package hex; import hex.genmodel.utils.StringEscapeUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import water.H2O; import water.api.SchemaServer; import water.api.StreamWriter; import water.api.schemas3.ModelSchemaV3; import water.util.StringUtils; import; import; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; /** * Base class for serializing models into the MOJO format. * * <p/> The function of a MOJO writer is simply to write the model into a Zip archive consisting of several * text/binary files. This base class handles serialization of some parameters that are common to all `Model`s, but * anything specific to a particular Model should be implemented in that Model's corresponding ModelMojoWriter subclass. * * <p/> When implementing a subclass, you have to override the single functions {@link #writeModelData()}. Within * this function you can use any of the following: * <ul> * <li>{@link #writekv(String, Object)} to serialize any "simple" values (those that can be represented as a * single-line string).</li> * <li>{@link #writeblob(String, byte[])} to add arbitrary blobs of data to the archive.</li> * <li>{@link #startWritingTextFile(String)} / {@link #writeln(String)} / {@link #finishWritingTextFile()} to * add text files to the archive.</li> * </ul> * * After subclassing this class, you should also override the {@link Model#getMojo()} method in your model's class to * return an instance of your new child class. * * @param <M> model class that your ModelMojoWriter serializes * @param <P> model parameters class that corresponds to your model * @param <O> model output class that corresponds to your model */ public abstract class ModelMojoWriter<M extends Model<M, P, O>, P extends Model.Parameters, O extends Model.Output> extends StreamWriter { /** Reference to the model being written. Use this in the subclasses to retreive information from your model. */ protected M model; private String targetdir; private StringBuilder tmpfile; private String tmpname; private ZipOutputStream zos; // Local key-value store: these values will be written to the model.ini/[info] section private Map<String, String> lkv; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inheritance interface: ModelMojoWriter subclasses are expected to override these methods to provide custom behavior //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ModelMojoWriter() {} public ModelMojoWriter(M model) { this.model = model; this.lkv = new LinkedHashMap<>(20); // Linked so as to preserve the order of entries in the output } /** * Version of the mojo file produced. Follows the <code>major.minor</code> * format, where <code>minor</code> is a 2-digit number. For example "1.00", * "2.05", "2.13". See README in mojoland repository for more details. */ public abstract String mojoVersion(); /** Override in subclasses to write the actual model data. */ protected abstract void writeModelData() throws IOException; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility functions: subclasses should use these to implement the behavior they need //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Write a simple value to the model.ini/[info] section. Here "simple" means a value that can be stringified with * .toString(), and its stringified version does not span multiple lines. */ protected final void writekv(String key, Object value) throws IOException { String valStr = value == null? "null" : value.toString(); if (valStr.contains("\n")) throw new IOException("The `value` must not contain newline characters, got: " + valStr); if (lkv.containsKey(key)) throw new IOException("Key " + key + " was already written"); lkv.put(key, valStr); } protected final void writekv(String key, int[] value) throws IOException { writekv(key, Arrays.toString(value)); } protected final void writekv(String key, double[] value) throws IOException { writekv(key, Arrays.toString(value)); } /** Write a binary file to the MOJO archive. */ protected final void writeblob(String filename, byte[] blob) throws IOException { ZipEntry archiveEntry = new ZipEntry(targetdir + filename); archiveEntry.setSize(blob.length); zos.putNextEntry(archiveEntry); zos.write(blob); zos.closeEntry(); } /** Write a text file to the MOJO archive (or rather open such file for writing). */ protected final void startWritingTextFile(String filename) { assert tmpfile == null : "Previous text file was not closed"; tmpfile = new StringBuilder(); tmpname = filename; } /** Write a single line of text to a previously opened text file, escape new line characters if enabled. */ protected final void writeln(String s, boolean escapeNewlines) { assert tmpfile != null : "No text file is currently being written"; tmpfile.append(escapeNewlines ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeNewlines(s) : s); tmpfile.append('\n'); } /** Write a single line of text to a