package hex.tree; import hex.*; import hex.genmodel.GenModel; import hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily; import hex.glm.GLM; import hex.glm.GLMModel; import hex.quantile.Quantile; import hex.quantile.QuantileModel; import hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import water.*; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException; import water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public abstract class SharedTree<M extends SharedTreeModel<M,P,O>, P extends SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters, O extends SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput> extends ModelBuilder<M,P,O> { public boolean shouldReorder(Vec v) { return _parms._categorical_encoding == Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.SortByResponse && v.cardinality() > _parms._nbins_cats; // no need to sort categoricals with fewer than nbins_cats - they will be sorted in every leaf anyway } final protected static boolean DEV_DEBUG = false; protected int _mtry; protected int _mtry_per_tree; public static final int MAX_NTREES = 100000; public SharedTree(P parms ) { super(parms ); /*only call init in leaf classes*/ } public SharedTree(P parms, Key<M> key) { super(parms,key); /*only call init in leaf classes*/ } public SharedTree(P parms, Job job ) { super(parms,job); /*only call init in leaf classes*/ } public SharedTree(P parms, boolean startup_once) { super(parms,startup_once); /*only call init in leaf classes*/ } // Number of trees requested, including prior trees from a checkpoint protected int _ntrees; // The in-progress model being built protected M _model; // Number of columns in training set, not counting the response column protected int _ncols; // Initially predicted value (for zero trees) protected double _initialPrediction; // Sum of variable empirical improvement in squared-error. The value is not scaled. private transient float[/*nfeatures*/] _improvPerVar; protected Random _rand; protected final Frame calib() { return _calib; } protected transient Frame _calib; public boolean isSupervised(){return true;} @Override public boolean haveMojo() { return true; } @Override public boolean havePojo() { return true; } public boolean scoreZeroTrees(){return true;} @Override protected boolean computePriorClassDistribution(){ return true;} @Override public ToEigenVec getToEigenVec() { return LinearAlgebraUtils.toEigen; } @Override protected void ignoreInvalidColumns(int npredictors, boolean expensive) { // Drop invalid columns new FilterCols(npredictors) { @Override protected boolean filter(Vec v) { return (v.max() > Float.MAX_VALUE ); } }.doIt(_train,"Dropping columns with too large numeric values: ",expensive); } /** Initialize the ModelBuilder, validating all arguments and preparing the * training frame. This call is expected to be overridden in the subclasses * and each subclass will start with "super.init();". This call is made * by the front-end whenever the GUI is clicked, and needs to be fast; * heavy-weight prep needs to wait for the trainModel() call. * * Validate the requested ntrees; precompute actual ntrees. Validate * the number of classes to predict on; validate a checkpoint. */ @Override public void init(boolean expensive) { super.init(expensive); if (H2O.ARGS.client && _parms._build_tree_one_node) error("_build_tree_one_node", "Cannot run on a single node in client mode."); if( _parms._min_rows < 0 ) error("_min_rows", "Requested min_rows must be greater than 0"); if (_parms._categorical_encoding == Model.Parameters.CategoricalEncodingScheme.OneHotInternal) { error("_categorical_encoding", "Cannot use OneHotInternal categorical encoding for tree methods."); } if( _parms._ntrees < 0 || _parms._ntrees > MAX_NTREES) error("_ntrees", "Requested ntrees must be between 1 and " + MAX_NTREES); _ntrees = _parms._ntrees; // Total trees in final model if( _parms.hasCheckpoint() ) { // Asking to continue from checkpoint? Value cv = DKV.get(_parms._checkpoint); if( cv != null ) { // Look for prior model M checkpointModel = cv.get(); try { _parms.validateWithCheckpoint(checkpointModel._parms); if( isClassifier() != checkpointModel._output.isClassifier() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Response type must be the same as for the checkpointed model."); if (!Arrays.equals(_train.names(), checkpointModel._output._names)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The columns of the training data must be the same as for the checkpointed model"); } if (!Arrays.deepEquals(, checkpointModel._output._domains)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Categorical factor levels of the training data must be the same as for the checkpointed model"); } } catch (H2OIllegalArgumentException e) { error(e.values.get("argument").toString(), e.values.get("value").toString()); } if( _parms._ntrees < checkpointModel._output._ntrees+1 ) error("_ntrees", "If checkpoint is specified then requested ntrees must be higher than " + (checkpointModel._output._ntrees+1)); // Compute number of trees to build for this checkpoint _ntrees = _parms._ntrees - checkpointModel._output._ntrees; // Needed trees } } if (_parms._nbins <= 1) error ("_nbins", "nbins must be > 1."); if (_parms._nbins >= 1<<16) error ("_nbins", "nbins must be < " + (1<<16)); if (_parms._nbins_cats <= 1) error ("_nbins_cats", "nbins_cats must be > 1."); if (_parms._nbins_cats >= 1<<16) error ("_nbins_cats", "nbins_cats must be < " + (1<<16)); if (_parms._nbins_top_level < _parms._nbins) error ("_nbins_top_level", "nbins_top_level must be >= nbins (" + _parms._nbins + ")."); if (_parms._nbins_top_level >= 1<<16) error ("_nbins_top_level", "nbins_top_level must be < " + (1<<16)); if (_parms._max_depth <= 0) error ("_max_depth", "_max_depth must be > 0."); if (_parms._min_rows <=0) error ("_min_rows", "_min_rows must be > 0."); if (_parms._r2_stopping!