package water.automl.api; import ai.h2o.automl.AutoML; import water.*; import water.api.Handler; import water.automl.api.schemas3.AutoMLV99; import water.automl.api.schemas3.AutoMLsV99; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.exceptions.H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException; import water.exceptions.H2OKeyWrongTypeArgumentException; public class AutoMLHandler extends Handler { /** Class which contains the internal representation of the leaderboards list and params. */ public static final class AutoMLs extends Iced { public AutoML[] auto_ml_runs; public static AutoML[] fetchAll() { final Key<AutoML>[] autoMLKeys = KeySnapshot.globalSnapshot().filter(new KeySnapshot.KVFilter() { @Override public boolean filter(KeySnapshot.KeyInfo k) { return Value.isSubclassOf(k._type, AutoML.class); } }).keys(); AutoML[] autoMLs = new AutoML[autoMLKeys.length]; for (int i = 0; i < autoMLKeys.length; i++) { AutoML autoML = getFromDKV("(none)", autoMLKeys[i]); autoMLs[i] = autoML; } return autoMLs; } } // public class AutoMLs @SuppressWarnings("unused") // called through reflection by RequestServer /** Return an AutoML object by ID. */ public AutoMLV99 fetch(int version, AutoMLV99 autoMLV99) { AutoML autoML = DKV.getGet(; return autoMLV99.fillFromImpl(autoML); } /** Return all the AutoML objects. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // called through reflection by RequestServer public AutoMLsV99 list(int version, AutoMLsV99 s) { AutoMLs m = s.createAndFillImpl(); m.auto_ml_runs = AutoMLs.fetchAll(); return s.fillFromImpl(m); } // TODO: almost identical to ModelsHandler; refactor public static AutoML getFromDKV(String param_name, String key_str) { return getFromDKV(param_name, Key.make(key_str)); } // TODO: almost identical to ModelsHandler; refactor public static AutoML getFromDKV(String param_name, Key key) { if (key == null) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(param_name, "AutoML.getFromDKV()", null); Value v = DKV.get(key); if (v == null) throw new H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException(param_name, key.toString()); Iced ice = v.get(); if (! (ice instanceof AutoML)) throw new H2OKeyWrongTypeArgumentException(param_name, key.toString(), AutoML.class, ice.getClass()); return (AutoML) ice; } }