package water.api; import; import water.*; import water.api.schemas3.H2OErrorV3; import water.api.schemas3.H2OModelBuilderErrorV3; import water.api.schemas99.AssemblyV99; import water.exceptions.*; import water.init.NodePersistentStorage; import water.nbhm.NonBlockingHashMap; import water.rapids.Assembly; import water.util.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import*; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; /** * This is a simple web server which accepts HTTP requests and routes them * to methods in Handler classes for processing. Schema classes are used to * provide a more stable external JSON interface while allowing the implementation * to evolve rapidly. As part of request handling the framework translates * back and forth between the stable external representation of objects (Schema) * and the less stable internal classes. * <p> * Request <i>routing</i> is done by searching a list of registered * handlers, in order of registration, for a handler whose path regex matches * the request URI and whose HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE...) matches the * request's method. If none is found an HTTP 404 is returned. * <p> * A Handler class is parametrized by the kind of Schema that it accepts * for request handling, as well as the internal implementation class (Iced * class) that the Schema translates from and to. Handler methods are allowed to * return other Schema types than in the type parameter if that makes * sense for a given request. For example, a prediction (scoring) call on * a Model might return a Frame schema. * <p> * When an HTTP request is accepted the framework does the following steps: * <ol> * <li>searches the registered handler methods for a matching URL and HTTP method</li> * <li>collects any parameters which are captured from the URI and adds them to the map of HTTP query parameters</li> * <li>creates an instance of the correct Handler class and calls handle() on it, passing the version, route and params</li> * <li>Handler.handle() creates the correct Schema object given the version and calls fillFromParms(params) on it</li> * <li>calls schema.createImpl() to create a schema-independent "back end" object</li> * <li>dispatches to the handler method, passing in the schema-independent impl object and returning the result Schema object</li> * </ol> * * @see water.api.Handler * @see water.api.RegisterV3Api */ public class RequestServer extends HttpServlet { // TODO: merge doGeneric() and serve() // Originally we had RequestServer based on NanoHTTPD. At some point we switched to JettyHTTPD, but there are // still some leftovers from the Nano times. // TODO: invoke DatasetServlet, PostFileServlet and NpsBinServlet using standard Routes // Right now those 3 servlets are handling 5 "special" api endpoints from JettyHTTPD, and we also have several // "special" endpoints in maybeServeSpecial(). We don't want them to be special. The Route class should be // made flexible enough to generate responses of various kinds, and then all of those "special" cases would // become regular API calls. // TODO: Move JettyHTTPD.sendErrorResponse here, and combine with other error-handling functions // That method is only called from 3 servlets mentioned above, and we want to standardize the way how errors // are handled in different responses. // // Returned in REST API responses as X-h2o-rest-api-version-max // Do not bump to 4 until when the API v4 is fully ready for release. public static final int H2O_REST_API_VERSION = 3; private static RouteTree routesTree = new RouteTree(""); private static ArrayList<Route> routesList = new ArrayList<>(150); public static int numRoutes() { return routesList.size(); } public static ArrayList<Route> routes() { return routesList; } public static Route lookupRoute(RequestUri uri) { return routesTree.lookup(uri, null); } private static HttpLogFilter[] _filters=new HttpLogFilter[]{defaultFilter()}; public static void setFilters(HttpLogFilter... filters) { _filters=filters; } /** * Some HTTP response status codes */ public static final String HTTP_OK = "200 OK", HTTP_CREATED = "201 Created", HTTP_ACCEPTED = "202 Accepted", HTTP_NO_CONTENT = "204 No Content", HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT = "206 Partial Content", HTTP_REDIRECT = "301 Moved Permanently", HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = "304 Not Modified", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = "400 Bad Request", HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = "401 Unauthorized", HTTP_FORBIDDEN = "403 Forbidden", HTTP_NOT_FOUND = "404 Not Found", HTTP_BAD_METHOD = "405 Method Not