package ai.h2o.automl; import hex.*; import water.*; import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.util.IcedHashMap; import water.util.Log; import water.util.TwoDimTable; import java.util.*; import static water.DKV.getGet; import static water.Key.make; import water.util.ArrayUtils; /** * Utility to track all the models built for a given dataset type. * <p> * Note that if a new Leaderboard is made for the same project it'll * keep using the old model list, which allows us to run AutoML multiple * times and keep adding to the leaderboard. * <p> * The models are returned sorted by either an appropriate default metric * for the model category (auc, mean per class error, or mean residual deviance), * or by a metric that's set via #setMetricAndDirection. * <p> * TODO: make this robust against removal of models from the DKV. */ public class Leaderboard extends Keyed<Leaderboard> { /** * Identifier for models that should be grouped together in the leaderboard * (e.g., "airlines" and "iris"). */ private final String project; /** * List of models for this leaderboard, sorted by metric so that the best is first, * according to the standard metric for the given model type. * <p> * Updated inside addModels(). */ private Key<Model>[] models = new Key[0]; /** * Test set ModelMetrics objects for the models. * <p> * Updated inside addModels(). */ private IcedHashMap<Key<ModelMetrics>, ModelMetrics> test_set_metrics = new IcedHashMap<>(); /** * Sort metrics for the models in this leaderboard, in the same order as the models. * <p> * Updated inside addModels(). */ public double[] sort_metrics = new double[0]; /** * Additional metrics for the models in this leaderboard, in the same order as the models * rmse, mae, and rmsle for regression & logloss for binomial classification * <p> * Updated inside addModels(). */ public double[] rmse = new double[0]; public double[] mae = new double[0]; public double[] rmsle = new double[0]; public double[] logloss = new double[0]; /** * Metric used to sort this leaderboard. */ private String sort_metric; /** * Other metrics reported in leaderboard (logloss for binomial, rmse, mae, and rmsle for regression) */ private String[] other_metrics; /** * Metric direction used in the sort. */ private boolean sort_decreasing; /** * UserFeedback object used to send, um, feedback to the, ah, user. :-) * Right now this is a "new leader" message. */ private UserFeedback userFeedback; /** * Frame for which we return the metrics, by default. */ private Frame testFrame; /** HIDEME! */ private Leaderboard() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Do not call the default constructor Leaderboard()."); } /** * */ public Leaderboard(String project, UserFeedback userFeedback, Frame testFrame) { this._key = make(idForProject(project)); Leaderboard old = DKV.getGet(this._key); if (null != old) { // pick up where we left off // note that if subsequent runs use a different test frame the models are re-scored this.models = old.models; this.test_set_metrics = old.test_set_metrics; this.sort_metrics = old.sort_metrics; } this.project = project; this.userFeedback = userFeedback; this.testFrame = testFrame; DKV.put(this); } // satisfy typing for job return type... public static class LeaderboardKeyV3 extends KeyV3<Iced, LeaderboardKeyV3, Leaderboard> { public LeaderboardKeyV3() { } public LeaderboardKeyV3(Key<Leaderboard> key) { super(key); } } public static String idForProject(String project) { return "AutoML_Leaderboard_" + project; } public String getProject() { return project; } public void setMetricAndDirection(String metric,String[] otherMetrics, boolean sortDecreasing){ this.sort_metric = metric; this.other_metrics = otherMetrics; this.sort_decreasing = sortDecreasing; DKV.put(this); } public void setMetricAndDirection(String metric,boolean sortDecreasing){ this.sort_metric = metric; this.sort_decreasing = sortDecreasing; DKV.put(this); } public void setDefaultMetricAndDirection(Model m) { if (m._output.isBinomialClassifier()) setMetricAndDirection("auc",new String[] {"logloss"}, true); else if (m._output.isClassifier()) setMetricAndDirection("mean_per_class_error", false); else if (m._output.isSupervised()) setMetricAndDirection("mean_residual_deviance",new String[]{"rmse","mae","rmsle"}, false); } /** * Add the given models to the leaderboard. Note that to make this easier to use from * Grid, which returns its models in random order, we allow the caller to add the same * model multiple times and we eliminate the duplicates here. * @param newModels */ final public void addModels(final Key<Model>[] newModels) { if (null == this._key) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Can't add models to a Leaderboard which isn't in the DKV."); if (this.sort_metric == null) { // lazily set to default for this model category setDefaultMetricAndDirection(newModels[0].get()); } final Key<Model> newLeader[] = new Key[1]; // only set if there's a new leader new TAtomic<Leaderboard>() { @Override final public Leaderboard atomic(Leaderboard old) { if (old == null) old = new Leaderboard(); final Key<Model>[] oldModels = old.models; final Key<Model> oldLeader = (oldModels == null || 0 == oldModels.length) ? null : oldModels[0]; // eliminate duplicates Set<Key<Model>> uniques = new HashSet(oldModels.length + newModels.length); uniques.addAll(Arrays.asList(oldModels)); uniques.addAll(Arrays.asList(newModels)); old.models = uniques.toArray(new Key[0]); // TODO: remove from tatomic? // which models are really new? we need to call score on them Set<Key<Model>> reallyNewModels = new HashSet<>(uniques); reallyNewModels.removeAll(Arrays.asList(oldModels)); // Try fetching ModelMetrics for *all* models, not just reallyNewModels, // because the testFrame might have changed. old.test_set_metrics = new IcedHashMap<>(); for (Key<Model> aKey : old.models) { Model aModel = aKey.get(); if (null == aModel) { userFeedback.warn(UserFeedbackEvent.Stage.ModelTraining, "Model in the leaderboard has unexpectedly been deleted from H2O: " + aKey); continue; } ModelMetrics mm = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(aModel, testFrame); if (mm == null) { Frame preds = aModel.score(testFrame); mm = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(aModel, testFrame); } old.test_set_metrics.put(mm._key, mm); } // Sort by metric on the test set. // TODO TODO TODO this sorts by the metrics in Model._output try { List<Key<Model>> modelsSorted = ModelMetrics.sortModelsByMetric(testFrame, sort_metric, sort_decreasing, Arrays.asList(old.models)); old.models = modelsSorted.toArray(new Key[0]); } catch (H2OIllegalArgumentException e) { Log.warn("ModelMetrics.sortModelsByMetric failed: " + e); throw e; } Model[] models = new Model[old.models.length]; old.sort_metrics = old.getSortMetrics(old.sort_metric, old.test_set_metrics, testFrame, modelsForModelKeys(old.models, models)); if(sort_metric.equals("auc")){ //Binomial case old.logloss= old.getOtherMetrics("logloss", old.test_set_metrics, testFrame, modelsForModelKeys(old.models, models)); }else if(sort_metric.equals("mean_residual_deviance")){ //Regression case old.rmse= old.getOtherMetrics("rmse", old.test_set_metrics, testFrame, modelsForModelKeys(old.models, models)); old.mae= old.getOtherMetrics("mae", old.test_set_metrics, testFrame, modelsForModelKeys(old.models, models)); old.rmsle= old.getOtherMetrics("rmsle", old.test_set_metrics, testFrame, modelsForModelKeys(old.models, models)); } // If we're updated leader let this know so that it can notify the user // (outside the tatomic, since it can take a long time). if (oldLeader == null || ! oldLeader.equals(old.models[0])) newLeader[0] = old.models[0]; return old; } // atomic }.invoke(this._key); // We've updated the DKV but not this instance, so: Leaderboard updated = DKV.getGet(this._key); this.models = updated.models; this.test_set_metrics = updated.test_set_metrics; this.sort_metrics = updated.sort_metrics; if(sort_metric.equals("auc")){ //Binomial case this.logloss = updated.logloss; }else if(sort_metric.equals("mean_residual_deviance")){ //Regression this.rmse = updated.rmse; this.mae = updated.mae; this.rmsle = updated.rmsle; } // always