package water.fvec; import org.junit.*; import*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import water.*; import water.nbhm.NonBlockingHashMap; import water.util.FileUtils; public class WordCountTest extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass static public void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } // ========================================================================== @Test public void testWordCount() throws IOException { File file = FileUtils.getFile("./smalldata/junit/cars.csv"); doWordCount(file); } protected void doWordCount(File file) throws IOException { NFSFileVec nfs=NFSFileVec.make(file); System.out.printf("\nProgress: 00 percent"); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); NonBlockingHashMap<VStr,VStr> words = new WordCount().doAll(nfs)._words; final long time_wc = System.currentTimeMillis(); VStr[] vss = new VStr[words.size()]; System.out.println("\nWC takes "+(time_wc-start)+"msec for "+vss.length+" words"); // Faster version of toArray - because calling toArray on a 16M entry array // is slow. // Start the walk at slot 2, because slots 0,1 hold meta-data // In the raw backing array, Keys and Values alternate in slots int cnt=0; Object[] kvs = WordCount.WORDS.raw_array(); for( int i=2; i<kvs.length; i += 2 ) { Object ok = kvs[i], ov = kvs[i+1]; if( ok != null && ok instanceof VStr && ok == ov ) vss[cnt++] = (VStr)ov; } final long time_ary = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("WC toArray "+(time_ary-time_wc)+"msec for "+cnt+" words"); Arrays.sort(vss,0,cnt,null); final long time_sort = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("WC sort "+(time_sort-time_ary)+"msec for "+cnt+" words"); System.out.println("Found "+cnt+" unique words."); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(vss)); nfs.remove(new Futures()).blockForPending(); } private static class WordCount extends MRTask<WordCount> { static NonBlockingHashMap<VStr,VStr> WORDS; static AtomicLong PROGRESS; transient NonBlockingHashMap<VStr,VStr> _words; @Override public void setupLocal() { WORDS = new NonBlockingHashMap<>(); PROGRESS = new AtomicLong(0); } private static int isChar( int b ) { if( 'A'<=b && b<='Z' ) return b-'A'+'a'; if( 'a'<=b && b<='z' ) return b; return -1; } @Override public void map( Chunk bv ) { _words = WORDS; final int len = bv._len; int i=0; // Parse point // Skip partial words at the start of chunks, assuming they belong to the // trailing end of the prior chunk. if( bv._start > 0 ) // Not on the 1st chunk... while( i < len && isChar((int)bv.atd(i)) >= 0 ) i++; // skip any partial word from prior VStr vs = new VStr(new byte[512],(short)0); // Loop over the chunk, picking out words while( i<len ) // Till we run dry vs = doChar(vs,(int)bv.atd(i++)); // Load a char & make words // Finish up partial word at Chunk end by flowing into the next Chunk i = 0; Chunk nv = bv.nextChunk(); if( nv == null ) vs = doChar(vs,' '); // No next Chunk, end partial word while( vs._len > 0 ) // Till word breaks vs = doChar(vs,(int)nv.atd(i++)); // Load a char & make words // Show some progress long progress = PROGRESS.addAndGet(len); long pre = progress - len; final long total = bv._vec.length(); int perc0 = (int)(100*pre /total); int perc1 = (int)(100*progress/total); if( perc0 != perc1 ) System.out.printf("\b\b\b%2d percent",perc1); } private VStr doChar( VStr vs, int raw ) { int c = isChar(raw); // Check for letter & lowercase it if( c >= 0 && vs._len < 32700/*break silly long words*/ ) // In a word? return vs.append(c); // Append char if( vs._len == 0 ) return vs; // Not a letter and not in a word? // None-letter ends word; count word VStr vs2 = WORDS.putIfAbsent(vs,vs); if( vs2 == null ) { // If actually inserted, need new VStr //if( vs._len>256 ) System.out.println("Too long: "+vs); return new VStr(vs._cs,(short)(vs._off+vs._len)); // New VStr reuses extra space from old }; // Inc count on added word, and vs._len = 0; // re-use VStr (since not added to NBHM) return vs; } @Override public void reduce( WordCount wc ) { if( _words != wc._words ) throw H2O.unimpl(); } public final AutoBuffer write_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { if( _words != null ) for( VStr key : WORDS.keySet() ) ab.put2((char)key._len).putA1(key._cs,key._off,key._off+key._len).put4(key._cnt); return ab.put2((char)65535); // End of map marker } public final WordCount read_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int cnt=0; _words = WORDS; int len; while( (len = ab.get2()) != 65535 ) { // Read until end-of-map marker VStr vs = new VStr(ab.getA1(len),(short)0); vs._len = (short)len; vs._cnt = ab.get4(); VStr vs2 = WORDS.putIfAbsent(vs,vs); if( vs2 != null ); // Inc count on added word cnt++; } final long t = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("WC Read takes "+t+"msec for "+cnt+" words"); return this; } @Override protected void copyOver(WordCount wc) { _words = wc._words; } } // A word, and a count of occurences. Typically the '_cs' buf is shared // amongst many VStr's, all using different off/len pairs. private static class VStr implements Comparable<VStr> { byte[] _cs; // shared array of chars holding words short _off,_len; // offset & len of this word VStr(byte[]cs, short off) { assert off>=0:off; _cs=cs; _off=off; _len=0; _cnt=1; } // append a char; return wasted pad space public VStr append( int c ) { if( _off+_len >= _cs.length ) { // no room for word? int newlen = Math.min(32767,_cs.length<<1); if( _off > 0 && _len < 512 ) newlen = Math.max(1024,newlen); byte[] cs = new byte[newlen]; System.arraycopy(_cs,_off,cs,0,_len); _off=0; _cs = cs; } _cs[_off+_len++] = (byte)c; return this; } volatile int _cnt; // Atomically update private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<VStr> _cntUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(VStr.class, "_cnt"); void inc(int d) { int r = _cnt; while( !_cntUpdater.compareAndSet(this,r,r+d) ) r = _cnt; } public String toString() { return new String(_cs,_off,_len)+"="+_cnt; } @Override public int compareTo(VStr vs) { int f = vs._cnt - _cnt; // sort by freq if( f != 0 ) return f; // alpha-sort, after tied on freq int len = Math.min(_len,vs._len); for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if(_cs[_off+i] != vs._cs[vs._off+i]) return _cs[_off+i]-vs._cs[vs._off+i]; return _len - vs._len; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ if(!(o instanceof VStr)) return false; VStr vs = (VStr)o; if( vs._len != _len)return false; for(int i = 0; i < _len; ++i) if(_cs[_off+i] != vs._cs[vs._off+i]) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 0; for(int i = 0; i < _len; ++i) hash = 31 * hash + _cs[_off+i]; return hash; } } @Test public void dummy_test() { /* this is just a dummy test to avoid JUnit complains about missing test */ } }