Allowed", HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED = "412 Precondition Failed", HTTP_TOO_LONG_REQUEST = "414 Request-URI Too Long", HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable", HTTP_TEAPOT = "418 I'm a Teapot", HTTP_THROTTLE = "429 Too Many Requests", HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = "500 Internal Server Error", HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "501 Not Implemented", HTTP_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = "503 Service Unavailable"; /** * Common mime types for dynamic content */ public static final String MIME_PLAINTEXT = "text/plain", MIME_HTML = "text/html", MIME_CSS = "text/css", MIME_JSON = "application/json", MIME_JS = "application/javascript", MIME_JPEG = "image/jpeg", MIME_PNG = "image/png", MIME_SVG = "image/svg+xml", MIME_GIF = "image/gif", MIME_WOFF = "application/x-font-woff", MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY = "application/octet-stream", MIME_XML = "text/xml"; /** * Calculates number of routes having the specified version. */ public static int numRoutes(int version) { int count = 0; for (Route route : routesList) if (route.getVersion() == version) count++; return count; } //------ Route Registration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Register an HTTP request handler method for a given URL pattern, with parameters extracted from the URI. * <p> * URIs which match this pattern will have their parameters collected from the path and from the query params * * @param api_name suggested method name for this endpoint in the external API library. These names should be * unique. If null, the api_name will be created from the class name and the handler method name. * @param method_uri combined method / url pattern of the request, e.g.: "GET /3/Jobs/{job_id}" * @param handler_class class which contains the handler method * @param handler_method name of the handler method * @param summary help string which explains the functionality of this endpoint * @see Route * @see water.api.RequestServer * @return the Route for this request */ public static Route registerEndpoint( String api_name, String method_uri, Class<? extends Handler> handler_class, String handler_method, String summary ) { String[] spl = method_uri.split(" "); assert spl.length == 2 : "Unexpected method_uri parameter: " + method_uri; return registerEndpoint(api_name, spl[0], spl[1], handler_class, handler_method, summary, HandlerFactory.DEFAULT); } /** * @param api_name suggested method name for this endpoint in the external API library. These names should be * unique. If null, the api_name will be created from the class name and the handler method name. * @param http_method HTTP verb (GET, POST, DELETE) this handler will accept * @param url url path, possibly containing placeholders in curly braces, e.g: "/3/DKV/{key}" * @param handler_class class which contains the handler method * @param handler_method name of the handler method * @param summary help string which explains the functionality of this endpoint * @param handler_factory factory to create instance of handler (used by Sparkling Water) * @return the Route for this request */ public static Route registerEndpoint( String api_name, String http_method, String url, Class<? extends Handler> handler_class, String handler_method, String summary, HandlerFactory handler_factory ) { assert api_name != null : "api_name should not be null"; try { RequestUri uri = new RequestUri(http_method, url); Route route = new Route(uri, api_name, summary, handler_class, handler_method, handler_factory); routesTree.add(uri, route); routesList.add(route); return route; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw; } } /** * Register an HTTP request handler for the given URL pattern. * * @param method_uri combined method/url pattern of the endpoint, for * example: {@code "GET /3/Jobs/{job_id}"} * @param handler_clz class of the handler (should inherit from * {@link RestApiHandler}). */ public static Route registerEndpoint(String method_uri, Class<? extends RestApiHandler> handler_clz) { try { RestApiHandler handler = handler_clz.newInstance(); return registerEndpoint(, method_uri, handler_clz, null,; } catch (Exception e) { throw; } } //------ Handling Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rs) { doGeneric("GET", rq, rs); } @Override protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rs) { doGeneric("PUT", rq, rs); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rs) { doGeneric("POST", rq, rs); } @Override protected void doHead(HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rs) { doGeneric("HEAD", rq, rs); } @Override protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rs) { doGeneric("DELETE", rq, rs); } @Override protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse rs) { if (System.getProperty(H2O.OptArgs.SYSTEM_DEBUG_CORS) != null) { rs.