EckoClient.updateLeaderboard(this); if (null != newLeader[0]) {, "New leader: " + newLeader[0]); } } public void addModel(final Key<Model> key) { Key<Model>keys[] = new Key[1]; keys[0] = key; addModels(keys); } public void addModel(final Model model) { Key<Model>keys[] = new Key[1]; keys[0] = model._key; addModels(keys); } private static Model[] modelsForModelKeys(Key<Model>[] modelKeys, Model[] models) { assert models.length >= modelKeys.length; int i = 0; for (Key<Model> modelKey : modelKeys) models[i++] = getGet(modelKey); return models; } /** * @return list of keys of models sorted by the default metric for the model category, fetched from the DKV */ public Key<Model>[] getModelKeys() { return ((Leaderboard)DKV.getGet(this._key)).models; } /** * @return list of keys of models sorted by the given metric, fetched from the DKV */ public Key<Model>[] modelKeys(String metric, boolean sortDecreasing) { Key<Model>[] models = getModelKeys(); List<Key<Model>> newModelsSorted = ModelMetrics.sortModelsByMetric(metric, sortDecreasing, Arrays.asList(models)); return newModelsSorted.toArray(new Key[0]); } /** * @return list of models sorted by the default metric for the model category */ public Model[] getModels() { Key<Model>[] modelKeys = getModelKeys(); if (modelKeys == null || 0 == modelKeys.length) return new Model[0]; Model[] models = new Model[modelKeys.length]; return modelsForModelKeys(modelKeys, models); } /** * @return list of models sorted by the given metric */ public Model[] getModels(String metric, boolean sortDecreasing) { Key<Model>[] modelKeys = modelKeys(metric, sortDecreasing); if (modelKeys == null || 0 == modelKeys.length) return new Model[0]; Model[] models = new Model[modelKeys.length]; return modelsForModelKeys(modelKeys, models); } public Model getLeader() { Key<Model>[] modelKeys = getModelKeys(); if (modelKeys == null || 0 == modelKeys.length) return null; return modelKeys[0].get(); } /* public long[] getTimestamps(Model[] models) { long[] timestamps = new long[models.length]; int i = 0; for (Model m : models) timestamps[i++] = m._output._end_time; return timestamps; } */ public double[] getSortMetrics() { return getSortMetrics(this.sort_metric, this.test_set_metrics, this.testFrame, this.getModels()); } public static double[] getOtherMetrics(String other_metric, IcedHashMap<Key<ModelMetrics>, ModelMetrics> test_set_metrics, Frame testFrame, Model[] models) { double[] other_metrics = new double[models.length]; int i = 0; for (Model m : models) other_metrics[i++] = ModelMetrics.getMetricFromModelMetric(test_set_metrics.get(ModelMetrics.buildKey(m, testFrame)), other_metric); return other_metrics; } public static double[] getSortMetrics(String sort_metric, IcedHashMap<Key<ModelMetrics>, ModelMetrics> test_set_metrics, Frame testFrame, Model[] models) { double[] sort_metrics = new double[models.length]; int i = 0; for (Model m : models) sort_metrics[i++] = ModelMetrics.getMetricFromModelMetric(test_set_metrics.get(ModelMetrics.buildKey(m, testFrame)), sort_metric); return sort_metrics; } /** * Delete everything in the DKV that this points to. We currently need to be able to call this after deleteWithChildren(). */ public void delete() { remove(); } public void deleteWithChildren() { for (Model m : getModels()) m.delete(); delete(); } public static double[] defaultMetricForModel(Model m) { ModelMetrics mm = m._output._cross_validation_metrics != null ? m._output._cross_validation_metrics : m._output._validation_metrics != null ? m._output._validation_metrics : m._output._training_metrics; return defaultMetricForModel(m, mm); } public static double[] defaultMetricForModel(Model m, ModelMetrics mm) { if (m._output.isBinomialClassifier()) { return new double[] {(((ModelMetricsBinomial)mm).auc()),((ModelMetricsBinomial) mm).logloss()}; } else if (m._output.isClassifier()) { return new double[] {(((ModelMetricsMultinomial)mm).mean_per_class_error())}; } else if (m._output.isSupervised()) { return new double[] {((ModelMetricsRegression)mm).mean_residual_deviance(),mm.rmse(), ((ModelMetricsRegression) mm).mae(), ((ModelMetricsRegression) mm).rmsle()}; } Log.warn("Failed