=Double.MAX_VALUE) warn("_r2_stopping", "_r2_stopping is no longer supported - please use stopping_rounds, stopping_metric and stopping_tolerance instead."); if (_parms._score_tree_interval < 0) error ("_score_tree_interval", "_score_tree_interval must be >= 0."); if (_parms._sample_rate_per_class != null) { warn("_sample_rate", "_sample_rate is ignored if _sample_rate_per_class is specified."); if (_parms._sample_rate_per_class.length != nclasses()) error("_sample_rate_per_class", "_sample_rate_per_class must have " + nclasses() + " values (one per class)."); for (int i=0;i<_parms._sample_rate_per_class.length;++i) { if (!(0.0 < _parms._sample_rate_per_class[i] && _parms._sample_rate_per_class[i] <= 1.0)) error("_sample_rate_per_class", "sample_rate_per_class for class " + response().domain()[i] + " should be in interval ]0,1] but it is " + _parms._sample_rate_per_class[i] + "."); } } if (!(0.0 < _parms._sample_rate && _parms._sample_rate <= 1.0)) error("_sample_rate", "sample_rate should be in interval ]0,1] but it is " + _parms._sample_rate + "."); if (_parms._min_split_improvement < 0) error("_min_split_improvement", "min_split_improvement must be >= 0, but is " + _parms._min_split_improvement + "."); if (!(0.0 < _parms._col_sample_rate_per_tree && _parms._col_sample_rate_per_tree <= 1.0)) error("_col_sample_rate_per_tree", "col_sample_rate_per_tree should be in interval ]0,1] but it is " + _parms._col_sample_rate_per_tree + "."); if( !(0. < _parms._col_sample_rate_change_per_level && _parms._col_sample_rate_change_per_level <= 2) ) error("_col_sample_rate_change_per_level", "col_sample_rate_change_per_level must be between 0 and 2"); if (_train != null) { double sumWeights = _train.numRows() * (hasWeightCol() ? _train.vec(_parms._weights_column).mean() : 1); if (sumWeights < 2*_parms._min_rows ) // Need at least 2*min_rows weighted rows to split even once error("_min_rows", "The dataset size is too small to split for min_rows=" + _parms._min_rows + ": must have at least " + 2*_parms._min_rows + " (weighted) rows, but have only " + sumWeights + "."); } if( _train != null ) _ncols = _train.numCols()-1-numSpecialCols(); // Calibration Frame cf = _parms.calib(); // User-given calibration set if (cf != null) { if (! _parms._calibrate_model) warn("_calibration_frame", "Calibration frame was specified but calibration was not requested."); _calib = init_adaptFrameToTrain(cf, "Calibration Frame", "_calibration_frame", expensive); } if (_parms._calibrate_model) { if (nclasses() != 2) error("_calibrate_model", "Model calibration is only currently supported for binomial models."); if (cf == null) error("_calibrate_model", "Calibration frame was not specified."); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Top-level tree-algo driver abstract protected class Driver extends ModelBuilder<M,P,O>.Driver { @Override public void computeImpl() { _model = null; // Resulting model! try { init(true); // Do any expensive tests & conversions now if( error_count() > 0 ) throw H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException.makeFromBuilder(SharedTree.this); // Create a New Model or continuing from a checkpoint if (_parms.hasCheckpoint()) { // Get the model to continue _model = DKV.get(_parms._checkpoint).<M>get().deepClone(_result); // Override original parameters by new parameters _model._parms = _parms; // We create a new model _model.delete_and_lock(_job); } else { // New Model // Compute the zero-tree error - guessing only the class distribution. // MSE is stddev squared when guessing for regression. // For classification, guess the largest class. _model = makeModel(dest(), _parms); _model.delete_and_lock(_job); // and clear & write-lock it (smashing any prior) _model._output._init_f = _initialPrediction; } // Compute the response domain; makes for nicer printouts String[] domain = _response.domain(); assert (_nclass > 1 && domain != null) || (_nclass==1 && domain==null); if( _nclass==1 ) domain = new String[] {"r"}; // For regression, give a name to class 0 // Compute class distribution, used to for initial guesses and to // upsample minority classes (if asked for). if( _nclass>1 ) { // Classification? // Handle imbalanced classes by stratified over/under-sampling. // initWorkFrame sets the modeled class distribution, and // model.score() corrects the probabilities back using the // distribution ratios if(_model._output.isClassifier() && _parms._balance_classes ) { float[] trainSamplingFactors = new float[_train.lastVec().domain().length]; //leave initialized to 0 -> will be filled up below if (_parms._class_sampling_factors != null) { if (_parms._class_sampling_factors.length != _train.lastVec().domain().length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("class_sampling_factors