package hex.deeplearning; import hex.FrameSplitter; import water.TestUtil; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.*; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NFSFileVec; import water.parser.ParseDataset; import water.util.FileUtils; import water.util.FrameUtils; import water.util.Log; import java.util.*; import static water.util.FrameUtils.generateNumKeys; public class DeepLearningMissingTest extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass() public static void setup() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } @Test public void run() { long seed = 1234; DeepLearningModel mymodel = null; Frame train = null; Frame test = null; Frame data = null; DeepLearningParameters p;"");"STARTING.");"Using seed " + seed); Map<DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling,Double> sumErr = new TreeMap<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling mvh : new DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling[]{ DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.MeanImputation, DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.Skip }) { double sumloss = 0; Map<Double,Double> map = new TreeMap<>(); for (double missing_fraction : new double[]{0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.99}) { double loss =0; try { Scope.enter(); NFSFileVec nfs = NFSFileVec.make("smalldata/junit/weather.csv"); data = ParseDataset.parse(Key.make("data.hex"), nfs._key);"FrameSplitting"); // Create holdout test data on clean data (before adding missing values) FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(data, new double[]{0.75f}, generateNumKeys(data._key,2), null); H2O.submitTask(fs);//.join(); Frame[] train_test = fs.getResult(); train = train_test[0]; test = train_test[1];"Done..."); // add missing values to the training data (excluding the response) if (missing_fraction > 0) { Frame frtmp = new Frame(Key.<Frame>make(), train.names(), train.vecs()); frtmp.remove(frtmp.numCols() - 1); //exclude the response DKV.put(frtmp._key, frtmp); //need to put the frame (to be modified) into DKV for MissingInserter to pick up FrameUtils.MissingInserter j = new FrameUtils.MissingInserter(frtmp._key, seed, missing_fraction); j.execImpl().get(); //MissingInserter is non-blocking, must block here explicitly DKV.remove(frtmp._key); //Delete the frame header (not the data) } // Build a regularized DL model with polluted training data, score on clean validation set p = new DeepLearningParameters(); p._train = train._key; p._valid = test._key; p._response_column = train._names[train.numCols()-1]; p._ignored_columns = new String[]{train._names[1],train._names[22]}; //only for weather data p._missing_values_handling = mvh; p._loss = DeepLearningParameters.Loss.CrossEntropy; // DeepLearningParameters.Loss.ModifiedHuber; p._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier; p._hidden = new int[]{50,50}; p._l1 = 1e-5; p._input_dropout_ratio = 0.2; p._epochs = 3; p._reproducible = true; p._seed = seed; p._elastic_averaging = false; // Convert response to categorical int ri = train.numCols()-1; int ci = test.find(p._response_column); Scope.track(train.replace(ri, train.vecs()[ri].toCategoricalVec())); Scope.track(test .replace(ci, test.vecs()[ci].toCategoricalVec())); DKV.put(train); DKV.put(test); DeepLearning dl = new DeepLearning(p);"Starting with " + missing_fraction * 100 + "% missing values added."); mymodel = dl.trainModel().get(); // Extract the scoring on validation set from the model loss = mymodel.loss();"Missing " + missing_fraction * 100 + "% -> logloss: " + loss); } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); loss = 100; } finally { Scope.exit(); // cleanup if (mymodel != null) { mymodel.delete(); } if (train != null) train.delete(); if (test != null) test.delete(); if (data != null) data.delete(); } map.put(missing_fraction, loss); sumloss += loss; } sb.append("\nMethod: ").append(mvh.toString()).append("\n"); sb.append("missing fraction --> loss\n"); for (String s : Arrays.toString(map.entrySet().toArray()).split(",")) sb.append(s.replace("=", " --> ")).append("\n"); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("sum loss: ").append(sumloss).append("\n"); sumErr.put(mvh, sumloss); }; Assert.assertEquals(405.5017, sumErr.get(DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.Skip), 1e-2); Assert.assertEquals(3.914915, sumErr.get(DeepLearningParameters.MissingValuesHandling.MeanImputation), 1e-3); } }