package water; import hex.Model; import hex.ModelBuilder; import water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException; import water.util.IcedHashMap; import water.util.IcedHashMapGeneric; /** * Class which represents a ModelBuilder back-end error which will be returned to the client. * Such errors may be caused by the user (specifying bad parameters) or due * to a failure which is out of the user's control. */ public class H2OModelBuilderError extends H2OError { // Expose parameters, messages and error_count in the same was as ModelBuilder so they come out // in the H2OModelBuilderError JSON exactly the same way as in the ModelBuilderSchema. public Model.Parameters _parameters; public ModelBuilder.ValidationMessage[] _messages; public int _error_count; public H2OModelBuilderError(long timestamp, String error_url, String msg, String dev_msg, int http_status, IcedHashMapGeneric.IcedHashMapStringObject values, H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException e) { super(timestamp, error_url, msg, dev_msg, http_status, values, e); this._parameters = (Model.Parameters) values.get("parameters"); this._messages = (ModelBuilder.ValidationMessage[]) values.get("messages"); this._error_count = (int) values.get("error_count"); } }