to find metric for model: " + m); return new double[] {Double.NaN}; } public static String[] defaultMetricNameForModel(Model m) { if (m._output.isBinomialClassifier()) { return new String[] {"auc","logloss"}; } else if (m._output.isClassifier()) { return new String[] {"mean per-class error"}; } else if (m._output.isSupervised()) { return new String[] {"mean_residual_deviance","rmse","mae","rmsle"}; } return new String[] {"unknown"}; } public String rankTsv() { String fieldSeparator = "\\t"; String lineSeparator = "\\n"; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // sb.append("Rank").append(fieldSeparator).append("Error").append(lineSeparator); sb.append("Error").append(lineSeparator); Model[] models = getModels(); for (int i = models.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO: allow the metric to be passed in. Note that this assumes the validation (or training) frame is the same. Model m = models[i]; sb.append(defaultMetricForModel(m)); sb.append(lineSeparator); } return sb.toString(); } public String timeTsv() { String fieldSeparator = "\\t"; String lineSeparator = "\\n"; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //sb.append("Time").append(fieldSeparator).append("Error").append(lineSeparator); sb.append("Error").append(lineSeparator); Model[] models = getModels(); for (int i = models.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO: allow the metric to be passed in. Note that this assumes the validation (or training) frame is the same. Model m = models[i]; //sb.append(timestampFormat.format(m._output._end_time)); //sb.append(fieldSeparator); sb.append(defaultMetricForModel(m)); sb.append(lineSeparator); } return sb.toString(); } protected static final String[] colHeaders(String metric, String[] other_metric) { //return new String[] {"model ID", "timestamp", metric.toString()}; String[] headers = ArrayUtils.append(new String[]{"model_id",metric.toString()},other_metric); return headers; } protected static final String[] colHeadersMult(String metric) { //return new String[] {"model ID", "timestamp", metric.toString()}; return new String[] {"model_id", metric.toString()}; } protected static final String[] colTypesMultinomial= { "string", "string"}; protected static final String[] colFormatsMultinomial= { "%s", "%s"}; protected static final String[] colTypesBinomial= { "string", "string", "string"}; protected static final String[] colFormatsBinomial= { "%s", "%s", "%s"}; protected static final String[] colTypesRegression= { "string", "string", "string", "string", "string"}; protected static final String[] colFormatsRegression= { "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}; public static final TwoDimTable makeTwoDimTable(String tableHeader, String sort_metric, String[] other_metric, int length) { String[] rowHeaders = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) rowHeaders[i] = "" + i; if(sort_metric.equals("mean_per_class_error")){ //Multinomial return new TwoDimTable(tableHeader, "models sorted in order of " + sort_metric + ", best first", rowHeaders, Leaderboard.colHeadersMult(sort_metric), Leaderboard.colTypesMultinomial, Leaderboard.colFormatsMultinomial, "#"); }else if(sort_metric.equals("auc")){ //Binomial return new TwoDimTable(tableHeader, "models sorted in order of " + sort_metric + ", best first", rowHeaders, Leaderboard.colHeaders(sort_metric,other_metric), Leaderboard.colTypesBinomial, Leaderboard.colFormatsBinomial, "#"); } else { //Regression return new TwoDimTable(tableHeader, "models sorted in order of " + sort_metric + ", best first", rowHeaders, Leaderboard.colHeaders(sort_metric,other_metric), Leaderboard.colTypesRegression, Leaderboard.colFormatsRegression, "#"); } } //public void addTwoDimTableRow(TwoDimTable table, int row, String[] modelIDs, long[] timestamps, double[] errors) { public void addTwoDimTableRowMultinomial(TwoDimTable table, int row, String[] modelIDs, double[] errors) { int col = 0; table.set(row, col++, modelIDs[row]); //table.set(row, col++, timestampFormat.format(new