package hex; import water.DKV; import water.Iced; import water.Job; import water.Key; import water.fvec.CreateInteractions; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.util.Log; import water.util.PrettyPrint; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Create new factors that represent interactions of the given factors */ public class Interaction extends Iced { public Job<Frame> _job; public Key<Frame> _source_frame; public String[] _factor_columns; public boolean _pairwise = false; public int _max_factors = 100; public int _min_occurrence = 1; public boolean _interactOnNA = true; transient public int[] _factors = new int[0]; public Job<Frame> execImpl(Key<Frame> dest ) { _job = new Job(dest == null ? Key.make() : dest, Frame.class.getName(), "CreateFrame"); Frame source_frame = DKV.getGet(_source_frame); assert(source_frame != null); if (_factor_columns == null || _factor_columns.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("factor_columns must be specified."); if (_pairwise && _factor_columns.length < 3)"Ignoring the pairwise option, requires 3 or more factors."); _factors = new int[_factor_columns.length]; int count=0; for (String v: _factor_columns) { int idx = source_frame.find(v); if (idx >= 0) { if (!source_frame.vecs()[idx].isCategorical()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column " + v + " is not categorical."); } _factors[count++] = idx; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column " + v + " not found."); } } CreateInteractions in = new CreateInteractions(this); return _job.start(in,; } @Override public String toString() { Frame res = _job.get(); if (res == null) return "Output frame not found"; if (!_pairwise) return "Created interaction feature " + res.names()[0] + " (order: " + _factors.length + ") with " + res.lastVec().domain().length + " factor levels" + " in" + PrettyPrint.msecs(_job.msec(), true); else return "Created " + res.numCols() + " pair-wise interaction features " + Arrays.deepToString(res.names()) + " (order: 2) in" + PrettyPrint.msecs(_job.msec(), true); } }