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); rs.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type"); rs.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } } /** * Top-level dispatch handling */ public void doGeneric(String method, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { JettyHTTPD.startTransaction(request.getHeader("User-Agent")); // Note that getServletPath does an un-escape so that the %24 of job id's are turned into $ characters. String uri = request.getServletPath(); Properties headers = new Properties(); Enumeration<String> en = request.getHeaderNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String key = en.nextElement(); String value = request.getHeader(key); headers.put(key, value); } final String contentType = request.getContentType(); Properties parms = new Properties(); String postBody = null; if (System.getProperty(H2O.OptArgs.SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "debug.cors") != null) { response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type"); } if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith(MIME_JSON)) { StringBuffer jb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) jb.append(line); } catch (Exception e) { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Exception reading POST body JSON for URL: " + uri); } postBody = jb.toString(); } else { // application/x-www-form-urlencoded Map<String, String[]> parameterMap; parameterMap = request.getParameterMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : parameterMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String[] values = entry.getValue(); if (values.length == 1) { parms.put(key, values[0]); } else if (values.length > 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); boolean first = true; for (String value : values) { if (!first) sb.append(","); sb.append("\"").append(value).append("\""); first = false; } sb.append("]"); parms.put(key, sb.toString()); } } } // Make serve() call. NanoResponse resp = serve(uri, method, headers, parms, postBody); // Un-marshal Nano response back to Jetty. String choppedNanoStatus = resp.status.substring(0, 3); assert (choppedNanoStatus.length() == 3); int sc = Integer.parseInt(choppedNanoStatus); JettyHTTPD.setResponseStatus(response, sc); response.setContentType(resp.mimeType); Properties header = resp.header; Enumeration<Object> en2 = header.keys(); while (en2.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) en2.nextElement(); String value = header.getProperty(key); response.setHeader(key, value); } resp.writeTo(response.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JettyHTTPD.setResponseStatus(response, 500); Log.err(e); // Trying to send an error message or stack trace will produce another IOException... } finally { JettyHTTPD.logRequest(method, request, response); // Handle shutdown if it was requested. if (H2O.getShutdownRequested()) { (new Thread() { public void run() { boolean [] confirmations = new boolean[H2O.CLOUD.size()]; if (H2O.SELF.index() >= 0) { confirmations[H2O.SELF.index()] = true; } for(H2ONode n:H2O.CLOUD._memary) { if(n != H2O.SELF) new RPC<>(n, new UDPRebooted.ShutdownTsk(H2O.SELF,n.index(), 1000, confirmations, 0)).call(); } try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (Exception ignore) {} int failedToShutdown = 0; // shutdown failed for(boolean b:confirmations) if(!b) failedToShutdown++;"Orderly shutdown: " + (failedToShutdown > 0? failedToShutdown + " nodes failed to shut down! ":"") + " Shutting down now."); H2O.closeAll(); H2O.exit(failedToShutdown); } }).start(); } JettyHTTPD.endTransaction(); } } /** * Subsequent handling of the dispatch */ public static NanoResponse serve(String url, String method, Properties header, Properties parms, String post_body) { try { // Jack priority for user-visible requests Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY - 1); RequestType type = RequestType.requestType(url); RequestUri uri = new RequestUri(method, url); // Log the request maybeLogRequest(uri, header, parms); // For certain "special" requests that produce non-JSON payloads we require special handling. NanoResponse special = maybeServeSpecial(uri); if (special != null) return special; // Determine the Route corresponding to this request, and also fill in {parms} with the path parameters Route route = routesTree.lookup(uri, parms); //----- DEPRECATED API handling ------------ // These