package hex; import water.*; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import water.util.RandomUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; public abstract class FrameTask<T extends FrameTask<T>> extends MRTask<T>{ protected boolean _sparse; protected transient DataInfo _dinfo; public DataInfo dinfo() { return _dinfo; } final Key _dinfoKey; final int [] _activeCols; final protected Key<Job> _jobKey; protected float _useFraction = 1.0f; private final long _seed; protected boolean _shuffle = false; private final int _iteration; public FrameTask(Key<Job> jobKey, DataInfo dinfo) { this(jobKey, dinfo, 0xDECAFBEE, -1, false); } public FrameTask(Key<Job> jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, long seed, int iteration, boolean sparse) { this(jobKey,dinfo==null?null:dinfo._key,dinfo==null?null:dinfo._activeCols,seed,iteration, sparse,null); } public FrameTask(Key<Job> jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, long seed, int iteration, boolean sparse, H2O.H2OCountedCompleter cmp) { this(jobKey,dinfo==null?null:dinfo._key,dinfo==null?null:dinfo._activeCols,seed,iteration, sparse,cmp); } private FrameTask(Key<Job> jobKey, Key dinfoKey, int [] activeCols,long seed, int iteration, boolean sparse, H2O.H2OCountedCompleter cmp) { super(cmp); _jobKey = jobKey; _dinfoKey = dinfoKey; _activeCols = activeCols; _seed = seed; _iteration = iteration; _sparse = sparse; } @Override protected void setupLocal(){ DataInfo dinfo = DKV.get(_dinfoKey).get(); _dinfo = _activeCols == null?dinfo:dinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols); } @Override protected void closeLocal(){ _dinfo = null;} /** * Method to process one row of the data. See for separate mini-batch logic below. * Numeric and categorical values are passed separately, as is response. * Categoricals are passed as absolute indexes into the expanded beta vector, 0-levels are skipped * (so the number of passed categoricals will not be the same for every row). * * Categorical expansion/indexing: * Categoricals are placed in the beginning of the beta vector. * Each cat variable with n levels is expanded into n-1 independent binary variables. * Indexes in cats[] will point to the appropriate coefficient in the beta vector, so e.g. * assume we have 2 categorical columns both with values A,B,C, then the following rows will have following indexes: * A,A - ncats = 0, we do not pass any categorical here * A,B - ncats = 1, indexes = [2] * B,B - ncats = 2, indexes = [0,2] * and so on * * @param gid - global id of this row, in [0,_adaptedFrame.numRows()) */ protected void processRow(long gid, DataInfo.Row r){throw new RuntimeException("should've been overridden!");} protected void processRow(long gid, DataInfo.Row r, NewChunk [] outputs){throw new RuntimeException("should've been overridden!");} // mini-batch version - for DL only for now protected void processRow(long gid, DataInfo.Row r, int mb){throw new RuntimeException("should've been overridden!");} /** * Mini-Batch update of model parameters * @param seed * @param responses * @param offsets * @param n actual number of rows in this minibatch */ protected void processMiniBatch(long seed, double[] responses, double[] offsets, int n){} /** * Note: If this is overridden, then applyMiniBatch must be overridden as well to perform the model/weight mini-batch update * @return Return the mini-batch size */ protected int getMiniBatchSize(){ return 0; } /** * Override this to initialize at the beginning of chunk processing. * @return whether or not to process this chunk */ protected boolean chunkInit(){ return true; } /** * Override this to do post-chunk processing work. * @param n Number of processed rows */ protected void chunkDone(long n){} /** * Extracts the values, applies regularization to numerics, adds appropriate offsets to categoricals, * and adapts response according to the CaseMode/CaseValue if set. */ @Override public void map(Chunk [] chunks, NewChunk [] outputs) { if(_jobKey != null && _jobKey.get() != null && _jobKey.get().stop_requested()) throw new Job.JobCancelledException(); final int nrows = chunks[0]._len; final long offset = chunks[0].start(); boolean doWork = chunkInit(); if (!doWork) return; final boolean obs_weights = _dinfo._weights && !_fr.vecs()[_dinfo.weightChunkId()].isConst() //if all constant weights (such as 1) -> doesn't count as obs weights && !