package water.persist; import*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import water.*; import water.api.FSIOException; import water.fvec.NFSFileVec; import water.util.Log; /** * Persistence backend using local file system. */ final class PersistFS extends Persist { final File _root; final File _dir; PersistFS(File root) { _root = root; _dir = new File(root, "ice" + H2O.API_PORT); //deleteRecursive(_dir); // Make the directory as-needed root.mkdirs(); if( !(root.isDirectory() && root.canRead() && root.canWrite()) ) H2O.die("ice_root not a read/writable directory"); } public void cleanUp() { deleteRecursive(_dir); } private static void deleteRecursive(File path) { if( !path.exists() ) return; if( path.isDirectory() ) for (File f : path.listFiles()) deleteRecursive(f); path.delete(); } private File getFile(Value v) { return new File(_dir, getIceName(v)); } @Override public byte[] load(Value v) throws IOException { File f = getFile(v); if( f.length() < v._max ) { // Should be fully on disk... // or it's a racey delete of a spilled value assert !v.isPersisted() : f.length() + " " + v._max + " " + v._key; return null; // No value } try (FileInputStream s = new FileInputStream(f)) { AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(s.getChannel(), true, Value.ICE); byte[] b = ab.getA1(v._max); ab.close(); return b; } } // Store Value v to disk. @Override public void store(Value v) throws IOException { assert !v.isPersisted(); File dirs = new File(_dir, getIceDirectory(v._key)); if( !dirs.mkdirs() && !dirs.exists() ) throw new"mkdirs failed making "+dirs); try(FileOutputStream s = new FileOutputStream(getFile(v))) { byte[] m = v.memOrLoad(); // we are not single threaded anymore if( m != null && m.length != v._max ) { Log.warn("Value size mismatch? " + v._key + " byte[].len=" + m.length+" v._max="+v._max); v._max = m.length; // Implies update of underlying POJO, then re-serializing it without K/V storing it } new AutoBuffer(s.getChannel(), false, Value.ICE).putA1(m, m.length).close(); } catch( AutoBuffer.AutoBufferException abe ) { throw abe._ioe; } } @Override public void delete(Value v) { getFile(v).delete(); // Silently ignore errors // Attempt to delete empty containing directory new File(_dir, getIceDirectory(v._key)).delete(); } @Override public long getUsableSpace() { return _root.getUsableSpace(); } @Override public long getTotalSpace() { return _root.getTotalSpace(); } @Override public Key uriToKey(URI uri) { return NFSFileVec.make(new File(uri.toString()))._key; } @Override public ArrayList<String> calcTypeaheadMatches(String src, int limit) { assert false; return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public void importFiles(String path, String pattern, ArrayList<String> files, ArrayList<String> keys, ArrayList<String> fails, ArrayList<String> dels) { assert false; } @Override public OutputStream create(String path, boolean overwrite) { File f; boolean windowsPath = path.matches("^[a-zA-Z]:.*$"); if (windowsPath) { f = new File(path); } else { f = new File(URI.create(path)); } if (f.exists() && !overwrite) throw new FSIOException(path, "File already exists"); try { if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) { // Shortcut since we know that this is local FS f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } return new FileOutputStream(f, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FSIOException(path, e); } } @Override public PersistEntry[] list(String path) { File f = new File(URI.create(path)); if (f.isFile()) { return new PersistEntry[] { getPersistEntry(f) }; } else if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); PersistEntry[] entries = new PersistEntry[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { entries[i] = getPersistEntry(files[i]); } return entries; } throw H2O.unimpl(); } @Override public InputStream open(String path) { try { File f = new File(URI.create(path)); return new FileInputStream(f); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new FSIOException(path, "File not found"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FSIOException(path, e); } } @Override public boolean mkdirs(String path) { return new File(URI.create(path)).mkdirs(); } @Override public boolean exists(String path) { return new File(URI.create(path)).exists(); } @Override public boolean isDirectory(String path) { return new File(URI.create(path)).isDirectory(); } private PersistEntry getPersistEntry(File f) { return new PersistEntry(f.getName(), f.length(), f.lastModified()); } }