package hex.glrm; import hex.*; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmInitialization; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmLoss; import hex.genmodel.algos.glrm.GlrmRegularizer; import hex.svd.SVDModel.SVDParameters; import water.*; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.*; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * GLRM (<a href="">Generalized Low Rank Model</a>). * * The model seeks to represent an input frame A of dimensions m x n as a product of two smaller matrices X (m x k) * and Y (k x n) of rank k each. To this end, the model solves a generic optimization problem * Loss(A, XY) + Rx(X) + Ry(Y) -> min_{X,Y} * in other words it tries to find X and Y such that XY is close to A (as measured by the loss function), taking into * account regularization constraints on X and Y as well. * * Note that the input frame A may have columns of different types; while output matrices X and Y are always * real-valued. * * The Loss function is assumed to be separable in each element of the matrix, so that * Loss(A, XY) = Sum[L_{ij}(A_{ij}, x_i y_j) over i=1..m, j=1..n] * the individual loss functions can be different for each element; but in our implementation we assume that L_{ij}'s * are constant over rows and may only differ by columns. Thus, L_{ij} == L_j. * * The regularizers Rx and Ry are assumed to be row-separable: * Rx(X) = Sum[rx_i(x_i) for i=1..m] * Ry(Y) = Sum[ry_j(x_j) for j=1..n] * * The output of the model consists of matrices X and Y. There are multiple interpretations of these (see section 5.4 * in Boyd's paper). In particular, * + The rows of Y (1 x n) can be interpreted as "idealized examples" of input rows (even if rows of Y are always * real-valued, while rows of the input data may have any types). Thus, we call them *archetypes* in the code. * + The rows of X (1 x k) provide an embedding of each original data row into a lower-dimensional space. Thus, we * call them "representations" of the data. */ public class GLRMModel extends Model<GLRMModel, GLRMModel.GLRMParameters, GLRMModel.GLRMOutput> implements Model.GLRMArchetypes { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static class GLRMParameters extends Model.Parameters { @Override public String algoName() { return "GLRM"; } @Override public String fullName() { return "Generalized Low Rank Modeling"; } @Override public String javaName() { return GLRMModel.class.getName(); } @Override public long progressUnits() { return 2 + _max_iterations; } // Data transformation (demean to compare with PCA) public DataInfo.TransformType _transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; public int _k = 1; // Rank of resulting XY matrix public GlrmInitialization _init = GlrmInitialization.PlusPlus; // Initialization of Y matrix public SVDParameters.Method _svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Power; // SVD initialization method (for _init = SVD) public Key<Frame> _user_y; // User-specified Y matrix (for _init = User) public Key<Frame> _user_x; // User-specified X matrix (for _init = User) public boolean _expand_user_y = true; // Should categorical columns in _user_y be expanded via one-hot encoding? (for _init = User) // Loss functions public GlrmLoss _loss = GlrmLoss.Quadratic; // Default loss function for numeric cols public GlrmLoss _multi_loss = GlrmLoss.Categorical; // Default loss function for categorical cols public int _period = 1; // Length of the period when _loss = Periodic public GlrmLoss[] _loss_by_col; // Override default loss function for specific columns public int[] _loss_by_col_idx; // Regularization functions public GlrmRegularizer _regularization_x = GlrmRegularizer.None; // Regularization function for X matrix public GlrmRegularizer _regularization_y = GlrmRegularizer.None; // Regularization function for Y matrix public double _gamma_x = 0; // Regularization weight on X matrix public double _gamma_y = 0; // Regularization weight on Y matrix // Optional parameters public int _max_iterations = 1000; // Max iterations public int _max_updates = 2*_max_iterations; // Max number of updates (X or Y) public double _init_step_size = 1.0; // Initial step size (decrease until we hit min_step_size) public double _min_step_size = 1e-4; // Min step size public String _representation_name; public boolean _recover_svd = false; // Recover singular values and eigenvectors of XY at the end? public boolean _impute_original = false; // Reconstruct original training data by reversing _transform? public boolean _verbose = true; // Log when objective increases each iteration? } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Outputs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static class GLRMOutput extends Model.Output { // Number of iterations executed public int _iterations; // Number of updates executed public int _updates; // Current value of the objective function public double _objective; // Current value of step_size used public double _step_size; // Average change in objective function this iteration public double _avg_change_obj; public ArrayList<Double> _history_objective = new ArrayList<>(); // Mapping from lower dimensional k-space to training features (Y) public TwoDimTable _archetypes; public GLRM.Archetypes _archetypes_raw; // Needed for indexing into Y for scoring // Step size each iteration public ArrayList<Double> _history_step_size = new ArrayList<>(); // SVD of output XY public double[/*feature*/][/*k*/] _eigenvectors_raw; public TwoDimTable _eigenvectors; public double[] _singular_vals; // Frame key of X matrix public String _representation_name; public Key<Frame> _representation_key; public Key<? extends Model> _init_key; // Number of categorical and numeric columns public int _ncats; public int _nnums; // Number of good rows in training frame (not skipped) public long _nobs; // Categorical offset vector public int[] _catOffsets; // Standardization arrays for numeric data columns public double[] _normSub; // Mean of each numeric column public double[] _normMul; // One over standard deviation of each numeric column // Permutation array mapping adapted to original training col indices public int[] _permutation; // _permutation[i] = j means col i in _adaptedFrame maps to col j of _train // Expanded column names of adapted training frame public String[] _names_expanded; // Loss function for every column in adapted training frame public GlrmLoss[] _lossFunc; // Training time public ArrayList<Long> _training_time_ms = new ArrayList<>(); // Total column variance for expanded and transformed data public double _total_variance; // Standard deviation of each principal component public double[] _std_deviation; // Importance of principal components // Standard deviation, proportion of variance explained, and cumulative proportion of variance explained public TwoDimTable _importance; public GLRMOutput(GLRM b) { super(b); } /** Override because base class implements ncols-1 for features with the * last column as a response variable; for GLRM all the columns are features. */ @Override public int nfeatures() { return _names.length; } @Override public ModelCategory getModelCategory() { return ModelCategory.DimReduction; } } public GLRMModel(Key<GLRMModel> selfKey, GLRMParameters parms, GLRMOutput output) { super(selfKey, parms, output); } @Override protected Futures remove_impl( Futures fs ) { if (_output._init_key != null) _output._init_key.remove(fs); if (_output._representation_key != null) _output._representation_key.remove(fs); return super.remove_impl(fs); } @Override protected AutoBuffer writeAll_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { ab.putKey(_output._init_key); ab.putKey(_output._representation_key); return super.writeAll_impl(ab); } @Override protected Keyed readAll_impl(AutoBuffer ab, Futures fs) { ab.getKey(_output._init_key, fs); ab.getKey(_output._representation_key, fs); return super.readAll_impl(ab, fs); } @Override public GlrmMojoWriter getMojo() { return new GlrmMojoWriter(this); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scoring //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GLRM scoring is data imputation based on feature domains using reconstructed XY (see Udell (2015), Section 5.3) private Frame reconstruct(Frame orig, Frame adaptedFr, Key<Frame> destination_key, boolean save_imputed, boolean reverse_transform) { int ncols = _output._names.length; assert ncols == adaptedFr.numCols(); String prefix = "reconstr_"; // Need [A,X,P] where A = adaptedFr, X = loading frame, P = imputed frame // Note: A is adapted to original training frame, P has columns shuffled so cats come before nums! Frame fullFrm = new Frame(adaptedFr); Frame loadingFrm = DKV.get(_output._representation_key).get(); fullFrm.add(loadingFrm); String[][] adaptedDomme =; Vec anyVec = fullFrm.anyVec(); assert anyVec != null; for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { Vec v = anyVec.makeZero(); v.setDomain(adaptedDomme[i]); fullFrm.add(prefix + _output._names[i], v); } GLRMScore gs = new GLRMScore(ncols, _parms._k, save_imputed, reverse_transform).doAll(fullFrm); // Return the imputed training frame int x = ncols + _parms._k, y = fullFrm.numCols(); Frame f = fullFrm.extractFrame(x, y); // this will call vec_impl() and we cannot call the delete() below just yet f = new Frame((destination_key == null ? Key.<Frame>make() : destination_key), f.names(), f.vecs()); DKV.put(f); gs._mb.makeModelMetrics(GLRMModel.this, orig, null, null); // save error metrics based on imputed data return f; } @Override protected Frame predictScoreImpl(Frame orig, Frame adaptedFr, String destination_key, Job j, boolean computeMetrics) { return reconstruct(orig, adaptedFr, Key.