(_fr.vecs()[_dinfo.weightChunkId()].isBinary()); //special case for cross-val -> doesn't count as obs weights final double global_weight_sum = obs_weights ? Math.round(_fr.vecs()[_dinfo.weightChunkId()].mean() * _fr.numRows()) : 0; DataInfo.Row row = null; DataInfo.Row[] rows = null; if (_sparse) rows = _dinfo.extractSparseRows(chunks); else row = _dinfo.newDenseRow(); double[] weight_map = null; double relative_chunk_weight = 1; //TODO: store node-local helper arrays in _dinfo -> avoid re-allocation and construction if (obs_weights) { weight_map = new double[nrows]; double weight_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) { row = _sparse ? rows[i] : _dinfo.extractDenseRow(chunks, i, row); weight_sum += row.weight; weight_map[i] = weight_sum; assert (i == 0 || row.weight == 0 || weight_map[i] > weight_map[i - 1]); } if (weight_sum > 0) { ArrayUtils.div(weight_map, weight_sum); //normalize to 0...1 relative_chunk_weight = global_weight_sum * nrows / _fr.numRows() / weight_sum; } else return; //nothing to do here - all rows have 0 weight } //Example: // _useFraction = 0.8 -> 1 repeat with fraction = 0.8 // _useFraction = 1.0 -> 1 repeat with fraction = 1.0 // _useFraction = 1.1 -> 2 repeats with fraction = 0.55 // _useFraction = 2.1 -> 3 repeats with fraction = 0.7 // _useFraction = 3.0 -> 3 repeats with fraction = 1.0 final int repeats = (int) Math.ceil(_useFraction * relative_chunk_weight); final float fraction = (float) (_useFraction * relative_chunk_weight) / repeats; assert (fraction <= 1.0); final boolean sample = (fraction < 0.999 || obs_weights || _shuffle); final long chunkSeed = (0x8734093502429734L + _seed + offset) * (_iteration + 0x9823423497823423L); final Random skip_rng = sample ? RandomUtils.getRNG(chunkSeed) : null; int[] shufIdx = skip_rng == null ? null : new int[nrows]; if (skip_rng != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) shufIdx[i] = i; ArrayUtils.shuffleArray(shufIdx, skip_rng); } double[] responses = new double[getMiniBatchSize()]; double[] offsets = new double[getMiniBatchSize()]; long seed = 0; final int miniBatchSize = getMiniBatchSize(); long num_processed_rows = 0; long num_skipped_rows = 0; int miniBatchCounter = 0; for(int rep = 0; rep < repeats; ++rep) { for(int row_idx = 0; row_idx < nrows; ++row_idx){ int r = sample ? -1 : 0; // only train with a given number of training samples (fraction*nrows) if (sample && !obs_weights && skip_rng.nextDouble() > fraction) continue; if (obs_weights && num_processed_rows % 2 == 0) { //every second row is randomly sampled -> that way we won't "forget" rare rows // importance sampling based on inverse of cumulative distribution double key = skip_rng.nextDouble(); r = Arrays.binarySearch(weight_map, 0, nrows, key); //; //"key: " + key + " idx: " + (r >= 0 ? r : (-r-1))); if (r<0) r=-r-1; assert(r == 0 || weight_map[r] > weight_map[r-1]); } else if (r == -1){ r = shufIdx[row_idx]; // if we have weights, and we did the %2 skipping above, then we need to find an alternate row with non-zero weight while (obs_weights && ((r == 0 && weight_map[r] == 0) || (r > 0 && weight_map[r] == weight_map[r-1]))) { r = skip_rng.nextInt(nrows); //random sampling with replacement } } else { assert(!obs_weights); r = row_idx; //linear scan - slightly faster } assert(r >= 0 && r<=nrows); row = _sparse ? rows[r] : _dinfo.extractDenseRow(chunks, r, row); if(row.isBad() || row.weight == 0) { num_skipped_rows++; continue; } else { assert(row.weight > 0); //check that we never process a row that was held out via row.weight = 0 seed = offset + rep * nrows + r; if (outputs != null && outputs.length > 0) { assert(miniBatchSize==0); processRow(seed, row, outputs); } else { if (miniBatchSize > 0) { //DL processRow(seed, row, miniBatchCounter); responses[miniBatchCounter] = row.response != null && row.response.length > 0 ? row.response(0) : 0 /*autoencoder dummy*/; offsets[miniBatchCounter] = row.offset; miniBatchCounter++; } else //all other algos processRow(seed, row); } } num_processed_rows++; if (miniBatchCounter > 0 && miniBatchCounter % miniBatchSize == 0) { processMiniBatch(seed, responses, offsets, miniBatchCounter); miniBatchCounter = 0; } } } if (miniBatchCounter>0) { processMiniBatch(seed, responses, offsets, miniBatchCounter); //last bit } assert(fraction != 1 || num_processed_rows + num_skipped_rows == repeats * nrows); chunkDone(num_processed_rows); } public static class ExtractDenseRow extends MRTask<ExtractDenseRow> { final private DataInfo _di; //INPUT final private long _gid; //INPUT public DataInfo.Row _row; //OUTPUT public ExtractDenseRow(DataInfo di, long globalRowId) { _di = di; _gid = globalRowId; } @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { // fill up _row with the data of row with global id _gid long start = cs[0].start(); if (start <= _gid && cs[0].start()+cs[0].len() > _gid) { _row = _di.newDenseRow(); _di.extractDenseRow(cs, (int)(_gid-cs[0].start()), _row); } } @Override public void reduce(ExtractDenseRow mrt) { if (mrt._row != null) { assert(this._row == null); //only one thread actually filled the output _row _row = mrt._row; } } } }