package hex.deeplearning; import hex.*; import hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import water.*; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NFSFileVec; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.parser.ParseDataset; import water.util.*; import; import java.util.Arrays; import static hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class DeepLearningTest extends TestUtil { @BeforeClass public static void stall() { stall_till_cloudsize(1); } abstract static class PrepData { abstract int prep(Frame fr); } static String[] s(String...arr) { return arr; } static long[] a(long ...arr) { return arr; } static long[][] a(long[] ...arr) { return arr; } @Test public void testClassIris1() throws Throwable { // iris ntree=1 basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/iris/iris.csv", "iris.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { return fr.numCols() - 1; } }, 1, ard(ard(27, 16, 7), ard(0, 4, 46), ard(0, 3, 47)), s("Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testClassIris5() throws Throwable { // iris ntree=50 basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/iris/iris.csv", "iris5.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { return fr.numCols() - 1; } }, 5, ard(ard(50, 0, 0), ard(0, 39, 11), ard(0, 8, 42)), s("Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testClassCars1() throws Throwable { // cars ntree=1 basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/junit/cars.csv", "cars.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("name").remove(); return fr.find("cylinders"); } }, 1, ard(ard(0, 4, 0, 0, 0), ard(0, 193, 5, 9, 0), ard(0, 2, 1, 0, 0), ard(0, 65, 3, 16, 0), ard(0, 11, 0, 7, 90)), s("3", "4", "5", "6", "8"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testClassCars5() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/junit/cars.csv", "cars5.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("name").remove(); return fr.find("cylinders"); } }, 5, ard(ard(0, 4, 0, 0, 0), ard(0, 206, 0, 1, 0), ard(0, 2, 0, 1, 0), ard(0, 14, 0, 69, 1), ard(0, 0, 0, 6, 102)), s("3", "4", "5", "6", "8"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testConstantCols() throws Throwable { try { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/poker/poker100", "poker.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Vec v = fr.remove(3); if (v!=null) v.remove(); } return 3; } }, 1, null, null, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier);; } catch( H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException iae ) { /*pass*/ } } @Test public void testBadData() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/junit/drf_infinities.csv", "infinitys.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { return fr.find("DateofBirth"); } }, 1, ard(ard(0, 17), ard(0, 17)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testCreditProstate1() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostate.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("CAPSULE"); } }, 1, ard(ard(97, 130), ard(28, 125)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testCreditProstateReLUDropout() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateReLUDropout.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("CAPSULE"); } }, 1, ard(ard(4, 223), ard(0, 153)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.RectifierWithDropout); } @Test public void testCreditProstateTanh() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateTanh.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("CAPSULE"); } }, 1, ard(ard(141, 86), ard(25, 128)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh); } @Test public void testCreditProstateTanhDropout() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateTanhDropout.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("CAPSULE"); } }, 1, ard(ard(110, 117), ard(23, 130)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.TanhWithDropout); } @Test public void testCreditProstateMaxout() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateMaxout.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("CAPSULE"); } }, 100, ard(ard(189, 38), ard(30, 123)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Maxout); } @Test public void testCreditProstateMaxoutDropout() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateMaxoutDropout.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("CAPSULE"); } }, 100, ard(ard(183, 44), ard(40, 113)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout); } @Test public void testCreditProstateRegression1() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Regression( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateRegression.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("AGE"); } }, 1, 46.26952683659, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testCreditProstateRegressionTanh() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Regression( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateRegressionTanh.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("AGE"); } }, 1, 43.457087913127, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh); } @Test public void testCreditProstateRegressionMaxout() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Regression( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateRegressionMaxout.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("AGE"); } }, 100, 32.81408434266, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Maxout); } @Test public void testCreditProstateRegression5() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Regression( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateRegression5.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("AGE"); } }, 5, 41.8498354737908, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testCreditProstateRegression50() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Regression( "./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv", "prostateRegression50.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { fr.remove("ID").remove(); return fr.find("AGE"); } }, 50, 37.93380250522667, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testAlphabet() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/gbm_test/alphabet_cattest.csv", "alphabetClassification.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { return fr.find("y"); } }, 10, ard(ard(2080, 0), ard(0, 2080)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Test public void testAlphabetRegression() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Regression( "./smalldata/gbm_test/alphabet_cattest.csv", "alphabetRegression.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { return fr.find("y"); } }, 10, 4.975570190016591E-6, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Ignore //1-vs-5 node discrepancy (parsing into different number of chunks?) @Test public void testAirlines() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/airlines/", "airlines.