package hex.deeplearning; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters; import hex.DataInfo; import hex.Distribution; import hex.FrameTask; import hex.ModelMetricsRegression; import hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.*; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.PrettyPrint; import java.util.Random; public class DeepLearningGradientCheck extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass public static void stall() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } static final float MAX_TOLERANCE = 2e-2f; static final float MAX_FAILED_COUNT = 30; static final float SAMPLE_RATE = 0.01f; @Test public void gradientCheck() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/glm_test/cancar_logIn.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "Merit", "Class" }) { Vec f = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec(); tfr.remove(s).remove(); tfr.add(s, f); } DKV.put(tfr); tfr.add("Binary", tfr.anyVec().makeZero()); new MRTask() { public void map(Chunk[] c) { for (int i=0;i<c[0]._len;++i) if (c[0].at8(i)==1) c[1].set(i,1); } }.doAll(tfr.vecs(new String[]{"Class","Binary"})); Vec cv = tfr.vec("Binary").toCategoricalVec(); tfr.remove("Binary").remove(); tfr.add("Binary", cv); DKV.put(tfr); Random rng = new Random(0xDECAF); int count=0; int failedcount=0; double maxRelErr = 0; double meanRelErr = 0; for (DistributionFamily dist : new DistributionFamily[]{ DistributionFamily.gaussian, DistributionFamily.laplace, DistributionFamily.quantile, DistributionFamily.huber, // DistributionFamily.modified_huber, DistributionFamily.gamma, DistributionFamily.poisson, DistributionFamily.AUTO, DistributionFamily.tweedie, DistributionFamily.multinomial, DistributionFamily.bernoulli, }) { for (DeepLearningParameters.Activation act : new DeepLearningParameters.Activation[]{ // DeepLearningParameters.Activation.ExpRectifier, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier, // DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Maxout, }) { for (String response : new String[]{ "Binary", //binary classification "Class", //multi-class "Cost", //regression }) { for (boolean adaptive : new boolean[]{ true, false }) { for (int miniBatchSize : new int[]{ 1 }) { if (response.equals("Class")) { if (dist != DistributionFamily.multinomial && dist != DistributionFamily.AUTO) continue; } else if (response.equals("Binary")) { if (dist != DistributionFamily.modified_huber && dist != DistributionFamily.bernoulli && dist != DistributionFamily.AUTO) continue; } else { if (dist == DistributionFamily.multinomial || dist == DistributionFamily.modified_huber || dist == DistributionFamily.bernoulli) continue; } DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._huber_alpha = rng.nextDouble()+0.1; parms._tweedie_power = 1.01 + rng.nextDouble()*0.9; parms._quantile_alpha = 0.05 + rng.nextDouble()*0.9; parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 100; //converge to a reasonable model to avoid too large gradients parms._l1 = 1e-3; parms._l2 = 1e-3; parms._force_load_balance = false; parms._hidden = new int[]{10, 10, 10}; parms._fast_mode = false; //otherwise we introduce small bprop errors parms._response_column = response; parms._distribution = dist; parms._max_w2 = 10; parms._seed = 0xaaabbb; parms._activation = act; parms._adaptive_rate = adaptive; parms._rate = 1e-4; parms._momentum_start = 0.9; parms._momentum_stable = 0.99; parms._mini_batch_size = miniBatchSize; // DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = null; DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(0, 0, 0); //tell it what gradient to collect // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(parms); try { dl = job.trainModel().get(); boolean classification = response.equals("Class") || response.equals("Binary"); if (!classification) { Frame p = dl.score(tfr); hex.ModelMetrics mm = hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(dl, tfr); double resdev = ((ModelMetricsRegression) mm)._mean_residual_deviance;"Mean residual deviance: " + resdev); p.delete(); } DeepLearningModelInfo modelInfo = IcedUtils.deepCopy(dl.model_info()); //golden version //; long before = dl.model_info().checksum_impl(); float meanLoss = 0; // loop over every row in the dataset and check that the predictions for (int rId = 0; rId < tfr.numRows(); rId+=1 /*miniBatchSize*/) { // start from scratch - with a clean model dl.set_model_info(IcedUtils.deepCopy(modelInfo)); final DataInfo di = dl.model_info().data_info(); // populate miniBatch (consecutive rows) final DataInfo.Row[] rowsMiniBatch = new DataInfo.Row[miniBatchSize]; for (int i=0; i<rowsMiniBatch.length; ++i) { if (0 <= rId+i && rId+i < tfr.numRows()) { rowsMiniBatch[i] = new FrameTask.ExtractDenseRow(di, rId+i).doAll(di._adaptedFrame)._row; } } // loss at weight long cs = dl.model_info().checksum_impl(); double loss = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch); assert(cs == before); assert(before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl()); meanLoss += loss; for (int layer = 0; layer <= parms._hidden.length; ++layer) { int