package hex; import water.Iced; import water.MRTask; import water.Scope; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Vec; public class MeanResidualDeviance extends Iced { //INPUT public Vec _actuals; public Vec _preds; public Vec _weights; public Distribution _dist; //OUTPUT public double meanResidualDeviance; public MeanResidualDeviance(Distribution dist, Vec preds, Vec actuals, Vec weights) { _preds = preds; _actuals = actuals; _weights = weights; _dist = dist; } private void init() throws IllegalArgumentException { if( _actuals ==null || _preds ==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing actual targets or predicted values!"); if (_actuals.length() != _preds.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both arguments must have the same length ("+ _actuals.length()+"!="+ _preds.length()+")!"); if (!_actuals.isNumeric()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Actual target column must be numeric!"); if (_preds.isCategorical()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Predicted targets cannot be class labels, expect continuous values."); if (_weights != null && !_weights.isNumeric()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Observation weights must be numeric."); // The vectors are from different groups => align them, but properly delete it after computation if (! { _preds = _actuals.align(_preds); Scope.track(_preds); if (_weights !=null) { _weights = _actuals.align(_weights); Scope.track(_weights); } } } public MeanResidualDeviance exec() { Scope.enter(); init(); try { MeanResidualBuilder gt = new MeanResidualBuilder(_dist); gt = (_weights != null) ? gt.doAll(_actuals, _preds, _weights) : gt.doAll(_actuals, _preds); meanResidualDeviance=gt._mean_residual_deviance; } finally { Scope.exit(); } return this; } // Compute Mean Residual Deviance table via MRTask public static class MeanResidualBuilder extends MRTask<MeanResidualBuilder> { public double _mean_residual_deviance; private double _wcount; private Distribution _dist; MeanResidualBuilder(Distribution dist) { _dist = dist; } @Override public void map(Chunk ca, Chunk cp) { map(ca, cp, (Chunk)null); } @Override public void map(Chunk ca, Chunk cp, Chunk cw) { _mean_residual_deviance=0; _wcount=0; final int len = Math.min(ca._len, cp._len); for( int i=0; i < len; i++ ) { if (ca.isNA(i)) continue; if (cp.isNA(i)) continue; final double a = ca.atd(i); final double pr = cp.atd(i); final double w = cw!=null?cw.atd(i):1; perRow(pr, a, w); } } public void perRow(double pr, double a, double w) { if (w==0) return; assert (!Double.isNaN(pr)); assert (!Double.isNaN(a)); assert (!Double.isNaN(w)); _mean_residual_deviance+=_dist.deviance(w,a,pr); _wcount+=w; } @Override public void reduce(MeanResidualBuilder other) { _mean_residual_deviance += other._mean_residual_deviance; _wcount += other._wcount; } @Override public void postGlobal(){ _mean_residual_deviance/=_wcount; } } }