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { for (String s : new String[]{ "DepTime", "ArrTime", "ActualElapsedTime", "AirTime", "ArrDelay", "DepDelay", "Cancelled", "CancellationCode", "CarrierDelay", "WeatherDelay", "NASDelay", "SecurityDelay", "LateAircraftDelay", "IsArrDelayed", "TailNum" }) { fr.remove(s).remove(); } return fr.find("IsDepDelayed"); } }, 7, ard(ard(9251, 11636), ard(3053, 200038)), s("NO", "YES"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier); } @Ignore //PUBDEV-1001 @Test public void testCzechboard() throws Throwable { basicDLTest_Classification( "./smalldata/gbm_test/czechboard_300x300.csv", "czechboard_300x300.hex", new PrepData() { @Override int prep(Frame fr) { Vec resp = fr.remove("C2"); fr.add("C2", resp.toCategoricalVec()); resp.remove(); return fr.find("C3"); } }, 1, ard(ard(7, 44993), ard(2, 44998)), s("0", "1"), DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh); } // Put response as the last vector in the frame and return possible frames to clean up later static Vec unifyFrame(DeepLearningParameters drf, Frame fr, PrepData prep, boolean classification) { int idx = prep.prep(fr); if( idx < 0 ) { idx = ~idx; } String rname = fr._names[idx]; drf._response_column = fr.names()[idx]; Vec resp = fr.vecs()[idx]; Vec ret = null; if (classification) { ret = fr.remove(idx); fr.add(rname,resp.toCategoricalVec()); } else { fr.remove(idx); fr.add(rname,resp); } return ret; } public void basicDLTest_Classification(String fnametrain, String hexnametrain, PrepData prep, int epochs, double[][] expCM, String[] expRespDom, DeepLearningParameters.Activation activation) throws Throwable { basicDL(fnametrain, hexnametrain, null, prep, epochs, expCM, expRespDom, -1, new int[]{10, 10}, 1e-5, true, activation); } public void basicDLTest_Regression(String fnametrain, String hexnametrain, PrepData prep, int epochs, double expMSE, DeepLearningParameters.Activation activation) throws Throwable { basicDL(fnametrain, hexnametrain, null, prep, epochs, null, null, expMSE, new int[]{10, 10}, 1e-5, false, activation); } public void basicDL(String fnametrain, String hexnametrain, String fnametest, PrepData prep, int epochs, double[][] expCM, String[] expRespDom, double expMSE, int[] hidden, double l1, boolean classification, DeepLearningParameters.Activation activation) throws Throwable { Scope.enter(); DeepLearningParameters dl = new DeepLearningParameters(); Frame frTest = null, pred = null; Frame frTrain = null; Frame test = null, res = null; DeepLearningModel model = null; try { frTrain = parse_test_file(fnametrain); Vec removeme = unifyFrame(dl, frTrain, prep, classification); if (removeme != null) Scope.track(removeme); DKV.put(frTrain._key, frTrain); // Configure DL dl._train = frTrain._key; dl._response_column = ((Frame)DKV.getGet(dl._train)).lastVecName(); dl._seed = (1L<<32)|2; dl._reproducible = true; dl._epochs = epochs; dl._stopping_rounds = 0; dl._activation = activation; dl._export_weights_and_biases = RandomUtils.getRNG(fnametrain.hashCode()).nextBoolean(); dl._hidden = hidden; dl._l1 = l1; dl._elastic_averaging = false; // Invoke DL and block till the end DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(dl,Key.<DeepLearningModel>make("DL_model_" + hexnametrain)); // Get the model model = job.trainModel().get();; assertTrue(job.isStopped()); //HEX-1817 hex.ModelMetrics mm; if (fnametest != null) { frTest = parse_test_file(fnametest); pred = model.score(frTest); mm = hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, frTest); // Check test set CM } else { pred = model.score(frTrain); mm = hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, frTrain); } test = parse_test_file(fnametrain); res = model.score(test); if (classification) { assertTrue("Expected: " + Arrays.deepToString(expCM) + ", Got: " + Arrays.deepToString(, Arrays.deepEquals(, expCM)); String[] cmDom = model._output._domains[model._output._domains.length - 1]; Assert.assertArrayEquals("CM domain differs!", expRespDom, cmDom);"\nTraining CM:\n" +;"\nTraining CM:\n" + hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, test).cm().toASCII()); } else { assertTrue("Expected: " + expMSE + ", Got: " + mm.mse(),, mm.mse(), 1e-8, 1e-8));"\nOOB Training MSE: " + mm.mse());"\nTraining MSE: " + hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, test).mse()); } hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model, test); // Build a POJO, validate same results assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(test, res, 1e-5)); } finally { if (frTrain!=null) frTrain.remove(); if (frTest!=null) frTest.remove(); if( model != null ) model.delete(); // Remove the model if( pred != null ) pred.delete(); if( test != null ) test.delete(); if( res != null ) res.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void elasticAveragingTrivial() { DeepLearningParameters dl; Frame frTrain; int N = 2; DeepLearningModel [] models = new DeepLearningModel[N]; dl = new DeepLearningParameters(); Scope.enter(); try { for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { frTrain = parse_test_file("./smalldata/covtype/"); Vec resp = frTrain.lastVec().toCategoricalVec(); frTrain.remove(frTrain.vecs().length - 1).remove(); frTrain.add("Response", resp); DKV.put(frTrain); dl._train = frTrain._key; dl._response_column = ((Frame) DKV.getGet(dl._train)).lastVecName(); dl._export_weights_and_biases = true; dl._hidden = new int[]{17, 11}; dl._quiet_mode = false; // make it reproducible dl._seed = 1234; dl._reproducible = true; // only do one M/R iteration, and there's no elastic average yet - so the two paths below should be identical dl._epochs = 1; dl._train_samples_per_iteration = -1; if (i == 0) { // no elastic averaging dl._elastic_averaging = false; dl._elastic_averaging_moving_rate = 0.5; //ignored dl._elastic_averaging_regularization = 0.9; //ignored } else { // no-op elastic averaging dl._elastic_averaging = true; //go different path, but don't really do anything because of epochs=1 and train_samples_per_iteration=-1 dl._elastic_averaging_moving_rate = 0.5; //doesn't matter, it's not used since we only do one M/R iteration and there's no time average dl._elastic_averaging_regularization = 0.1; //doesn't matter, since elastic average isn't yet available in first iteration } // Invoke DL and block till the end DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(dl); // Get the model models[i] = job.trainModel().get(); frTrain.remove(); } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {[i]; Assert.assertEquals(models[i]._output._training_metrics._MSE, models[0]._output._training_metrics._MSE, 1e-6); } }finally{ for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) if (models[i] != null) models[i].delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Ignore @Test public void elasticAveraging() { DeepLearningParameters dl; Frame frTrain; int N = 2; DeepLearningModel [] models = new DeepLearningModel[N]; dl = new DeepLearningParameters(); Scope.enter(); boolean covtype = true; //new Random().nextBoolean(); if (covtype) { frTrain = parse_test_file("./smalldata/covtype/"); Vec resp = frTrain.lastVec().toCategoricalVec(); frTrain.remove(frTrain.vecs().length - 1).remove(); frTrain.add("Response", resp); } else { frTrain = parse_test_file("./bigdata/server/HIGGS.csv"); Vec resp = frTrain.vecs()[0].toCategoricalVec(); frTrain.remove(0).remove(); frTrain.prepend("Response", resp); } DKV.put(frTrain); try { for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dl._train = frTrain._key; String[] n = ((Frame) DKV.getGet(dl._train)).names(); if (covtype) { dl._response_column = n[n.length-1]; dl._ignored_columns = null; } else { dl._response_column = n[0]; dl._ignored_columns = new String[]{n[22], n[23], n[24], n[25], n[26], n[27], n[28]}; } dl._export_weights_and_biases = true; dl._hidden = new int[]{64, 64}; dl._quiet_mode = false; dl._max_w2 = 10; dl._l1 = 1e-5; dl._reproducible = false; dl._replicate_training_data = false; //every node only has a piece of the data dl._force_load_balance = true; //use multi-node dl._epochs = 10; dl._train_samples_per_iteration = frTrain.numRows()/100; //100 M/R steps per epoch dl._elastic_averaging = i==1; dl._elastic_averaging_moving_rate = 0.999; dl._elastic_averaging_regularization = 1e-4; // Invoke DL and block till the end DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(dl); // Get the model models[i] = job.trainModel().get(); } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (models[i] != null)[i]; } if (models[0] != null)"Without elastic averaging: error=" + models[0]; if (models[1] != null)"With elastic averaging: error=" + models[1]; // if (models[0] != null && models[1] != null) // Assert.assertTrue(models[1] < models[0]; }finally{ frTrain.remove(); for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) if (models[i] != null) models[i].delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testNoRowWeights() { Frame tfr = null, vfr = null, pred = null, fr2 = null; Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/junit/no_weights.csv"); DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "response"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._l1 = 0.1; parms._epochs = 1; parms._hidden = new int[]{1}; parms._classification_stop = -1; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearningModel dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); pred = dl.score(parms.train()); hex.ModelMetricsBinomial mm = hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(dl, parms.train()); assertEquals(0.7592592592592592, mm.auc_obj()._auc, 1e-8); double mse = dl._output._training_metrics.mse(); assertEquals(0.314813341867078, mse, 1e-8); assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr, fr2 = dl.score(tfr), 1e-5)); dl.delete(); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (vfr != null) vfr.remove(); if (pred != null) pred.remove(); if (fr2 != null) fr2.remove(); } Scope.exit(); } @Test public void testRowWeightsOne() { Frame tfr = null, vfr = null, pred = null, fr2 = null; Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/junit/weights_all_ones.csv"); DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "response"; parms._weights_column = "weight"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._classification_stop = -1; parms._l1 = 0.1; parms._hidden = new int[]{1}; parms._epochs = 1; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearningModel dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); pred = dl.score(parms.train()); hex.ModelMetricsBinomial mm = hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(dl, parms.train()); assertEquals(0.7592592592592592, mm.auc_obj()._auc, 1e-8); double mse = dl._output._training_metrics.mse(); assertEquals(0.3148133418670781, mse, 1e-8); //Note: better results than non-shuffled // assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr, fr2=dl.score(tfr, 1e-5)); //PUBDEV-1900 dl.delete(); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (vfr != null) vfr.remove(); if (pred != null) pred.remove(); if (fr2 != null) fr2.remove(); } Scope.exit(); } @Test public void testNoRowWeightsShuffled() { Frame tfr = null, vfr = null, pred = null, fr2 = null; Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/junit/no_weights_shuffled.csv"); DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "response"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._l1 = 0.1; parms._epochs = 1; parms._hidden = new int[]{1}; parms._classification_stop = -1; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearningModel dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); pred = dl.score(parms.train()); hex.ModelMetricsBinomial mm = hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(dl, parms.train()); assertEquals(0.7222222222222222, mm.auc_obj()._auc, 1e-8); double mse = dl._output._training_metrics.mse(); assertEquals(0.31643071339946, mse, 1e-8); assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr, fr2 = dl.score(tfr), 1e-5)); dl.delete(); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (vfr != null) vfr.remove(); if (pred != null) pred.remove(); if (fr2 != null) fr2.remove(); } Scope.exit(); } @Test public void testRowWeights() { Frame tfr = null, pred = null; Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/junit/weights.csv"); DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "response"; parms._weights_column = "weight"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._classification_stop = -1; parms._l1 = 0.1; parms._hidden = new int[]{1}; parms._epochs = 10; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearningModel dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); pred = dl.score(parms.train()); hex.ModelMetricsBinomial mm = hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(dl, parms.train()); assertEquals(0.7592592592592592, mm.auc_obj()._auc, 1e-8); double mse = dl._output._training_metrics.mse(); assertEquals(0.3116490253190556, mse, 1e-8); // Assert.assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr,fr2=dl.score(tfr),1e-5)); //PUBDEV-1900 dl.delete(); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (pred != null) pred.remove(); } Scope.exit(); } static class PrintEntries extends MRTask<PrintEntries> { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int r=0; r<cs[0].len(); ++r) { sb.append("Row " + (cs[0].start() + r) + ": "); for (int i=0; i<cs.length; ++i) { if (i==0) //response sb.append("response: " + _fr.vec(i).domain()[(int)cs[i].at8(r)] + " "); if (cs[i].atd(r) != 0) { sb.append(i + ":" + cs[i].atd(r) + " "); } } sb.append("\n"); }; } } @Ignore @Test public void testWhatever() { DeepLearningParameters dl; Frame first1kSVM = null; Frame second1kSVM = null; Frame third1kSVM = null; Frame first1kCSV = null; Frame second1kCSV = null; Frame third1kCSV = null; DeepLearningModel model = null; dl = new DeepLearningParameters(); Scope.enter(); try { // first1kSVM = parse_test_file("/users/arno/first1k.svm"); // Scope.track(first1kSVM.replace(0, first1kSVM.vec(0).toCategoricalVec())._key); // DKV.put(first1kSVM); // // second1kSVM = parse_test_file("/users/arno/second1k.svm"); // Scope.track(second1kSVM.replace(0, second1kSVM.vec(0).toCategoricalVec())._key); // DKV.put(second1kSVM); // // third1kSVM = parse_test_file("/users/arno/third1k.svm"); // Scope.track(third1kSVM.replace(third1kSVM.find("C1"), third1kSVM.vec("C1")).toCategoricalVec()._key); // DKV.put(third1kSVM); first1kCSV = parse_test_file("/users/arno/first1k.csv"); // first1kCSV.remove(first1kCSV.find("C1")).remove(); //remove id Vec response = first1kCSV.remove(first1kCSV.find("C2")); //remove response, but keep it around outside the frame Vec responseFactor = response.toCategoricalVec(); //turn response into a categorical response.remove(); // first1kCSV.prepend("C2", first1kCSV.anyVec().makeCon(0)); //add a dummy column (will be the first predictor) first1kCSV.prepend("C2", responseFactor); //add back response as first column DKV.put(first1kCSV); // second1kCSV = parse_test_file("/users/arno/second1k.csv"); // second1kCSV.remove(second1kCSV.find("C1")).remove(); //remove id // response = second1kCSV.remove(second1kCSV.find("C2")); //remove response, but keep it around outside the frame // responseFactor = response.toCategoricalVec(); //turn response into a categorical // response.remove(); // second1kCSV.prepend("C2", second1kCSV.anyVec().makeCon(0)); //add a dummy column (will be the first predictor) // second1kCSV.prepend("C1", responseFactor); //add back response as first column // DKV.put(second1kCSV); // // third1kCSV = parse_test_file("/users/arno/third1k.csv"); // third1kCSV.remove(third1kCSV.find("C1")).remove(); //remove id // response = third1kCSV.remove(third1kCSV.find("C2")); //remove response, but keep it around outside the frame // responseFactor = response.toCategoricalVec(); //turn response into a categorical // response.remove(); // third1kCSV.prepend("C2", third1kCSV.anyVec().makeCon(0)); //add a dummy column (will be the first predictor) // third1kCSV.prepend("C1", responseFactor); //add back response as first column // DKV.put(third1kCSV); //print non-zeros for each frame //"SVMLight First 1k non-trivial rows"); // new PrintEntries().doAll(trainSVM); //"DenseCSV First 1k non-trivial rows"); // new PrintEntries().doAll(trainCSV); //"SVMLight Second 1k non-trivial rows"); // new PrintEntries().doAll(trainSVM); //"DenseCSV Second 1k non-trivial rows"); // new PrintEntries().doAll(testCSV); // Configure DL dl._train = first1kCSV._key; // dl._valid = second1kSVM._key; dl._ignored_columns = new String[]{"C1"}; dl._response_column = "C2"; dl._epochs = 10; //default dl._reproducible = true; //default dl._seed = 1234; dl._ignore_const_cols = false; //default dl._sparse = true; //non-default, much faster here for sparse data dl._hidden = new int[]{10, 10}; // Invoke DL and block till the end DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(dl); // Get the model model = job.trainModel().get();; //"Holdout CSV"); // model.score(third1kCSV).delete(); // //"Holdout SVM"); // model.score(third1kSVM).delete(); // //"POJO SVM Train Check"); Frame pred; // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(first1kSVM, pred = model.score(first1kSVM), 1e-5)); // pred.remove(); // //"POJO SVM Validation Check"); // DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(second1kSVM, pred = model.score(second1kSVM), 1e-5)); // pred.remove(); // //"POJO SVM Test Check"); // DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(third1kSVM, pred = model.score(third1kSVM), 1e-5)); // pred.remove();"POJO CSV Train Check"); DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(first1kCSV, pred = model.score(first1kCSV), 1e-5)); pred.remove(); //"POJO CSV Validation Check"); // DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(second1kCSV, pred = model.score(second1kCSV), 1e-5)); // pred.remove(); // //"POJO CSV Test Check"); // DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(third1kCSV, pred = model.score(third1kSVM), 1e-5)); // pred.remove(); // //"POJO SVM vs H2O CSV Test Check"); // DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(third1kSVM, pred = model.score(third1kCSV), 1e-5)); // pred.remove(); // //"POJO CSV vs H2O SVM Test Check"); // DKV.remove(model._key); model._key = Key.make(); DKV.put(model); // assertTrue(model.testJavaScoring(third1kSVM, pred = model.score(third1kCSV), 1e-5)); // pred.remove(); assertTrue(job.isStopped()); //HEX-1817 } finally { if (first1kSVM != null) first1kSVM.remove(); if (second1kSVM != null) second1kSVM.remove(); if (third1kSVM != null) third1kSVM.remove(); if (first1kCSV != null) first1kCSV.remove(); if (second1kCSV != null) second1kCSV.remove(); if (third1kCSV != null) third1kCSV.remove(); if (model != null) model.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } // just a simple sanity check - not a golden test @Test public void testLossFunctions() { Frame tfr = null, vfr = null, fr2 = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; for (DeepLearningParameters.Loss loss: new DeepLearningParameters.Loss[]{ DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Automatic, DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Quadratic, DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Huber, DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Absolute, DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Quantile, }) { Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/glm_test/cancar_logIn.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "Merit", "Class" }) { Scope.track(tfr.replace(tfr.find(s), tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec())); } DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{50,50}; parms._response_column = "Cost"; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._loss = loss; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(parms); dl = job.trainModel().get(); ModelMetricsRegression mm = (ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics; if (loss == DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Automatic || loss == DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Quadratic) Assert.assertEquals(mm._mean_residual_deviance, mm._MSE, 1e-6); else assertTrue(mm._mean_residual_deviance != mm._MSE); assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr, fr2=dl.score(tfr), 1e-5)); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (fr2 != null) fr2.remove(); Scope.exit(); } } } @Test public void testDistributions() { Frame tfr = null, vfr = null, fr2 = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; for (DistributionFamily dist : new DistributionFamily[] { AUTO, gaussian, poisson, gamma, tweedie, }) { Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/glm_test/cancar_logIn.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "Merit", "Class" }) { Scope.track(tfr.replace(tfr.find(s), tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec())); } DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{50,50}; parms._response_column = "Cost"; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._distribution = dist; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(parms); dl = job.trainModel().get(); ModelMetricsRegression mm = (ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics; if (dist == gaussian || dist == AUTO) Assert.assertEquals(mm._mean_residual_deviance, mm._MSE, 1e-6); else assertTrue(mm._mean_residual_deviance != mm._MSE); assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr, fr2=dl.score(tfr), 1e-5)); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (fr2 != null) fr2.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } } @Test public void testAutoEncoder() { Frame tfr = null, vfr = null, fr2 = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; Scope.enter(); try { tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/glm_test/cancar_logIn.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "Merit", "Class" }) { Scope.track(tfr.replace(tfr.find(s), tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec())); } DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 100; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{5,5,5}; parms._response_column = "Cost"; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._autoencoder = true; parms._input_dropout_ratio = 0.1; parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); ModelMetricsAutoEncoder mm = (ModelMetricsAutoEncoder)dl._output._training_metrics; Assert.assertEquals(0.0712931422088762, mm._MSE, 1e-2); assertTrue(dl.testJavaScoring(tfr, fr2=dl.score(tfr), 1e-5)); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (fr2 != null) fr2.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testNumericalExplosion() { for (boolean ae : new boolean[]{ true, false }) { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; Frame pred = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/two_spiral.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "Class" }) { Vec resp = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec(); tfr.remove(s).remove(); tfr.add(s, resp); DKV.put(tfr); } DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 100; parms._response_column = "Class"; parms._autoencoder = ae; parms._reproducible = true; parms._train_samples_per_iteration = 10; parms._hidden = new int[]{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10}; parms._initial_weight_distribution = DeepLearningParameters.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform; parms._initial_weight_scale = 1e20; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._max_w2 = 1e20f; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(parms); try { dl = job.trainModel().get();"Should toss exception instead of reaching here"); } catch( RuntimeException de ) { // catch anything - might be a NPE during cleanup // assertTrue(de.getMessage().contains("Trying to predict with an unstable model.")); } dl = DKV.getGet(job.dest()); try { pred = dl.score(tfr);"Should toss exception instead of reaching here"); } catch ( RuntimeException ex) { // OK } assertTrue(dl.model_info().isUnstable()); assertTrue(dl._output._job.isCrashed()); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (pred != null) pred.delete(); } } } @Test public void testEarlyStopping() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/two_spiral.