must have " + _train.lastVec().domain().length + " elements"); trainSamplingFactors = _parms._class_sampling_factors.clone(); //clone: don't modify the original } Frame stratified = water.util.MRUtils.sampleFrameStratified(_train, _train.lastVec(), _train.vec(_model._output.weightsName()), trainSamplingFactors, (long)(_parms._max_after_balance_size*_train.numRows()), _parms._seed, true, false); if (stratified != _train) { _train = stratified; _response = stratified.vec(_parms._response_column); _weights = stratified.vec(_parms._weights_column); // Recompute distribution since the input frame was modified MRUtils.ClassDist cdmt2 = _weights != null ? new MRUtils.ClassDist(_nclass).doAll(_response, _weights) : new MRUtils.ClassDist(_nclass).doAll(_response); _model._output._distribution = cdmt2.dist(); _model._output._modelClassDist = cdmt2.rel_dist(); } }"Prior class distribution: " + Arrays.toString(_model._output._priorClassDist));"Model class distribution: " + Arrays.toString(_model._output._modelClassDist)); if (_parms._sample_rate_per_class != null) {"Sample rates per tree (this affects the distribution of probabilities):"); for (int i = 0; i < nclasses(); ++i)" sample rate for class '" + response().domain()[i] + "' : " + _parms._sample_rate_per_class[i]); } } // top-level quantiles for all columns // non-numeric columns get a vector full of NAs if (_parms._histogram_type == SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters.HistogramType.QuantilesGlobal || _parms._histogram_type == SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters.HistogramType.RoundRobin) { int N = _parms._nbins; QuantileModel.QuantileParameters p = new QuantileModel.QuantileParameters(); Key rndKey = Key.make(); if (DKV.get(rndKey)==null) DKV.put(rndKey, _train); p._train = rndKey; p._weights_column = _parms._weights_column; p._combine_method = QuantileModel.CombineMethod.INTERPOLATE; p._probs = new double[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) //compute quantiles such that they span from (inclusive) min...maxEx (exclusive) p._probs[i] = i * 1./N; Job<QuantileModel> job = new Quantile(p).trainModel(); _job.update(1, "Computing top-level histogram splitpoints."); QuantileModel qm = job.get(); job.remove(); double[][] origQuantiles = qm._output._quantiles; //pad the quantiles until we have nbins_top_level bins double[][] splitPoints = new double[origQuantiles.length][]; Key[] keys = new Key[splitPoints.length]; for (int i=0;i<keys.length;++i) keys[i] = getGlobalQuantilesKey(i); for (int i=0;i<origQuantiles.length;++i) { if (!_train.vec(i).isNumeric() || _train.vec(i).isCategorical() || _train.vec(i).isBinary() || origQuantiles[i].length <= 1) { keys[i] = null; continue; } // make the quantiles split points unique splitPoints[i] = ArrayUtils.makeUniqueAndLimitToRange(origQuantiles[i], _train.vec(i).min(), _train.vec(i).max()); if (splitPoints[i].length <= 1) //not enough split points left - fall back to regular binning splitPoints[i] = null; else splitPoints[i] = ArrayUtils.padUniformly(splitPoints[i], _parms._nbins_top_level); assert splitPoints[i] == null || splitPoints[i].length > 1; if (splitPoints[i]!=null && keys[i]!=null) { //"Creating quantiles for column " + i + " (key: "+ keys[i] +")"); //"Quantiles for column " + i + ": " + Arrays.toString(quantiles[i])); DKV.put(new DHistogram.HistoQuantiles(keys[i], splitPoints[i])); } } qm.delete(); DKV.remove(rndKey); } // Also add to the basic working Frame these sets: // nclass Vecs of current forest results (sum across all trees) // nclass Vecs of working/temp data // nclass Vecs of NIDs, allowing 1 tree per class String [] twNames = new String[_nclass*2]; for(int i = 0; i < _nclass; ++i){ twNames[i] = "Tree_" + domain[i]; twNames[_nclass+i] = "Work_" + domain[i]; } Vec [] twVecs = _response.makeVolatileDoubles(_nclass*2); _train.add(twNames,twVecs); // One Tree per class, each tree needs a NIDs. For empty classes use a -1 // NID signifying an empty regression tree. String [] names = new String[_nclass]; final int [] cons = new int[_nclass]; for( int i=0; i<_nclass; i++ ) { names[i] = "NIDs_" + domain[i]; cons[i] = (_model._output._distribution[i]==0?-1:0); } Vec [] vs = _response.makeVolatileInts(cons); _train.add(names, vs); // Append number of trees participating in on-the-fly scoring _train.add("OUT_BAG_TREES", _response.makeZero()); // Variable importance: squared-error-improvement-per-variable-per-split _improvPerVar = new float[_ncols]; _rand = RandomUtils.getRNG(_parms._seed); initializeModelSpecifics(); resumeFromCheckpoint(SharedTree.this); scoreAndBuildTrees(doOOBScoring()); } finally { if( _model!=null ) _model.unlock(_job); for (Key k : getGlobalQuantilesKeys()) if (k!=null) k.remove(); } } // Abstract classes implemented by the tree builders abstract protected M makeModel(Key<M> modelKey, P parms); abstract protected boolean doOOBScoring(); abstract protected boolean buildNextKTrees(); abstract protected void initializeModelSpecifics(); // Common methods for all tree builders // Helpers to store quantiles in DKV - keep a cache on each node (instead of sending around over and over) protected Key getGlobalQuantilesKey(int i) { if (_model==null || _model._key == null || _parms._histogram_type!= SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters.HistogramType.QuantilesGlobal && _parms._histogram_type!= SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters.HistogramType.RoundRobin) return null; return Key.makeSystem(_model._key+"_quantiles_col_"+i); } protected Key[] getGlobalQuantilesKeys() { Key[] keys = new Key[_ncols]; for (int i=0;i<keys.length;++i) keys[i] = getGlobalQuantilesKey(i); return keys; } /** * Restore the workspace from a previous model (checkpoint) */ protected final void resumeFromCheckpoint(SharedTree st) { if( !_parms.hasCheckpoint() ) return; // Reconstruct the working tree state from the checkpoint Timer t = new Timer(); int ntreesFromCheckpoint = ((SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters) _parms._checkpoint.<SharedTreeModel>get()._parms)._ntrees; new ReconstructTreeState(_ncols, _nclass, st /*large, but cleaner code this way*/, _parms._sample_rate,_model._output._treeKeys, doOOBScoring()).doAll(_train, _parms._build_tree_one_node); for (int i = 0; i < ntreesFromCheckpoint; i++) _rand.nextLong(); //for determinism"Reconstructing OOB stats from checkpoint took " + t); if (DEV_DEBUG) { System.out.println(_train.toTwoDimTable()); } } /** * Build more trees, as specified by the model parameters * @param oob Whether or not Out-Of-Bag scoring should be performed */ protected final void scoreAndBuildTrees(boolean oob) { for( int tid=0; tid< _ntrees; tid++) { // During first iteration model contains 0 trees, then 1-tree, ... boolean scored = doScoringAndSaveModel(false, oob, _parms._build_tree_one_node); if (scored && ScoreKeeper.stopEarly(_model._output.scoreKeepers(), _parms._stopping_rounds, _nclass > 1, _parms._stopping_metric, _parms._stopping_tolerance, "model's last", true)) { doScoringAndSaveModel(true, oob, _parms._build_tree_one_node); _job.update(_ntrees-_model._output._ntrees); //finish return; } Timer kb_timer = new Timer(); boolean converged = buildNextKTrees(); + 1) + ". tree was built in " + kb_timer.toString()); _job.update(1); if (_model._output._treeStats._max_depth==0) { Log.warn("Nothing to split on: Check that response and distribution are meaningful (e.g., you are not using laplace/quantile regression with a binary response)."); } if (converged || timeout()) { _job.update(_parms._ntrees-tid-1); // add remaining trees to progress bar break; // If timed out, do the final scoring } if (stop_requested()) throw new Job.JobCancelledException(); } // Final scoring (skip if job was cancelled) doScoringAndSaveModel(true, oob, _parms._build_tree_one_node); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build an entire layer of all K trees protected DHistogram[][][] buildLayer(final Frame fr, final int nbins, int nbins_cats, final DTree ktrees[], final int leafs[], final DHistogram hcs[][][], boolean build_tree_one_node) { // Build K trees, one per class. // Build up the next-generation tree splits from the current histograms. // Nearly all leaves will split one more level. This loop nest is // O( #active_splits * #bins * #ncols ) // but is NOT over all the data. ScoreBuildOneTree sb1ts[] = new ScoreBuildOneTree[_nclass]; Vec vecs[] = fr.vecs(); for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { final DTree tree = ktrees[k]; // Tree for class K if( tree == null ) continue; // Build a frame with just a single tree (& work & nid) columns, so the // nested MRTask ScoreBuildHistogram in ScoreBuildOneTree does not try // to close other tree's Vecs when run in parallel. Frame fr2 = new Frame(Arrays.copyOf(fr._names,_ncols+1), Arrays.copyOf(vecs,_ncols+1)); //predictors and actual response // Add temporary workspace vectors (optional weights are taken over from fr) int weightIdx = fr2.find(_parms._weights_column); fr2.add(fr._names[idx_tree(k)],vecs[idx_tree(k)]); //tree predictions int workIdx = fr2.numCols(); fr2.add(fr._names[idx_work(k)],vecs[idx_work(k)]); //target value to fit (copy of actual response for DRF, residual for GBM) int nidIdx = fr2.numCols(); fr2.add(fr._names[idx_nids(k)],vecs[idx_nids(k)]); //node indices for tree construction if (DEV_DEBUG) { System.out.println("Building a layer for class " + k + ":\n" + fr2.toTwoDimTable()); } // Async tree building // step 1: build histograms // step 2: split nodes H2O.submitTask(sb1ts[k] = new ScoreBuildOneTree(this,k,nbins, nbins_cats, tree, leafs, hcs, fr2, build_tree_one_node, _improvPerVar, _model._parms._distribution, weightIdx, workIdx, nidIdx)); } // Block for all K trees to complete. boolean did_split=false; for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { final DTree tree = ktrees[k]; // Tree for class K if( tree == null ) continue; sb1ts[k].join(); if( sb1ts[k]._did_split ) did_split=true; if (DEV_DEBUG) { System.out.println("Done with this layer for class " + k + ":\n" + new Frame( new String[]{"TREE", "WORK", "NIDS"}, new Vec[]{ vecs[idx_tree(k)], vecs[idx_work(k)], vecs[idx_nids(k)] } ).toTwoDimTable()); } } // The layer is done. return did_split ? hcs : null; } private static class ScoreBuildOneTree extends H2OCountedCompleter { final SharedTree _st; final int _k; // The tree final int _nbins; // Numerical columns: Number of histogram bins final int _nbins_cats; // Categorical columns: Number of histogram bins final DTree _tree; final int _leafOffsets[/*nclass*/]; //Index of the first leaf node. Leaf indices range from _leafOffsets[k] to _tree._len-1 