package water.parser; import; import water.AutoBuffer; import water.Iced; import water.util.StringUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Formatter; /** * A mutable wrapper to hold String as a byte array. * * It can be modified by set of methods, the hash code is computed * on the fly. There is no speed up benefit of cashing the hash in * a dedicated private field. See the speed test in {@code ParseTest2#testSpeedOfCategoricalUpdate}. * * Warning: This data structure is not designed for parallel access! */ public class BufferedString extends Iced implements Comparable<BufferedString> { private byte [] _buf; private int _off; private int _len; public BufferedString(byte[] buf, int off, int len) { _buf = buf; _off = off; _len = len; assert len >= 0 : "Bad length in constructor " + len; } private BufferedString(byte[] buf) { this(buf,0,buf.length); } // Cloning constructing used during collecting unique categoricals BufferedString(BufferedString from) { this(Arrays.copyOfRange(from._buf,from._off,from._off+from._len)); } public BufferedString(String from) { this(StringUtils.bytesOf(from)); } // Used to make a temp recycling BufferedString in hot loops public BufferedString() { } public final AutoBuffer write_impl(AutoBuffer ab) { if( _buf == null ) return ab.putInt(-1); ab.putInt(_len); return ab.putA1(_buf,_off,_off+_len); } public final BufferedString read_impl(AutoBuffer ab){ _buf = ab.getA1(); if(_buf != null) _len = _buf.length; return this; } /** * Comparison, according to Comparable interface * @param o other string to compare * @return -1 or 0 or 1, as specified in Comparable */ @Override public int compareTo( BufferedString o ) { int len = Math.min(_len,o._len); for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { int x = (0xFF&_buf[_off+i]) - (0xFF&o._buf[o._off+i]); if( x != 0 ) return x; } return _len - o._len; } @Override public int hashCode(){ int hash = 0; int n = _off + _len; for (int i = _off; i < n; ++i) // equivalent to String.hashCode (not actually) hash = 31 * hash + (char)_buf[i]; return hash; } // TODO(vlad): make sure that this method is not as destructive as it now is (see tests) void addChar() { _len++; } void addBuff(byte [] bits){ byte [] buf = new byte[_len]; int l1 = _buf.length- _off; System.arraycopy(_buf, _off, buf, 0, l1); System.arraycopy(bits, 0, buf, l1, _len-l1); _off = 0; _buf = buf; } // WARNING: LOSSY CONVERSION!!! // Converting to a String will truncate all bytes with high-order bits set, // even if they are otherwise a valid member of the field/BufferedString. // Converting back to a BufferedString will then make something with fewer // characters than what you started with, and will fail all equals() tests. // TODO(Vlad): figure out what to do about the buffer being not UTF-8 (who guarantees?) @Override public String toString() { return _buf == null ? null : StringUtils.toString(_buf, Math.max(0, _off), Math.min(_buf.length, _len)); } public String bytesToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(_len * 2); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb); boolean inHex = false; for (int i = 0; i < _len; i++) { if ((_buf[_off + i] & 0x80) == 128) { if (!inHex) sb.append("<0x"); formatter.format("%02X", _buf[_off + i]); inHex = true; } else { // ASCII if (inHex) { sb.append(">"); inHex = false; } formatter.format("%c", _buf[_off + i]); } } if (inHex) sb.append(">"); // close hex values as trailing char return sb.toString(); } public static String[] toString(BufferedString bStr[]) { if( bStr==null ) return null; String[] ss = new String[bStr.length]; for( int i=0; i<bStr.length; i++ ) ss[i] = bStr[i].toString(); return ss; } public static BufferedString[] toBufferedString(String[] strings) { if (strings == null) return null; BufferedString[] res = new BufferedString[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { res[i] = new BufferedString(strings[i]); } return res; } public final BufferedString set(byte[] buf) { return set(buf, 0, buf.length); } public final BufferedString set(byte[] buf, int off, int len) { _buf = buf; _off = off; _len = len; assert len >= 0 : "Bad length in setter " + len; return this; } public final BufferedString set(String s) { return set(StringUtils.bytesOf(s)); } public void setOff(int off) { _off=off; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ if(o instanceof BufferedString) { BufferedString str = (BufferedString) o; if (str._len != _len) return false; for (int i = 0; i < _len; ++i) if (_buf[_off + i] != str._buf[str._off + i]) return false; return true; } return false; } public boolean sameString(String str) { if (str == null || str.length() != _len) return false; for (int i = 0; i < _len; ++i) if ((0xFF&_buf[_off + i]) != str.charAt(i)) return false; return true; } public boolean isOneOf(String[] samples) { if (samples != null) { for (String sample : samples) if (sameString(sample)) return true; } return false; } // Thou Shalt Not use accessors in performance critical code - because it // obfuscates the code's cost model. All file-local uses of the accessors // has been stripped, please do not re-insert them. In particular, the // hashcode and equals calls are made millions (billions?) of times a second // when parsing categoricals. public final byte [] getBuffer() {return _buf;} public final int getOffset() {return _off;} public final int length() {return _len;} public static final byte NA = 0; public static final byte INT = 1; public static final byte REAL= 2; public final byte getNumericType() { int i = 0; int decimalCnt = 0; if (_len == 0) return NA; if (_buf[_off] == '+' || _buf[_off] == '-') i++; while( i < _len) { if (_buf[_off+i] == '.') decimalCnt++; else if (_buf[_off+i] < '0' || _buf[_off+i] > '9') return NA; i++; } if (decimalCnt > 0) if (decimalCnt == 1) return REAL; else return NA; //more than one decimal, NaN else return INT; } }