package water.util; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.TestUtil; import java.util.Random; public class RNGTest extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass() public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } final static long[] seed = {7234723423423402343L, 1234882173459262304L}; enum NumType { DOUBLE, FLOAT, LONG, INT } final static NumType[] types = new NumType[]{ NumType.DOUBLE, NumType.FLOAT, NumType.LONG, NumType.INT }; @Test public void JavaRandomBadSeed() { Assert.assertTrue(new Random(0).nextLong() == new Random(0).nextLong()); for (NumType t : types) Assert.assertTrue("JavaRandomBadSeed " + t + " failed.", ChiSquareTest(new Random(0), t)); } @Test public void JavaRandom() { Assert.assertTrue(new Random(seed[0]).nextLong() == new Random(seed[0]).nextLong()); for (NumType t : types) Assert.assertTrue("JavaRandom " + t + " failed.", ChiSquareTest(new Random(seed[0]), t)); } @Test public void MersenneTwister() { Assert.assertTrue( new RandomUtils.MersenneTwisterRNG(ArrayUtils.unpackInts(seed[0])).nextLong() == new RandomUtils.MersenneTwisterRNG(ArrayUtils.unpackInts(seed[0])).nextLong()); for (NumType t : types) Assert.assertTrue("MersenneTwister " + t + " failed.", ChiSquareTest(new RandomUtils.MersenneTwisterRNG(ArrayUtils.unpackInts(seed[0])), t)); } @Test public void XorShift() { Assert.assertTrue(new RandomUtils.XorShiftRNG(seed[0]).nextLong() == new RandomUtils.XorShiftRNG(seed[0]).nextLong()); for (NumType t : types) Assert.assertTrue("XorShift " + t + " failed.", ChiSquareTest(new RandomUtils.XorShiftRNG(seed[0]), t)); } @Test public void PCG() { Assert.assertTrue(new RandomUtils.PCGRNG(seed[0], seed[1]).nextLong() == new RandomUtils.PCGRNG(seed[0], seed[1]).nextLong()); for (NumType t : types) Assert.assertTrue("PCG " + t + " failed.", ChiSquareTest(new RandomUtils.PCGRNG(seed[0], seed[1]), t)); } static boolean ChiSquareTest(Random rng, NumType type) { final double n = 10000; // observations final int k = 21 ; // bins final int reps = 1000; // reps double[] chi_2 = new double[reps]; double[][] N = new double[reps][k]; Timer timer = new Timer(); for (int r=0; r<reps; ++r) { if (type == NumType.DOUBLE) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) N[r][(int) (rng.nextDouble() * k)]++; } else if (type == NumType.FLOAT) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) N[r][(int) (rng.nextFloat() * k)]++; } else if (type == NumType.INT) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) N[r][Math.abs(rng.nextInt())/(Integer.MAX_VALUE/k)]++; } else if (type == NumType.LONG) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) N[r][(int)(Math.abs(rng.nextLong())/(Long.MAX_VALUE/k))]++; } else throw water.H2O.unimpl(); } double time = timer.time(); for (int r=0; r<reps; ++r) { chi_2[r] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { chi_2[r] += (N[r][i] - n / k) * (N[r][i] - n / k) / (n / k); } }"\n" + rng.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + type + ":\n" + reps + " Chi-Square tests (N=" + n + ", " + (k - 1) + " DOFs) in " + time/1000. + " secs"); int suspect = 0; int nonrandom = 0; for (int r=0;r<reps;r++) { //See for statistical bounds // outside 1-th or 99-th percentile - should only happen 2*1% of the time if (chi_2[r] > 37.57 || chi_2[r] < 8.26) { nonrandom++; // Log.warn("Non-Random RNG! chi^2 = " + chi_2[r]); } //between 1-th and 5-th or 95-th and 99-th percentile - should only happen 2*4% of the time else if (chi_2[r] > 31.41 || chi_2[r] < 10.85) { suspect++; // Log.warn("Suspect RNG! chi^2 = " + chi_2[r]); } }*100 + "% non-random sequences.");*100 + "% suspect sequences."); if (suspect > 0.08 * reps) Log.warn("Too many (>8%) suspect (between 1-th and 5-th and between 95-th and 99-th percentile) RNG sequences found!"); if (nonrandom > 0.02 * reps) Log.warn("Too many (>2%) non-random (outside 1-th and 99-th percentile) RNG sequences found!"); // add 50% extra margin for small data sampling noise return (suspect <= 0.08 * 1.5 * reps && nonrandom <= 0.02 * 1.5 * reps); } }