package water; import org.junit.*; import water.util.JSONUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; public class AutoSerialTest extends Iced { @BeforeClass public static void stall() { TestUtil.stall_till_cloudsize(1); } @AfterClass public static void checkLeakedKeys() { TestUtil.checkLeakedKeys(); } byte _byte, _bytes[]; short _short, _shorts[]; int _int, _ints[]; float _float, _floats[]; long _long, _longs[], _longss[][]; double _double,_doubles[],_doubless[][]; String _string; Key _key; static AutoBuffer _ab = new AutoBuffer(new byte[1000]); static AutoBuffer abw() { return _ab.clearForWriting((byte)0); } static AutoBuffer abr() { return _ab. flipForReading(); } @Test public void testByte() throws Exception { byte[] tests = { 0, 4, -1, 127, -128 }; for( byte exp : tests) { _byte = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _byte); } } @Test public void testShort() throws Exception { short[] tests = { 0, 4, -1, 127, -128 }; for( short exp : tests) { _short = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _short); } } @Test public void testInt() throws Exception { int[] tests = { 0, 4, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1 }; for( int exp : tests) { _int = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _int); } } @Test public void testLong() throws Exception { long[] tests = { 0, 4, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE }; for( long exp : tests) { _long = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _long); } } @Test public void testFloat() throws Exception { float[] tests = { 0, 4, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE, Float.NaN, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; for( float exp : tests) { _float = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _float, Math.ulp(exp)); } } @Test public void testDouble() throws Exception { double[] tests = { 0, 4, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE, Double.NaN, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; for( double exp : tests) { _double = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _double, Math.ulp(exp)); } } @Test public void testKey() throws Exception { H2O.main(new String[0]); Key[] tests = { Key.make(), Key.make("monkey"), Key.make("ninja"), null }; for( Key exp : tests) { _key = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _key); } } @Test public void testString() throws Exception { H2O.main(new String[0]); String[] tests = { "", "monkey", "ninja", null }; for( String exp : tests) { _string = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertEquals(exp, _string); } } @Test public void testByteArray() throws Exception { byte[][] tests = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, -1, 19, -49 } }; for( byte[] exp : tests) { _bytes = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(exp, _bytes); } } @Test public void testShortArray() throws Exception { short[][] tests = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, -1, 19, -49, Short.MAX_VALUE } }; for( short[] exp : tests) { _shorts = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(exp, _shorts); } } @Test public void testIntArray() throws Exception { int[][] tests = new int[][] { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, Integer.MAX_VALUE, -1, 19, -49 } }; for( int[] exp : tests) { _ints = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(exp, _ints); } } @Test public void testLongArray() throws Exception { long[][] tests = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, -1, 19, -49 }, { Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE} }; for( long[] exp : tests) { _longs = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(exp, _longs); } } // test that simple freezable works (gets autoserializaed correctly) public static class SimpleFreezableTest implements Freezable<SimpleFreezableTest>, Serializable { final int x; double y; String str; public static int DEBUG_WEAVER = 1; public SimpleFreezableTest(){x = -1;} public SimpleFreezableTest(int x, double y, String str) {this.x = x; this.y = y; this.str = str;} @Override public SimpleFreezableTest clone(){ try { return (SimpleFreezableTest)super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {throw water.util.Log.throwErr(e);} } @Override public AutoBuffer write(AutoBuffer ab) { return TypeMap.getIcer(this).write(ab,this); } @Override public SimpleFreezableTest read(AutoBuffer ab) { Icer icer =TypeMap.getIcer(this); return (SimpleFreezableTest),this); } @Override public AutoBuffer writeJSON(AutoBuffer ab) { return TypeMap.getIcer(this).writeJSON(ab,this); } @Override public SimpleFreezableTest readJSON(AutoBuffer ab) { return (SimpleFreezableTest) TypeMap.getIcer(this).read(ab,this); } @Override public int frozenType() { return TypeMap.getIcer(this).frozenType(); } @Override public byte[] asBytes() { return write(new AutoBuffer()).buf(); } @Override public SimpleFreezableTest reloadFromBytes(byte[] ary) { return read(new AutoBuffer(ary)); } } // test that inheritance works public static class SimpleFreezableTestChild extends SimpleFreezableTest{ public static int DEBUG_WEAVER = 1; int [] intAry; double [] dAry; public SimpleFreezableTestChild(){} public SimpleFreezableTestChild(int x, int y, String str, int [] intAry, double [] dAry) {super(x,y,str); this.intAry = intAry; this.dAry = dAry;} } // test that custom serialization using final method flavor works public static class SimpleFreezableTestChild2 extends SimpleFreezableTest { public static int DEBUG_WEAVER = 1; ArrayList<Number> _nums = new ArrayList<>(); public SimpleFreezableTestChild2() { } public SimpleFreezableTestChild2(int x, int y, String str, int[] intAry, double[] dAry) { super(x, y, str); for (int i : intAry) _nums.add(new Double(i)); for (double d : dAry) _nums.add(new Double(d)); } public final AutoBuffer write_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { ab.put4(_nums.size()); for (int i = 0; i < _nums.size(); ++i) ab.put8d(_nums.get(i).doubleValue()); return ab; } public final SimpleFreezableTestChild2 read_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { int n = ab.get4(); _nums = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) _nums.add(ab.get8d()); return this; } } // test that custom serialization inheritace works public static class SimpleFreezableTestChild3 extends SimpleFreezableTestChild2 { public static int DEBUG_WEAVER = 1; ArrayList<Number> _nums2 = new ArrayList<>(); public SimpleFreezableTestChild3() {} public SimpleFreezableTestChild3(int x, int y, String str, int[] intAry, double[] dAry) { super(x, y, str, intAry, dAry); for (int i : intAry) _nums2.add(new Double(i) * 2); for (double d : dAry) _nums2.add(new Double(d) * 2); } public static AutoBuffer write_impl(SimpleFreezableTestChild3 self, AutoBuffer ab) { ab.put4(self._nums2.size()); for (int i = 0; i < self._nums2.size(); ++i) ab.put8d(self._nums2.get(i).doubleValue()); return ab; } public static SimpleFreezableTestChild3 read_impl(SimpleFreezableTestChild3 self, AutoBuffer ab) { int n = ab.get4(); self._nums2 = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) self._nums2.add(ab.get8d()); return self; } } @Test public void testFreezable(){ SimpleFreezableTest a = new SimpleFreezableTest(12,345,"6789"); SimpleFreezableTest b = new SimpleFreezableTest().read(new AutoBuffer(a.write(new AutoBuffer()).bufClose())); byte [] abytes = AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(a); b = new AutoBuffer(new AutoBuffer().put(a).bufClose()).get(); Assert.assertArrayEquals(abytes,AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(b)); byte [] jsonBytes = a.writeJSON(new AutoBuffer()).buf(); String jsonStr = new String(jsonBytes); Map<String, Object> m = JSONUtils.parse(jsonStr); int x = (int)((Double)m.get("x")).doubleValue(); int y = (int)((Double)m.get("y")).doubleValue(); String str = (String) m.get("str"); Assert.assertEquals(12,x); Assert.assertEquals(345,y); Assert.assertEquals("6789",str); // todo readJSON does not work, it is also not used anywehere, we should either fix it or remove it. // SimpleFreezableTest c = new SimpleFreezableTest().readJSON(new AutoBuffer(jsonBytes)); // byte [] cbytes = AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(c); // Assert.assertArrayEquals(abytes,cbytes); SimpleFreezableTestChild d = new SimpleFreezableTestChild(12,345,"6789",new int[]{10,20,30,40,50}, new double[]{10.1,10.2,10.3,10.4,10.5}); Assert.assertArrayEquals(AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(d),AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(new SimpleFreezableTestChild().reloadFromBytes(d.asBytes()))); SimpleFreezableTestChild3 e = new SimpleFreezableTestChild3(12,345,"6789",new int[]{10,20,30,40,50}, new double[]{10.1,10.2,10.3,10.4,10.5}); SimpleFreezableTest e2 = new AutoBuffer(new AutoBuffer().put(e).buf()).get(); Assert.assertArrayEquals(AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(e),AutoBuffer.javaSerializeWritePojo(e2)); } @Test public void testFloatArray() throws Exception { float[][] tests = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, -1, 19, -49 }, { Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MIN_VALUE} }; for( float[] exp : tests) { _floats = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(exp, _floats)); } } @Test public void testDoubleArray() throws Exception { double[][] tests = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, -1, 19, -49 }, { Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE} }; for( double[] exp : tests) { _doubles = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(exp, _doubles)); } } @Test public void testLongArrayArray() throws Exception { long[][][] tests = { { { 0, 1, 2 }, { }, null, { 6, -1, 19, -49 }, { Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE} }, null, { }, }; for( long[][] exp : tests) { _longss = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); if( exp != null ) { Assert.assertEquals(_longss.length,exp.length); for( int i=0; i<exp.length; i++ ) Assert.assertArrayEquals(_longss[i],exp[i]); } else Assert.assertNull(_longss); } } @Test public void testDoubleArrayArray() throws Exception { double[][][] tests = { { { 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 }, { }, null, { 6.3, -1.3, 19.3, -49.4 }, { Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE} }, null, { }, }; for( double[][] exp : tests) { _doubless = exp; this.write(abw()); this. read(abr()); if( exp != null ) { Assert.assertEquals(_doubless.length,exp.length); for( int i=0; i<exp.length; i++ ) Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(_doubless[i],exp[i])); } else Assert.assertNull(_doubless); } } private static class IcedSerTest extends Iced { final double x; public IcedSerTest(double x){this.x = x;} } Freezable [][][] _aaa; @Test public void testIcedArrays() { _aaa = new IcedSerTest[][][]{{{new IcedSerTest(Math.PI)}}}; this.write(abw());; Assert.assertTrue(_aaa.length == 1); Assert.assertTrue(_aaa[0].length == 1); Assert.assertTrue(_aaa[0][0].length == 1); Assert.assertTrue(((IcedSerTest)_aaa[0][0][0]).x == Math.PI); _aaa = null; } /* ======================= Enum array serialization ======================== */ enum TestEnum { A, B, C; } TestEnum[] _ea; /** Test for PUBDEV-1914 */ @Test public void testArrayOfEnums() { _ea = new TestEnum[] { TestEnum.B, null, TestEnum.A, TestEnum.B, TestEnum.C}; this.write(abw()); _ea = null;; Assert.assertTrue(_ea.length == 5); Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.deepEquals(_ea, new TestEnum[] { TestEnum.B, null, TestEnum.A, TestEnum.B, TestEnum.C})); _ea = null; } /* ======================= Generic type array serialization ======================== */ abstract static class P extends Iced { } static class P1 extends P {} static class PA<T extends P> extends Iced<PA> { public PA(T[] ps) { _ps = ps; } final T[] _ps; } PA<P1> _gcs; // Right now we do not support serialization of generic arrays since // the weaver forgets type annotation. @Ignore("PUBDEV-1863") public void testGenericArray() { _gcs = new PA(new P1[] { new P1(), null, new P1() }); this.write(abw()); _gcs = null;; Assert.assertEquals("Size of array has to match", _gcs._ps.length, 3); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Content of array has to match", _gcs._ps, new P1[]{new P1(), null, new P1() }); _gcs = null; } }