package water.parser; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.Job; import water.Key; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import static water.parser.DefaultParserProviders.GUESS_INFO; /** A collection of utility classes for parsing. * * Interfaces: * DataIn - Manage bulk streaming input data to the parser. Sometimes the data * comes from parallel raw byte file reads, with speculative line * starts. Sometimes the data comes from an InputStream - probably a * GZIP stream. * DataOut- Interface for writing results of parsing, accumulating numbers and * strings or handling invalid lines & parse errors. * * static classes: * StreamData - Class implementing DataIn from a Stream (probably a GZIP stream) * InspectDataOut - Class implementing DataOut, on behalf of the GUI, for * parsing & previewing the first few lines & columns of a file. */ public abstract class Parser extends Iced { static final byte CHAR_TAB = '\t'; static final byte CHAR_CR = 13; static final byte CHAR_LF = 10; static final byte CHAR_SPACE = ' '; static final byte CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'; static final byte CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE = '\''; // State for the CSV & SVMLight Parser's FSAs protected static final byte SKIP_LINE = 0; protected static final byte EXPECT_COND_LF = 1; protected static final byte EOL = 2; protected static final byte TOKEN = 3; protected static final byte COND_QUOTED_TOKEN = 4; protected static final byte NUMBER = 5; protected static final byte NUMBER_SKIP = 6; protected static final byte NUMBER_SKIP_NO_DOT = 7; protected static final byte NUMBER_FRACTION = 8; protected static final byte NUMBER_EXP = 9; protected static final byte NUMBER_EXP_START = 11; protected static final byte NUMBER_END = 12; protected static final byte STRING = 13; protected static final byte COND_QUOTE = 14; protected static final byte SEPARATOR_OR_EOL = 15; protected static final byte WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN = 16; protected static final byte STRING_END = 17; protected static final byte COND_QUOTED_NUMBER_END = 18; protected static final byte POSSIBLE_EMPTY_LINE = 19; protected static final byte POSSIBLE_CURRENCY = 20; protected final byte CHAR_DECIMAL_SEP = '.'; protected final byte CHAR_SEPARATOR; protected static final long LARGEST_DIGIT_NUMBER = Long.MAX_VALUE/10; protected static boolean isEOL(byte c) { return (c == CHAR_LF) || (c == CHAR_CR); } protected final ParseSetup _setup; protected final Key<Job> _jobKey; protected Parser( ParseSetup setup, Key<Job> jobKey ) { _setup = setup; CHAR_SEPARATOR = setup._separator; _jobKey = jobKey;} protected int fileHasHeader(byte[] bits, ParseSetup ps) { return ParseSetup.NO_HEADER; } // Parse this one Chunk (in parallel with other Chunks) protected abstract ParseWriter parseChunk(int cidx, final ParseReader din, final ParseWriter dout); ParseWriter streamParse( final InputStream is, final ParseWriter dout) throws IOException { if (!_setup._parse_type.isParallelParseSupported) throw H2O.unimpl(); StreamData din = new StreamData(is); int cidx=0; // FIXME leaving _jobKey == null until sampling is done, this mean entire zip files // FIXME are parsed for parseSetup while( is.available() > 0 && (_jobKey == null || _jobKey.get().stop_requested()) ) parseChunk(cidx++, din, dout); parseChunk(cidx, din, dout); // Parse the remaining partial 32K buffer return dout; } /** * This method performs guess setup with each file. If will return true only if the number of columns/separator * found in the current file match that of files parsed earlier. In addition, it will also check for headers * within a file. However, it will only check for headers if the user has included column names in the very * first file. * * @param is * @param dout * @param din * @param cidx * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean checkFileNHeader(final InputStream is, final StreamParseWriter dout, StreamData din, int cidx) throws IOException { byte[] headerBytes = ZipUtil.unzipForHeader(din.getChunkData(cidx), this._setup._chunk_size); ParseSetup ps = ParseSetup.guessSetup(null, headerBytes, GUESS_INFO, ParseSetup.GUESS_SEP, ParseSetup.GUESS_COL_CNT, this._setup._single_quotes, ParseSetup.GUESS_HEADER, null, null, null, null); // check to make sure datasets in file belong to the same dataset // just check for number for number of columns/separator here. Ignore the column type, user can force it if ((this._setup._number_columns != ps._number_columns) || (this._setup._separator != ps._separator)) { String warning = "Your zip file contains a file that belong to another dataset with different " + "number of column or separator. Number of columns for files that have been parsed = "+ this._setup._number_columns + ". Number of columns in new file = "+ps._number_columns+ ". This new file is skipped and not parsed."; dout.addError(new ParseWriter.ParseErr(warning, -1, -1L, -2L)); // something is wrong return false; } else { // assume column names must appear in the first file. If column names appear in first and other // files, they will be recognized. Otherwise, if no column name ever appear in the first file, the other // column names in the other files will not be recognized. if (ps._check_header == ParseSetup.HAS_HEADER) { if (this._setup._column_names != null) { // found header in later files, only incorporate it if the column names are the same as before String[] thisColumnName = this._setup.getColumnNames(); String[] psColumnName = ps.getColumnNames(); Boolean sameColumnNames = true; for (int index = 0; index < this._setup._number_columns; index++) { if (!