package water.api.schemas3; import water.Iced; import water.api.API; public final class MetadataV3 extends RequestSchemaV3<Iced, MetadataV3> { @API(help="Number for specifying an endpoint", json=false) public int num; @API(help="HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE) if fetching by path", json=false) public String http_method; @API(help="Path for specifying an endpoint", json=false) public String path; @API(help="Class name, for fetching docs for a schema (DEPRECATED)", json=false) public String classname; @API(help="Schema name (e.g., DocsV1), for fetching docs for a schema", json=false) public String schemaname; // Outputs @API(help="List of endpoint routes", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public RouteV3[] routes; @API(help="List of schemas", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public SchemaMetadataV3[] schemas; @API(help="Table of Contents Markdown", direction=API.Direction.OUTPUT) public String markdown; }