package hex.genmodel; import hex.genmodel.utils.ParseUtils; import hex.genmodel.utils.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Helper class to deserialize a model from MOJO format. This is a counterpart to `ModelMojoWriter`. */ public abstract class ModelMojoReader<M extends MojoModel> { protected M _model; protected MojoReaderBackend _reader; private Map<String, Object> _lkv; public static MojoModel readFrom(MojoReaderBackend reader) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> info = parseModelInfo(reader); if (! info.containsKey("algorithm")) throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find information about the model's algorithm."); String algo = String.valueOf(info.get("algorithm")); ModelMojoReader mmr = ModelMojoFactory.getMojoReader(algo); mmr._lkv = info; mmr._reader = reader; try { mmr.readAll(); } finally { if (mmr instanceof Closeable) ((Closeable) mmr).close(); } return mmr._model; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inheritance interface: ModelMojoWriter subclasses are expected to override these methods to provide custom behavior //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected abstract void readModelData() throws IOException; protected abstract M makeModel(String[] columns, String[][] domains); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interface for subclasses //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieve value from the model's kv store which was previously put there using `writekv(key, value)`. We will * attempt to cast to your expected type, but this is obviously unsafe. Note that the value is deserialized from * the underlying string representation using {@link ParseUtils#tryParse(String, Object)}, which occasionally may get * the answer wrong. * If the `key` is missing in the local kv store, null will be returned. However when assigning to a primitive type * this would result in an NPE, so beware. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T readkv(String key) { return (T) readkv(key, null); } /** * Retrieves the value associated with a given key. If value is not set of the key, a given default value is returned * instead. Uses same parsing logic as {@link ModelMojoReader#readkv(String)}. If default value is not null it's type * is used to assist the parser to determine the return type. * @param key name of the key * @param defVal default value * @param <T> return type * @return parsed value */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T readkv(String key, T defVal) { Object val = _lkv.get(key); if (! (val instanceof RawValue)) return val != null ? (T) val : defVal; return ((RawValue) val).parse(defVal); } /** * Retrieve binary data previously saved to the mojo file using `writeblob(key, blob)`. */ protected byte[] readblob(String name) throws IOException { return _reader.getBinaryFile(name); } protected boolean exists(String name) { return _reader.exists(name); } /** * Retrieve text previously saved using `startWritingTextFile` + `writeln` as an array of lines. Each line is * trimmed to remove the leading and trailing whitespace. */ protected Iterable<String> readtext(String name) throws IOException { return readtext(name, false); } /** * Retrieve text previously saved using `startWritingTextFile` + `writeln` as an array of lines. Each line is * trimmed to remove the leading and trailing whitespace. Removes escaping of the new line characters in enabled. */ protected Iterable<String> readtext(String name, boolean unescapeNewlines) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = _reader.getTextFile(name); String line; ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<>(50); while (true) { line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; if (unescapeNewlines) line = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeNewlines(line); res.add(line.trim()); } return res; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void readAll() throws IOException { String[] columns = (String[]) _lkv.get("[columns]"); String[][] domains = parseModelDomains(columns.length); _model = makeModel(columns, domains); _model._uuid = readkv("uuid"); _model._category = hex.ModelCategory.valueOf((String) readkv("category")); _model._supervised = readkv("supervised"); _model._nfeatures = readkv("n_features"); _model._nclasses = readkv("n_classes"); _model._balanceClasses = readkv("balance_classes"); _model._defaultThreshold = readkv("default_threshold"); _model._priorClassDistrib = readkv("prior_class_distrib"); _model._modelClassDistrib = readkv("model_class_distrib"); _model._offsetColumn = readkv("offset_column"); readModelData(); } private static Map<String, Object> parseModelInfo(MojoReaderBackend reader) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = reader.getTextFile("model.ini"); Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<>(); String line; int section = 0; int ic = 0; // Index for `columns` array String[] columns = new String[0]; // array of column names, will be initialized later Map<Integer, String> domains = new HashMap<>(); // map of (categorical column index => name of the domain file) while (true) { line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; line = line.trim(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.isEmpty()) continue; if (line.equals("[info]")) section = 1; else if (line.equals("[columns]")) { section = 2; // Enter the [columns] section if (! info.containsKey("n_columns")) throw new IOException("`n_columns` variable is missing in the model info."); int n_columns = Integer.parseInt(((RawValue) info.get("n_columns"))._val); columns = new String[n_columns]; info.put("[columns]", columns); } else if (line.equals("[domains]")) { section = 3; // Enter the [domains] section info.put("[domains]", domains); } else if (section == 1) { // [info] section: just parse key-value pairs and store them into the `info` map. String[] res = line.split("\\s*=\\s*", 2); info.put(res[0], res[0].equals("uuid")? res[1] : new RawValue(res[1])); } else if (section == 2) { // [columns] section if (ic >= columns.length) throw new IOException("`n_columns` variable is too small."); columns[ic++] = line; } else if (section == 3) { // [domains] section String[] res = line.split(":\\s*", 2); int col_index = Integer.parseInt(res[0]); domains.put(col_index, res[1]); } } return info; } private String[][] parseModelDomains(int n_columns) throws IOException { String[][] domains = new String[n_columns][]; // noinspection unchecked Map<Integer, String> domass = (Map<Integer, String>) _lkv.get("[domains]"); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> e : domass.entrySet()) { int col_index = e.getKey(); // There is a file with categories of the response column, but we ignore it. if (col_index >= n_columns) continue; String[] info = e.getValue().split(" ", 2); int n_elements = Integer.parseInt(info[0]); String domfile = info[1]; String[] domain = new String[n_elements]; BufferedReader br = _reader.getTextFile("domains/" + domfile); String line; int id = 0; // domain elements counter while (true) { line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; domain[id++] = line; } if (id != n_elements) throw new IOException("Not enough elements in the domain file"); domains[col_index] = domain; } return domains; } private static class RawValue { private final String _val; RawValue(String val) { _val = val; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <T> T parse(T defVal) { return (T) ParseUtils.tryParse(_val, defVal); } @Override public String toString() { return _val; } } }