(thisColumnName[index].equals(psColumnName[index]))) { sameColumnNames = false; break; } } if (sameColumnNames) // only recognize current file header if it has the same column names as previous files this._setup.setCheckHeader(ps._check_header); } } else // should refresh _setup with correct check_header this._setup.setCheckHeader(ps._check_header); } return true; // everything is fine } /** * This method will try to get the next file to be parsed. It will skip over directories if encountered. * * @param is * @throws IOException */ private void getNextFile(final InputStream is) throws IOException { if (is instanceof { ZipEntry ze = ((ZipInputStream) is).getNextEntry(); while (ze != null && ze.isDirectory()) ze = ((ZipInputStream) is).getNextEntry(); } } private class StreamInfo { int _zidx; StreamParseWriter _nextChunk; StreamInfo(int zidx, StreamParseWriter nextChunk) { this._zidx = zidx; this._nextChunk = nextChunk; } } /** * This method reads in one zip file. Before reading the file, it will check if the current file has the same * number of columns and separator type as the previous files it has parssed. If they do not match, no file will * be parsed in this case. * * @param is * @param dout * @param bvs * @param nextChunk * @param zidx * @return * @throws IOException */ private StreamInfo readOneFile(final InputStream is, final StreamParseWriter dout, InputStream bvs, StreamParseWriter nextChunk, int zidx, int fileIndex) throws IOException { int cidx = 0; StreamData din = new StreamData(is); // only check header for 2nd file onward since guess setup is already done on first file. if ((fileIndex > 0) && (!checkFileNHeader(is, dout, din, cidx))) return new StreamInfo(zidx, nextChunk); // header is bad, quit now int streamAvailable = is.available(); while (streamAvailable > 0) { parseChunk(cidx++, din, nextChunk); streamAvailable = is.available(); // Can (also!) rollover to the next input chunk int xidx =, 0, 0); // Back-channel read of chunk index if (xidx > zidx) { // Advanced chunk index of underlying ByteVec stream? zidx = xidx; // Record advancing of chunk nextChunk.close(); // Match output chunks to input zipfile chunks if (dout != nextChunk) { dout.reduce(nextChunk); if (_jobKey != null && _jobKey.get().stop_requested()) break; } nextChunk = nextChunk.nextChunk(); } } parseChunk(cidx, din, nextChunk); return new StreamInfo(zidx, nextChunk); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zipped file; no parallel decompression; decompress into local chunks, // parse local chunks; distribute chunks later. ParseWriter streamParseZip( final InputStream is, final StreamParseWriter dout, InputStream bvs ) throws IOException { // All output into a fresh pile of NewChunks, one per column if (!_setup._parse_type.isParallelParseSupported) throw H2O.unimpl(); StreamParseWriter nextChunk = dout; int zidx =, 0, 0); // Back-channel read of chunk index assert zidx == 1; int fileIndex = 0; // count files being passed. 0 is first file, 1 is second and so on... StreamInfo streamInfo = new StreamInfo(zidx, nextChunk); while (is.available() > 0) { // loop over all files in zip file streamInfo = readOneFile(is, dout, bvs, streamInfo._nextChunk, streamInfo._zidx, fileIndex++); // read one file in // streamInfo = readOneFile(is, dout, bvs, nextChunk, streamInfo._zidx, fileIndex++); // read one file in if (is.available() <= 0) { // done reading one file, get the next one or quit if at the end getNextFile(is); } } streamInfo._nextChunk.close(); bvs.close(); is.close(); if( dout != nextChunk ) dout.reduce(nextChunk); return dout; } /** Class implementing DataIns from a Stream (probably a GZIP stream) * Implements a classic double-buffer reader. */ final static class StreamData implements ParseReader { public static int bufSz = 64*1024; final transient InputStream _is; private byte[] _bits0 = new byte[bufSz]; private byte[] _bits1 = new byte[bufSz]; private int _cidx0=-1, _cidx1=-1; // Chunk #s private int _coff0=-1, _coff1=-1; // Last used byte in a chunk private StreamData(InputStream is){_is = is;} long _gOff; @Override public byte[] getChunkData(int cidx) { if( cidx == _cidx0 ) return _bits0; _gOff = _bits0.length; if( cidx == _cidx1 ) return _bits1; assert cidx==_cidx0+1 || cidx==_cidx1+1; byte[] bits = _cidx0<_cidx1 ? _bits0 : _bits1; _gOff += bits.length; if( _cidx0<_cidx1 ) { _cidx0 = cidx; _coff0 = -1; } else { _cidx1 = cidx; _coff1 = -1; } // Read as much as the buffer will hold int off=0; try { while( off < bits.length ) { int len =,off,bits.length-off); if( len == -1 ) break; off += len; } assert off == bits.length || _is.available() <= 0; } catch( IOException ioe ) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } if( off == bits.length ) return bits; // Final read is short; cache the short-read byte[] bits2 = (off == 0) ? null : Arrays.copyOf(bits,off); if( _cidx0==cidx ) _bits0 = bits2; else _bits1 = bits2; return bits2; } @Override public int getChunkDataStart(int cidx) { if( _cidx0 == cidx ) return _coff0; if( _cidx1 == cidx ) return _coff1; return 0; } @Override public void setChunkDataStart(int cidx, int offset) { if( _cidx0 == cidx ) _coff0 = offset; if( _cidx1 == cidx ) _coff1 = offset; } @Override public long getGlobalByteOffset() { return 0; } } }