final DHistogram _hcs[/*nclass*/][][]; final Frame _fr2; final boolean _build_tree_one_node; final float[] _improvPerVar; // Squared Error improvement per variable per split final DistributionFamily _family; final int _weightIdx; final int _workIdx; final int _nidIdx; boolean _did_split; ScoreBuildOneTree(SharedTree st, int k, int nbins, int nbins_cats, DTree tree, int leafs[], DHistogram hcs[][][], Frame fr2, boolean build_tree_one_node, float[] improvPerVar, DistributionFamily family, int weightIdx, int workIdx, int nidIdx) { _st = st; _k = k; _nbins= nbins; _nbins_cats= nbins_cats; _tree = tree; _leafOffsets = leafs; _hcs = hcs; _fr2 = fr2; _build_tree_one_node = build_tree_one_node; _improvPerVar = improvPerVar; _family = family; _weightIdx = weightIdx; _workIdx = workIdx; _nidIdx = nidIdx; } @Override public void compute2() { // Fuse 2 conceptual passes into one: // Pass 1: Score a prior DHistogram, and make new Node assignments // to every row. This involves pulling out the current assigned Node, // "scoring" the row against that Node's decision criteria, and assigning // the row to a new child Node (and giving it an improved prediction). // Pass 2: Build new summary DHistograms on the new child Nodes every row // got assigned into. Collect counts, mean, variance, min, max per bin, // per column. // new ScoreBuildHistogram(this,_k, _st._ncols, _nbins, _nbins_cats, _tree, _leafOffsets[_k], _hcs[_k], _family, _weightIdx, _workIdx, _nidIdx).dfork2(null,_fr2,_build_tree_one_node); new ScoreBuildHistogram2(this,_k, _st._ncols, _nbins, _nbins_cats, _tree, _leafOffsets[_k], _hcs[_k], _family, _weightIdx, _workIdx, _nidIdx).dfork2(null,_fr2,_build_tree_one_node); } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter caller) { ScoreBuildHistogram sbh = (ScoreBuildHistogram) caller; final int leafOffset = _leafOffsets[_k]; int tmax = _tree.len(); // Number of total splits in tree K for (int leaf = leafOffset; leaf < tmax; leaf++) { // Visit all the new splits (leaves) DTree.UndecidedNode udn = _tree.undecided(leaf); // System.out.println((_st._nclass==1?"Regression":("Class "+_st._response.domain()[_k]))+",\n Undecided node:"+udn); // Replace the Undecided with the Split decision DTree.DecidedNode dn = _st.makeDecided(udn, sbh._hcs[leaf - leafOffset]); // System.out.println(dn + "\n" + dn._split); if (dn._split == null) udn.do_not_split(); else { _did_split = true; DTree.Split s = dn._split; // Accumulate squared error improvements per variable float improvement = (float) (s.pre_split_se() -; assert (improvement >= 0); AtomicUtils.FloatArray.add(_improvPerVar, s.col(), improvement); } } _leafOffsets[_k] = tmax; // Setup leafs for next tree level int new_leafs = _tree.len() - tmax; //new_leafs can be 0 if no actual splits were made _hcs[_k] = new DHistogram[new_leafs][/*ncol*/]; for (int nl = tmax; nl < _tree.len(); nl++) _hcs[_k][nl - tmax] = _tree.undecided(nl)._hs; // if (_did_split && new_leafs > 0) _tree._depth++; if (_did_split) _tree._depth++; // } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convenience accessor for a complex chunk layout. // Wish I could name the array elements nicer... protected int idx_weight( ) { return _model._output.weightsIdx(); } protected int idx_offset( ) { return _model._output.offsetIdx(); } protected int idx_resp( ) { return _model._output.responseIdx(); } protected int idx_tree(int c) { return _ncols+1+c+numSpecialCols(); } protected int idx_work(int c) { return idx_tree(c) + _nclass; } protected int idx_nids(int c) { return idx_work(c) + _nclass; } protected int idx_oobt() { return idx_nids(0) + _nclass; } public Chunk chk_weight( Chunk chks[] ) { return chks[idx_weight()]; } protected Chunk chk_offset( Chunk chks[] ) { return chks[idx_offset()]; } public Chunk chk_resp(Chunk chks[]) { return chks[idx_resp()]; } public Chunk chk_tree(Chunk chks[], int c) { return chks[idx_tree(c)]; } protected Chunk chk_work( Chunk chks[], int c ) { return chks[idx_work(c)]; } protected Chunk chk_nids( Chunk chks[], int c ) { return chks[idx_nids(c)]; } protected Chunk chk_oobt(Chunk chks[]) { return chks[idx_oobt()]; } protected final Vec vec_weight(Frame fr ) { return fr.vecs()[idx_weight()]; } protected final Vec vec_offset(Frame fr ) { return fr.vecs()[idx_offset()]; } protected final Vec vec_resp( Frame fr ) { return fr.vecs()[idx_resp() ]; } protected final Vec vec_tree( Frame fr, int c) { return fr.vecs()[idx_tree(c)]; } protected final Vec vec_work( Frame fr, int c) { return fr.vecs()[idx_work(c)]; } protected final Vec vec_nids( Frame fr, int c) { return fr.vecs()[idx_nids(c)]; } protected final Vec vec_oobt( Frame fr ) { return fr.vecs()[idx_oobt()]; } protected static class FrameMap extends Iced<FrameMap> { public int responseIndex; public int offsetIndex; public int weightIndex; public int tree0Index; public int work0Index; public int nids0Index; public int oobtIndex; public FrameMap() {} // For Externalizable interface public FrameMap(SharedTree t) { responseIndex = t.idx_resp(); offsetIndex = t.idx_offset(); weightIndex = t.idx_weight(); tree0Index = t.idx_tree(0); work0Index = t.idx_work(0); nids0Index = t.idx_nids(0); oobtIndex = t.idx_oobt(); } } protected double[] data_row( Chunk chks[], int row, double[] data) { assert data.length == _ncols; for(int f=0; f<_ncols; f++) data[f] = chks[f].atd(row); return