulStats extends Iced { public final Key jobKey; public final long chunksTotal; public final long _startTime; public long lastUpdateAt; public long chunksDone; public long size; public int [] chunkTypes = new int[0]; public long [] chunkCnts = new long[0]; public MatrixMulStats(long n, Key jobKey){chunksTotal = n; _startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.jobKey = jobKey;} public float progress(){ return (float)((double)chunksDone/chunksTotal);} } public static Frame mmul(Frame x, Frame y) { MatrixMulTsk t = new MatrixMulTsk(null,null,x,y); if(Thread.currentThread() instanceof FJWThr) t.fork().join(); else H2O.submitTask(t).join(); return t._z; } public static class MatrixMulTsk extends H2OCountedCompleter { final transient Frame _x; Frame _y; Frame _z; final Key _progressKey; AtomicInteger _cntr; public MatrixMulTsk(H2OCountedCompleter cmp, Key progressKey, Frame x, Frame y) { super(cmp); if(x.numCols() != y.numRows()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dimensions do not match! x.numcols = " + x.numCols() + ", y.numRows = " + y.numRows()); _x = x; _y = y; _progressKey = progressKey; } @Override public void compute2() { _z = new Frame(_x.anyVec().makeZeros(_y.numCols())); int total_cores = H2O.CLOUD.size()*H2O.NUMCPUS; int chunksPerCol = _y.anyVec().nChunks(); int maxP = 256*total_cores/chunksPerCol;"maxP = " + maxP); _cntr = new AtomicInteger(maxP-1); addToPendingCount(2*_y.numCols()-1); for(int i = 0; i < Math.min(_y.numCols(),maxP); ++i) forkVecTask(i); } private void forkVecTask(final int i) { new GetNonZerosTsk(new H2OCallback<GetNonZerosTsk>(this) { @Override public void callback(GetNonZerosTsk gnz) { new VecTsk(new Callback(), _progressKey, gnz._vals).dfork(ArrayUtils.append(_x.vecs(gnz._idxs), _z.vec(i))); } }).dfork(_y.vec(i)); } private class Callback extends H2OCallback{ public Callback(){super(MatrixMulTsk.this);} @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) { int i = _cntr.incrementAndGet(); if(i < _y.numCols()) forkVecTask(i); } } } static int cnt = 0; // to be invoked from R expression private static class GetNonZerosTsk extends MRTask<GetNonZerosTsk>{ final int _maxsz; int [] _idxs; double [] _vals; public GetNonZerosTsk(H2OCountedCompleter cmp){super(cmp);_maxsz = 10000000;} public GetNonZerosTsk(H2OCountedCompleter cmp, int maxsz){super(cmp); _maxsz = maxsz;} @Override public void map(Chunk c){ int istart = (int)c.start(); assert (c.start() + c._len) == (istart + c._len); final int n = c.sparseLenZero(); _idxs = MemoryManager.malloc4(n); _vals = MemoryManager.malloc8d(n); int j = 0; for(int i = c.nextNZ(-1); i < c._len; i = c.nextNZ(i),++j) { _idxs[j] = i + istart; _vals[j] = c.atd(i); } assert j == n; if(_idxs.length > _maxsz) throw new RuntimeException("too many nonzeros! found at least " + _idxs.length + " nonzeros."); } @Override public void reduce(GetNonZerosTsk gnz){ if(_idxs.length + gnz._idxs.length > _maxsz) throw new RuntimeException("too many nonzeros! found at least " + (_idxs.length + gnz._idxs.length) + " nonzeros."); int [] idxs = MemoryManager.malloc4(_idxs.length + gnz._idxs.length); double [] vals = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_vals.length + gnz._vals.length); ArrayUtils.sortedMerge(_idxs,_vals,gnz._idxs,gnz._vals,idxs,vals); _idxs = idxs; _vals = vals; } } // compute single vec of the output in matrix multiply private static class VecTsk extends MRTask<VecTsk> { double [] _y; Key _progressKey; public VecTsk(H2OCountedCompleter cmp, Key progressKey, double [] y){ super(cmp); _progressKey = progressKey; _y = y; } @Override public void setupLocal(){_fr.lastVec().preWriting();} @Override public void map(Chunk [] chks) { Chunk zChunk = chks[chks.length-1]; double [] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(chks[0]._len); for(int i = 0; i < _y.length; ++i) { final double yVal = _y[i]; final Chunk xChunk = chks[i]; for (int k = xChunk.nextNZ(-1); k < res.length; k = xChunk.nextNZ(k)) try { res[k] += yVal * xChunk.atd(k);} catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(t); } } Chunk modChunk = new NewChunk(res).setSparseRatio(2).compress(); if(_progressKey != null) new UpdateProgress(modChunk.getBytes().length,modChunk.frozenType()).fork(_progressKey); DKV.put(zChunk.vec().chunkKey(zChunk.cidx()),modChunk,_fs); } @Override public void closeLocal(){ _y = null; // drop inputs _progressKey = null; } } private static class UpdateProgress extends TAtomic<MatrixMulStats> { final int _chunkSz; final int _chunkType; public UpdateProgress(int sz, int type) { _chunkSz = sz; _chunkType = type; } @Override public MatrixMulStats atomic(MatrixMulStats old) { old.chunkCnts = old.chunkCnts.clone(); int j = -1; for(int i = 0; i < old.chunkTypes.length; ++i) { if(_chunkType == old.chunkTypes[i]) { j = i; break; } } if(j == -1) { old.chunkTypes = Arrays.copyOf(old.chunkTypes,old.chunkTypes.length+1); old.chunkCnts = Arrays.copyOf(old.chunkCnts,old.chunkCnts.length+1); old.chunkTypes[old.chunkTypes.length-1] = _chunkType; j = old.chunkTypes.length-1; } old.chunksDone++; old.chunkCnts[j]++; old.lastUpdateAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); old.size += _chunkSz; return old; } } }