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "Class" }) { Vec resp = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec(); tfr.remove(s).remove(); tfr.add(s, resp); DKV.put(tfr); } DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 100; parms._response_column = "Class"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._classification_stop = 0.7; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._hidden = new int[]{100,100}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); assertTrue(dl.stopped_early); assertTrue(dl.epoch_counter < 100); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testVarimp() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 100; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._classification_stop = 0.7; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._hidden = new int[]{100,100}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertTrue(dl.varImp()._varimp != null);;//for code coverage only Assert.assertTrue(ArrayUtils.minValue(dl.varImp()._varimp) > 0.5); //all features matter Assert.assertTrue(ArrayUtils.maxValue(dl.varImp()._varimp) <= 1); //all features matter } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testCheckpointSameEpochs() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 10; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); DeepLearningParameters parms2 = (DeepLearningParameters)parms.clone(); parms2._epochs = 10; parms2._checkpoint = dl._key; try { dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms2).trainModel().get();"Should toss exception instead of reaching here"); } catch (H2OIllegalArgumentException ex) { } } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testCheckpointBackwards() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 10; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); DeepLearningParameters parms2 = (DeepLearningParameters)parms.clone(); parms2._epochs = 9; parms2._checkpoint = dl._key; try { dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms2).trainModel().get();"Should toss exception instead of reaching here"); } catch (H2OIllegalArgumentException ex) { } } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testConvergenceLogloss() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1000000; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; parms._score_duty_cycle = 0.1; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._classification_stop = -1; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_rounds = 5; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_metric = ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric.logloss; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_tolerance = 0.03; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertTrue(dl.epoch_counter < parms._epochs); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testConvergenceMisclassification() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1000000; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1.0; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._classification_stop = -1; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_rounds = 2; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_metric = ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric.misclassification; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_tolerance = 0.0; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertTrue(dl.epoch_counter < parms._epochs); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testConvergenceDeviance() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1000000; parms._response_column = "AGE"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1.0; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._classification_stop = -1; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_rounds = 2; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_metric = ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric.deviance; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_tolerance = 0.0; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertTrue(dl.epoch_counter < parms._epochs); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testConvergenceAUC() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "CAPSULE" }) { Vec resp = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec(); tfr.remove(s).remove(); tfr.add(s, resp); DKV.put(tfr); } DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1000000; parms._response_column = "CAPSULE"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1.0; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._classification_stop = -1; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_rounds = 2; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_metric = ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric.AUC; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_tolerance = 0.0; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertTrue(dl.epoch_counter < parms._epochs); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Ignore public void testConvergenceAUC_ModifiedHuber() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv"); for (String s : new String[]{ "CAPSULE" }) { Vec resp = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec(); tfr.remove(s).remove(); tfr.add(s, resp); DKV.put(tfr); } DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._epochs = 1000000; parms._response_column = "CAPSULE"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{2,2}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._variable_importances = true; parms._distribution = modified_huber; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1.0; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._classification_stop = -1; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_rounds = 2; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_metric = ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric.AUC; //don't stop based on absolute classification error parms._stopping_tolerance = 0.0; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertTrue(dl.epoch_counter < parms._epochs); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testCrossValidation() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._nfolds = 4; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(12.959355363801334,dl._output._training_metrics._MSE,1e-6); Assert.assertEquals(17.296871012606317,dl._output._cross_validation_metrics._MSE,1e-6); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testMiniBatch1() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._mini_batch_size = 1; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(12.938076268040659,dl._output._training_metrics._MSE,1e-6); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testMiniBatch50() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._mini_batch_size = 50; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(12.938076268040659,dl._output._training_metrics._MSE,1e-6); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testPretrainedAE() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl1 = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; DeepLearningModel ae = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); Vec r = tfr.remove("chas"); tfr.add("chas",r.toCategoricalVec()); DKV.put(tfr); r.remove(); // train unsupervised AE Key<DeepLearningModel> key = Key.make("ae_model"); { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._ignored_columns = new String[]{"chas"}; parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.TanhWithDropout; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._input_dropout_ratio = 0.1; parms._hidden_dropout_ratios = new double[]{0.2, 0.1}; parms._autoencoder = true; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; ae = new DeepLearning(parms, key).trainModel().get(); // test POJO Frame res = ae.score(tfr); assertTrue(ae.testJavaScoring(tfr, res, 1e-5)); res.remove(); } // train