data; } // Builder-specific decision node protected DTree.DecidedNode makeDecided( DTree.UndecidedNode udn, DHistogram hs[] ) { return new DTree.DecidedNode(udn, hs); } // Read the 'tree' columns, do model-specific math and put the results in the // fs[] array, and return the sum. Dividing any fs[] element by the sum // turns the results into a probability distribution. abstract protected double score1( Chunk chks[], double offset, double weight, double fs[/*nclass*/], int row ); // Call builder specific score code and then correct probabilities // if it is necessary. void score2(Chunk chks[], double weight, double offset, double fs[/*nclass*/], int row ) { double sum = score1(chks, weight, offset, fs, row); if( isClassifier()) { if( !Double.isInfinite(sum) && sum>0f && sum!=1f) ArrayUtils.div(fs, sum); if (_parms._balance_classes) GenModel.correctProbabilities(fs, _model._output._priorClassDist, _model._output._modelClassDist); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- transient long _timeLastScoreStart, _timeLastScoreEnd, _firstScore; protected final boolean doScoringAndSaveModel(boolean finalScoring, boolean oob, boolean build_tree_one_node ) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if( _firstScore == 0 ) _firstScore=now; long sinceLastScore = now-_timeLastScoreStart; boolean updated = false; _job.update(0,"Built " + _model._output._ntrees + " trees so far (out of " + _parms._ntrees + ")."); boolean timeToScore = (now-_firstScore < _parms._initial_score_interval) || // Score every time for 4 secs // Throttle scoring to keep the cost sane; limit to a 10% duty cycle & every 4 secs (sinceLastScore > _parms._score_interval && // Limit scoring updates to every 4sec (double)(_timeLastScoreEnd-_timeLastScoreStart)/sinceLastScore < 0.1); //10% duty cycle boolean manualInterval = _parms._score_tree_interval > 0 && _model._output._ntrees % _parms._score_tree_interval == 0; // Now model already contains tid-trees in serialized form if( _parms._score_each_iteration || finalScoring || // always score under these circumstances (timeToScore && _parms._score_tree_interval == 0) || // use time-based duty-cycle heuristic only if the user didn't specify _score_tree_interval manualInterval) { checkMemoryFootPrint(); if (error_count() > 0) throw H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException.makeFromBuilder(SharedTree.this); // If validation is specified we use a model for scoring, so we need to // update it! First we save model with trees (i.e., make them available // for scoring) and then update it with resulting error _model.update(_job); updated = true;"============================================================== "); SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput out = _model._output; _timeLastScoreStart = now; final boolean printout = (_parms._score_each_iteration || finalScoring || sinceLastScore > _parms._score_interval); // final boolean computeGainsLift = printout; //only compute Gains/Lift during final scoring final boolean computeGainsLift = true; // Score on training data _job.update(0,"Scoring the model."); _model._output._job = _job; // to allow to share the job for quantiles task Score sc = new Score(this,_model._output._ntrees>0/*score 0-tree model from scratch*/,oob,response()._key,_model._output.getModelCategory(),computeGainsLift).doAll(train(), build_tree_one_node); ModelMetrics mm = sc.makeModelMetrics(_model, _parms.train()); out._training_metrics = mm; if (oob) out._training_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on Out-Of-Bag training samples"; out._scored_train[out._ntrees].fillFrom(mm); // Score again on validation data if( _parms._valid != null ) { Score scv = new Score(this,false,false,vresponse()._key,_model._output.getModelCategory(),computeGainsLift).doAll(valid(), build_tree_one_node); ModelMetrics mmv = scv.makeModelMetrics(_model,_parms.valid()); out._validation_metrics = mmv; if (_model._output._ntrees>0 || scoreZeroTrees()) //don't score the 0-tree model - the error is too large out._scored_valid[out._ntrees].fillFrom(mmv); } out._model_summary = createModelSummaryTable(out); out._scoring_history = createScoringHistoryTable(out); if( out._ntrees > 0 ) { // Compute variable importances out._varimp = new hex.VarImp(_improvPerVar, out._names); out._variable_importances = hex.ModelMetrics.calcVarImp(out._varimp); } if (printout) {; } _timeLastScoreEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // Double update - after either scoring or variable importance if( updated ) _model.update(_job); // Model Calibration (only for the final model, not CV models) if (finalScoring && _parms._calibrate_model && (! _parms._is_cv_model)) { Key<Frame> calibInputKey = Key.make(); try { Scope.enter(); _job.update(0, "Calibrating probabilities"); Frame calibPredict = Scope.track(_model.score(calib(), null, _job, false)); Frame calibInput = new Frame(calibInputKey, new String[]{"p", "response"}, new Vec[]{calibPredict.vec(1), calib().vec(_parms._response_column)}); DKV.put(calibInput); Key<Model> calibModelKey = Key.make(); Job calibJob = new Job<>(calibModelKey, ModelBuilder.javaName("glm"), "Platt Scaling (GLM)"); GLM calibBuilder = ModelBuilder.make("GLM", calibJob, calibModelKey); calibBuilder._parms._intercept = true; calibBuilder._parms._response_column = "response"; calibBuilder._parms._train = calibInput._key; calibBuilder._parms._family = GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family.binomial; calibBuilder._parms._lambda = new double[] {0.0}; _model._output._calib_model = calibBuilder.trainModel().get(); _model.update(_job); } finally { Scope.exit(); DKV.remove(calibInputKey); } } return updated; } static int counter = 0; // helper for debugging @SuppressWarnings("unused") static protected void printGenerateTrees(DTree[] trees) { for( DTree dtree : trees ) if( dtree != null ) { try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("/tmp/h2o-3.tree" + ++counter + ".txt", "UTF-8"); writer.println(dtree.root().toString2(new StringBuilder(), 0)); writer.