APIs are broken, because they lead users to create invalid URLs. For example the endpoint // /3/Frames/{frameid}/export/{path}/overwrite/{force} // is invalid, because it leads to URLs like this: // /3/Frames/predictions_9bd5_GLM_model_R_1471148_36_on_RTMP_sid_afec_27/export//tmp/pred.csv/overwrite/TRUE // Here both the {frame_id} and {path} usually contain "/" (making them non-tokens), they may contain other // special characters not valid within URLs (for example if filename is not in ASCII); finally the use of strings // to represent booleans creates ambiguities: should I write "true", "True", "TRUE", or perhaps "1"? // // TODO These should be removed as soon as possible... if (url.startsWith("/3/Frames/")) { // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/export/{path}/overwrite/{force} if ((url.toLowerCase().endsWith("/overwrite/true") || url.toLowerCase().endsWith("/overwrite/false")) && url.contains("/export/")) { int i = url.indexOf("/export/"); boolean force = url.toLowerCase().endsWith("true"); parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, i)); parms.put("path", url.substring(i+8, url.length()-15-(force?0:1))); parms.put("force", force? "true" : "false"); route = findRouteByApiName("exportFrame_deprecated"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/export else if (url.endsWith("/export")) { parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, url.length()-7)); route = findRouteByApiName("exportFrame"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/columns/{column}/summary else if (url.endsWith("/summary") && url.contains("/columns/")) { int i = url.indexOf("/columns/"); parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, i)); parms.put("column", url.substring(i+9, url.length()-8)); route = findRouteByApiName("frameColumnSummary"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/columns/{column}/domain else if (url.endsWith("/domain") && url.contains("/columns/")) { int i = url.indexOf("/columns/"); parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, i)); parms.put("column", url.substring(i+9, url.length()-7)); route = findRouteByApiName("frameColumnDomain"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/columns/{column} else if (url.contains("/columns/")) { int i = url.indexOf("/columns/"); parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, i)); parms.put("column", url.substring(i+9)); route = findRouteByApiName("frameColumn"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/summary else if (url.endsWith("/summary")) { parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, url.length()-8)); route = findRouteByApiName("frameSummary"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id}/columns else if (url.endsWith("/columns")) { parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10, url.length()-8)); route = findRouteByApiName("frameColumns"); } // /3/Frames/{frame_id} else { parms.put("frame_id", url.substring(10)); route = findRouteByApiName(method.equals("DELETE")? "deleteFrame" : "frame"); } } else if (url.startsWith("/3/ModelMetrics/predictions_frame/")){ route = findRouteByApiName("makeMetrics"); } //------------------------------------------ if (route == null) { // if the request is not known, treat as resource request, or 404 if not found if (uri.isGetMethod()) return getResource(type, url); else return response404(method + " " + url, type); } else { Schema response = route._handler.handle(uri.getVersion(), route, parms, post_body); PojoUtils.filterFields(response, (String)parms.get("_include_fields"), (String)parms.get("_exclude_fields")); return serveSchema(response, type); } } catch (H2OFailException e) { H2OError error = e.toH2OError(url); Log.fatal("Caught exception (fatal to the cluster): " + error.toString()); throw; } catch (H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException e) { H2OModelBuilderError error = e.toH2OError(url); Log.warn("Caught exception: " + error.toString()); return serveSchema(new H2OModelBuilderErrorV3().fillFromImpl(error), RequestType.json); } catch (H2OAbstractRuntimeException e) { H2OError error = e.toH2OError(url); Log.warn("Caught exception: " + error.toString()); return serveError(error); } catch (AssertionError e) { H2OError error = new H2OError( System.currentTimeMillis(), url, e.toString(), e.toString(), HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getCode(), new IcedHashMapGeneric.IcedHashMapStringObject(), e); Log.err("Caught assertion error: " + error.toString()); return serveError(error); } catch (Exception e) { // make sure that no Exception is ever thrown out from the request H2OError error = new H2OError(e, url); // some