supervised DL model { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "chas"; parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.TanhWithDropout; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._input_dropout_ratio = 0.1; parms._hidden_dropout_ratios = new double[]{0.2, 0.1}; parms._seed = 0xdecad; parms._pretrained_autoencoder = key; parms._rate_decay=1.0; parms._adaptive_rate=false; parms._rate_annealing=1e-3; parms._loss= DeepLearningParameters.Loss.CrossEntropy; dl1 = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); // test POJO Frame res = dl1.score(tfr); assertTrue(dl1.testJavaScoring(tfr, res, 1e-5)); res.remove(); } // train DL model from scratch { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "chas"; parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.TanhWithDropout; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._input_dropout_ratio = 0.1; parms._hidden_dropout_ratios = new double[]{0.2, 0.1}; parms._seed = 0xdecad; parms._rate_decay=1.0; parms._adaptive_rate=false; parms._rate_annealing=1e-3; dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); // test POJO Frame res = dl2.score(tfr); assertTrue(dl2.testJavaScoring(tfr, res, 1e-5)); res.remove(); }"pretrained : MSE=" + dl1._output._training_metrics.mse());"from scratch: MSE=" + dl2._output._training_metrics.mse()); // Assert.assertTrue(dl1._output._training_metrics.mse() < dl2._output._training_metrics.mse()); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (ae != null) ae.delete(); if (dl1 != null) dl1.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); } } @Test public void testInitialWeightsAndBiases() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl1 = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); // train DL model from scratch { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._seed = 0xdecad; parms._export_weights_and_biases = true; dl1 = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); } // train DL model starting from weights/biases from first model { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._seed = 0xdecad; parms._initial_weights = dl1._output.weights; parms._initial_biases = dl1._output.biases; parms._epochs = 0; dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); }"dl1 : MSE=" + dl1._output._training_metrics.mse());"dl2 : MSE=" + dl2._output._training_metrics.mse()); Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(dl1._output._training_metrics.mse() - dl2._output._training_metrics.mse()) < 1e-6); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl1 != null) dl1.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); for (Key f : dl1._output.weights) f.remove(); for (Key f : dl1._output.biases) f.remove(); } } @Test public void testInitialWeightsAndBiasesPartial() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl1 = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); // train DL model from scratch { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._seed = 0xdecad; parms._export_weights_and_biases = true; dl1 = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); } // train DL model starting from weights/biases from first model { DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20, 20}; parms._seed = 0xdecad; parms._initial_weights = dl1._output.weights; parms._initial_biases = dl1._output.biases; parms._initial_weights[1].remove(); parms._initial_weights[1] = null; parms._initial_biases[0].remove(); parms._initial_biases[0] = null; parms._epochs = 10; dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); }"dl1 : MSE=" + dl1._output._training_metrics.mse());"dl2 : MSE=" + dl2._output._training_metrics.mse()); // the second model is better since it got warm-started at least partially Assert.assertTrue(dl1._output._training_metrics.mse() > dl2._output._training_metrics.mse()); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl1 != null) dl1.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); for (Key f : dl1._output.weights) if (f!=null) f.remove(); for (Key f : dl1._output.biases) if (f!=null) f.remove(); } } @Test public void testLaplace() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._distribution = laplace; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(2.31398/*MAE*/,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,1e-5); Assert.assertEquals(14.889,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._MSE,1e-3); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testGaussian() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._distribution = gaussian; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(12.93808 /*MSE*/,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,1e-5); Assert.assertEquals(12.93808 /*MSE*/,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._MSE,1e-5); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testHuberDeltaLarge() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._distribution = huber; parms._huber_alpha = 1; //just like gaussian dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(12.93808 /*MSE*/,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,0.7); Assert.assertEquals(12.93808 /*MSE*/,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._MSE,0.7); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testHuberDeltaTiny() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._distribution = huber; parms._huber_alpha = 1e-2; // more like Laplace, but different slope and different prefactor -> so can't compare deviance 1:1 dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); double delta = 0.011996; // can compute huber loss from MAE since no obs weights Assert.assertEquals((2*2.31398/*MAE*/-delta)*delta,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,2e-2); Assert.assertEquals(19.856,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._MSE,1e-3); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testHuber() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/gbm_test/BostonHousing.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._response_column = tfr.lastVecName(); parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._distribution = huber; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(6.4964976811,((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,1e-5); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testCategoricalEncodingAUTO() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); Vec v = tfr.remove("survived"); tfr.add("survived", v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._valid = tfr._key; parms._response_column = "survived"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._nfolds = 3; parms._distribution = bernoulli; parms._categorical_encoding = Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.AUTO; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(0.97329 , ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._training_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-3); Assert.assertEquals(0.97329 , ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._validation_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-3); Assert.assertEquals(0.93152165, ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._cross_validation_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-5); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testCategoricalEncodingBinary() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { String response = "survived"; tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); if (tfr.vec(response).isBinary()) { Vec v = tfr.remove(response); tfr.add(response, v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); } DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._valid = tfr._key; parms._response_column = response; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._nfolds = 3; parms._categorical_encoding = Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.Binary; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(0.94696 , ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._training_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-4); Assert.assertEquals(0.94696 , ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._validation_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-4); Assert.assertEquals(0.86556613, ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._cross_validation_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-4); int auc_row = Arrays.binarySearch(dl._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary.getRowHeaders(), "auc"); Assert.assertEquals(0.86556613, Double.parseDouble((String)(dl._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary).get(auc_row,0)), 1e-2); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testCategoricalEncodingEigen() { Frame tfr = null; Frame vfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { String response = "survived"; tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); vfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); if (tfr.vec(response).isBinary()) { Vec v = tfr.remove(response); tfr.add(response, v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); } if (vfr.vec(response).isBinary()) { Vec v = vfr.remove(response); vfr.add(response, v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); } DKV.put(tfr); DKV.put(vfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._valid = vfr._key; parms._response_column = response; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._categorical_encoding = Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.Eigen; parms._score_training_samples = 0; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals( ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._training_metrics)._logloss, ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._validation_metrics)._logloss, 1e-8); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (vfr != null) vfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testCategoricalEncodingEigenCV() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { String response = "survived"; tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); if (tfr.vec(response).isBinary()) { Vec v = tfr.remove(response); tfr.add(response, v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); } DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._valid = tfr._key; parms._response_column = response; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._nfolds = 3; parms._categorical_encoding = Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.Eigen; parms._score_training_samples = 0; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(0.9521718170580964, ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._training_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-4); Assert.assertEquals(0.9521656365883807, ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._validation_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-4); Assert.assertEquals(0.9115080346106303, ((ModelMetricsBinomial)dl._output._cross_validation_metrics)._auc._auc,1e-4); int auc_row = Arrays.binarySearch(dl._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary.getRowHeaders(), "auc"); Assert.assertEquals(0.913637, Double.parseDouble((String)(dl._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary).get(auc_row,0)), 1e-4); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Test public void testCategoricalEncodingRegressionHuber() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; try { String response = "age"; tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); if (tfr.vec(response).isBinary()) { Vec v = tfr.remove(response); tfr.add(response, v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); } DKV.put(tfr); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = tfr._key; parms._valid = tfr._key; parms._response_column = response; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._nfolds = 3; parms._distribution = huber; parms._categorical_encoding = Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.Binary; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); Assert.assertEquals(87.26206135855, ((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._training_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,1e-4); Assert.assertEquals(87.26206135855, ((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._validation_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,1e-4); Assert.assertEquals(117.8014, ((ModelMetricsRegression)dl._output._cross_validation_metrics)._mean_residual_deviance,1e-4); int mean_residual_deviance_row = Arrays.binarySearch(dl._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary.getRowHeaders(), "mean_residual_deviance"); Assert.assertEquals(117.8014, Double.parseDouble((String)(dl._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary).get(mean_residual_deviance_row,0)), 1); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.remove(); if (dl != null) dl.deleteCrossValidationModels(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); } } @Ignore @Test public void testMultinomialMNIST() { Frame train = null; Frame preds = null; Frame small = null, large = null; DeepLearningModel model = null; Scope.enter(); try { File file = FileUtils.locateFile("bigdata/laptop/mnist/train.csv.gz"); if (file != null) { NFSFileVec trainfv = NFSFileVec.make(file); train = ParseDataset.parse(Key.make(), trainfv._key); int ci = train.find("C785"); Scope.track(train.replace(ci, train.vecs()[ci].toCategoricalVec())); DKV.put(train); DeepLearningParameters p = new DeepLearningParameters(); p._train = train._key; p._response_column = "C785"; // last column is the response p._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.RectifierWithDropout; p._hidden = new int[]{50,50}; p._epochs = 1; p._adaptive_rate = false; p._rate = 0.005; p._sparse = true; model = new DeepLearning(p).trainModel().get(); FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(train, new double[]{0.0001},new Key[]{Key.make("small"),Key.make("large")},null); fs.compute2(); small = fs.getResult()[0]; large = fs.getResult()[1]; preds = model.score(small); preds.remove(0); //remove label, keep only probs Vec labels = small.vec("C785"); //actual String[] fullDomain = train.vec("C785").domain(); //actual ModelMetricsMultinomial mm = ModelMetricsMultinomial.make(preds, labels, fullDomain);; } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw t; } finally { if (model!=null) model.delete(); if (preds!=null) preds.remove(); if (train!=null) train.remove(); if (small!=null) small.delete(); if (large!=null) large.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testMultinomial() { Frame train = null; Frame preds = null; DeepLearningModel model = null; Scope.enter(); try { train = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); Vec v = train.remove("pclass"); train.add("pclass", v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); DKV.put(train); DeepLearningParameters p = new DeepLearningParameters(); p._train = train._key; p._response_column = "pclass"; // last column is the response p._activation = DeepLearningParameters.Activation.RectifierWithDropout; p._hidden = new int[]{50, 50}; p._epochs = 1; p._adaptive_rate = false; p._rate = 0.005; p._sparse = true; model = new DeepLearning(p).trainModel().get(); preds = model.score(train); preds.remove(0); //remove label, keep only probs Vec labels = train.vec("pclass"); //actual String[] fullDomain = train.vec("pclass").domain(); //actual ModelMetricsMultinomial mm = ModelMetricsMultinomial.make(preds, labels, fullDomain);; } finally { if (model!=null) model.delete(); if (preds!=null) preds.remove(); if (train!