package water.rapids.ast.prims.timeseries; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution; import water.MRTask; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.rapids.Env; import water.rapids.Val; import water.rapids.ast.AstPrimitive; import water.rapids.ast.AstRoot; import water.rapids.vals.ValFrame; import water.util.ArrayUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * The iSAX algorithm is a time series indexing strategy that reduces the dimensionality of a time series along the time axis. * For example, if a time series had 1000 unique values with data across 500 rows, reduce this data set to a time series that * uses 100 unique values, across 10 buckets along the time span. * * References: * * * * Note: This approach assumes the frame has the form of TS-i x T where TS-i is a single time series and T is time: * * T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, ... , T-N * TS-1 ... * TS-2 ... * TS-3 ... * . * . * . * TS-N ... * * @author markchan & navdeepgill */ public class AstIsax extends AstPrimitive { protected double[][] _domain_hm = null; @Override public String[] args() { return new String[]{"ary", "numWords", "maxCardinality", "optimize_card"}; } @Override public int nargs() { return 1 + 4; } // (ary isax numWords maxCardinality optimize_card) @Override public String str() { return "isax"; } @Override public Val apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot asts[]) { Frame fr = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame(); AstRoot n = asts[2]; AstRoot mc = asts[3]; boolean optm_card = asts[4].exec(env).getNum() == 1; //Check vecs are numeric for(Vec v : fr.vecs()){ if(!v.isNumeric()){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("iSax only applies to numeric columns!"); } } int numWords = (int) n.exec(env).getNum(); int maxCardinality = (int) mc.exec(env).getNum(); //Check numWords and maxCardinality are >=0 if(numWords < 0 ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("numWords must be greater than 0!"); } if(maxCardinality < 0 ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCardinality must be greater than 0!"); } ArrayList<String> columns = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numWords; i++) { columns.add("c"+i); } Frame fr2 = new AstIsax.IsaxTask(numWords, maxCardinality) .doAll(numWords, Vec.T_NUM, fr).outputFrame(null, columns.toArray(new String[numWords]), null); int[] maxCards = new int[numWords]; if(optm_card) { _domain_hm = new double[numWords][maxCardinality]; for (double[] r : _domain_hm) Arrays.fill(r,Double.NaN); // see if we can reduce the cardinality by checking all unique tokens in all series in a word for (int i=0; i<fr2.numCols(); i++) { String[] domains = fr2.vec(i).toCategoricalVec().domain(); for (int j = 0; j < domains.length; j++){ _domain_hm[i][j] = Double.valueOf(domains[j]); } } // get the cardinalities of each word for (int i = 0; i < numWords; i++) { int cnt = 0; for (double d : _domain_hm[i]) { if (Double.isNaN(d)) break; else cnt++; } maxCards[i] = cnt; } Frame fr2_reduced = new AstIsax.IsaxReduceCard(_domain_hm, maxCardinality).doAll(numWords, Vec.T_NUM, fr2) .outputFrame(null, columns.toArray(new String[numWords]), null); Frame fr3 = new AstIsax.IsaxStringTask(maxCards).doAll(1, Vec.T_STR, fr2_reduced) .outputFrame(null, new String[]{"iSax_index"}, null); fr2.delete(); //Not needed anymore fr3.add(fr2_reduced); return new ValFrame(fr3); } for(int i = 0; i < numWords; ++i){ maxCards[i] = maxCardinality; } Frame fr3 = new AstIsax.IsaxStringTask(maxCards).doAll(1, Vec.T_STR, fr2) .outputFrame(null, new String[]{"iSax_index"}, null); fr3.add(fr2); return new ValFrame(fr3); } public static class IsaxReduceCard extends MRTask<AstIsax.IsaxReduceCard> { double[][] _domain_hm; int maxCardinality; IsaxReduceCard(double[][] dm, int mc) { _domain_hm = dm; maxCardinality = mc; } @Override public void map(Chunk cs[], NewChunk nc[]){ for (int i = 0; i<cs.length; i++) { boolean ltMaxCardFlag = Double.isNaN(ArrayUtils.sum(_domain_hm[i])); for (int j = 0; j<cs[i].len(); j++) { int idxOf; if (ltMaxCardFlag) { idxOf = Arrays.binarySearch(_domain_hm[i],(int) cs[i].at8(j)); } else { idxOf = (int) cs[i].at8(j); } nc[i].addNum(idxOf); } } } } public static class IsaxStringTask extends MRTask<AstIsax.IsaxStringTask> { int[] maxCards; IsaxStringTask(int[] mc) { maxCards = mc; } @Override public void map(Chunk cs[], NewChunk nc[]) { int csize = cs[0].len(); for (int c_i = 0; c_i < csize; c_i++) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); for (int cs_i = 0; cs_i < cs.length; cs_i++) { sb.append(cs[cs_i].at8(c_i) + "^" + maxCards[cs_i] + "_"); } nc[0].addStr(sb.toString().substring(0,sb.length()-1)); } } } public static class IsaxTask extends MRTask<AstIsax.IsaxTask> { private int nw; private int mc; private static NormalDistribution nd = new NormalDistribution(); private ArrayList<Double> probBoundaries; // for tokenizing Sax IsaxTask(int numWords, int maxCardinality) { nw = numWords; mc = maxCardinality; // come up with NormalDist boundaries double step = 1.0 / mc; probBoundaries = new ArrayList<Double>(); //cumulative dist function boundaries R{0-1} for (int i = 0; i < mc; i++) { probBoundaries.add(nd.inverseCumulativeProbability(i*step)); } } @Override public void map(Chunk cs[],NewChunk[] nc) { int step = cs.length/nw; int chunkSize = cs[0].len(); int w_i = 0; //word iterator double[] seriesSums = new double[chunkSize]; double[] seriesCounts = new double[chunkSize]; double[] seriesSSE = new double[chunkSize]; double[][] chunkMeans = new double[chunkSize][nw]; // Loop by words in the time series for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i+=step) { // Loop by each series in the chunk for (int j = 0; j < chunkSize; j++) { double mySum = 0.0; double myCount = 0.0; // Loop through all the data in the chunk for the given series in the given subset (word) for (Chunk c : ArrayUtils.subarray(cs,i,i+step)) { if (c != null) { // Calculate mean and sigma in one pass double oldMean = myCount < 1 ? 0.0 : mySum/myCount; mySum += c.atd(j); seriesSums[j] += c.atd(j); myCount++; seriesCounts[j] += 1; seriesSSE[j] += (c.atd(j) - oldMean) * (c.atd(j) - mySum/myCount); } } chunkMeans[j][w_i] = mySum / myCount; } w_i++; if (w_i>= nw) break; } // for (int w = 0; w < nw; w++) { for (int i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) { double seriesMean = seriesSums[i] / seriesCounts[i]; double seriesStd = Math.sqrt(seriesSSE[i] / (seriesCounts[i] - 1)); double zscore = (chunkMeans[i][w] - seriesMean) / seriesStd; int p_i = 0; while (probBoundaries.get(p_i + 1) < zscore) { p_i++; if (p_i == mc - 1) break; } nc[w].addNum(p_i,0); } } } } }