Date(timestamps[row]))); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", errors[row])); } public void addTwoDimTableRowBinomial(TwoDimTable table, int row, String[] modelIDs, double[] errors, double[] otherErrors) { int col = 0; table.set(row, col++, modelIDs[row]); //table.set(row, col++, timestampFormat.format(new Date(timestamps[row]))); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", errors[row])); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", otherErrors[row])); } public void addTwoDimTableRowRegression(TwoDimTable table, int row, String[] modelIDs, double[] errors, double[] rmse, double[] mae, double[] rmsle) { int col = 0; table.set(row, col++, modelIDs[row]); //table.set(row, col++, timestampFormat.format(new Date(timestamps[row]))); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", errors[row])); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", rmse[row])); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", mae[row])); table.set(row, col++, String.format("%.6f", rmsle[row])); } public TwoDimTable toTwoDimTable() { return toTwoDimTable("Leaderboard for project: " + project, false); } public TwoDimTable toTwoDimTable(String tableHeader, boolean leftJustifyModelIds) { Model[] models = this.getModels(); //long[] timestamps = getTimestamps(models); String[] modelIDsFormatted = new String[models.length]; TwoDimTable table = makeTwoDimTable(tableHeader, sort_metric, other_metrics, models.length); // %-s doesn't work in TwoDimTable.toString(), so fake it here: int maxModelIdLen = -1; for (Model m : models) maxModelIdLen = Math.max(maxModelIdLen, m._key.toString().length()); for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) if (leftJustifyModelIds) { modelIDsFormatted[i] = (models[i]._key.toString() + " ") .substring(0, maxModelIdLen); } else { modelIDsFormatted[i] = models[i]._key.toString(); } for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) //addTwoDimTableRow(table, i, modelIDsFormatted, timestamps, sort_metrics); if(sort_metric.equals("mean_per_class_error")){ //Multinomial case addTwoDimTableRowMultinomial(table, i, modelIDsFormatted, sort_metrics); }else if(sort_metric.equals("auc")) { //Binomial case addTwoDimTableRowBinomial(table, i, modelIDsFormatted, sort_metrics, logloss); }else{ //Regression addTwoDimTableRowRegression(table, i, modelIDsFormatted, sort_metrics, rmse, mae, rmsle); } return table; } //private static final SimpleDateFormat timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); //public static String toString(String project, Model[] models, String fieldSeparator, String lineSeparator, boolean includeTitle, boolean includeHeader, boolean includeTimestamp) { public static String toString(String project, Model[] models, String fieldSeparator, String lineSeparator, boolean includeTitle, boolean includeHeader) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (includeTitle) { sb.append("Leaderboard for project \"") .append(project) .append("\": "); if (models.length == 0) { sb.append("<empty>"); return sb.toString(); } sb.append(lineSeparator); } boolean printedHeader = false; for (Model m : models) { // TODO: allow the metric to be passed in. Note that this assumes the validation (or training) frame is the same. if (includeHeader && ! printedHeader) { sb.append("model_id"); sb.append(fieldSeparator); sb.append(defaultMetricNameForModel(m)); /* if (includeTimestamp) { sb.append(fieldSeparator); sb.append("timestamp"); } */ sb.append(lineSeparator); printedHeader = true; } sb.append(m._key.toString()); sb.append(fieldSeparator); sb.append(defaultMetricForModel(m)); /* if (includeTimestamp) { sb.append(fieldSeparator); sb.append(timestampFormat.format(m._output._end_time)); } */ sb.append(lineSeparator); } return sb.toString(); } public String toString(String fieldSeparator, String lineSeparator) { //return toString(project, getModels(), fieldSeparator, lineSeparator, true, true, false); return toString(project, getModels(), fieldSeparator, lineSeparator, true, true); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(" ; ", " | "); } }