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException|UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(dtree.root().toString2(new StringBuilder(), 0)); } } private TwoDimTable createScoringHistoryTable(SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput _output) { List<String> colHeaders = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> colTypes = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> colFormat = new ArrayList<>(); colHeaders.add("Timestamp"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s"); colHeaders.add("Duration"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s"); colHeaders.add("Number of Trees"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Training RMSE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Regression) { colHeaders.add("Training MAE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); colHeaders.add("Training Deviance"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (_output.isClassifier()) { colHeaders.add("Training LogLoss"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) { colHeaders.add("Training AUC"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); colHeaders.add("Training Lift"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial || _output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Multinomial) { colHeaders.add("Training Classification Error"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (valid() != null) { colHeaders.add("Validation RMSE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Regression) { colHeaders.add("Validation MAE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); colHeaders.add("Validation Deviance"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (_output.isClassifier()) { colHeaders.add("Validation LogLoss"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) { colHeaders.add("Validation AUC"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); colHeaders.add("Validation Lift"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } if (_output.isClassifier()) { colHeaders.add("Validation Classification Error"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); } } int rows = 0; for( int i = 0; i<_output._scored_train.length; i++ ) { if (i != 0 && Double.isNaN(_output._scored_train[i]._rmse) && (_output._scored_valid == null || Double.isNaN(_output._scored_valid[i]._rmse))) continue; rows++; } TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "Scoring History", null, new String[rows], colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]), colTypes.toArray(new String[0]), colFormat.toArray(new String[0]), ""); int row = 0; for( int i = 0; i<_output._scored_train.length; i++ ) { if (i != 0 && Double.isNaN(_output._scored_train[i]._rmse) && (_output._scored_valid == null || Double.isNaN(_output._scored_valid[i]._rmse))) continue; int col = 0; DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); table.set(row, col++, fmt.print(_output._training_time_ms[i])); table.set(row, col++, PrettyPrint.msecs(_output._training_time_ms[i] - _job.start_time(), true)); table.set(row, col++, i); ScoreKeeper st = _output._scored_train[i]; table.set(row, col++, st._rmse); if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Regression) { table.set(row, col++, st._mae); table.set(row, col++, st._mean_residual_deviance); } if (_output.isClassifier()) table.set(row, col++, st._logloss); if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) { table.set(row, col++, st._AUC); table.set(row, col++, st._lift); } if (_output.isClassifier()) table.set(row, col++, st._classError); if (_valid != null) { st = _output._scored_valid[i]; table.set(row, col++, st._rmse); if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Regression) { table.set(row, col++, st._mae); table.set(row, col++, st._mean_residual_deviance); } if (_output.isClassifier()) table.set(row, col++, st._logloss); if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) { table.set(row, col++, st._AUC); table.set(row, col++, st._lift); } if (_output.isClassifier()) table.set(row, col++, st._classError); } row++; } return table; } private TwoDimTable createModelSummaryTable(SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput _output) { List<String> colHeaders = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> colTypes = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> colFormat = new ArrayList<>(); colHeaders.add("Number of Trees"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Number of Internal Trees"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Model Size in