=null) train.remove(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testBinomial() { Frame train = null; Frame preds = null; Frame small = null, large = null; DeepLearningModel model = null; Scope.enter(); try { train = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); Vec v = train.remove("survived"); train.add("survived", v.toCategoricalVec()); v.remove(); DKV.put(train); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._response_column = "survived"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; model = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(train, new double[]{0.002},new Key[]{Key.make("small"),Key.make("large")},null); fs.compute2(); small = fs.getResult()[0]; large = fs.getResult()[1]; preds = model.score(small); Vec labels = small.vec("survived"); //actual String[] fullDomain = train.vec("survived").domain(); //actual ModelMetricsBinomial mm = ModelMetricsBinomial.make(preds.vec(2), labels, fullDomain);; mm = ModelMetricsBinomial.make(preds.vec(2), labels, new String[]{"0","1"});; mm = ModelMetricsBinomial.make(preds.vec(2), labels);; try { mm = ModelMetricsBinomial.make(preds.vec(2), labels, new String[]{"a", "b"});; Assert.assertFalse(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw t; } finally { if (model!=null) model.delete(); if (preds!=null) preds.remove(); if (train!=null) train.remove(); if (small!=null) small.delete(); if (large!=null) large.delete(); Scope.exit(); } } @Test public void testRegression() { Frame train = null; Frame preds = null; DeepLearningModel model = null; Scope.enter(); try { train = parse_test_file("./smalldata/junit/titanic_alt.csv"); DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._response_column = "age"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{20,20}; parms._distribution = laplace; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; model = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); preds = model.score(train); Vec targets = train.vec("age"); //actual ModelMetricsRegression mm = ModelMetricsRegression.make(preds.vec(0), targets, parms._distribution);; mm = ModelMetricsRegression.make(preds.vec(0), targets, gaussian);; mm = ModelMetricsRegression.make(preds.vec(0), targets, poisson);; } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw t; } finally { if (model!=null) model.delete(); if (preds!=null) preds.remove(); if (train!=null) train.remove(); Scope.exit(); } } // NOTE: This test has nothing to do with Deep Learning, except that it uses the Deep Learning infrastructure to get access to the EigenVec computation logic @Test public void testEigenEncodingLogic() { int numNoncatColumns = 1; int[] catSizes = {16}; String[] catNames = {"sixteen"}; Assert.assertEquals(catSizes.length, catNames.length); int totalExpectedColumns = numNoncatColumns + catSizes.length; double[] expectedMean = {0.0453}; //to test reproducibility Key<Frame> frameKey = Key.make(); CreateFrame cf = new CreateFrame(frameKey); cf.rows = 100000; cf.cols = numNoncatColumns; cf.categorical_fraction = 0.0; cf.seed = 1234; cf.integer_fraction = 0.3; cf.binary_fraction = 0.1; cf.time_fraction = 0.2; cf.string_fraction = 0.1; Frame mainFrame = cf.execImpl().get(); assert mainFrame != null : "Unable to create a frame"; Frame[] auxFrames = new Frame[catSizes.length]; Frame transformedFrame = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < catSizes.length; ++i) { CreateFrame ccf = new CreateFrame(); ccf.rows = 100000; ccf.cols = 1; ccf.categorical_fraction = 1; ccf.integer_fraction = 0; ccf.binary_fraction = 0; ccf.seed = 1234; ccf.time_fraction = 0; ccf.string_fraction = 0; ccf.factors = catSizes[i]; auxFrames[i] = ccf.execImpl().get(); auxFrames[i]._names[0] = catNames[i]; mainFrame.add(auxFrames[i]); }, 0, 100); FrameUtils.CategoricalEigenEncoder cbed = new FrameUtils.CategoricalEigenEncoder(new DeepLearning(new DeepLearningParameters()).getToEigenVec(), mainFrame, null); transformedFrame = cbed.exec().get(); assert transformedFrame != null : "Unable to transform a frame"; Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of columns after converting to eigen encoding", totalExpectedColumns, transformedFrame.numCols()); for (int i = 0; i < numNoncatColumns; ++i) { Assert.assertEquals(,; Assert.assertEquals(mainFrame.types()[i], transformedFrame.types()[i]); } for (int i = numNoncatColumns; i < transformedFrame.numCols(); i++) { Assert.assertTrue("A categorical column should be transformed into one numeric one (col "+i+")", transformedFrame.vec(i).isNumeric()); Assert.assertEquals("Transformed categorical column should carry the name of the original column",, + ".Eigen"); Assert.assertEquals("Transformed categorical column should have the correct mean value", expectedMean[i-numNoncatColumns], transformedFrame.vec(i).mean(), 5e-4); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { mainFrame.delete(); if (transformedFrame != null) transformedFrame.delete(); for (Frame f : auxFrames) if (f != null) f.delete(); } } // Check that the restarted model honors overwrite_with_best_model @Test public void testCheckpointOverwriteWithBestModel() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; Frame train = null, valid = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(tfr, new double[]{0.8},new Key[]{Key.make("train"),Key.make("valid")},null); fs.compute2(); train = fs.getResult()[0]; valid = fs.getResult()[1]; DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._valid = valid._key; parms._epochs = 1; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{50,50}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._train_samples_per_iteration = 0; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._stopping_rounds = 0; parms._overwrite_with_best_model = true; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); double ll1 = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)dl._output._validation_metrics).logloss(); DeepLearningParameters parms2 = (DeepLearningParameters)parms.clone(); parms2._epochs = 10; parms2._checkpoint = dl._key; dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms2).trainModel().get(); double ll2 = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)dl2._output._validation_metrics).logloss(); Assert.assertTrue(ll2 <= ll1); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); if (train != null) train.delete(); if (valid != null) valid.delete(); } } // Check that the restarted model honors the previous model as a best model so far @Test public void testCheckpointOverwriteWithBestModel2() { Frame tfr = null; DeepLearningModel dl = null; DeepLearningModel dl2 = null; Frame train = null, valid = null; try { tfr = parse_test_file("./smalldata/iris/iris.csv"); FrameSplitter fs = new FrameSplitter(tfr, new double[]{0.8},new Key[]{Key.make("train"),Key.make("valid")},null); fs.compute2(); train = fs.getResult()[0]; valid = fs.getResult()[1]; DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters(); parms._train = train._key; parms._valid = valid._key; parms._epochs = 10; parms._response_column = "C5"; parms._reproducible = true; parms._hidden = new int[]{50,50}; parms._seed = 0xdecaf; parms._train_samples_per_iteration = 0; parms._score_duty_cycle = 1; parms._score_interval = 0; parms._stopping_rounds = 0; parms._overwrite_with_best_model = true; dl = new DeepLearning(parms).trainModel().get(); double ll1 = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)dl._output._validation_metrics).logloss(); DeepLearningParameters parms2 = (DeepLearningParameters)parms.clone(); parms2._epochs = 20; parms2._checkpoint = dl._key; dl2 = new DeepLearning(parms2).trainModel().get(); double ll2 = ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)dl2._output._validation_metrics).logloss(); Assert.assertTrue(ll2 <= ll1); } finally { if (tfr != null) tfr.delete(); if (dl != null) dl.delete(); if (dl2 != null) dl2.delete(); if (train != null) train.delete(); if (valid != null) valid.delete(); } } }