package hex.svd; import hex.DataInfo; import hex.SplitFrame; import hex.pca.PCA; import hex.pca.PCAModel; import hex.svd.SVDModel.SVDParameters; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; import water.DKV; import water.Key; import water.Scope; import water.TestUtil; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.FrameUtils; import water.util.Log; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; public class SVDTest extends TestUtil { public static final double TOLERANCE = 1e-6; @BeforeClass public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } @Test public void testArrests() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected right singular values and vectors double[] d_expected = new double[] {1419.06139510, 194.82584611, 45.66133763, 18.06955662}; double[][] v_expected = ard(ard(-0.04239181, 0.01616262, -0.06588426, 0.99679535), ard(-0.94395706, 0.32068580, 0.06655170, -0.04094568), ard(-0.30842767, -0.93845891, 0.15496743, 0.01234261), ard(-0.10963744, -0.12725666, -0.98347101, -0.06760284)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("arrests.hex"), "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 4; parms._seed = 1234; parms._only_v = false; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.GramSVD; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); TestUtil.checkEigvec(v_expected, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); Assert.assertArrayEquals(d_expected, model._output._d, TOLERANCE); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testArrestsOnlyV() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected right singular vectors double[][] svec = ard(ard(-0.04239181, 0.01616262, -0.06588426, 0.99679535), ard(-0.94395706, 0.32068580, 0.06655170, -0.04094568), ard(-0.30842767, -0.93845891, 0.15496743, 0.01234261), ard(-0.10963744, -0.12725666, -0.98347101, -0.06760284)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("arrests.hex"), "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 4; parms._seed = 1234; parms._only_v = true; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Power; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); TestUtil.checkEigvec(svec, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); assert model._output._d == null; } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testArrestsScoring() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { double[] stddev = new double[] {202.7230564, 27.8322637, 6.5230482, 2.5813652}; double[][] eigvec = ard(ard(-0.04239181, 0.01616262, -0.06588426, 0.99679535), ard(-0.94395706, 0.32068580, 0.06655170, -0.04094568), ard(-0.30842767, -0.93845891, 0.15496743, 0.01234261), ard(-0.10963744, -0.12725666, -0.98347101, -0.06760284)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null, score = null, scoreR = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("arrests.hex"), "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 4; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Power; parms._only_v = false; parms._keep_u = false; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); boolean[] flippedEig = TestUtil.checkEigvec(eigvec, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); score = model.score(train); scoreR = parse_test_file(Key.make("scoreR.hex"), "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests_PCAscore.csv"); TestUtil.checkProjection(scoreR, score, TOLERANCE, flippedEig); // Flipped cols must match those from eigenvectors } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (scoreR != null) scoreR.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } // TODO: This fails GramSVD since JAMA can't handle NaNs in input matrix @Test @Ignore public void testArrestsMissing() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SVDModel model = null; SVDParameters parms = null; Frame train = null; long seed = 1234; for (double missing_fraction : new double[]{0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9}) { try { Scope.enter(); train = parse_test_file(Key.make("arrests.hex"), "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv"); // Add missing values to the training data if (missing_fraction > 0) { Frame frtmp = new Frame(Key.<Frame>make(), train.names(), train.vecs()); DKV.put(frtmp._key, frtmp); // Need to put the frame (to be modified) into DKV for MissingInserter to pick up FrameUtils.MissingInserter j = new FrameUtils.MissingInserter(frtmp._key, seed, missing_fraction); j.execImpl().get(); // MissingInserter is non-blocking, must block here explicitly DKV.remove(frtmp._key); // Delete the frame header (not the data) } parms = new SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = train.numCols(); parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Power; parms._max_iterations = 1000; parms._seed = seed; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); * missing_fraction + "% missing values: Singular values = " + Arrays.toString(model._output._d)); Scope.exit(); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } } @Test