Bytes"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Min. Depth"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Max. Depth"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Mean Depth"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); colHeaders.add("Min. Leaves"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Max. Leaves"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d"); colHeaders.add("Mean Leaves"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f"); final int rows = 1; TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable( "Model Summary", null, new String[rows], colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]), colTypes.toArray(new String[0]), colFormat.toArray(new String[0]), ""); int row = 0; int col = 0; table.set(row, col++, _output._ntrees); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._num_trees); //internal number of trees (more for multinomial) table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._byte_size); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._min_depth); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._max_depth); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._mean_depth); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._min_leaves); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._max_leaves); table.set(row, col++, _output._treeStats._mean_leaves); return table; } /** * Compute the *actual* byte size of a tree model in the KV store */ private static class ComputeModelSize extends MRTask<ComputeModelSize> { long _model_mem_size; //OUTPUT final int trees_so_far; //INPUT final public Key<CompressedTree>[/*_ntrees*/][/*_nclass*/] _treeKeys; //INPUT public ComputeModelSize(int trees_so_far, Key<CompressedTree>[][] _treeKeys) { this.trees_so_far = trees_so_far; this._treeKeys = _treeKeys; } @Override protected void setupLocal() { _model_mem_size = 0; for (int i=0; i< trees_so_far; ++i) { Key<CompressedTree>[] per_class = _treeKeys[i]; for (int j=0; j<per_class.length; ++j) { if (per_class[j] == null) continue; if (!per_class[j].home()) continue; // only look at homed tree keys _model_mem_size += DKV.get(per_class[j])._max; } } } @Override public void reduce(ComputeModelSize cms){ if (cms != null) _model_mem_size += cms._model_mem_size; } } @Override protected void checkMemoryFootPrint() { if (_model._output._ntrees == 0) return; int trees_so_far = _model._output._ntrees; //existing trees long model_mem_size = new ComputeModelSize(trees_so_far, _model._output._treeKeys).doAllNodes()._model_mem_size; _model._output._treeStats._byte_size = model_mem_size; double avg_tree_mem_size = (double)model_mem_size / trees_so_far; Log.debug("Average tree size (for all classes): " + PrettyPrint.bytes((long)avg_tree_mem_size)); // all the compressed trees are stored on the driver node long max_mem = H2O.SELF._heartbeat.get_free_mem(); if (_parms._ntrees * avg_tree_mem_size > max_mem) { String msg = "The tree model will not fit in the driver node's memory (" + PrettyPrint.bytes((long)avg_tree_mem_size) + " per tree x " + _parms._ntrees + " > " + PrettyPrint.bytes(max_mem) + ") - try decreasing ntrees and/or max_depth or increasing min_rows!"; error("_ntrees", msg); } } /** * Compute the inital value for a given distribution * @return initial value */ protected double getInitialValue() { return new InitialValue(_parms).doAll( _response, hasWeightCol() ? _weights : _response.makeCon(1), hasOffsetCol() ? _offset : _response.makeCon(0) ).initialValue(); } // Helper MRTask to compute the initial value private static class InitialValue extends MRTask<InitialValue> { public InitialValue(Model.Parameters parms) { _dist = new Distribution(parms); } final private Distribution _dist; private double _num; private double _denom; public double initialValue() { if (_dist.distribution == DistributionFamily.multinomial) return -0.5*new Distribution(DistributionFamily.bernoulli).link(_num/_denom); else return / _denom); } @Override public void map(Chunk response, Chunk weight, Chunk offset) { for (int i=0;i<response._len;++i) { if (response.isNA(i)) continue; double w = weight.atd(i); if (w == 0) continue; double y = response.atd(i); double o = offset.atd(i); _num += _dist.initFNum(w,o,y); _denom += _dist.initFDenom(w,o,y); } } @Override public void reduce(InitialValue mrt) { _num += mrt._num; _denom += mrt._denom; } } @Override public void cv_computeAndSetOptimalParameters(ModelBuilder<M, P, O>[] cvModelBuilders) { if( _parms._stopping_rounds == 0 && _parms._max_runtime_secs == 0) return; // No exciting changes to stopping conditions // Extract stopping conditions from each CV model, and compute the best stopping answer _parms._stopping_rounds = 0; _parms._max_runtime_secs = 0; int sum = 0; for( int i=0; i<cvModelBuilders.length; ++i ) sum += ((SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput)DKV.<Model>getGet(cvModelBuilders[i].dest())._output)._ntrees; _parms._ntrees = (int)((double)sum/cvModelBuilders.length); warn("_ntrees", "Setting optimal _ntrees to " + _parms._ntrees + " for cross-validation main model based on early stopping of cross-validation models."); warn("_stopping_rounds", "Disabling convergence-based early stopping for cross-validation main model."); warn("_max_runtime_secs", "Disabling maximum allowed runtime for cross-validation main model."); } }