rows = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).rows(); assert(dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).size()==rows); for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { //check bias if (true) { // start from scratch - with a clean model dl.set_model_info(IcedUtils.deepCopy(modelInfo)); // do one forward propagation pass (and fill the mini-batch gradients -> set training=true) Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(dl.model_info()); double[] responses = new double[miniBatchSize]; double[] offsets = new double[miniBatchSize]; int n = 0; for (DataInfo.Row myRow : rowsMiniBatch) { if (myRow == null) continue; ((Neurons.Input) neurons[0]).setInput(-1, myRow.numIds, myRow.numVals, myRow.nBins, myRow.binIds, n); responses[n] = myRow.response(0); offsets[n] = myRow.offset; n++; } DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1 /*seed doesn't matter*/, neurons, dl.model_info(), null, true /*training*/, responses, offsets, n); // check that we didn't change the model's weights/biases long after = dl.model_info().checksum_impl(); assert (after == before); // record the gradient since gradientChecking is enabled DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(layer, row, -1); //tell it what gradient to collect DeepLearningTask.bpropMiniBatch(neurons, n); //update the weights and biases assert (before != dl.model_info().checksum_impl()); // reset the model back to the trained model dl.set_model_info(IcedUtils.deepCopy(modelInfo)); assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl()); double bpropGradient = DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.gradient; // FIXME: re-enable this once the loss is computed from the de-standardized prediction/response // double actualResponse=myRow.response[0]; // double predResponseLinkSpace = neurons[neurons.length-1]._a.get(0); // if (di._normRespMul != null) { // bpropGradient /= di._normRespMul[0]; //no shift for gradient // actualResponse = (actualResponse / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]); // predResponseLinkSpace = (predResponseLinkSpace / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]); // } // bpropGradient *= new Distribution(parms._distribution).gradient(actualResponse, predResponseLinkSpace); final double bias = dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).get(row); double eps = 1e-4 * Math.abs(bias); //don't make the weight deltas too small, or the float weights "won't notice" if (eps == 0) eps = 1e-6; // loss at bias + eps dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).set(row, bias + eps); double up = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch); // loss at bias - eps dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).set(row, bias - eps); double down = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch); if (Math.abs(up - down) / Math.abs(up + down) < 1e-8) { continue; //relative change in loss function is too small -> skip } double gradient = ((up - down) / (2. * eps)); double relError = 2 * Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) / (Math.abs(gradient) + Math.abs(bpropGradient)); count++; // if either gradient is tiny, check if both are tiny if (Math.abs(gradient) < 1e-7 || Math.abs(bpropGradient) < 1e-7) { if (Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) < 1e-7) continue; //all good } meanRelErr += relError; // if both gradients are tiny - numerically unstable relative error computation is not needed, since absolute error is small if (relError > MAX_TOLERANCE) {"\nDistribution: " + dl._parms._distribution);"\nRow: " + rId);"bias (layer " + layer + ", row " + row + "): " + bias + " +/- " + eps);"loss: " + loss);"losses up/down: " + up + " / " + down);"=> Finite differences gradient: " + gradient);"=> Back-propagation gradient : " + bpropGradient);"=> Relative error : " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(relError)); failedcount++; } } int cols = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).cols(); for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { if (rng.nextFloat() >= SAMPLE_RATE) continue; // start from scratch - with a clean model dl.set_model_info(IcedUtils.deepCopy(modelInfo)); // do one forward propagation pass (and fill the mini-batch gradients -> set training=true) Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(dl.model_info()); double [] responses = new double[miniBatchSize]; double [] offsets = new double[miniBatchSize]; int n=0; for (DataInfo.Row myRow : rowsMiniBatch) { if (myRow == null) continue; ((Neurons.Input) neurons[0]).setInput(-1, myRow.numIds, myRow.numVals, myRow.nBins, myRow.binIds, n); responses[n] = myRow.response(0); offsets[n] = myRow.offset; n++; } DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1 /*seed doesn't matter*/, neurons, dl.model_info(), null, true /*training*/, responses, offsets, n); // check that we didn't change the model's weights/biases long after = dl.model_info().checksum_impl(); assert (after == before); // record the gradient since gradientChecking is enabled DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(layer, row, col); //tell