special cases for which we return 400 because it's likely a problem with the client request: if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException || e instanceof FileNotFoundException || e instanceof MalformedURLException) error._http_status = HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST.getCode(); Log.err("Caught exception: " + error.toString() +";parms=" + parms); return serveError(error); } } /** * Log the request (unless it's an overly common one). */ private static void maybeLogRequest(RequestUri uri, Properties header, Properties parms) { for(HttpLogFilter f: _filters) if( f.filter(uri,header,parms) ) return; // do not log anything if filtered String url = uri.getUrl(); + ", parms: " + parms); GAUtils.logRequest(url, header); } /** * Create a new HttpLogFilter. * * Implement this interface to create new filters used by maybeLogRequest */ public interface HttpLogFilter { boolean filter(RequestUri uri, Properties header, Properties parms); } /** * Provide the default filters for H2O's HTTP logging. * @return an array of HttpLogFilter instances */ public static HttpLogFilter defaultFilter() { return new HttpLogFilter() { // this is much prettier with 1.8 lambdas @Override public boolean filter(RequestUri uri, Properties header, Properties parms) { String url = uri.getUrl(); if (url.endsWith(".css") || url.endsWith(".js") || url.endsWith(".png") || url.endsWith(".ico")) return true; String[] path = uri.getPath(); return path[2].equals("Cloud") || path[2].equals("Jobs") && uri.isGetMethod() || path[2].equals("Log") || path[2].equals("Progress") || path[2].equals("Typeahead") || path[2].equals("WaterMeterCpuTicks"); } }; } //------ Lookup tree for Routes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static class RouteTree { private String root; private boolean isWildcard; private HashMap<String, RouteTree> branches; private Route leaf; public RouteTree(String token) { isWildcard = isWildcardToken(token); root = isWildcard ? "*" : token; branches = new HashMap<>(); leaf = null; } public void add(RequestUri uri, Route route) { String[] path = uri.getPath(); addByPath(path, 0, route); } public Route lookup(RequestUri uri, Properties parms) { if (!uri.isApiUrl()) return null; String[] path = uri.getPath(); ArrayList<String> path_params = new ArrayList<>(3); Route route = this.lookupByPath(path, 0, path_params); // Fill in the path parameters if (parms != null && route != null) { String[] param_names = route._path_params; assert path_params.size() == param_names.length; for (int i = 0; i < param_names.length; i++) parms.put(param_names[i], path_params.get(i)); } return route; } private void addByPath(String[] path, int index, Route route) { if (index + 1 < path.length) { String nextToken = isWildcardToken(path[index+1])? "*" : path[index+1]; if (!branches.containsKey(nextToken)) branches.put(nextToken, new RouteTree(nextToken)); branches.get(nextToken).addByPath(path, index + 1, route); } else { assert leaf == null : "Duplicate path encountered: " + Arrays.toString(path); leaf = route; } } private Route lookupByPath(String[] path, int index, ArrayList<String> path_params) { assert isWildcard || root.equals(path[index]); if (index + 1 < path.length) { String nextToken = path[index+1]; // First attempt an exact match if (branches.containsKey(nextToken)) { Route route = branches.get(nextToken).lookupByPath(path, index+1, path_params); if (route != null) return route; } // Then match against a wildcard if (branches.containsKey("*")) { path_params.add(path[index+1]); Route route = branches.get("*").lookupByPath(path, index + 1, path_params); if (route != null) return route; path_params.remove(path_params.size() - 1); } // If we are at the deepest level of the tree and no match was found, attempt to look for alternative versions. // For example, if the user requests /4/About, and we only have /3/About, then we should deliver that version // instead. if (index == path.length - 2) { int v = Integer.parseInt(nextToken); for (String key : branches.keySet()) { if (branches.get(key).leaf == null) continue; if (Integer.parseInt(key) <= v) { // We also create a new branch in the tree to memorize this new route path. RouteTree newBranch = new RouteTree(nextToken); newBranch.leaf = branches.get(key).leaf; branches.put(nextToken, newBranch); return newBranch.leaf; } } } } else { return leaf; } return null; } private static boolean isWildcardToken(String token) { return token.equals("*") || token.startsWith("{") && token.endsWith("}"); } } private static Route findRouteByApiName(String apiName) { for (Route route : routesList) { if (route._api_name.equals(apiName)) return