previously opened text file. */ protected final void writeln(String s) { writeln(s, false); } /** Finish writing a text file. */ protected final void finishWritingTextFile() throws IOException { assert tmpfile != null : "No text file is currently being written"; writeblob(tmpname, StringUtils.toBytes(tmpfile)); tmpfile = null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Used from `ModelsHandler.fetchMojo()` to serialize the Mojo into a StreamingSchema. * The structure of the zip will be the following: * model.ini * domains/ * d000.txt * d001.txt * ... * (extra model files written by the subclasses) * Each domain file is a plain text file with one line per category (not quoted). */ @Override public final void writeTo(OutputStream os) { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(os); try { writeTo(zos); zos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void writeTo(ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { writeTo(zos, ""); } public final void writeTo(ZipOutputStream zos, String zipDirectory) throws IOException { initWriting(zos, zipDirectory); addCommonModelInfo(); writeModelData(); writeModelInfo(); writeDomains(); writeModelDetails(); writeModelDetailsReadme(); } private void initWriting(ZipOutputStream zos, String targetdir) { this.zos = zos; this.targetdir = targetdir; } private void addCommonModelInfo() throws IOException { int n_categoricals = 0; for (String[] domain : model.scoringDomains()) if (domain != null) n_categoricals++; writekv("h2o_version", H2O.ABV.projectVersion()); writekv("mojo_version", mojoVersion()); writekv("license", "Apache License Version 2.0"); writekv("algo", model._parms.algoName().toLowerCase()); writekv("algorithm", model._parms.fullName()); writekv("endianness", ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); writekv("category", model._output.getModelCategory()); writekv("uuid", model.checksum()); writekv("supervised", model._output.isSupervised()); writekv("n_features", model._output.nfeatures()); writekv("n_classes", model._output.nclasses()); writekv("n_columns", model._output._names.length); writekv("n_domains", n_categoricals); writekv("balance_classes", model._parms._balance_classes); writekv("default_threshold", model.defaultThreshold()); writekv("prior_class_distrib", Arrays.toString(model._output._priorClassDist)); writekv("model_class_distrib", Arrays.toString(model._output._modelClassDist)); writekv("timestamp", new DateTime().toString()); } /** * Create the model.ini file containing 3 sections: [info], [columns] and [domains]. For example: * [info] * algo = Random Forest * n_trees = 100 * n_columns = 25 * n_domains = 3 * ... * h2o_version = * * [columns] * col1 * col2 * ... * * [domains] * 5: 13 d000.txt * 6: 7 d001.txt * 12: 124 d002.txt * * Here the [info] section lists general model information; [columns] is the list of all column names in the input * dataframe; and [domains] section maps column numbers (for categorical features) to their domain definition files * together with the number of categories to be read from that file. */ private void writeModelInfo() throws IOException { startWritingTextFile("model.ini"); writeln("[info]"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> kv : lkv.entrySet()) { writeln(kv.getKey() + " = " + kv.getValue()); } writeln("\n[columns]"); for (String name : model._output._names) { writeln(name); } writeln("\n[domains]"); String format = "%d: %d d%03d.txt"; int domIndex = 0; String[][] domains = model.scoringDomains(); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < domains.length; colIndex++) { if (domains[colIndex] != null) writeln(String.format(format, colIndex, domains[colIndex].length, domIndex++)); } finishWritingTextFile(); } /** Create files containing domain definitions for each categorical column. */ private void writeDomains() throws IOException { int domIndex = 0; for (String[] domain : model.scoringDomains()) { if (domain == null) continue; startWritingTextFile(String.format("domains/d%03d.txt", domIndex++)); for (String category : domain) { writeln(category.replaceAll("\n", "\\n")); // replace newlines with "\n" escape sequences } finishWritingTextFile(); } } /** Create file that contains model details in JSON format. * This information is pulled from the models schema. */ private void writeModelDetails() throws IOException{ ModelSchemaV3 modelSchema = (ModelSchemaV3) SchemaServer.schema(3, model).fillFromImpl(model); startWritingTextFile("experimental/modelDetails.json"); writeln(modelSchema.toJsonString()); finishWritingTextFile(); } private void writeModelDetailsReadme() throws IOException{ startWritingTextFile("experimental/"); writeln("Outputting model information in JSON is an experimental feature and we appreciate any feedback.\n" + "The contents of this folder may change with another version of H2O."); finishWritingTextFile(); } }