it what gradient to collect DeepLearningTask.bpropMiniBatch(neurons, n); //update the weights assert (before != dl.model_info().checksum_impl()); // reset the model back to the trained model dl.set_model_info(IcedUtils.deepCopy(modelInfo)); assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl()); double bpropGradient = DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.gradient; // FIXME: re-enable this once the loss is computed from the de-standardized prediction/response // double actualResponse=myRow.response[0]; // double predResponseLinkSpace = neurons[neurons.length-1]._a.get(0); // if (di._normRespMul != null) { // bpropGradient /= di._normRespMul[0]; //no shift for gradient // actualResponse = (actualResponse / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]); // predResponseLinkSpace = (predResponseLinkSpace / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]); // } // bpropGradient *= new Distribution(parms._distribution).gradient(actualResponse, predResponseLinkSpace); final float weight = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).get(row, col); double eps = 1e-4 * Math.abs(weight); //don't make the weight deltas too small, or the float weights "won't notice" if (eps == 0) eps = 1e-6; // loss at weight + eps dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).set(row, col, (float)(weight + eps)); double up = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch); // loss at weight - eps dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).set(row, col, (float)(weight - eps)); double down = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch); if (Math.abs(up-down)/Math.abs(up+down) < 1e-8) { continue; //relative change in loss function is too small -> skip } double gradient = ((up - down) / (2. * eps)); double relError = 2 * Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) / (Math.abs(gradient) + Math.abs(bpropGradient)); count++; // if either gradient is tiny, check if both are tiny if (Math.abs(gradient) < 1e-7 || Math.abs(bpropGradient) < 1e-7) { if (Math.abs(bpropGradient-gradient) < 1e-7) continue; //all good } meanRelErr += relError; // if both gradients are tiny - numerically unstable relative error computation is not needed, since absolute error is small if (relError > MAX_TOLERANCE) {"\nDistribution: " + dl._parms._distribution);"\nRow: " + rId);"weight (layer " + layer + ", row " + row + ", col " + col + "): " + weight + " +/- " + eps);"loss: " + loss);"losses up/down: " + up + " / " + down);"=> Finite differences gradient: " + gradient);"=> Back-propagation gradient : " + bpropGradient);"=> Relative error : " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(relError)); failedcount++; } // Assert.assertTrue(failedcount==0); maxRelErr = Math.max(maxRelErr, relError); assert(!Double.isNaN(maxRelErr)); } } } } meanLoss /= tfr.numRows();"Mean loss: " + meanLoss); // // FIXME: re-enable this // if (parms._l1 == 0 && parms._l2 == 0) { // assert(Math.abs(meanLoss-resdev)/Math.abs(resdev) < 1e-5); // } } catch(RuntimeException ex) { dl = DKV.getGet(job.dest()); if (dl != null) Assert.assertTrue(dl.model_info().isUnstable()); else Assert.assertTrue(job.isStopped()); } finally { if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } } } } }"Number of tests: " + count);"Number of failed tests: " + failedcount);"Mean. relative error: " + meanRelErr/count);"Max. relative error: " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(maxRelErr)); Assert.assertTrue("Error too large: " + maxRelErr + " >= " + MAX_TOLERANCE, maxRelErr < MAX_TOLERANCE); Assert.assertTrue("Failed count too large: " + failedcount + " > " + MAX_FAILED_COUNT, failedcount <= MAX_FAILED_COUNT); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); } } @Test public void checkDistributionGradients() { Random rng = new Random(0xDECAF); for (DistributionFamily dist : new DistributionFamily[]{ DistributionFamily.AUTO, DistributionFamily.gaussian, DistributionFamily.laplace, DistributionFamily.quantile, DistributionFamily.huber, DistributionFamily.gamma, DistributionFamily.poisson, DistributionFamily.tweedie, DistributionFamily.bernoulli, // DistributionFamily.modified_huber, // DistributionFamily.multinomial, //no gradient/deviance implemented }) { DeepLearningParameters p = new DeepLearningParameters(); p._distribution = dist; int N=1000; double eps=1./(10.*N); for (double y : new double[]{0,1}) { //actual - taylored for binomial, but should work for regression too // scan the range -2..2 in function approximation space (link space) for (int i=-5*N; i<5*N; ++i) { p._huber_alpha = rng.nextDouble()+0.1; p._tweedie_power = 1.01 + rng.nextDouble()*0.9; p._quantile_alpha = 0.05 + rng.nextDouble()*0.9; Distribution d = new Distribution(p); double f = (i+0.5)/N; // avoid issues at 0 double grad = -2*d.negHalfGradient(y, f); //f in link space (model space) double w = rng.nextDouble()*10; double approxgrad = (d.deviance(w,y,d.linkInv(f+eps)) - d.deviance(w,y,d.linkInv(f-eps)))/(2*eps*w); //deviance in real space assert(Math.abs(grad - approxgrad) <= 1e-4); } } } } }