route; } return null; } //------ Handling of Responses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Handle any URLs that bypass the standard route approach. This is stuff that has abnormal non-JSON response * payloads. * @param uri RequestUri object of the incoming request. * @return Response object, or null if the request does not require any special handling. */ private static NanoResponse maybeServeSpecial(RequestUri uri) { assert uri != null; if (uri.isHeadMethod()) { // Blank response used by R's uri.exists("/") if (uri.getUrl().equals("/")) return new NanoResponse(HTTP_OK, MIME_PLAINTEXT, ""); } if (uri.isGetMethod()) { // url "/3/Foo/bar" => path ["", "GET", "Foo", "bar", "3"] String[] path = uri.getPath(); if (path[2].equals("")) return redirectToFlow(); if (path[2].equals("Logs") && path[3].equals("download")) return downloadLogs(); if (path[2].equals("NodePersistentStorage.bin") && path.length == 6) return downloadNps(path[3], path[4]); } return null; } private static NanoResponse response404(String what, RequestType type) { H2ONotFoundArgumentException e = new H2ONotFoundArgumentException(what + " not found", what + " not found"); H2OError error = e.toH2OError(what); Log.warn(error._dev_msg); return serveError(error); } private static NanoResponse serveSchema(Schema s, RequestType type) { // Convert Schema to desired output flavor String http_response_header = H2OError.httpStatusHeader(HttpResponseStatus.OK.getCode()); // If we're given an http response code use it. if (s instanceof SpecifiesHttpResponseCode) { http_response_header = H2OError.httpStatusHeader(((SpecifiesHttpResponseCode) s).httpStatus()); } // If we've gotten an error always return the error as JSON if (s instanceof SpecifiesHttpResponseCode && HttpResponseStatus.OK.getCode() != ((SpecifiesHttpResponseCode) s).httpStatus()) { type = RequestType.json; } if (s instanceof H2OErrorV3) { return new NanoResponse(http_response_header, MIME_JSON, s.toJsonString()); } if (s instanceof StreamingSchema) { StreamingSchema ss = (StreamingSchema) s; NanoResponse r = new NanoStreamResponse(http_response_header, MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY, ss.getStreamWriter()); // Needed to make file name match class name r.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + ss.getFilename() + "\""); return r; } // TODO: remove this entire switch switch (type) { case html: // return JSON for html requests case json: return new NanoResponse(http_response_header, MIME_JSON, s.toJsonString()); case xml: throw H2O.unimpl("Unknown type: " + type.toString()); case java: if (s instanceof AssemblyV99) { // TODO: fix the AssemblyV99 response handler so that it produces the appropriate StreamingSchema Assembly ass = DKV.getGet(((AssemblyV99) s).assembly_id); NanoResponse r = new NanoResponse(http_response_header, MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY, ass.toJava(((AssemblyV99) s).pojo_name)); r.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+JCodeGen.toJavaId(((AssemblyV99) s).pojo_name)+".java\""); return r; } else { throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("Cannot generate java for type: " + s.getClass().getSimpleName()); } default: throw H2O.unimpl("Unknown type to serveSchema(): " + type); } } @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") private static NanoResponse serveError(H2OError error) { // Note: don't use Schema.schema(version, error) because we have to work at bootstrap: return serveSchema(new H2OErrorV3().fillFromImpl(error), RequestType.json); } private static NanoResponse redirectToFlow() { NanoResponse res = new NanoResponse(HTTP_REDIRECT, MIME_PLAINTEXT, ""); res.addHeader("Location", H2O.ARGS.context_path + "/flow/index.html"); return res; } private static NanoResponse downloadNps(String categoryName, String keyName) { NodePersistentStorage nps = H2O.getNPS(); AtomicLong length = new AtomicLong(); InputStream is = nps.get(categoryName, keyName, length); NanoResponse res = new NanoResponse(HTTP_OK, MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY, is); res.addHeader("Content-Length", Long.toString(length.get())); res.