<Frame>make(destination_key), true, _parms._impute_original); } @Override public Frame scoreReconstruction(Frame frame, Key<Frame> destination_key, boolean reverse_transform) { Frame adaptedFr = new Frame(frame); adaptTestForTrain(adaptedFr, true, false); return reconstruct(frame, adaptedFr, destination_key, true, reverse_transform); } /** * Project each archetype into original feature space * @param frame Original training data with m rows and n columns * @param destination_key Frame Id for output * @return Frame containing k rows and n columns, where each row corresponds to an archetype */ @Override public Frame scoreArchetypes(Frame frame, Key<Frame> destination_key, boolean reverse_transform) { int ncols = _output._names.length; Frame adaptedFr = new Frame(frame); adaptTestForTrain(adaptedFr, true, false); assert ncols == adaptedFr.numCols(); String[][] adaptedDomme =; double[][] proj = new double[_parms._k][_output._nnums + _output._ncats]; // Categorical columns for (int d = 0; d < _output._ncats; d++) { double[][] block = _output._archetypes_raw.getCatBlock(d); for (int k = 0; k < _parms._k; k++) proj[k][_output._permutation[d]] = _output._lossFunc[d].mimpute(block[k]); } // Numeric columns for (int d = _output._ncats; d < (_output._ncats + _output._nnums); d++) { int ds = d - _output._ncats; for (int k = 0; k < _parms._k; k++) { double num = _output._archetypes_raw.getNum(ds, k); proj[k][_output._permutation[d]] = _output._lossFunc[d].impute(num); if (reverse_transform) proj[k][_output._permutation[d]] = proj[k][_output._permutation[d]] / _output._normMul[ds] + _output._normSub[ds]; } } // Convert projection of archetypes into a frame with correct domains Frame f = ArrayUtils.frame((destination_key == null ? Key.<Frame>make() : destination_key), adaptedFr.names(), proj); for(int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) f.vec(i).setDomain(adaptedDomme[i]); return f; } private class GLRMScore extends MRTask<GLRMScore> { final int _ncolA; // Number of cols in original data A final int _ncolX; // Number of cols in X (rank k) final boolean _save_imputed; // Save imputed data into new vecs? final boolean _reverse_transform; // Reconstruct original training data by reversing transform? ModelMetricsGLRM.GlrmModelMetricsBuilder _mb; GLRMScore( int ncolA, int ncolX, boolean save_imputed ) { this(ncolA, ncolX, save_imputed, _parms._impute_original); } GLRMScore( int ncolA, int ncolX, boolean save_imputed, boolean reverse_transform ) { _ncolA = ncolA; _ncolX = ncolX; _save_imputed = save_imputed; _reverse_transform = reverse_transform; } @Override public void map(Chunk[] chks) { float[] atmp = new float[_ncolA]; double[] xtmp = new double[_ncolX]; double[] preds = new double[_ncolA]; _mb = GLRMModel.this.makeMetricBuilder(null); if (_save_imputed) { for (int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; row++) { double[] p = impute_data(chks, row, xtmp, preds); compute_metrics(chks, row, atmp, p); for (int c = 0; c < preds.length; c++) chks[_ncolA + _ncolX + c].set(row, p[c]); } } else { for (int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; row++) { double[] p = impute_data(chks, row, xtmp, preds); compute_metrics(chks, row, atmp, p); } } } @Override public void reduce(GLRMScore other) { if (_mb != null) _mb.reduce(other._mb); } @Override protected void postGlobal() { if (_mb != null) _mb.postGlobal(); } private float[] compute_metrics(Chunk[] chks, int row_in_chunk, float[] tmp, double[] preds) { for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) tmp[i] = (float)chks[i].atd(row_in_chunk); _mb.perRow(preds, tmp, GLRMModel.this); return tmp; } private double[] impute_data(Chunk[] chks, int row_in_chunk, double[] tmp, double[] preds) { for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) tmp[i] = chks[_ncolA+i].atd(row_in_chunk); impute_data(tmp, preds); return preds; } private double[] impute_data(double[] tmp, double[] preds) { assert preds.length == _output._nnums + _output._ncats; // Categorical columns for (int d = 0; d < _output._ncats; d++) { double[] xyblock = _output._archetypes_raw.lmulCatBlock(tmp,d); preds[_output._permutation[d]] = _output._lossFunc[d].mimpute(xyblock); } // Numeric columns for (int d = _output._ncats; d < preds.length; d++) { int ds = d - _output._ncats; double xy = _output._archetypes_raw.lmulNumCol(tmp, ds); preds[_output._permutation[d]] = _output._lossFunc[d].impute(xy); if (_reverse_transform) preds[_output._permutation[d]] = preds[_output._permutation[d]] / _output._normMul[ds] + _output._normSub[ds]; } return preds; } } @Override protected double[] score0(double[] data, double[] preds) { throw H2O.unimpl(); } public ModelMetricsGLRM scoreMetricsOnly(Frame frame) { if (frame == null) return null; int ncols = _output._names.length; // Need [A,X] where A = adapted test frame, X = loading frame // Note: A is adapted to original training frame Frame adaptedFr = new Frame(frame); adaptTestForTrain(adaptedFr, true, false); assert ncols == adaptedFr.numCols(); // Append loading frame X for calculating XY Frame fullFrm = new Frame(adaptedFr); Frame loadingFrm = DKV.get(_output._representation_key).get(); fullFrm.add(loadingFrm); GLRMScore gs = new GLRMScore(ncols, _parms._k, false).doAll(fullFrm); ModelMetrics mm = gs._mb.makeModelMetrics(GLRMModel.this, frame, null, null); // save error metrics based on imputed data return (ModelMetricsGLRM) mm; } @Override public ModelMetricsGLRM.GlrmModelMetricsBuilder makeMetricBuilder(String[] domain) { return new ModelMetricsGLRM.GlrmModelMetricsBuilder(_parms._k, _output._permutation, _parms._impute_original); } }