public void testArrestsProb() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected right singular values and vectors double[] d_expected = new double[] {11.024148, 6.964086, 4.179904, 2.915146}; double[][] v_expected = ard(ard(-0.5358995, 0.4181809, -0.3412327, 0.64922780), ard(-0.5831836, 0.1879856, -0.2681484, -0.74340748), ard(-0.2781909, -0.8728062, -0.3780158, 0.13387773), ard(-0.5434321, -0.1673186, 0.8177779, 0.08902432)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null, score = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("arrests.hex"), "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 4; parms._keep_u = true; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Randomized; parms._max_iterations = 4; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertArrayEquals(d_expected, model._output._d, TOLERANCE); TestUtil.checkEigvec(v_expected, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); score = model.score(train); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testIrisGram() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected right singular values and vectors double[] d_expected = new double[] {96.2090445, 19.0425654, 7.2250378, 3.1636131, 1.8816739, 1.1451307, 0.5820806}; double[][] v_expected = ard(ard(-0.03169051, -0.32305860, 0.185100382, -0.12336685, -0.14867156, 0.75932119, -0.496462912), ard(-0.04289677, 0.04037565, -0.780961964, 0.19727933, 0.07251338, -0.12216945, -0.572298338), ard(-0.05019689, 0.16836717, 0.551432201, -0.07122329, 0.08454116, -0.48327010, -0.647522462), ard(-0.74915107, -0.26629420, -0.101102186, -0.48920057, 0.32458460, -0.09176909, 0.067412858), ard(-0.37877011, -0.50636060, 0.142219195, 0.69081642, -0.26312992, -0.17811871, 0.041411296), ard(-0.51177078, 0.65945159, -0.005079934, 0.04881900, -0.52128288, 0.17038367, 0.006223427), ard(-0.16742875, 0.32166036, 0.145893901, 0.47102115, 0.72052968, 0.32523458, 0.020389463)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("iris.hex"), "smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 7; parms._use_all_factor_levels = true; parms._keep_u = true; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.GramSVD; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); TestUtil.checkEigvec(v_expected, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); Assert.assertArrayEquals(d_expected, model._output._d, TOLERANCE); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testIrisSVDScore() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected right singular values and vectors double[] d_expected = new double[] {96.2090445, 19.0425654, 7.2250378, 3.1636131, 1.8816739, 1.1451307, 0.5820806}; double[][] v_expected = ard(ard(-0.03169051, -0.32305860, 0.185100382, -0.12336685, -0.14867156, 0.75932119, -0.496462912), ard(-0.04289677, 0.04037565, -0.780961964, 0.19727933, 0.07251338, -0.12216945, -0.572298338), ard(-0.05019689, 0.16836717, 0.551432201, -0.07122329, 0.08454116, -0.48327010, -0.647522462), ard(-0.74915107, -0.26629420, -0.101102186, -0.48920057, 0.32458460, -0.09176909, 0.067412858), ard(-0.37877011, -0.50636060, 0.142219195, 0.69081642, -0.26312992, -0.17811871, 0.041411296), ard(-0.51177078, 0.65945159, -0.005079934, 0.04881900, -0.52128288, 0.17038367, 0.006223427), ard(-0.16742875, 0.32166036, 0.145893901, 0.47102115, 0.72052968, 0.32523458, 0.020389463)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null, score = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("iris.hex"), "smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 7; parms._use_all_factor_levels = true; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Power; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); TestUtil.checkEigvec(v_expected, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); Assert.assertArrayEquals(d_expected, model._output._d, TOLERANCE); score = model.score(train); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testIrisSplitScoring() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SVDModel model = null; Frame fr = null, fr2= null; Frame tr = null, te= null; try { fr = parse_test_file("smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); SplitFrame sf = new SplitFrame(fr,new double[] { 0.5, 0.5 },new Key[] { Key.make("train.hex"), Key.make("test.hex")}); // Invoke the job sf.exec().get(); Key[] ksplits = sf._destination_frames; tr = DKV.get(ksplits[0]).get(); te = DKV.get(ksplits[1]).get(); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = ksplits[0]; parms._valid = ksplits[1]; parms._nv = 4; parms._max_iterations = 1000; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Power; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); // Done building model; produce a score column with cluster choices fr2 = model.score(te); Assert.assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(te, fr2, 1e-5)); } finally { if( fr != null ) fr.delete(); if( fr2 != null ) fr2.delete(); if( tr != null ) tr .delete(); if( te != null ) te .delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testIrisProb() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected right singular values and vectors double[] d_expected = new double[] {96.2090445, 19.0425654, 7.2250378, 3.1636131, 1.8816739, 1.1451307, 0.5820806}; double[][] v_expected = ard(ard(-0.03169051, -0.32305860, 0.185100382, -0.12336685, -0.14867156, 0.75932119, -0.496462912), ard(-0.04289677, 0.04037565, -0.780961964, 0.19727933, 0.07251338, -0.12216945, -0.572298338), ard(-0.05019689, 0.16836717, 0.551432201, -0.07122329, 0.08454116, -0.48327010, -0.647522462), ard(-0.74915107, -0.26629420, -0.101102186, -0.48920057, 0.32458460, -0.09176909, 0.067412858), ard(-0.37877011, -0.50636060, 0.142219195, 0.69081642, -0.26312992, -0.17811871, 0.041411296), ard(-0.51177078, 0.65945159, -0.005079934, 0.04881900, -0.52128288, 0.17038367, 0.006223427), ard(-0.16742875, 0.32166036, 0.145893901, 0.47102115, 0.72052968, 0.32523458, 0.020389463)); SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null, score = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("iris.hex"), "smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 7; parms._use_all_factor_levels = true; parms._keep_u = false; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.NONE; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Randomized; parms._max_iterations = 7; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); TestUtil.checkEigvec(v_expected, model._output._v, TOLERANCE); Assert.assertArrayEquals(d_expected, model._output._d, TOLERANCE); score = model.score(train); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testBenignProb() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // Expected singular values double[] d_expected = new double[] {450.809529, 212.934956, 155.608260, 64.528823, 52.334624}; SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null, score = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("benign.hex"), "smalldata/logreg/benign.csv"); SVDModel.SVDParameters parms = new SVDModel.SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 5; parms._keep_u = true; parms._transform = DataInfo.TransformType.DEMEAN; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Randomized; parms._impute_missing = true; parms._max_iterations = 20; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); // Assert.assertArrayEquals(d_expected, model._output._d, 1e-4); score = model.score(train); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testProstateMissingProb() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { long seed = 1234; Frame train = null, score = null; SVDModel model = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("prostate.hex"), "smalldata/prostate/prostate_cat.csv"); // Add missing values to the training data Frame frtmp = new Frame(Key.<Frame>make(), train.names(), train.vecs()); DKV.put(frtmp._key, frtmp); // Need to put the frame (to be modified) into DKV for MissingInserter to pick up FrameUtils.MissingInserter j = new FrameUtils.MissingInserter(frtmp._key, seed, 0.25); j.execImpl().get(); // MissingInserter is non-blocking, must block here explicitly DKV.remove(frtmp._key); // Delete the frame header (not the data) SVDParameters parms = new SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 8; parms._only_v = false; parms._keep_u = true; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Randomized; parms._impute_missing = true; parms._max_iterations = 20; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); score = model.score(train); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testIVVSum() { double[][] res = ard(ard(1, 2, 3), ard(2, 5, 6), ard(3, 6, 9)); double[] v = new double[] {7, 8, 9}; double[][] xvv = ard(ard(-48, -54, -60), ard(-54, -59, -66), ard(-60, -66, -72)); SVD.updateIVVSum(res, v); Assert.assertArrayEquals(xvv, res); } /* Make sure POJO works if the model is only built from categorical variables (no numeric columns) */ @Test public void testCatOnlyPUBDEV3988() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { SVDModel model = null; Frame train = null, score = null; try { train = parse_test_file(Key.make("prostate_cat.hex"), "smalldata/prostate/prostate_cat.csv"); for (int i = train.numCols() - 1; i > 0; i--) { Vec v = train.vec(i); if (v.get_type() != Vec.T_CAT) { train.remove(i); Vec.remove(v._key); } } DKV.put(train); SVDParameters parms = new SVDParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._nv = 2; parms._only_v = false; parms._keep_u = true; parms._svd_method = SVDParameters.Method.Randomized; parms._impute_missing = true; parms._max_iterations = 20; parms._save_v_frame = false; model = new SVD(parms).trainModel().get(); score = model.score(train); // Build a POJO, check results with original SVD Assert.assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(train,score,TOLERANCE)); } finally { if (train != null) train.delete(); if (score != null) score.delete(); if (model != null) model.delete(); } } }