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + keyName + ".flow"); return res; } private static NanoResponse downloadLogs() {"\nCollecting logs."); H2ONode[] members = H2O.CLOUD.members(); byte[][] perNodeZipByteArray = new byte[members.length][]; byte[] clientNodeByteArray = null; for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { byte[] bytes; try { // Skip nodes that aren't healthy, since they are likely to cause the entire process to hang. if (members[i].isHealthy()) { GetLogsFromNode g = new GetLogsFromNode(); g.nodeidx = i; g.doIt(); bytes = g.bytes; } else { bytes = StringUtils.bytesOf("Node not healthy"); } } catch (Exception e) { bytes = StringUtils.toBytes(e); } perNodeZipByteArray[i] = bytes; } if (H2O.ARGS.client) { byte[] bytes; try { GetLogsFromNode g = new GetLogsFromNode(); g.nodeidx = -1; g.doIt(); bytes = g.bytes; } catch (Exception e) { bytes = StringUtils.toBytes(e); } clientNodeByteArray = bytes; } String outputFileStem = getOutputLogStem(); byte[] finalZipByteArray; try { finalZipByteArray = zipLogs(perNodeZipByteArray, clientNodeByteArray, outputFileStem); } catch (Exception e) { finalZipByteArray = StringUtils.toBytes(e); } NanoResponse res = new NanoResponse(HTTP_OK, MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY, new ByteArrayInputStream(finalZipByteArray)); res.addHeader("Content-Length", Long.toString(finalZipByteArray.length)); res.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + outputFileStem + ".zip"); return res; } private static String getOutputLogStem() { String pattern = "yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"; SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); String now = formatter.format(new Date()); return "h2ologs_" + now; } private static byte[] zipLogs(byte[][] results, byte[] clientResult, String topDir) throws IOException { int l = 0; assert H2O.CLOUD._memary.length == results.length : "Unexpected change in the cloud!"; for (byte[] result : results) l += result.length; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(l); // Add top-level directory. ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); { ZipEntry zde = new ZipEntry (topDir + File.separator); zos.putNextEntry(zde); } try { // Add zip directory from each cloud member. for (int i =0; i<results.length; i++) { String filename = topDir + File.separator + "node" + i + "_" + H2O.CLOUD._memary[i].getIpPortString().replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_') + ".zip"; ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(filename); zos.putNextEntry(ze); zos.write(results[i]); zos.closeEntry(); } // Add zip directory from the client node. Name it 'driver' since that's what Sparking Water users see. if (clientResult != null) { String filename = topDir + File.separator + ""; ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(filename); zos.putNextEntry(ze); zos.write(clientResult); zos.closeEntry(); } // Close the top-level directory. zos.closeEntry(); } finally { // Close the full zip file. zos.close(); } return baos.toByteArray(); } // cache of all loaded resources @SuppressWarnings("MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection") // remove this once TO-DO below is addressed private static final NonBlockingHashMap<String,byte[]> _cache = new NonBlockingHashMap<>(); // Returns the response containing the given uri with the appropriate mime type. private static NanoResponse getResource(RequestType request_type, String url) { byte[] bytes = _cache.get(url); if (bytes == null) { // Try-with-resource try (InputStream resource = water.init.JarHash.getResource2(url)) { if( resource != null ) { try { bytes = toByteArray(resource); } catch (IOException e) { Log.err(e); } // PP 06-06-2014 Disable caching for now so that the browser // always gets the latest sources and assets when h2o-client is rebuilt. // TODO need to rethink caching behavior when h2o-dev is merged into h2o. // // if (bytes != null) { // byte[] res = _cache.putIfAbsent(url, bytes); // if (res != null) bytes = res; // Racey update; take what is in the _cache //} // } } catch( IOException ignore ) { } } if (bytes == null || bytes.length == 0) // No resource found? return response404("Resource " + url, request_type); int i = url.lastIndexOf('.'); String mime; switch (url.substring(i + 1)) { case "js": mime = MIME_JS; break; case "css": mime = MIME_CSS; break; case "htm":case "html": mime = MIME_HTML; break; case "jpg":case "jpeg": mime = MIME_JPEG; break; case "png": mime = MIME_PNG; break; case "svg": mime = MIME_SVG; break; case "gif": mime = MIME_GIF; break; case "woff": mime = MIME_WOFF; break; default: mime = MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY; } NanoResponse res = new NanoResponse(HTTP_OK, mime, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); res.addHeader("Content-Length", Long.toString(bytes.length)); return res; } // Convenience utility private static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream is) throws IOException { try (ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[0x2000]; for (int len; (len = != -1; ) os.write(buffer, 0, len); return os.toByteArray(); } } }